U. 11 t MSiiT. A .1 is call. Eni.i noon ;u All jiicj. enH for ' ant matte EXF.CUTi WOiVi JN'h A riuei'i , of the Wm.. held Friday . the heme of '? Florence tv.n.. ?j board are . J. D. C. . vrs. 0. L. lay ai'ter ? h'j library. .1 to be pres-j of import W OF ?ii xccutive board ? . cl.'b will be t ;-.t 4 o'clock at president, Miss ? ? 1 -~t of the ! c> attend this meetirg Friday t.: vrnoon. M!'?'. -VF"Vr to ii" n-yy Mrs., i: i\ ?> the .me.K^K o' t at th ? regu lav ' hsid yesterd -y i ' on Fr.:fc; ct .-5' reft. An euji>y;i':'" "O' rrss si r ? ? r ? . is hostess to ' . 1 ic : <? ay club ci tho club ??? ?i at her home on the sub ject of Natui-.-'s Oav.'ens was pr sented 1:> Mrs. Ki'.t-i Mi-Minn, tol-j litis,- ;,U > ' lg fvets tv'n'.ing to wild! flo\vi rs. Mrs. A. H. TCir'.er sang a I beau ia:l solo appropriate to the! srb'>ct. ! ho business st in charge oi lie piv ivit.?t, Mr'-. KiAton Mc T< ?!. v.-:;s held prccvJins the pro pi ,i, after which refreshments were s . .d by the ho;: ess. ft" :irMA!\FIt$ C'.SSS ix r:?-:auf,AR pjxetivg meetiiu; of the Home-! niakcis el I -.- of tht' Baptist church was he'd Tuesday afternoon, April 18, ar ? ie home of Mrs. Avery Case, j wi'.h I I members present. Mr. . S. W. Radford, class presi dent, was in chargi; of tho business me,.: i which was o" a routine na ture. j The hostess served delicious re freshments '(h-ring the social hour. -: ".i -i : , p i y m t* ?* t " \ : U- s : '??' :> \ia-. w It Si" C cr i? <9 - : i J - **. a-.? lift SI' . . 1 L ti-' Arid Ysv\: J.. ? -> V'.'t -A 7-?i in. ,V i'Jo ' ..! H i:-, :!:?'* to Go f.vjVr-'Uir I'.r.d ? r.t.rc' ? ? . 'oil I't ?i-; -.'i t' . ^u< i &nr .<\\d V 4- ? - it. . \ :i ilW and the wor!?l .v :t ???: of saUs. ? ????v'y v: rf>. w inv; ,you s^adeniy !. of sunshine. ?* tT.ly mov?' th?? n't Rt t at ry ur fif>w:i-anU-out i biV. thai (* ? H i- . 1 i f '?* >? ". 'v f. uki pour out, two poufK.j i>i iu;uld bi!^ i' -o .your bowels daily. !l" is n.'.t flowing, freely, your food fioiij : d; ..??t. It. jt?st ? :vy^ in the bowels. iizs :.i :??? up x (huh. 'ju I t: T.V ?kin ?'?t- a br-'-K : jti-Lv ?; :.rid y ?i f ?>: ::l tS -OJ* '? Tt . :. Au You have a ?id your hreath is foul. in hl.'mishcs. Your head Ccwd aiid out. Your wholo I 1 ITT l f ... -? b:r:r.\ I .:!o Li\ ? Li < ? root, old CARTE TVS . PiLJ.iJ to get these two : ;tj- freely ;,nd make you . Tiioy contain wonderful, vote? ble osfricts. araazinj? to nuiang ;le How freely. : f r Uv?t pills. Ask for Carter's i. Look for l':o naroe Carter'!* r 1 ,i!i on tie red<lab/>L Resent a ??:.v-.riiute. at all atarvi. 0 11'31 C. M. Co. AUiXLIARY m SETS AT CHURCH WEDNESDAY The Auxiliary of thq Presbyter ian church held the regular month ly meeting Wednesday afternoon a' the church, with the newly clectc) president. Miss Annie Jean Cash presiding. The transaction of business wai tho main feature, there being no pro gram at this meeting. Because o: more convenience to the members cha meeting was held on Wednesdaj instead of the regular meeting dat< on ihe third Thursday. CIVIC CLUB TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON May meeting i>f the Women's Civic club will bo held Monday afternoor ;it :!.