Fhe Transylvania Times FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.00 PER YEAR Flour Given To f»Jeedy People Oakland Postmistress Had Served People for Many Years ip^uneral services for Mrs. T. L. Reid, 86, of Oakland, were hold Friday afternoon, June 3, at Lake Toxaway Baptist church, with in terment in the Reid cemetery. The Rev. Paul Hartsell, pastor of Jlre- vard Baptist church had chai-g-e of the services which were attend ed by friends from many sections. 5Mrs. Reid died early Thursday morning from effects of severe burns, her entire body with ex ception of her feet being com pletely seared. The aged lady had been in ill health for some time, and was under the constant care of her daughter. Mrs. Wade Nich olson, v/ho had left her mother bufa few minutes when the trag ic end came. It is thought that Mrs. Reid’s clothing caug’iit fire from an open fireplace, and in an effort to reach her bed close by she fell, her body being found under the bed by her grandson, Lee Nicholson, who was attracted to the scene by Car Load Obtained by Red Cross for Relief in County Floui\ for the needy of Tran sylvania county is being distribut ed by the We.lfare Board and the Red* Cross 'chapter, a car load having been received here last week from the government own ed E^upply- . Tile 1760 bags, enough to take care of the needy for three months, was procured through efforts of the Transyl vania Red Cross chapter, headed by Jos. S. Silversteen. * The flour is being distributed from three points, Brevard, Ros- man and Pisgah Forest. Broadus Henderson, together with a work ing committee of several inter ested people are in charge of the Brevard place, Mrs. T. E. Patton, Frank Martin and R. E. Mackey are checking the Pisgah Forest section, with the Rev. J. E. Bert, the Rev, K. E. Yates and Mrs. Jordan WTHtmirc of Rosman, act ing as a committee there. Will Glazener has given his store room for warehouse in Rosman and is assisting in the work. Miss Florence Kern, who has been doing a large part of the welfare work in Brevard and the county, without compensation, has been given relief from her I Yer,, strenuous duties by Broadus J Henderson. Miss Kern, v/ho takes i an active part in all civic affar"' has been very efficient TOM WOOD IS Erwin Defeats Mrs. Gallo" way for Treasurer by 356 Votes HENRY LEADS FOR REPRESENTATIVE Henderson, Sigmon and Aiken to Make Race for Commissioners Enon Farmers to Meet Thursday 5-10 Year Plan Discussed by Leaders Bruce Webb, promotion man ager of The Asheville Citizen and The Asheville Times, will be prin cipal speaker at the Boyd town ship farm meeting on Thursday night of this week, according to announcement made here by Jul ian A. Glazener, county chairman of the 5-10 farm improvement program. Mr. Webb is the moving spirit in the organized farm movement in 18. western counties, and through efforts put forth by him and bis committtos, establishment of a livestock market for this sec tion is practically p‘-nn'cd. Other features will go to make of the Thursday evening progi^.u one of interest to farmers and farm ladies. Revival Services at Baptist Church Attracting Many People Much interest is being shown in the revival services which started at the Brevard Baptist'church last Sunday, and will, continue for two weeks. The Rev. Jesse R. Owen, pastor of French Broad Baptist church, Asheville, and a former pastor of the local church is as sisting the pastor, the Rev. Paul Hartsell in the series'of meetings. Services will be held twice daily, at 10 in the morning and 8 in the evening, according to an nouncement made at the church on Tuesday evening, the Rev. Mr, Owen to have charge of both daily services. The morning services w'eve begun Wedneslay morning. Large crowds have been attend ing the services, members of all churches of the town and also of the county churches participating in the meeting. Music is undei’ direction of Arvil Simpson, with Mrs. Dan Merrill at the piano. EXCHANGE TO SCHOOL FUND BEGIN SALES! IS ALLOTTED Brevard Musician Writes New March butlwov., and has spent weeks and undam- Mrs. Reid is said to have been among the oldest, if not the old- lest postmistress, in point of ser- I vice in the whole country, she 'having been in the postoffice sev- jvice for more than sixty years. Years ago the old Tip Top post- j office was under the care of the 