Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevard Women T. E. L. CLASS TO MEET TUESDAY EVENING Regular meeting of the T. E. 1 <-lass of the Baptist rhurch will b held Tuesday afternoon at 3:3' o'clock at the home of Mrs. M H Holiday on Probart street, accordinj t,> announcement of the president .Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. DAUGHTERS WESLEY CLASS IN tiUSIXESS-SOCIAL MEET. Daughters of Wesley class of the .U<.rhodin Sunday school held th< i.'gular business and social meeting Tumlaj night in the ladies' parlor of the church. The business of the class was transacted in charge or the president, Mrs. A. R. Gillespie, after which an enjoyable social hour was spent by Lhe 25 members present. The 3ocial feature was in the nature of a tacky party, those present being attired in various and sundry costumes in keep ing with the occasion. A prize was offered to tne or.e wearing che mo3t uppropriate cost'ime, this prize be ing awarded Mrs. Lula Miller. Game* and contests further emphasizing thf prevailing idea were enjoyed. At conclusion of the evening's mer riment, refreshments were served by the joint hostesses, Mrs. E. S. Eng lish and Mrs. J. 3. Pickelsimer. WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. R. KIMZEY. Ai. enjoyable meeting of the Wed nesday ciub was heid yesterday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Kimzcy. for the regular meeting of this organization. The business of the club was in ehertfe of the president, Mrs. Hinton McLeod, after which an interesting program on the subject of Con fucianism was conducted by Mrs. T. !?:. Pa'rnn Jr. Mrs. Patton's discus sion of this topic was one of the se ries of comparative religions of the world thp club has been studying for some time.. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social half-hour. I'Hl f.ATHEAS HOLD MEETING .\T CHURCH ?The Philathea class of the Baptist ehurch held its regular meeting Tues day evening in the church parlors, with the president, Miss Lucy Full-j bri;;;:t. in charge. j The time was taken up mainly j with rehearsal for a musical program: which this class gave at the prayer! meeting Wednesday night. Hostesses of the occasion were Misses Margaret Bossee and Letitia: Foster, who served refreshments du- j ring the social hour. MUSIC LOVERS ' CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS. The Music Lovers' club met Mon-j day evening at the home of Mrs. 0.; 1,. Erwin, with Mrs. Erwin and Missi Strickland as hostesses. The annual federated music clubs j convention was discussed, and Mrs. ? O. L. Erwin appointed as delegate. I The report of the nominating com-j mittee was submitted and approved,' and officers for next year were elect- [ ed as follows: President. Miss Mary Frances j Riggers; vice president, Mrs. J. B.i ?Jones; recording secretary, Mrs. D.( 1.. English Jr.; corresponding secre-' tary, Mrs. Julian Glazener. A delightful program on Spring : was presented by Mrs. T. H. Hamp-! ton and Mr. Alvin Moore. The pro-] irram included two readings, i "Spring," and a humorous selection! from "Idle Thoughts of An Idle, Follow," by Mrs. Hampton. "Spring j Weather," by Leoni was sung by Mr. Moore, "Spring Song," by Men- 1 delssohn sung by Mrs. J. M. Allison, J "Oh, That We Two Were Maying,"; by Nevin, sung in duet by Mrs. Alii- j son and Miss Biggers. Mrs. Frank! ?Jenkins read a lovely selection by< McLeod suitable t o the evening's subject, and Mr. Moore played thei beautiful Scarlatti's "Pastorale," following which the club song, "Wel come Sweet Springtime," by Rubin stein, and "In Maytime." Mrs.' Hampton closed the program with a1 very pretty poijni, "March Winds," written for the occasion by Mrs. Mary Hampton Mills. The joint hostesses served a deli cious salad course, carrying out the, St. Patrick day colors. - Paying MARKET PRICES Complete Line of prrn for Cattle, f ? t V Horses, Hogs, and Poultry FERTILIZERS have plenty of Fertilizers for garden, field, potatoes ? see us before you buy. GROCERIES Staple and Fancy, Country Produce "We Pay As Much and Sell as Low" GARREN'S Flour==Feeds E. Main St. Phone 108 ,*"?.7.", ,7 r V'niiiTrTr."^^ i MISS SILVERSTEEN in ! GRADUATING REGIT A!, i.j Frknds and relatives in thfc com eimunity are in receipt of invitations 0 1 from the School of Music of Salem . j college to the graduating recital of i J Mi Si Adelaide Silvers teen to be held ,j i? Memorial Hall of that institution i n Monday night, April 3. Following is a copy of the invita : "ions received: | The School of Music of Salem College ; j invites you to be present at the graduating recital of "j.VIiss Elizabeth Adedaide Silversteen, '[ Contralto .'Miss Toinmye Eleanor Frye, Pianist | Monday evening, April third , i nineteen hundred and thirty-three eight fifteen o'clock Memorial Hall i^ARAII TAYLOR CIRCLE \MEETS AT INSTITUTE. ? The Sarah Taylor circle of the 1 ? Methodist church met in regular ? session Tuesday evening in the re ception hall at Brevard Institute, in a meeting of unusual interest and ; benefit. ? The meeting was presided over by 'the president, Mrs. Selden Bryan, , transacting the business affairs of I I the circle. Devotional? were led by -Miss Daisy Hitter, and the mission j ' study class, discussing the book.; ?Living Issues in China, was conduct- j td by Miss Mary Floyd. The mission- j !ary news bulletin was presented by| JMiss Leona Giies. A most interesting and enlighten- j ing program on the subject, "The j Deaconess ? Who is She?" was in i charge of Miss Edith Leighty, telling) of different phases of deaconess work j , engaged in today. Others taking part; 'on the program included other mem-i i bers of the Institute faculty telling of j their respective personal experiences in deaconess work ? Mrs. Selden Bry ' an, .vi the Cooperative Home in Richmond, Va.; Miss Daisy Ritter, 'on the Spofford Home in Kansas City. Mo.; Miss Frances Denton, on , Mexican missior work and Laredo .'institute in Texas; Miss Marian j I Xeedhair-, on church deaconess work | Nashville, Tents. A short social period and refresh- 1 ! ments were enjoyed following the > ; program. FORTNIGHTLY CU V. IN REGULAR MEETING. j 1 Regular meeting of the Fortnight ly club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Goode Loftis, \vi;h all members present. Included in the transaction of busi ness, conducted by the president, Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, was the ap onintment of the program committee for the coming year, namely. Mrs. A. R. Gillespie, Mrs. Goode Loftis, Mrs. Selden Bryan, Mrs. J. C. Wike. j Communications were read by the secretary, and annual federation nuestionaire was completed. The program of the afternoon was; in charge of Mrs. Cordia King, dis- ? cussing the subject of home making, / comparing modern customs and, methods with those of olden times. A ( round table discussion of the topic I fllowed, both proving interesting and t profitable. The St. Patrick idea was carried ; out in the refreshments, with sug- j gestions of the shamrock and green. | Little Nancy Jane Loftis, cunningly I iressed in Irish costume, assisted! her mother in serving. The next meeting (if the club will bt held in two weeks with Mrs Sei dell Bryan, with Mrs. J. C. Wike as program leader. INSTITUTE PLAY IS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL I "Sophronia's Wedding." the three- 1 act comedy presented by the junior j class of Brevard Institute Friday j evening in the, school chapel provedl highly enjoyable and well rendered j by the 15 students in the cast. Quaint costumes of two centuries ago, combined with humor and cus toms and manners characteristic of the 18th century, were all cleverly depicted in the unraveling of the plot of the play. Humor and pathos were interwoven in an uplifting moral characterizing the times in which the plot was laid. Miss Leona Giles, junior sponsor, [ directed the play. Adding to the [pleasures of the occasion were songs | by Ruffin Wilkins and .George Siihp son, Jr., the latter junior class mas leot. Id. a. r. meets kith ?UA'S. ALEXANDER The Waightstill Avery chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev | olution held its regular monthly jmeeting Monday afternoon at the p home of Mrs. R. L. Alexander, at the I manse. | The treasurer reported a balance len hand of $39.42, the finance com-! ', mittee reporting over S29 made on ' the benefit bridge party given re-j Icently at the Pierce Moore hotel.! j Miss Piercy was given a rising vote ! of thanks for her part in eontribu-' ? ling success to the event. [ An appeal was read for assistance j i'or immigrants on Ellis Island, and , it was voted to send SI. 50 for this i cause. A letter was silso read from j one of the former resident members, i..!rs. L. E. Brown, stating that she ! ild attend the state conference at I ''narlotte representing the local club | ; delegate. A letter was read from : J.ossnore school thanking the or ganization for the donation sent the I school to be applied on the fund for purchase of a cow for the school. Mrs. Laura Miler read the presi dent general's message and an article i n the Smithsonian Institute. She al :u requested each member to b.' pre pared to contribute something about James Monroe at the next ir -eting, ?vhich will he held at the home of v<:ss Florence Kern. Refreshments were served by the stess during the sec:i! peri: ;: ti-.j \NANCY ANNE NICH0l?0t\ | HAS BIRTHDAY PASTY ?I Nancy Anne Nicholson celebrated [her sixth birthday anniversary ^Wednesday tfternoon with a party , at the home of her parents, Mr. and .?ate, 3. E. Nicholson. Green anil white decoration" sag ? cestive of tho St. Patrick occasion ; v.-oi'k prettily carried out, ! ho colors further emphasized In the i refreshments of ice cream and cake. with its six small burning candle? Many games which 'delight iiu'< folks were played, and the openi'i; c f the birthday gift'-, also af/orde. much pleasure for the children. Those present to assist Nancy! Anne in celebration of the birthday j j vent were: Roland Nicholson, Rich-i I n d Nicholson, Bruce Glazener, Bil-i I ?o Gray, Jean Bagwell, Frances | Hsndrix, Nancy Jane Loftis, Elnanoi j Petit, George Simpson Jr., Vera Hayes. WEDDING ON INTEREST IS ANNOUNCED Many friends in Brevard and other! i sections of the county were sur prised on learning of the marriage ot'i Miss Mildred McCail and Mr. Char-j |les I,. Waldrop, ot" Greenville, S. C.,j | which occurred some time ago. Mrs. Waldrop received ht?r educa-i tion at Brevard high school, and isj widely known among the younger set: of Brevard. Mr. Waldrop is connected with the j Carpenter drug company of Green- j ville, where the young couple will ' make their home. ! MATH AT ASIAN CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS. The regular meeting of the Matha tasian club, held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. . Trantham, with Mrs. Anthony Tran-j (ham as hostess, was featured by the, annual election of officers. Following were the officers elected ; for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Pat Kimzey; vice president, Mrs. C. L. Newland; recording secretary. Mrs. J. M. Gaines; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Julian Glazener; treasurer, Mrs. Anthony Irantham; custodian of books, Mrs. J. B. Jones. A program on the subject of "He- , roes of the World War," was in j charge of Mrs. Jerry Jerome, reading) an interesting paper in discussion of1 this topic. Mrs. Jerome was assisted by Mrs. Walter Carpenter, of Hen dersonville, who contributed much to the program by reading a numbu of poems by war heroes. A program committee for next year( was appointed as follows; Mrs. C. L Newland, chairman. Mrs. J. M. Gaines, Mrs. H. L. Wilson. Plans for serving lunches to the school chil dren next week were made. Delightful refreshments, cleverly carrying out a color motif in red., white and blue, were served by the i hostess during the social hour. The next meeting will bo held at the home of Miss Florence Kern, with Mrs. Julian Glazener as program leader. SI RI'RISE BIRTHDAY DINNER IS ENJOYABLE Mrs. Leolia Tinsley entertained) Tuesday evening at her home with a j surprise birthday dinner in honor J of Mr. Tinsley's birthday anniver-. sary. ( Following the lovely birthday din- j ner, music and social conversation t were enjoyed. j Those celebrating the event with j Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley were Miss, Grace Hamilton, Miss Hybernia . Shipman, Dewey Moore and Clyde j Hamilton. B & P W CLUB TO MEET NEXT MONDAY NIGHT March meeting of .the Business and Professional Women's club will be held next Monday night at ?:uu o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. ?.? Joines on Jordan street. All members of the club are re quested to be present Monday night. MISSION STUDY CLASS IN SESSION THIS WEEK. The mission study class of the women's missionary society of the Methodist church is holding a special series of meetings four afternoons this week at the home of Mrs. L B. Haynes, who is also leader of the cIass The study book, under discussion is entitled, "Lady Fourth Daughter of China," and is a comprehensive study of present day economic and religious problems in China. The mission study class began o ( Monday afternoon and will conclude , the series with Thursday afternoon's, session. M ATH AT ASIAN _ CLUB TO SERVE SCHOOL LUNCHES. School lunches for the underprivi leged children will be served by the Mathatasian club next week, March 20-24. K The following members will be re i sponsible for five days, two serving 18 Monday, Mrs. C. L. Newland, Mrs T M Gaines; Tuesday, Mrs. Jerrj Jerome, Mrs. Anthony Trantham; , Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Julian Glazener; Thursday. Mr .) Willis Britain. Mrs. Pat kimzey; , Friday, Mrs. Harold Norwood, Mrs.j H. L. Wilson. CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to take this means of ex pressing publicly our appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown us m our recent bereavemet in the loss of our ?ni'ant daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Fortune. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the friends and ?' '?'.t.n for their kindness shown v.. during the illness and death mother. ? & P W CLUB STUDYING PARLIAMENTARY LAW I The Business and Professional Wo-j men's club is engaged this week in a| j series of studies on parliamentary | Jaw, the class being conducted, by J Mayor Ralph H. Ramsey. i The class was organized at its; first meeting Monday night at the! home of Mrs. Cavl McOary. The. second study was heid Wednesday night at Mrs, McCrar.v'3 home, and ha two concluding alasses will 1?! :eld Thursday night at. the home of &rs. M. E. Joiner, and on Friday night, with Miss Mary Allison, be-' I jinning at 8:30 o'clock on both, I oights. Each member if: entitled to invite' jne other person to join the class j and much dene/it is being derived by ? those attending the series of studies,; it is felt. EXECUTIVE BOARD IN MEETING THURSDAY The executive board of the Pres-i byterian auxiliary met i n regular) session Thursday afternoon at t-he I ; me.nse, with 16 members present, i The retiring auxiliary president, Mrs. W. M. Cloud, presided, over the!, meeting. The closing of the year's) work was transacted, and new secre- i i taries of causes elected. Included in the membership present were the i i board officials, secretaries of causes jj and the circle chairmen. LIVINGSTON CIRCLE jj IN REGULAR MEETING. It The Livingston circle held its reg-j ular meeting Friday afternoon at! the home of Mrs. T. W. Philips. !< The Bible study was given by Miss't Louise Ashworth. The topic for t'neit afternoon was "Pcace and Goodwill." jt Mrs. John Ashworth, chairman, pre-.' sided over the meeting. J The circle will hold its next meet-h ing with Mrs. T. P. Ward. ji jt Miss Mary Allison was a Green- i ville visitor over the week-end. 1 < Perry Morrow, of Jacksonville, 1 1 Fla., visited friends in Brevard the.l past week. | Misses Louise Gillespie and Chris- |i !>ne Salt 7. were week-end guests of.\ friends in Canton. Mrs. C. E. Cunningham was a -I visitor in Atlanta several days last ; \ week. Miss Mitchell, nurse at Lyday 1 c Memorial hospital, was called home ; e on account of serious illness in her a family at Greenville. I L. B. Houston and J. W. Bur- d nett. of Greenville, are reported to g be improving nicely in Lyday Mem- a [orial hospital from rcceiv ? led in an automobile wreck near Bre vard. Little Betty Sue Scott is said to be doing nicely at Lyday Memorial hospital, following an. operation per formed two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs, Clifton DuRar.t, of Lynchburg, Va., were the week-end guests of Mrs. Cordia King and Mr. j and Mrs. H. A. DuRant Mr. and Mrs. Henry West and, tv/o children, of Greenville, were I guests Sunday of Rev. J. H. West' ana family. ' Mrs. E. W. Blythe left last week; lor Marior. to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Poteat, af-| ter which she will enter a Charlotte; hospital for examination and treat-: merit. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hartsell andj son, Charles, accompanied Mrs. Rc-j becca Glenn to Asheville Friday.; where Mrs. Glenn caught the train' for Charlotte to be with her mother, Mrs. E. W. Blythe, who is undergo ing treatment in a Charlotte sana torium. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Aiken and John, Harold and Gertie Aiken, of Pickens, S. C. visited their aunt, Mrs. George Glazener. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cantrell are noving from Rice street to the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tranthani on Maple street. Walter and Robert Duckworth, of Marshall, spent Sunday here with I heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. Mrs. F'rank Nails, of Demorest, 3a.. and Miss Ula Jollay, of Moun ain Rest, S. C., returned Sunday to heir respective homes after spending wo weeks with Mrs. Cordia King. Mr. and Sirs. Russell Wells, of Dubuque, Iowa, were guests the past ; veek of Mrs. Julia Trowbridge, en ?oute to their home from a visit to heir orange groves in Florida. Rev. Paul Hartsell spent Wednes lay at Oakboro with his father, Rev. 1 ?. G. Hartsell, in celebration of thej atter's 82nd birthday anniversary. I Mrs. N. H. Carrier and Mrs. Har-1 ?y Clarke spent several days last i v;ek in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. .Toe Bradley, of Greenville, Tenn.. was a business visitor in Bre- ? ?aid last week. Miss Marjorie Young, of W. C. T. ; ollege, Cullowhee, spent the week- i nd in Brevard with friends and rel- ] tives. ] Dr. and Mrs. Thompson and chil- 1 !ren, of Greenville, were week-end j 1 :uests of Mr. and Mrs. Cos Paxton \ t their summer home at Cherryfield. i< i Mioses Ruth, Altr.eda and Willie iKaie Waters ard Rebecca Summey [motored to Greenville for the day ? Saturday. I Rues Hunt left Saturday for Chap i el Hill to re-enter the state univer [sity for the opening of the spring I term. R. B. Lyons and Walter Cobble, of i West Asheville, were Sunday visit ors in Brevard. Mr. Thomas, who has been making Brevard his home for some time bat is spending the winter in Ashaville, visited friends in Brevard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Moody, of Rochester, X. Y., are visiting Mrs. Moody's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yongue. Frank Torlay has qlosed his home in North Brevard and is spending the month of March in Asheville. Mrs. Cos Paxton and children, Madeline and Jimmie, of Greenville, spent the week-end at their summer heme at Cherrytield. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones and chil dren, of Asheville, spent the week end here with Mre. Jones' mother, Mrs. V/. A. Barnette. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sledge and Jimmie Sledge, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end in Brevard with their mother. Mis. F. P. Sledge. R. G. Jennings, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was in the county the past week in the interests of Fairfield Inn, where he is having considerable improve ments made. Miss Mildred Norton, a student st W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nortcn. Mrs. W. H. Harris returned Sat urday from Charlotte, where s"he spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver Crary and family. Mr. and Mrs. Crary accompanied Mrs. Harris on her return to Brevard, re maining here until the following day. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. English, who have both been quite ill. are able to be out again. Lee Arledge, of Greenville, spent Sunday in Brevard with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Case and daughters spent Sunday in Ashe ville. Mrs. J. C. Wikc was a Henderson ville visitor Tuesday. I. L. Marsh left the past week on i business trip to Bridgeport, Conn., after spending some time here with his wife and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beasley. Mrs. Carrie Thrash Dorsett re turned this week from Washington, D. C., where she spent the past sev eral months. Cook With Stored Heat ' In Th?- Electric Oven-Cooker $735 95c Cash $1 Monthly Corona Two-Heat Electric Oven-Cooker For all kinds of electric cookery in the home. Does everything an oven will do. Roasts and bakes brown ? stews ? boils ? steams and fricassees, enough food for an average family meal. Browns foods perfectly, which steam cookers, pressure cook ers and so-called fireless cookers will not do. Cooks largely by stored heat and uses less current than an electric iron. Has two heats ? "high" and "low." "High" heat rapidly brings the oven cooker to temperature desired and then, because of its effec tive insulation, the cooker maintains this temperature with "low" heat. The low operating cost and reduction of food shrinkage in a short time save the cost of this cooker many times over. Operates from any electrical outlet. Equipped with two separate clamp cover containers. Food prepared in the oven-cooker at home can be served hot from it at picnics or other outings. Here's a Sample Menu From the Oven-Cooker Fried Chicken ? Boiled New Potatoes with Parsley Steamed Carrots ? English Peas Hot Biscuits Chocolate Cake Time required ? one and one-half hours ? Cost of electricity one and seven-tenths cents. Phone 116 and our representative will bring this cooker or any appliance to your home for your inspection. Electricity Is Cheap ? Use It Freely Southern Public Utilities Co. Tune in On Our Rad'c Program WBT ? ~:!5 A. ft?. ? Monday ? Fu'day

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