-o0 o'clock at the library. A1 members anil any ladies of the towr desiring to become members are , in vited to attend. SECOND GRADE GIVES DELIGH YFUL PROGRAM "A Garden in Japan" was a de lightful operetta presented by the second grade pupils of Miss Ruth Waters of the Brevard primary school Friday morning at the regular chapel period. The stage setting was most at tractive, with its Oriental effect ol clinging vines, roses, wisteria, but terflies in vari-colored designs, antl a Japanese trdlised arbor with it5 over-hanging flowers and vines. A huge Japanese parasol covered with crepe paper and butterflies in blind ing shades, a miniature flower gard en and the appropriate costumes worn by the children all combined to add to the effectiveness of the scene. The operetta and the costumes were the original composition and design of Mi:;-. Waters. The main character.-; in the play v.ere: M:.ry Oovpton, Billy Kilpai vide. bi>t!;>liv:V Wyatl. Uoy Trotter, 'ohnr.ie Nelson, ['' race Banks, Wil lutni Allison, H Men Allison. Roy Trotter. Kl'yrb -tii S}V" ,-"e. re-mid and Katherine Simpson, toy orchestra leader. LCCAL GIRL GIVES 1 ccorsr OF HER SCHOOL Miss Bertha .lean Hampton, who - attending Montreal Normal, Pkf lyferial school at Montreal, was ie i f two students from that insti :-.:t!an to appear on the program at he i' ,-i r. of the Presbytcrial held Brevard last week, giving en ae ? lt of the work and life at Mon , i .? ;'.t. Miss Hampton, who is an honor : .ii'.c-nr at Montreal this year, has| en awarded the R. 1'. Smith foun-i lation scholarship at this school for] v' year. Many expressions of.' ? vii'se were heaiii over the splendid; .ill: given by Miss Hampton at the j ?n'Vrence her?. I Mi x Hampton rpent the week-end j :i- iting her mother, Mrs. Thomas j lamp ton J,r. j CARD OF THANKS \ We wish to thank our friends nn<f ? ? 'gibers fr.r their kindness shown! during the illness and death o." ur lewd one, Miss Sarah Florer.o ? | and f..r the beautiful flora I { fferings. j The Family. Undertakers Funeral Directors We can give ; u funeral Stn'tee in every -peet that will equal any fur. director in Xorth Carolina We Do i l:W ? " ?'? AV. have a Licensed Kmbalm er > do this work . . . one whose we ' k has been outstanding for years. Lady Assistant ioxt CiiildrA:. and Ladies 0'ir stock of Caskets, snp pi:. -, and needs is complete and "uv char. ires arc very i-ea.v liable. AMBULANCE SERVICE Day or Night Day Phone Night Phone ss 250 or 159 MOORE and OSBORNE Nix' Door Clemson Theatre NOTICE OF SALE OF I.A XD Under and by virtue of the auth ority conferred by deed of trust executed by C. S. Osborne and wife, I Ellen Osborne and M. M. Bishop | (Widow), dated the 1st day of Jan (uary, and recorded in Book 27 ! Sec. 2, Page 12. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania' County, Jefferson E. Owens, Sub stituted Trustee, will at twelve] o'clock Noon on MONDAY. MAY 15th 1933 [at the Court House Door of Tran-j sylvania County in Brevard. North; Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to-wit: Lying in the Town of Brevard and on the South side of Whitmire Street, and being part of Lot No. 11 of the W. E. Bishop estate. BEGINNING on an iron stake onj the South margin of Whitmire j Street, the corner between Lots Nos. ' 10 and U, said stake located 1 85 j feet from the intersection of Whit- : mire Street with the EaSt margin of | D'.vot Street, and runs with the! South margin of Whitmire Street . j 1 Nc rth 3-4 deg. West 45 feet to a it ".??.ke in the South margin of Whit- 1 mire Street and 140 feet from the in 1 i-spction of Whitmire Street with 1 Depot Street; thence South lfi 1-1 i>"g'. West 75 feet to a stake in | Frank Jenkin's line; thence with his> ine South 73 3-4 Deg. East 45 feet J ' :o stake at Frank Jenkin's eov- j ?i ? thence North 1G 1-4 Deg. East 5 feet to the BEGINNING. !l This sale is made on account of I c i.'fauit in payment of the indebted- j - less secured by said deed of trust. J ^ \ five percent (5' - ) cash deposit!" vili be required of the highest bid-'1 let- at the sale. I ' This the 8th day of April. 