The TeapIylvania Times FIVE ' Kiwani^" GENERA SAlS TAX p AS PostD,’^^efc| RELIEr MEAURE FJISTATE FA^Sr GRO^e WEEKLY KEWSPAPER m mm CAROLINA :VARD, ^3jH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1932 I Comm' Na'> thewhole ste of year BYC^M1S»NER PERSON "imp Says Natihal GoverAent Should IfMver Part of it bet I'ransylvanis Bonded lnde)ness to'vn-j. / ^ ""r , *0 J.%’'wSe” "worW® W- B. Anderson, eou| com- license. I,*- 4. Kinc-fiP'*^^ssionerano former U- .7« "^e^™^raade autherizinR '“'fc] es’' ovei to a^ . p^ Vies, in j letter to this 0th- 2 ^^^1'lnsum'^' thpuprhts brought oi^by lrom|maK^^ presid^’^ *'^;^^,.j.Iendfi’son arc of inters jjjy i- .,■■ Cairo serve county,>^/r 1vi\ Ra year are: ^rewith printed: f'l* oe (3 L. Nland; Intm'4-''' . „ rations Rd' R. L- Alex-.? ^.p the Taxpayers of program. Re Paul HartselrfC "-ansjdvania County: cation. R.alpH. Kamsey|.> Jt -was my intention to ber.ship FraiD. Clement|,v‘ , ^.pe’al dijcussion of our fif-" nave oeen in use affairs,’W F Kbiizey; p«hf^\,wi th troubles, in order that nearly every one - |b^’ke tbe best lOugh money to buy ^*.nc ^ them,-when I wrote an sufficien amount of gas to T " addressed to our rep^^^^® ^ when he needed to i mTmTirfcITnr Galloway,/(^ so. I ingine that there are A c*cor(ler>® ^^0. But it seems tW-^ousands ( cars that have been r4 111 suggestions l/out of use:his year on account iilll :.mocr>t ^^^^^thought, ,,JoF the 7jsideP!fressJ.“‘ is true that Mr. A. 1 tlr ti’sd we haw I r 1 I 0 ccti'ig at the coui-t: Children A RosmCput , 'vii.s!""buf Ihi Brevard 4ade HSjtt to have fallen on At (iristmaS Diro "thing has been d rxi ,g failed, Five hnndrTbildr4ta hnted a^ng®:"? CLOTHES GIVEN TO KIDDIES AT lAKETOXAWAY Local Boys Make Quick River Trip Mrs. Carl Moltz Plays Santa Claus To- Chil dren Of Community Brevard To Asheville In Five Hours Is Record Of Boaters CHILDREN MADE HAPPYTHRU ACTION Of BREVARD PEOPLE ^ jfce deer ^'ational >; all sec- If^lsoason r d end- in the in, drawn ^ications "^he for- in one Bfday oi Brevard, the finest nt buck west as north as :ed, in the iping over three-day ms were 'wollweeks. 1., 'Pierce le .'Bryant, le I Pruett all of the and cafes if stay of these -j all sec- license plat^ reduced to ac tual cost‘ of'facture and dis tribution, tjtc would receive more money the sales of gas- — oline than j®"' getting from RAICC 'I'OXAWAY, Dec. com- (Special to The Times) I -iW’’ ^sf Christmas tree event that is be- 'iXn)h“atrve^‘;to1d'“\i±:;:f. -y like Carol~.s Holiday Quiet In Town Of Brevard 28.— A party of Brevard boys took advantage of the high water caus ed by rain and melting snow, go ing to Asheville Monday after noon by way of the French Broad river. The ninety-mile trip was made m five hours without mishap. The boys launched their motor boat at I Wilson s bridge on the Greenville people [ouM not get eimirgh! given enabled to Aici^rs on account of ove ley to iy a license plate. If age the nver port- mg of strong spirits, and no car h could ave secured the plate, children of this ^ ' ' “ cars wald have been in use Quiet prevailed in Brevard dur ing the holidays, broken only by an occasional fire cracker as some would-be enthusiast of the old fireworks days tossed one out on the street and ^‘ducked from the law.” Few arrests wore made by of ficers on account of over-imbib- A il,lll ;.m( SANTITO I ficc of Transylvnia Tf' .... pany at Brevar andf*® IcBion man plants Sairday ^ anges and mimture were distribute to by Mrs. Albert'KyleJi’'® Thorvald Berg. i , This is an anualF”' Silversteen plain;, for children of-mpU,!:.'were Ji . J. other children iri.the ■'wo co^-.!’ Saken of ^g ^e]i^ no child who AR .t|week by nffirp ai either pianl'i',. ChaiiWi tie ra. . iig to venture to, • •uggestions whicL\^*i hat might holpv"^^ ng our county7™“ ubles. / , lUiCS cto Wt-JI, liX^'V-**** 9 'week by office ai either plan: - super- occasion b('ng turned 8^ ^ empty-lianded. ' . ^ .l*^>rora Colored chilcren in Breai. shared in the jcyous occasioou the same manner as other chil of the coramuniQ. ^f^^iave BST TOTS «£st$ at nday Ired school the Clem- norning at Gift Per- oaa. F. D. children of Robt. H. Bree nggesLions j-ctti uii accounc if they owrrs' not being able to 14111- -tf buy a licen. Again, it&ems to be generally understood jat there is to be a re-assessmer of real property in all the Stat.this year, I do not know how oer counties in the State would Ike what I shall say in regard tofis matter, but I do believe that will be for the best interest of tl taxpayers of Tran sylvania coun not to set up an 'expensive bo^ of appraisers or supervisors tspend time in go ing over the >unty and examin ing the diffejit properties with a view to ascoaining their actual cash value. Is would cost our county hundfs of dollars and there would bfust as much com plaint about iqualities as there 5 filst place, I am in favor t as a permar/-'’,.'’"’- mr state, buj d be done next snuffs, soft Eture, etc bill, plac uxuries, cigaret.,.. „gh priced”"’ SVo? “e sS jpuriiies.ind shcij^^.^ Buried MondfeatliuS gig Funeral services for Robert counties Breese, who died in Raleigh at I ^ o’clock Saturday morning, we dWmn tins hould conducted at Waynesville Mondt” f e at noon from the Episcopal churc"®P "P 1 with the Rev. Albert New officta ?™ Jf , P>t this can T„t„,-mBnt was made in Gree“ “Y fce without mrting w'ell known i®*® ta®djP°™essary ar- to visu. 0,=., n ‘ . . . , ./.loa nsftfiVtv a-.ople, and ship, and at tl]ame time save Ir- ^opening the Clem- eager chil- iting more doors to ing. Interment was Hill cemetery. Mr. Breese was wen Known ir “ Brevard where he made his horn . • young man, and has visite'i ^ asions. Born if! above, Vs an jjEill work Raleigh for the past 20 years, business taking him to all pa of the state. ; stat- here on many occasions. section were given clothing, candy and nuts by the “Santa Claus of the Sapphire Country,” Mrs. C. J. Moltz. ^ The event has been an outstand ing affair in this community for three years, each child deemed worthy of reco-gnition, or in oth er words, each child for whom ap plication is made by citizens of the community, is given desired clothing of suitable size, or shoes, in some instances both, and added to this is the Christmas candy and nuts. ap-f. tl^o rn^lv u pui-u- ing 01 strong spirits, five f»et SpJ ™ “i" *P wrecks were reported in the coin- Makin^^tlie tr^n this cause. Altogeth- anS't™|do‘!i“E„^£h,Te'=rno'=ntnS Earl Fullbright and Albert Lyday. 1 Christmas Tree kr Under- Privileged Childi^n Held Friday Evenh^g TOYS ANiT^NDY are DONATED EACH 6lILD Clubs and Individuals Veil Repaid by Happinesk of Recipents \ Mitchell Buried At Old Toxaway Burial of the body of Pert Mitchell was made in Old Tox- It seems tme that the very best thing thacan be done is to go over the pient tax books and reduce everyofs tax list in the county by a Ijiket reduction of 40 per cent, eper cent, 60 per cent, or to vit would be con sidered the acil cash value now compared to vt it was when it was last assess This would give every man in t county the same reduction in hpropevty, and at no. man dis satisfaction tb; Adhere would be if there is a r(»^ of all proper ties in the cour No toys are distributed at these cemetery on Wednesday events, it being the purpose of of'last week, after having Mrs. Moltz to give such things as brought from the Cane ■will^ bring^ lasting cheer. Many section wliere the deceased was found on the previous Moh- children who were recipients ox presents at the Christmas tree program Friday were badly in need of wearing apparel, and the entire community joins in express ing its appreciation for this time ly display of generosity on the part of Mrs. Moltz. Approximate value of the cloth- day. A sled was used in bringing the body from the Cane Brake section, being transported in this manner five miles. Chappell is reported to have left home four days prior to find ing of the body, and was last seen Friday afternoon about four FRENCH BROAD NEARING FLOOD River Nearly Five Feet Above Normal Wednes day At Noon One of the biggest events to\ happen in Brevard in years from a standpoint of real enjoyment was the Christmas tree party stag ed at Brevard elementary school last Friday night when more than two hundred children v/ere guests of clubs and individuals of the to'wn. Started _ several weeks .'Xgo by the Kiwanis club, original intent was to gather approxijnately sev enty-five children from families of the community where Santa Claus was apt to visit in his rounds here, but investigation discloseH that this number would be far from the total who should be in vited, and several of the women’s organizations joined in the move ^^gtiiiizacions joined in th french Broad river was still at as did several individuals flood stage Wednesday at noon, I A committee headed bv Mavor fi'om the lower end Ralph Ramsey and the Rev Paul of the county to the effect that iHartsell with representative,s of the river was still nsmo- fli/Mio-h thp . * v/x me ciuui-l , , , •' auwuu a.uui ing and supplies donated here lastaccording to information Friday is estimated at better than Sheriff Kilpatrick, three hundred dollars. It is true .X... for instance property has there may be some propertief tat should have ■■ "djustment -- ' this is done lere a price of all the timber taken off whilehers have not, or where a bui'g has been de stroyed or one tted. This could n.»u. done by a i-d of equaliza- low tion just as we) for three men to visit every p in every town- Born - Charleston, in April, 1884, he hac been in the insurance business ie‘" ,• for the past 20 years, hii^^tion to tb gasoline, jiair arm rigot l - counnes tnu: ^ " irts^* poorest, a rich- affected that ^ould be done ipol'jp. of Cr_,_ x_ i'Riif +Vii! is Tiottqa,'t;'(;0r for iij/ this law v-".- ' call your j to be done, IXV vv .X.. xo nothing but Ifair and right 11’ counties thu; children it the pic leveral who e that this 1' “iiqnateur ;er [Baxter ftory that children iiJdren ! glV’ 1 bag of the event 'ults were ■m at the Schools to Start Work on Monday All schools of the county will resume work on Monday morn ing, January 2, according to an- r’‘^»fnce7Ti.enF made by Prof. J. B. Jones, county superintendent, af-^ ter a two weeks holiday. Schedule as originally planned for the schools v/as for operation through Wednesday of last week, but due to the heavy snowfall on Friday, December 23, which prac tically blocked all county high ways, order was issued by the board of education that the schools not open on last Monday. Several Christmas trees that had been planned by principals of the schools were postponed on ac- snip, anu at tmme time save count of the change of schedule hundreds of ds to the tax-‘while some of the schools held payers of the c,y. I programs on Thursday afternoon. One other thi am sure ought ne ricn-la-tiet-tcv |t peolie 01 our [But this w, ijviuiatter lor our Surviving- are the widow, onef^j*^^ one 1 Legislature, ^ the National E^te^s/ol rvaM-l ce4> S!®? tet finaAcia our Cte, and ij ia the |es tax on asr An indirect^ , ir" Robert Kirksey, of Pickens, _ Miss Margaret Breese, of Augustine, Fla., and Mrs. J, Allison, of Brevard. 4«r4irpriLa. Acting as pallbearers were E.r^^ , Li Withers and Alden Howell, ofK^V^ o^+iTC Waynesville; Paul Hulfish. of At-F ,^'7’ e^^t tax lanta; F. H. Briggs, of Raleigh; $100 Dr, S. M. Maofle, Jos. S. Silver-f a ^ ^a small Steen and Fred Miller of Brevard, IP' ®a®® ’ tjBn and Steve Adams, of Asheville. I*® a‘‘ J' ® i [ know fiat with a view to along this line i to get help Ong uua 111®-'. 1 What I have r^e to is the taking over by ^‘^tional gov ernment of so ni,£ ojjj, tax- abk property, esp. ^ran- sylvania county, result ant loss of taxes ^0 proper ties thus acquiredu United States. It IS n^Hut right tiond ^.nmint Boy Sc ‘WIFF lALIFY is Give _ ^.;ter x.ioe. nn.,fr prices generally jit-p ,/i/ed for damp tobacco, 'said, because buyers have to take the chance of it molding during 'shipment. Approximately 70,000 pounds were on the floors of the Caro lina and New Banner warehouses jwhen the sale opened today at 9 J^lierifT-1 o’clock at the Carolina warehouse, Ting fail- at Valley and Beaumont streets, t of, com-[Following disposal of the lot ' ty'after [there, buyers and officials will •ed. by {move to the New Banner, at Wal- • ®'\mted nut street and Rankin avenue. Hville Farmers were in high spirits as ' ted 1 collected for their crops, • ^ jcomment being heard on all sides IniA r” what they said were the good • .x {prices being paid. {The nearly $19,000 paid that -his i,ur- * «P°" Sho ®®"‘a 'h >j3d hai ^jjy tP^int t4e,gg®st to j-e that you „ie wrong kising. If the* value of ten %ars an ^-r corestei North Carolin 0- icired I ,'4^ 0 —6 me {yesterday went to several hun dred farmers from a number of Western North Carolina coun- Warehopse officials said _ —of the tobacco sold here was Otis BiOm as far away as Sylva, in sick for ckson county. Most of it, how- and able er, came from Haywood, Bun- Mint Fcibe and Madison counties. 0th- .V.the. sick li^cts were on the floors from dM Rev. Mr.ierson and McDowell eoun- visited Mr. Blytlie on Su Henry McY KEPT FOR 74 YEARS Houston Glaze Monday. 'RVILLE, Mass. — Daily, The entire cDast 48 years without ^ cauie "±0 years vvjLiiout a to learn that Cik, William E. Wall. 74, is home from the'^ly recorded in his dia- . ,ering nicely from Jfher and temperature tion. Charles Galloway y ...X. \ja,jivway\ field, spent Sunday >STILL CHARGED Clyde Barton. * V — Misses Kinley Fowl^^^fi* — Thurston the p‘ Vtor ’ and sheriff V/orlc P^1 and charged ^theft of a still that our HatioTi2^g.j^.j^j^gjj^ should assume a P^\jj. bond ed indebtedness J^Uion to the amount 01 ^^^roperty lost by our countiej^ Con^essman^ Wea^^ ^Pa'ienator Bailey and Senk^y ,^g f could do nothing nf| "'1/ a liability, and b^glarS r;,;sjr3 J ler tng after paying ^aleslxl than he is now is V opinion that in tonUrs all our hill County Boarders Dine On Turkey who assisted South Carolina offi cers in the investigation. George Chappell, who found the body stated to officers that it had been in the position found before the MOW stopped falling on Friday, 'December 16, as it was partly cov ered with snow and ice. Sheriff Wood was called, and after investigation as to location of the body, ‘in turn notified'sher" iff Craig of Pickens county, who was unable to reach the scene un- tj* mte Wednesday on account of the heavy snowfall. A coroner’s juiy decided that the deceased died from exposure, and burial '"as immediately ordered. Pickens county officials had charge of funeral arrangements for Chappell’s body, and later took the children, a boy aged 16 and two girls, 9 and 6. to South Carolina where homes will be pro vided for them. The wife and mo ther had died early this summer., the river was still rising, though slowly. At Rosman, the river was some lower than on Monday, according to telephone information, being about four feet above normal. Continued rain Wednesday at noon is indicative of higher wa ter by Thursday morning. No damage has been reported. Several inches of water were flowing across the highway at Penrose leading to the Little Riv er section, passing on this road having been declared dangerous before noon Wednesday. I W. 0. W. MEET MONDAYNIGHT New Officers To Be In stalled And Special Features Added People generally in Transylvan ia county en,ioyed the Christmas season with its giving of gifts, ex pressions of goodwill and general time of good eats, and included this bunch were also prisoners Sheriff Wood’s bastile, who were treated to a real Christmas dinner with all the fixin’s. As an extra treat, the prison ers, sixteen in number, were al lowed to eat all together at the dinner table, and extra helpings of this and that, were passed around in regular Transylvania county style. Installation of officers xur Balsam Camp 116, Woodmen of the World, will be held Monday -evening, January 2, at 7:30 o’clock. Members of the Wood men Circle will also meet with the Woodmen and take part in the installation service. Christmas presents were left at t> to be installed are: three Transylvania homes on c^^^^^ander, Guy Christmas day by Mr. Stork, ac-l?®fi^’ commander. A. B. - a- » Galloway ;advisor lieutenant, H. ^ Kilpatrick; banker, Glover Births Recorded On Christmas Day :ording to Mrs. C. Y. Patton, who attended.—Arrivin-g on Christmas day was a son at the home of M:r. and Mrs. Tilman Meece, Brevard; a son at_ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynch Whitmire. Rosman; and a daughter at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Homer Holden, Ros- College Record Made by Moore Ealeign wim than to try to seek now people in some way. vel^j not to leave the wh!rda.,_ on him, for it is oiel task for anyone. Airy ITransj ,,,, .J.. ™n..- "il” -iii nec,me 4 can be devised “® ^ " bettity aiicse fai that have_ been Vours lo Donald Lee Moore, who com- pleted a course last week in Gup- ton-Joies Embalmers 'college Nashville, Tenn., has the distinc- Btioi f making the highest grade final examination ever re- prdelt in the school’s history, ac- prdiig to a statement received k tlis newspaper from the presi- Unt of tfie school. ^'^ore’s average upon com- X pfipn of the six-month^ course wa\99.7, average for the class 01 2 members being 97.5. Mr. Mo-e will be connected with & Osborne, Brevard under- --r. and Mrs. Madison Allison announce the ]>irth of a daughter 1 December 20. Mr. and Mrs. Denn,y Nicholson announce the birth of a son on December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holden announce the arrival of a son on December 27. P. M. King Died On December 23 Jackson; clerk, W. H. Grogan, Jr.; escort, W. T. Allison; watchman, Roy Smith; auditors, T. Coleman Galloway, Lewis P. Hamlin and F. E. Shuford. Following the installation serv ice a social hour will be observed during which time refreshments furnished by the ladies will be served.. Bishop Cheshire Dies In Charlotte D6SS and Professional Women’ the churches and clubs of the town met and made up a tenta tive list of families who it was thought would most appreciate children invited to the Christmas tree, each person participating in the event having as his or her special guests four or more children. nig-ht cars wore sent to homes of the children and the hosts of little fellows twelve years of age and under really saw Santa Claus in his best mood in an^^everrt Perfect for such c«^r’ ®nj®yment of the occasion we?o n® J youngsters’ names rtSr ‘’'®y wended Santa J'’® ®‘®S® where r! t i" t'’® P®>^on of Capt, Fred Miller, assisted by and the Rev. Paul Hartsell gave a salutation to each fLr y?“nf®ters that brought a the tu ®®|®*^y an'’ cheer; smiles the worth of which could not bo lightened the were *^® fellOWs 38 thOV tov a doll, gun, wagon or toy of some description, that had been selected by h^ ind a bag containing an orange, apple, nuts each dawned for ®® youngsters as they t„n„„j yuuugsLers as tt turned away from Santa Claus, t ®*®P displaced the tomidity displayed on the trip ’■®al JOy, the kind that comes only.from ^ving, could be seen on the face of the hosts of the children as such one’s little guest again took his or her Santa tTb"S,u‘?ht:^ tLl®w^j*^®,®^ddren, with Bre vard Wednesday club second in line -mth 26. Other clubs acting as hosts were the D. A. R., Matha- tasian clu^ Fortnightly club, Bus- iness and Professional Women In- dividuab other than those who acted through the clubs were Jul- lan Glazener, Judson McCrary Flake Feimster, Tom Ward. Carl McCrary, Mr. Wylie, P. L. Threl- Boy Scouts procured the tree and acted as ushers at the affair. \^xes li into the hands ,=,i-.ners 4 the tax be cut Fre. ceDtlwhat they are of 't all tican be done it pan -will fcce the roads. men^Yid boW indebtedness fiuTunties a general sales her leave counties to fi- woi'L loci-Tmty^ govern- Eno\ coutJ mona cou.ii ^ ' by f.-eal ^' of ^ter this maUi tb' _ find it w, B.HEW. Lake Toxaway, Dec| NO SERVICES T; held at lips eant Will Be f iyen At Rosman Word has been received in Bre vard of the death of P. M. (Per ry) King, w’ho -died at his home in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on Decem ber 23. Mr, King was well known in this county, having been reared here, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John King, who lived just east of Brevard. He left here for ty years ago to make his home in the west, later returning here for his bride, who was before her marriage, Miss Lou Nicholson, sis ter of Milon Nicholson. Announcement isjthell gjvTAXr oo a =v Harry Perry, St. T pageant, a--’.' ,„4-v;PhiUps Episcopal thatl® ‘^tmas. Spirit, will be pre- ;0UTl 30^ jail. kere will be no scfchatBaptist church cou.ll churcb next Sunday^. ‘CX members of tlie tl of ^ter this is enuren ^ ^ p characters be- "^""i ^can DEEDS V^.MoWs Vve '* Three deedsiro vreVr- mMASetiiod of 1 deeds ^ , - x_ Love, o. W. IN MAYOR’S COURT Cases tried before Mayor Ralph Ramsey include the following? Casey Cox, public drunkenness, $10 and costs, appeal taken; Claude Reid, public drunkenness, $10 and costs, appeal taken; Gay- nus Bowen, disturbing religious worship, bound to court; Mack Perry, public drunkenness, $10 and costs; Durwood Smith and Elwood Smith, trespassing' or Brevard watershed, $10 and costs appeal taken. I- J *, D?t-,hink will jl lat I apm^ - I cne samci&», » t- , tnto thelma Brooks ite, 'ay jjg re- ®*®'>iid truck‘FUeh, sonr ' 5cei' are nree aeeusnw“‘iJ.vh the past yoTVeeHif.lCtj,,,. - •eds Jess Am . CL ' hepVi,' ws: Ida E. C luionHoiV iV;b n; J. F. IVl totgjyr ‘£\ “ Brooks .Armsti** “oPgu® ir at v-Sx.,.;- kristian and Non- CHARLOTTE. Dec. 28.—Brief funeral services were held here this afternoon by Bishop Edwin A Penick for the Right Reverend Joseph Blount Cheshire, of Ra leigh. who died last night of a heart attack. He was 82 years old and had been bishop of the Episcopal diocese of North Caro lina for 39 years. The body was to be taken to Raleigh for additional rites at the Church of the Good Shepherd. With Bishop Cheshire’s death, Bishop Penick automatically be comes bishop of North Carolnia. Bishop Cheshire was a native of Tarboro and was educated at Trinity College, Hartford. Conn. He was twice maiTied and is sur vived by six children of the first marriage and by his widow, who •I 1 L ^i*otessionaI Womer club had charge of decorations. was Miss Anne Huske Webb, of Hillsboro, and whom he married in 1897. Road Men Given Praise For Work 1 raise for the manner in whicli the local highway forces handled the heavy snowfall here two weeks ago has been received from Chairman E B. Jeffress and of the state highway commission and R. Ames, state engineer, letter to District Engineer P L. Threlkeld, copy of which was received by this newspaper, fol- “We want to express to you oilr appreciation for the way in which you and your organization have battled with the snow, ice and bad roads during the recent in- clement weather. In many section.-! ot „he state it was an unu.siial snow and ice formation that had to be handled, following a week WHITMIRE BABY DIES ROSMAN, Dec. 28.—Ft^neral Fnf; services were conducted for the ■tmfg Pnitcnberry; infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Uynch 'Cial juusic wtlfn 1'“'® at their liome Mollday •ciai rtiubic will be ren- afternoon by the Rev G T ViH *''pu'bIit'?s"crH' u Rev. J. N. Hail.Un- publi4 is coidially in-|terment was made in the wVf:- ‘mire netery. SEAMAN DIES OF BURNS loiiowing a week WILMINGTON, N. C., Dec. 28 xv-x”^. temperatures for • Nicholas Vadaro of E a s t j Boston, Mass., died yesterday in . We thank you for the 'fine a Southport hospital of burns re- x^’P,^ which the organization ceived last week when a boiler this work and want to take exploded in the engine room of ^’ccasion to express to you the Munson line freighter Mun-|^”^^ men our appreciation hsto, while at sea. Vadaro wasK®^ the splendid way in which you brought to -Southport by a coast carrying on highway mainten- guard boat. ance wmrk with reduced forces [This cunailment as you know wis No FLOOD CASUALTIES piecessary on account of decrea's- ATTiM'rA''V w; „ ed highway revenue and we are ATLANTA’ Ga., Pec. 28.— 'rfad to know- that your oreaniza- Thr^t of floods menaced manyition has measured up so well un- southern sections today but no der trying circumstanc idrdc'’ —..’XC.AXO uuu no u«x- uy/ng circumstancf ^taiities were recorded from^the first real Georgia. Alabama and Missigsmai^ic^ 'r*?;*

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