'deceased, later the office being j known as Hogback Valley, then j Hogback, and several years ago ; changed to the name of Oakland. } Surviving are the husband. T. I B. Reid; one daughter, Mrs. Wade T. E. Pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased, as follows: Lee Nicholson. Leo Reid, Edwin Reid, Clifford Reid, T. W. Reid Jr., and F. Reid. Flowers were in charge of Grace Norton, Jennie Sue Mc Call, Dora Bell Robinson, Chri.s- tine Robinson, Yvonne Sanders and Myi^e McCall. Kilpatrick and tSons, had charge of funeral ar rangements. Nicholson; and four Reid, Brevard, E. A. Reid, Waite Reid and Willie Reid, all of Oak land. Two brothers, W. L. Aiken and Theodore Aiken, of Brevard, GOSNELLHOME BURNS SUNDAY Little River Family Lost All Furnishings in Serious Fire The Gosnell home in Little River was completely destroyed by fire Sunday night about 10 o’clock, with but little of the furnishings being saved. Origin of the fire wag unknown. Mrs. Gosnell was at home by herself at the time the blaze was discovered and before help arrived the blaze was beyond'control, and only valiant efforts by neighbors saved other buildings. months in the service Many people are assisting the Welfare Board in procuring sup plies for those in dire need, sup plies being donated by citizens and distributed through the Wel- ; Board. Tom S. Wood, for the past four years deputy sheriff under Sheriff T. E. Patton, was nominated by a large majority in the Demo cratic primary Saturday, leading John L. Wilson, of Enon, by 500 votes, and H. C. Aiken, of Bre vard, by 929 votes. 0. L. Erwin led Mrs. T. H. Gal loway in the county treasurer’s race by the vote count of 1047 to 691. while 36 votes were'cast for G. M. Justus, whose* name had been printed on the ballots prior to his death two weeks past. W. M. Henry, present member, led the field in the race for repre sentative, followed by M. W. loway, T. C. Hend in the order named. Mr count was 155 above tha-, Galloway. i bands and broadcast W, B. Henderson and L. V. Sig- Yoj-k^city. 3n, members of the present I Publishers are very enthusiastic board -of commissioners, were re- , over the Brevard man’s composi- Will Sell Fancy Work Ar ticles and Food Supplies Seventy-two Teachers Will Be Employed in the County BOB REYNOLDS TAKES LEAD IN VOTE HERE Prohibition Repeal Candi date Is High Man in Transylvania WEAVER POLLS BIG COUNT IN COUNTY Second Primary for Stale Offices Will Create Interest “United We Stand,” by Donald ee Moore, is a new piece of mu- c that has been accepted by the \ C. Miller Publishing company of Parkersburg, Pa., for publica- ■rson and S. P. tion. The march, written for a 32- piece band, will be played at Inauguration of (he woman’s! Transylvania county will exchange, sponsored by the ' 'gtato school Woman s Bureau, will occur on ’ , , .. *1, Saturday morning, when Ihe^^nd for operation of the six rooms on Main street, formerly months term in the county, ae- occupied by the Chamber of eording to figures released by Commerce will be open to the . c t t> public for the exchange of fancy, Supeiintendent J. B. work and food supplies. The ex-;Jones here this week. This is nrac- change will be open all day Sat-'lically 81.0.U0 less than that re- urday and every day, during the'ceived for t^e 1930-31 Term.' week thereafter throughout the, Cuts were made in seyeral de- __ Jsummer. Miss Lilian Jenkins will: pertinents by the state board, ly date by the Army and Navy New ‘ " TAX SALE PUT Commissioners Laud Life of Former County Official Knox Delong Hurt 1n Fall Condition of I'vnox DeLong was reported as very favorable for recovery within a couple of weeks Wednesday morning. Mr. peLong is at the I.yday Memor ial hospital recovering from in- .iui'ies received in an accident Tuesday. The popular young Brevard Man was working on the old Camp Carolina light line, making changes for the Southern Public with whom he is employed, when a short poje on which he was working fell, carrying him with teavy force to the ground; He ■^'as injured about the head and body, a slight fracture of the ■ skull, one bone broken in his left 1] h^atid and other minor bruises. from the hospital are to ,, , . pt.og2.esgij^g Time for payment of delinquent taixes in Transylvania county was extended for another period of thirty days by the county board of commissioners in their regular meeting Monday. Members of the board express the hope that ef fort will be made by all taxpayers to meet their obligations during this period. Order was made to issue a note In the sum of $100,000, to take up an outstanding issue of the same amount. L. V. Sigmon and Alex Kizer, appointed by the board to make an audit of the books of County Treasurer G. M. Justus, who died recently, reported the accounts and books in perfect order. Mrs'. Justus has been appointed by the board to finish the unexpired term of her husband. Resolution deploring the death of County Treasurer Justus were introduced as follows: “Whereas, the said George M. Justu.s had been duly elected Treasurer of Transylvania county and had performed his duties as Treasurer with ability, honesty, and in strict compliance with all laws in. connection therewith, and had proved himself to be an able, honest and efficient public offi cial, and “Whereas, in the death of the said George M. Justus, the county has lost an upright, useful and able citizen and official. Now, therefore, bo it resolved, that the Board of Commissioners of Transylvania county in meeting assembled, do hereby express the deep regret in the loss of so good a man, so capable an official, so, splendid a husband and father, and so good an example of an in dustrious, capable, honest and God fearing Christian 'gentleman. “And be it further resolved, that the board express its sym pathy both as officials and as in dividuals, to the bereaved family of Mr. Justus and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mrs. Justus and that another copy be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. “This 6th day of Mav, 1932. “O. L. ERWIN, “W. B. HENDERSON, “H. A. PLUMMER.” hLiitc uuaiu, imO charge_ and on hand every ' among the 'items cut being the j ^ day to receive articles brought g^jp0j.jj^^0adent’s traveling cx- for sale. Ipense, cut one-third: office assist- It is pointed out that the salary, cut 10 per cent; of- Change is open to all ladies of supplies for superintendents nominated, Mr. Henderson leading | tion, and have written that sades >one-third; instru^fioiral the entire county ticket with 1518 j are highly satisfactory, Mr, Moore j anything to sell to bung t en j supplij;:a.,-.-otte-thrrdl' janitors’ sal- nominat- has composed' a number of mili- exchange rooms Ten 5 cent; fuel allot- ■ith L. F. tary airs, some of which have been k,®"* ' i”ent. cut 10 ppr cent; janitors’ section, votes. W. L. Aiken ed for the third place, Lyda.v, of the Penros nosed out. Glen Burrell defeated. M, B. Bagwell in the Brevard township constable race by the count of ]29. A. D. Rogers defeated F. W. Whitmire for constable in Ca they’s Creek township by 10 votes, while Welsh Galloway, of Eastatoe, led Sylvester Galloway in the constable race there 81 votes, with Jess Chapman running third. It is not known whether th will be a second race for nomina used by large broadcasting panics, “United We Stand” being counted as one among his best. applies, 20 per cent, and Democrats Meet Here Saturday Bureau, the remainder going to the person contributing ^^’^Mles; pupils, cut one purchased.. An entrance fee of | All counties received ecjuiied, which, en-j allotments. Mr. Jones Call has been is.sued for all Mrs. 0, L- Erwin, president of 1 Democrats of the county to meet j the Woman’s Bureau, and the , .. TV, -iir the coufthouse on Saturday members of the woman’s ' ex- tion as representative M. W. Da June 11, at 2 o’clock, change committee, Mrs. B, • F. loway having this right if he car s, which time delegates to the | Beasley and Miss I^atherine Grif- to use it. Mr. Galloway has j®! state convention will be elected ] fin, 'who have worked so ably no statement for ^ibiication m other business pertaining to! and faithfully on the project, ” party welfare attended. j urge that as many residents^ of The precinct chairmen will 1 the town and county as possible , meet immediately after the ad-[join the exchange, thereby bene- ! journment of the county conven’ ' ’ ' county chair 50 cents is required, which titles the contributor of articles']^ .j ..ol/-. i-r\ niQTl.r OC +’?irO I said. Seventy-two teachers will again in the teaching force this year, 'egular teacher being added at Pisgah Forest to take ....... ’fe7Lin7 allowed to''enterj place of a special teacher used