1933. I" JEFFERSON E. OWENS, j '' SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE s 2032) i n t? Apr. 13?20?27 May 4?11. j "PAINT FOR LESS" Ready-Mixed Paint $1.25 gal. up Riltmore Shingle Stain 75c to 85c gal. .Lucas Calcimine 5c pound Lucas Auto Enamel .... 60c quart, 30c pint Pure Orange Shellac $1.75 gal. .Bradley's BILTMORE FLOOR WAX, 2 pounds 75c. All New Quality Goods ai 1933 Prices BRADLEY'S PAINT STORE Phone 570 72 N. Lexington Asheville, N. C. M is. Thomas Wood Paxtori, who was before her marriap.' on Tuesday, April !K, Miss Mary Osborne Wilkin.'., of Brevard, daughter of Mrs. Madge Osborne Wilkins an<' the late Ch-sri-s ]'. W i I !: i n ". Mr. and Mrs. Paxton are now making their home at the Pax ton summer home near Brevard. BLANTYSE BREEZE; Mrs. J. T. Justur. sp'.nt Sunday a tirnooh with Mrs. R. V. Duncan. Swan tec Drake of Big Willow w; in this section last week Raymond Reed spent a few da; 311 Doylston last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babb ai children Patsy and Buddie \vl spent last summer at French Bros Park are now in Brevard and wei ?ailing 011 B. A. Twichell here Sui ?lay. Miss Mary Ellen Reed and Ra!p Reed visited Mr. and Mrs. Wn Moore Saturday evening. Emmet Brown of Boylston wr .'isiling relatives here last week. Misses Geneva Drake and Wlin Allison visited Miss Mary Ellc Reed recently. Miss Da 1 1 is Glazeni n" the Connestet section was visi n g in our community last \v, ' . Misses Jewel and Helen Justii ittended church at Blantyiv Sui lay. v.it.1 Cinv r.f Plr>>!K5int (I rove visi ed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore recen ly. Alden Drake of Pleasant Groi was in our community last Sunday We are sorry to hear that litt Inez Reid daughter of Mr. and Mr Frank Reid is not very much in proved. The little irirl was seriou; ly burned at her home near Blai tyre several days ago when hi clothing caught fire she was take to Lyday Memorial hospital at Biv card. Mrs. Reid is spending tti Jays with her child. Otho Scott called on relatives her asr week and says his little ilantrl1 :er Betty Sue is improving hut sh las to be taken to t'h:* doctor : >ther day. Miss Mary Ellen visited Mr. am Mrs. W. A. Lyday at Pisgah Fores ecent.lv. Millfred Morgan of Etowah visit (I his daughter Mrs. Claim!.- Jus us Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore had a heir guest last week-end Mrs Inorc's brother Mr. Carl Woodfin. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lance spen! he week-end with Mrs. Lance's pai nts Mr. and Mrs. Avery Justus oi ilantyre. Junius Iluggins attended li. Y. P. '. services at Blantyre Sunday EXECUTOR'S NOTICE" totr of North Carolina, ratinyloamut County . /.V THE SUPERIOR COURT Having qualified as executor of te estate of B. C. Batson, de rased, late of Transylvania County, . C. this is to notify all persons aving claims against the estate the deceased, to exhibit them to ie undersigned on or before the Jtii day of April, 1934, or this >tice will be plead in bar of their ?covery. All persons indebted to the lid estate will please make im ediate payment. This the 12th day of April. 1933. K. R. GALLOWAY. Executor of Estate of B. C. Batson, deceased. Apr 13.20.27 May 4, 11, IS notice Brevard, N. C., April 20th 1933. The Annual Stockholders meet g of the Transylvania Railroad, mipany will be held at the general! fices of the company in the Mc-j inn Building, Brevard, N. ('., on I ednesday, the 3rd day of May J 33, at 10 o'clock a. m. for thej 'ction of officers and directors to j rve during the ensuing year, and! r the transaction of any other i siness that may come before the! leting. j A. K. ORR, ir. 20 ? 27 Secretary j i j OAKLAND NEWS 15 N I Mr and Mrs. J. I;. Sunders vUitC' j M r.<. Sanders' mother, Mrs. Wtls-ir in South Carolina recently. .1. C. Reid, of Knoxville, Tenn is spending his vacation hole wit! his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid Mrs. Earle l.anninc visited Mrs io;Thad Guy one day last week, id; Mrs. E. R. Reid called on J' is. W "c F. MeGall Friday afternoon. 1" ! Mr. and Mrs Wood Hinkf- an Homer Chappel of the Bolieny s e h tion visited the lattcr's mother Mrs 11. Clyde* Thursday. Mrs. V,'. F. McCall and her mi is Mrs. Lee Norton visited Mrs. M:rj ;B urges* and family Thursday ;.?- ?!? a noon. " Clarctuv .Corton matte a businc '? tiiii .1 Cht-rryfieJd last week. Mr. am! Mis. Russell Fisl r six:", the week-end with friends and rcls 13 tiv"s in Bohcney. Mis> Evon Sanders spent Satnr | <!r. i ? ' ? !;; at Lake Toxaway wi ! !';h.v i: i iadpareiits Mr. and Mrs. S Sanders. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Sanders had *u -ts last week their nephev { u - i'itts and his bride oi' Pensa i M-la Florida. Thad Guy spent the week-end her: wit!: his family. Otto Alexander of Br vard ar-1 y- Lee Philips c:ill"d on Mr. and Mi'?. jT'iad Guy Sunday afternoon. : John Lyday was in Rosman Sat jurday on business. j Taylor Lee of Lake Toxaway , -per: Friday with W. F. McCall. ! Fred McNeely and sons Charles. [{Hay and Ted. and Mrs. Jess Breed . love, visited friends at Morgan!: r. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J L. Sanders werei dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and! 'Mrs. I. S. Sanders j Mrs. Mary Burgess and little nephew, Kile Galloway spent Sun ?day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanders and family. Misses Coy and Floy Philips had girl friends of the Wolf Mountain' ( j t_etion visiting thorn over the week-i :cn 1. I Miss Myrtle MeCa'l spent Sunday! . with .Miss Evon Sander". J Ray Rigdon spent Sunday after- j ; roon with I ;?>?? SkkWs. Miss Pearl r!- >:>aell visited M's: I . Connie rhnppell Sundav. | .Tes" Cash of the B'hen'v scctiani , visi' d his brother L. E. Cash las' | ' week. | jA t d hit of individual work was. ' ili.no last week at Lake Toxaway i ' eoneterr which shows ?'hat some; folks s ill remember their loved ones.) and w" are wondering who will suit-, gist that we make a community | working at Lake Toxaway Baptis1 ! church and finish the work that wis; ?Parted bv the welfare giving th?' unemployed something tn do but stenped before the work was com pleted. What was dene is a great help bet it surely docs need finish ing and there are those amonr us who reallv need work that would be glad tn finish the i-V A few of the faithful ones gath ered at. Reid's r"nv't*>rv Saturday end planted dahlia" and other flowers hut did not finish all that was needed to be done. So if * tins e who should be especially interested should care to work later they will find plenty to do. night IV r. Muggins is a good sing Jr. We enjoyed his visit and ho"f 4e will come back again s^on. D. R. Tusfcils and daughters Misses Jew- j il am? Helen were also present and , iss5||?d in singing. We appreciate htfr presence very much and hope ! ft.ey will attend regularly. : (id i a i |th'-sr honey rr.. 1 1 home ??? May. 3 old: ilr. an>i i. was an Ashe "ir. i i CLh: ? e i ^'ith nis . . ?hilJivi \ho are sperx'in;" inij Mrs, A. ' Hsi[ Mi, a.::'. *i. < turned Friday r-om [tup and are nc.?; at Brevard. j Mrs. Verne Oie.i i ?day from a tw , wi* I mother in Erwin, T'e i.. 12. ia.vivu'.*, 04 [business visitor in Robert Kellar, of |V Brevard visitor Sun ! Jack Fonville, of !p old. I ? "o . i: jjuesi at ilie hame ><f C. Yongue. Miss Iiowena Orr ville visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. jlV. Jerks ?little daughter. 011ii> Bell.), j several days last wcj'.h visiting .<i' ;Jcnks' parents in T<hnesse?. j Dr. Roy Long ij able i }<? I again after being <fuite ,ll . .I Ill >rne the past week. ; j Mrs. A. G. B.irnes, of V.j - ;y . iFla., i-> visiting fur aunt* i." [Misses Shipman, at jWalrut r: : . 1 Mrs Johnnie Hudson and |son, Johnnie .!r., havfe returned frr.ri Ja week's visit with JjSIrs. Hu ! :o,i 1 1 j Shelby. Little Marthh Lee ITud: jTctumed to lirovard \j.".th them, i'i'i1.' 1 spending the winter in Shelby v.ili' ht..- irrardmothcr. , Alf Glazer.er, of Amderron, S. < . is visiting bis sister, Mrs. A. 0. ?Kitchen. , . Misses Agnes and Josephine Clay iton, Ruth Waters and Mrs. Theodore 'R-. i:i were visitors in. Asheville Sat urday. : . Ed Orr and Rue? Hunt returned, w .day to Chanel Hill to resume, ! jh-ir studies, after spending the ! siuing vacation here. ' Mrs. Cos Paxton and Mr. and I r.* r: Wood I'axtor mntored to Green- ( I v'i'c f;.r the dav Saturday. 1 .'.'j Vipodsky is able to Iv out la-zair afl^r being confined at his. I ho, ?e 11 Franklin avenue on account! of illness. j Ernest Miller, who has emp.oyment, ii, Asheviile, spent Sunday here; 1 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L-. lM. Miller. ? j Mrs. Clarence Poole was a Hon I o..- r. nville visitor Monday. ? ; Misses Mamie and flora Lyday 'and" Mrs. Boyce Walker motored to i lAshovillo for the day Saturday. J ti: Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Patten Jr. andj 1 .daughter, Rebecca, Mrs F. Brown; : Curr. Mrs. W W. Ooushorn andj Mr-'. Boyce Walker were among Iho. r,';local people visiting Asheville Ihurs-j 'dav. , | "j Mrs. Julia Trowbridge and daugh ter Miss Alma, were guests Thwrs-j day of Pres. and Mrs. C. Ii. Trow- j ? j bridge in Wi averville ( Rev .1 H West had a? his guest ? , I Mondav the Rev I. B Hay";, pre-; !?id:v<? elder of the Waynesville dis- : .|t'ii+r and Rev. Mr. Clarke. past>'| i ,-,f the Canton Methodist church Th . , thr-'j mer. enjoyed playing on :he| polf course during the day. the visit- 1 . :ors being high in their pra:.;":; <'f 'hO| j Brevard course. ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony IVan'-ham j left Sunday by motor for an ext cd visit with Mrs. '[ rantham s | .i" cnts in Oklahoma City. Okla. ????r } t heir return to Brevard th<y expee ito visit Mrs. Trant ham's .slsvr, i Mrs. J. F. Winton, and family i;i . jLir.n, Mo. j< Mrs. Jack Raymond, of Charlotte. < . jwas the week-end guest of her father IT. L. Snelson, and family. The many friends of Mrs. Wirt 1 te n Ashworth will he srlad to know j the. t she is able to be out anain ai iter an operation and an illness of [the pr.-t ithree months. ' