The Transylvania Times Published Weekly on Thursdays by C. M. DOUGLAS Offices in The News Building C. M. DOUGLAS Editor MISS A. TROWBRIDGE.. Associate SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year $1.00 Six Months .60 (In Transylvania County) Per Year, Elsewhere $1.50 Six Months. Elsewhere IB Entered as second class matter, October 29, 1931, at the Post Office in Brevard, N. C., under the Act of March 8, 1879. RUMORS THAT FLY THICK AND FAST. Old D&me Rumor is a popular sister in this section,. .. .fact is she is about the most popular person in all of the county. "And I heard that " and so on, this and that, and the other, and nintty-nine times out of a hun dred somebody has either lied or willingly and knowingly repeated what is known to be a lie. There are a lot of things that hap pen which are not so sweet and there are lots of things that should be looked into by the right people, and, if people would stop to think long enough in the right manner, in stead of going on to the next per son and the next person saying "and I heard " they would go di rect to the person or persons involv ed and help get the whole thing straightened out. Hell is going to be over crowded with folks who will get there on nothing more than "I heard " THE FRESCU BROAD RIVER PROJECT. Agitation has been started in Hendersonville for clearance of the French Broad river channel and the resultant reclamation of thousands of acres of bottom land. The Times News, in an editorial on the topic Saturday has the following to say: Dr W. W. Carpenter of Hen dersonville has initiated considera tion of a project that woula prove as profitable to Transylvania, Hen derson and Buncombe counties as any public enterprise on which the federal government could spent mon ey in this section of North Carolina. This is the proposal to clear the channel of the French Broad nvei of obstructions and put it in condi tion to prevent overflowing of flood waters. A large amount of damage is donc-abK^st. every year in the vai "Tey of this river in the three coun ties by high waters. Land is dam aged and crops are destroyed when the floods come. In addition vO these losses, additional losses are sustained where fertile lands lie idte beeause the danger of overtlow makes the gamble of cultivating it unproti ta pr. Carpenter would have the fed eral government improve the chan nel of the French Broad so that it will carry whatever volume of flood water comes down the \ alley, V? vent overflow, and safeguarding the lowlands and the crops of the f ai mers along the river. The importance of the proposal is obvious and if a first class job was done , the l)e?P of the French Broad valley in the three counties would reap .many thousands of dollars in benefits 11 the years to come. * The clearing and lowering of the channel of the French Broad would be a long step toward the proper drainage of the valleys traversed by the numerous smaller streams in this section. For example, it is said that much of the overflow in the Mud Creek valley is due to the fact that the level of the French Broad is so high it prevents the flow ot water into the larger stream The result is that obstructions and sand ac cumulates in Mud Creek and con ditions in that stream steadily be-, If the channel of the French Broad : was put in proper condition, in the course of a few years the smaller streams would be improved by nat- , ural drainage. , I This proposal is a conservation and reclamation project which would be, of vast benefit to this section. As I the French Bjroad is under contioi of the federal government, it is necessary that the people of the sec ; tion go to the government with any . Xs for improvement of the river. A few years ago, government en : eineers made public an elaborate, survey and plans for a vast amount, of government work on the * rencn ( Broad river. It was proposed that a | power lam one hundred feet high , erected near Biltmore, among other . things. It was said that this dam. would back the waters of the French Bread almost to Brevard and up all I the smaller streams of the section,? , for example, in Mud Creek up to the city of Hendersonville. This project woul'd cover the larger part of the | lowlands of Henderson county with, i vast lake, which would extend up . the French Broad valley into Tran-, SyAsnthereTstJno particular demand j for a lake of this extent in this sec-, tion. and the citizens of this county . would seriously object to being de prived "f their lands for the pur- j p,-,e opportunity is presented in- the plan Dr. Carpenter.. The job that ger.tleman wants done is very small in comparison with the job dreamed of by government engineers. It will cost more money than the people of the French Broad valley could con tribute for the purpose; Lut it would amount to an insignificant sum for the United States government. If some oi the money that has been appropriated and is being ex pended for government relief in this section could be applied to improve ment of the French Broad river, a iob that would -be worth much more cban its cost, that would be a profit able investment of public funds for ".any years to come, could be per formed. the foregoing by way of sug- j resting the possibilities of this pro ject and the profits to be derived rom it; but the fact is, probably, hat- when it is brought to the at cntion of the federal authorities it will be found that the government] sxpends money only for the improve- ! tnent of navigable streams and not; on drainage projects. The French ! Bread is not navigable in this section ;nd could not be made navigable i | in J I GLANCING !j BACK AT |! | BREVARD *5* s> * Taken from the files r:f The .?> J Sylvan Valley News, beginning * ? 1H95, through the courtesy of ? i * Mrs. W. B. F. Wright. ? * ? << ?> ?> c* & ?> (Week of March 19, 1897) Our streets and sidewalks are at present unspeakably horrible and tot-illy unfit for publication. We have the information that the wife of R. B. Rains died at her home Monday morning. No particulars. We are informed that Caldwell Galloway and Emma Whitmire, of the Tip Top section, were married Sunday, February 28. No further particulars have reached us. Trade is reviving. We are inform ed that T. H. Galloway, our enter prising we<(t-end merchant, and English McGaha swapped hats this week. j Hon E. A. Aiken has gone to Washington in the interest of the t pie brigade. j John Neely, a member of the Red wood firm in Asheville, was a visitor j at the home of his parents here | Sunday. j Maj. W. E. Brcese, of Asheville, i lauded in Brevard Tuesday, and is j stopping with t>he pleasant} family | of John E. Smith, miller at the | Breeso heirs' mill. : Married at the groom's residence on Turkey creek, this county, on Thursday last, James A. Thrift and Amanda E. Lyday. Rev. Newton Orr performed the ceremony. . Umbrellas are about the only dry goods on sale now. and there are j those who borrow instead of buying. T. W. Whitmire recently bought ? a lot on Broad street from W. A. | Gash, and sold it the same day to iS. N. Foster, who will build a nice ! residence at an early da|re. Whit isays: "Sell lots now and let them i goj helps out so to make a town ' grow." The great slugging match between Jim Corbett and Fitzsimmons, at Carson, Nevada, St. Patrick's day resulted in the knock out of Cor bett, the world's champion, in the 14th round. Our only regret is that !they didn't use sledge hammers and I put an end to each other ? and the prize ring for public brutes. More than 50 persons in this county, who have had the NEW.S more than a year without paying anything for it, will receive it no more'- until they call at the captain's office and make a deposit. Wo have been very glad during the past year to receive ar.y farm produce our readers could spare 011 subscrip tion, so we know there is no excuse for them to be in arrears. Postmaster Cooper wears a huge smile while the numberless hungry candidates for Brevard postoffice are feeling somewhat as Jonah did ? ! dcwn in the mouth. The ruling of i Postmaster General Gary that all ! postmasters, fourth class as well as I presidental. would be allowed to ! serve out a full term of four years is the cause of the smiles and tears I above referred to. This gives Mr. ' Cooper a lease of the office until ' near the end of the nresent fiscal year? July 1. Those who have mov ed into town with the expectation of ! handing out the mail to our people will be compelled to live on cxpecta ! tion some months yet. Joe Zachary, storekeeper a ri d gauger at the Davidson river dis tillery, has moved his' family to Brevard, and is occupying the W. B. Duckworth residence. The question is asked, why is it that the Asheville Gazette does not reach Brevard on time? It is fre quently two or three days old be fore we get it. We have investigat ed and believe the trouble to be on the train ? the run from Asheville to Hendersonville is too short to prop erly sort the mail. A pouch from Asheville to Brevard would obviate difficulty. The GAZETTE is the only daily that can possibly reach us the dav of publication, and it should never fail. Soma crazy lunatic has presented McKinlcy with a St. Bernard spaniel weighing 147 pounds. There is no danger that the president will retire from office a millionaire if ho has that "purp" to feed: anu there is no prospect of a surplus in the treasury if it feeds at the public trough. The extraordinary session on con gress convened Monday, the 15th. Now look out for prosperity and don't stand in its way, but give it a chance. Don't agitate the money question, but just wait and see how the McKinley tariff, made to order by the manufacturers and trusts, will raise the price of farm produce. The Pickens SENTINEL came to us last week under a new manage ment ? Julius E. Bojrgs having sold out to Homer A. Ritchie and J. L. O. Thompson. The latter gentlemen arc well known to our citizens Mr. Thompson having been at one time located here as publisher. The poli tics of the paper will be democratic. ??iwj Hi scat nrs'-ir T. COKE TURNER Attorney and Counsellor at law j Wooditidc Building Greenville, South Carolina NOTICE ;< Of Sale of Real Estate j j Under and by virtue of power and authority contained in that certain^ deed of trust, dated October 10th, 19-', 27, and recorded in Book 22, Page 282, ] Transylvania County Registry, and j executed by Thomas H. York and , wife, to the Citizens National Bank j of Raleigh, N. C., Trustee, default , having been made in the paymeni of , the indebtedness secured thereby, whereby the entire amount of said indebtedness became due and payable ; nd demand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trustee named therein to advertise and seli the property described in i said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the Courthouse door in Brevard, Transylvania County, N. C., at noon on Monday, February 27th, 1933, the following described real estate: A certain lot or parcel of land ly ing and being situate in Boyd Town i ship, Transylvania County, Stats of North Carolina, mors particularly de . scribed as follows : BEGINNING at a spanish oak near . ia branch, C. F. Woodfin's corner andi I runs South 4 degrees East 58 poles' ; to a stone, then North 78 degrees i East 17 poles to a stake; thence South i 1 18 degrees West 48 poles to a stake) in the public road near a branch;] | thence with said road, North 31 dc- ; giees West 30 poles to a stake; thence! still with said road, North 70 de grees West 17 poles to a stake, thence I North 10 1-2 degrees West 54 poles to a stake in Still House Branch; thence up said branch, North 68 de grees East 22 poles to a stake; thence I North 31 degrees East 16 poles to a j stake; thence East 9 1-2 poles to the; BEGINNING, containing 18 acres,! ; more or less. Thi;; tract bounded on the North by the lands of Marsh Hol-| liday, on the East by lands cf C. F. j Woodfin, on the South by A. E. Ly day and the public read No. 28, and on the West by Alfred Williams, j This the 20th day of Januarv, 1933. i NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Successor to Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, N. C.. Trustee. By: H. M. COKBETT, | Vice-President. ! 5t Jan.26 ? Feb.2,9,16,23 NOTICE OF SALE ! By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust ex ecuted by J. R. Whitmire to Charles M. Fortune, Trustee for May S. Chaklts and George Chakles, execut ed on the 25th day of February, 1932, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania bounty, North Carolina, in Book of | Mortgage No. 24 at page No. 672,1 ? which reference is hereby made,' md default having been made in ' ;he payment of the indebtedness se-l :ured by, said deed of trust, where-', jy the power of saie therein con-' :ained has become operative, the un dersigned Trustee, will, on Tuesday,; the 14th day of March, 1933, at 12; s'clock noon, at the Pool Room own-: edand operated by J. R. Whitmire in the City of Brevard, County of Transylvania, and State of North: Carolina, offer for sale and sell to: the highest bidder for cash, the fol- : lowing described articles: Two (2) Pool Tables No. H5849I Snooker Roval No. H5380, Royal j Pocket Billiard Tables with balls, j racks, lights and fixtures. This the 10th day of Feb., 1933. ; CHARLES M. FORTUNE | Trustee. 4t Feb. 16 ? 23 ? Mch. 2?9. NOTICE By virtue of the power given in a certain deed of trust executed by D L. Crane and wife Maude Crane t< the undersigned trustee to securc certain indebtedness mentioned which deed of trust is dated the f.rst day of March 1932, and registered in Book 24 at page 18G of tht! deed | of trust records for Transylvania i county, N. C., and said indebtedness [ having become due and default hav- ; ing been made in the payment, ai:d j all the notices as required in said deed of trust having been given to | the makers of said deed of trust and notes to make good the payment and I default not having been made good, j and the holder of said deed of trust ; and notes, having demanded that the, lands described in said deed of trust jbe sold to satisfy the said indebted-1 | ness and the cost of sale. I will offer for sale and sell to the ] highest bidder for cash at the Court J house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., on Saturday the IS day ofj March, 1933 at 12 O'clock Noori, all) the following described land: Being all that, land described in a ? deed from Charles Lamance and wife1 | to B. L. Crane and wife, by deed dat | ed the first day of March 1932, cov ering about 71 acres of land, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County in Bcok 65 at page 211 of the deed records of said county, to which deed reference. js hereby made for a full and complete description of the said land, and the same is hereby made a part of this convey ance. Th! 660 380 580 625 300 HOURS PER DAY ~2 xk Vi 3