articles at any other time during' the summer for sale to enter articles at a time. The ini fee of 50 cents is all that . . quired throughout the three one months, any one paying this waiting to see how the gen eral consensus of opinion lay i: the matter. There ^ c ment in the matter prior to the , , Pleasant Hill school Rosman, will be consolidated with Rosman, leaving the teach ing force intact. Teachers for all schools will be elected at an early date. All mem- of the board were present at the meeting, including J. M. Gal loway, chairman; H. E. Erwin, C. Siwaford. L. C. Case, L. P. Wil son. primary +i,^!to serve for two years. Atten- Deputy Sheriff Tom Wood, -ition is called to an advertisement Democratic party s choice to make ; j,, tg matter on an- the race for sheriff and tax collec- | Times. tor has served in the office two terms under Sheriff T. E. Patton, and has made many friends while in office both by reason of his ef ficiency and his manner in hand ling cases. Mr. Erwin; nominated for the place of county treasurer, has been chairman of the county board of commissioners for the past two years, and has had charge of the county home as part of his work^ Prior to entering Monday and Tuesday evenin; I Bridge Tourney Decides Champs Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle are official champions of contract bridge in Brevard, they winning their laurels in the tourney stag fitting themselves, the commun ity and assist in establishing what is believed will prove a great drawing card for tourists. Those who have nothing to contribute for sale are urged to come to the exchange rooms on Saturday, or any other day dur ing the following weeks, and buy either the fancy articles or food supplies on display. politics Mr. Erwin was in busine: in this county for years, and was the oldest man in the county^ in point of continuous years of being in business here. He is a large property holder and has a host of friends in all sections of the county. The two high men in the repre sentative race are both well known, both having been active figures in official circles of this county'-for years, and both hav ing a large following in all sec tions of the county. • Messrs. Hendei'son, Sigmon and Aiken, nominated for the post of county commissioners, are all ! well known throughout the coun- ty, Mr. Henderson being counted one of the most popular men in the Democratic party, and always commands a large vote in pri mary or election. He has served one 'tei’in as tax collector and one term as member of the board of (Continued on page three) the effect that he nicely. Mr. T.uther Singleterry of Bre- yaid Route 3, is also a patient at Memorial hospital, un dergoing treatment. AT CHERRYFIELD ROSMAN, June 7.—Rev. B. N. Rogers preached at Mt. Moriah, Chenyfield, Sunday afternoon to audience. Special J! opeciai music was fm-mshed by the Rosman la- V miartel. compose,I'oE Mi-s. I,, bignion, Ml'S W T? i Church Officers Chosen at Meet the Waltermire Grill. Ruffin Wilkins and John West Chapman were runners up in the championship play. The event was staged by the B. & P. club, and funds used in the Girl Scout work. AT MIDDLE FORK ROSMAN, June 7.—Rev, S. B. McCall of Lake Toxaway, preach ed an inspiring sermon at Middle Fork Baptist church Sunday night. Communion services were held and a large crowd was pres ent. PICNIC NEAR CHERRYFIELD ROSMAN, June 7.—Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Winchester and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons Garren and children enjoyed a picnic supper near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carr Owen, in the Cherryfield section Sunday night. VETERANS BONUS BRIGADE . MAKES TRIP TO WASHINGTON Transylvania county ex-soldiers who made the trip to Washing ton last week are of the opinion that the bonus bill has been brought closer to passing by rea son of the pressure that is being brought to bear on United States senators and congressmen. Vet erans intervie-wed here after their return express hopes that the fruit.s of their labor will be cash, ; Transylvania’s “Bonus Bri gade,” 13 strong, left here last Thursday morning at 4 o’clock, in a Ford truck belonging to Warrior BIull, and reached the church conference held nation’s capital Friday morning last Saturday night at Blantyre at 8. Six men were picked up Baptist church, 'W. 1^. Frady and at Asheville, and many more Charles Nesbitt were elected as, were ready to go had the trans deacons, with John Reed being j portation been provided, the re-elected as clerk and W. K. boys say. Duncan as treasurer. | Reports from Washington Mrs. W. 1^' ^1t , Hi^rmon, ^‘Leota Randolph. Ordination services will be held to the effect that there were at the church on Sunday after--5000 or more veterans in that noon with the pastor Rev. F. H. city, all with the single purpose Holden presiding. Deacons of of getting the bonus in full, surrounding' churches arc invited, These meti are conferring daily to'be present. .‘with senators- and; congressmen, and are adding leaders to their rank regularly, the Transylvania men assert Already a large n ber of congressmen have shown their willingness to vote for the bill when it is brought up, and the men are hoping and working for additions to the ranks. Army disd’.pline is maintained in the camps, according to I3re- vard men, and there is no “Red” element or bolshevism allowed, Reports coming from Washington to the effect that the brigade, the “Bonus Expedition P’orces,” as they are known unruly, uncoiith and generally of the riff-raft type were branded as false by the local men, they declaring that everything orderly and quiet, with none of the reported spirit prevailing. Regular companies are main tained by the leaders of the K. F.” with details for company street work, K. P. duty and other duties that go to make up a well regulated group of the large ; ' (Continued on page three) Summer School At B. I. Opens Closing for Regular Term Held Last Week Thirty-seventh annual com mencement exercises of Brevarc Institute came to a close Thurs day night, when the literary ad dress to the graduating class delivered by Rev. J. 0. Smith, pas tor of the Methodist church Clerason College, S. CJ. Rev. Mr. Smith’s theme, “The Disciplined Life,” was developed ;terly style, and with a per sonal magnetism of unusual pow- L-. He carried his entire audience ith him to the close of his force ful and impressive' address. The senior class comprised 41 tudents, including 32 receiving high school certificates, and nine tificate.s in commercial sub- Robert R. Reynolds, running on a prohibition repeal ticket for nomination by the Democratic party to the place of United States senator, was given an overwhelm ing- majority in Transylvania county in the primary last Satur day, short term vote giving him 836 majority over Morrison, and the lond term count totaling 833 more. Short term count for Reynolds was 1236; for Morrison 400; Tam C. Bowie 147; Frank D. Grist 18. In the long term Reyn olds totaled 1218 to Morrison’s. 385; Bowie 143; Grist 10, and Simmons 23. J. C. B. Ehringhaus had a large following in Transylvania county, :ace for nomi nation for governor, while A. J. Maxwell counted 380, with R. T. Fountain running close Avith 377. Zeb Weaver, popular with Dem ocratic voters in Transylvania, was easily leader here in his race for renomination as congressman from the 11th district, Mr. Weav er totaling 1336; J. Q. Gilkey 374, and C. S. Davis 114. Other Democratic votes cast in the county in the state race were: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR A. H. Graham 768; Denison F. Giles 454; David P. Dellinger 296. SECRETARY OF STATE James A. Hartness 795; Stacey W. Wade 724. AUDITOR Baxter Durham 784; Chester 0. Bell 284; George H. Adams 721. ATTORNEY GENERAL Peyton MeSwain 392; Dennis G. Brummitt 1093. COMMISSIONER OF LABOR ■ John D. Norton 1138; Clarence E. Mitchpll 562; A. L. Fletcher 97; W. Henry Davis 150; R. R. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS MONDAY Penrose School Offered for Sale; to Work Needy B Fritz Smith 71. CORP. COMMISSIONER Term expiring Dec. 31, 1938— E C. Macon 64; Stanley Win- born 794. Much business was transacted by the county board of education in their meeting on Monday of this week in the office of Super intendent J- B. Jones. Among the matters coming up for action were the following: Budget for the six months school term, funds provided by the state, was approved. Subjects of aid from the county welfare board will be given work by the school board, according to resolution passed. The applicants for supplies will be allowed to cut wood to be used as fuel in the county schools this winter. For this service they v/ill be paid in supplies, the board to be reimburs ed by the state. Mrs. L. P. Wilson was appoint ed a member of the local school board of Round Top school. Decision was made to advertise and sell the property of Penrose school, on the fir.st Monday INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Dan C. Boney 797; D. W. Mor- ton 666. Reynolds led Morrison in the state by more than 11,000, and a second primary will be held, ac cording to news dispatches receiv ed here. Reports are to the ef fect that Tam'C. Bowie of Jef ferson, third high man in the race, will support Reynolds. R. T. Fountain has made no of ficial announcement as to wheth er or not he will call for a sec ond primary in the governor’s race. He trailed Ehringhaus by around 50,000 votes, while Max well was 12,000 or more behind Fountain. Two Ball Games Slated Saturday leag jects. Of the high school gradu-| j^iy. This sale will be made at half will complete their'the courthouse stops to the high- work at the close of the summer term, on July 29. Other features on Thursday night’s program included the ad- dresses^by the two honor seniors, Miss Jean McDonald, of Spartan burg, S. C., and Mr. Pio Sanchez, of Havana, Cuba, delivering the salutatory and valedictory ad dresses, respectively, also piano and vocal selections, the presenta tion of diplomas and certificates and the awarding of medals and prizes by Supt. J. F. Winton. . Medaks and prizes were award ed as follows: The Kiwanis medal for scholar ship was won for the second con secutive year by Mr. Pio Sanchez, of Havana. Mr. Sanchez’s average on all subjects for the year -w'as 96 2-7 ])er cent. The D. A. K. medal for excel lence in seventh grade United States history was awarded est cash bidder. The board retain: the right to reject any or all bid.s. This school is not to be confused with the Enon school, sometimes called Penrose. W. 0. W. Service Be Held Sunday Rosman wilT meet Penrose on the latter’s field Saturday after noon at 2:30 o’clock in an en deavor to leave their position next to the cellar in the Sylvan Valley Pisgah Forest, the league lead ers, will .journey up to the bed of granl old Lake Toxaway and will try to annex honor.s that will make them equalLv famous with the vast expanse of water that once covered the held where Wal ter McNeely’s boys now hold forth. The game will start at 2:30. After finishing the ball game, the Pisgah boys will take their manager, Boy Mackey and all his appurtenances on to Cash iers Valley, where they ■will stage an entertainment that is a wow. Western Union ’ Office to Open Miss Pauline Wenz. of Canton, whose average in this subject was 90 1-2. Rev. J. H. West, of the Brevard Kiwanis club, and Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, regent of the Brevard chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, made these two presentations, respec tively. The Mabel Jetton medal in reci tation, and the R. Y, Neel medal (Continued on three) Memorial services for deceased members of Balsam Camp No. will open 116. Woodmen of the World, will ’’ be held in the Brevard W. 0. W. lodge room Sunday afternoott, June 12, beginning at 2 o’clock. The memorial address will be giv en by Sovereign Rev. Mack Gro gan, of Brevard, Following is the roll of de- fu j ceased brother L. N. Townsend, W. W. Zach- aiy. J. W. McMinn, J. C. Heath, W. C. Whitmire, W. 'Ik Bosse, J. A, Galloway. A. E. Ducker, J. F. Leslie. T. N. Loftis, C. E. Lowe, W. 0. Sheppard, W, L. Hipps, Van L. Morris. Lon Presslev, 0. W. Hall, C. P. Wilkins, J. H. Black- well. W. J. McCrary, Dr. A. E. Lyday, J. H. Jenkins, E. L. Mor- .gan. L. B. Haynes, W. 0. Shep- pai’4. Announcement is made that the t uptown office of the- Westerh’’* Friday, of this eek, June 10, providing an all- time operator and clerk. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hood of Canton, will be in charge of the. office, and will have housekeep ing rooms in the Phillips apart ment. Mr. Hood was here two years ago as operator of the up town -station, and made many friends here. The work has been handled for the past several months at the Southern depot, T. G. Miller, sta tion agent serving the people with excellent facilities. AT CALVERT CHURCH ROSMAN, June 7.--Rev. Wal ter Holtzclaw jtreached at Mt. Moriah, Calvert, Sunday night to a large congregation.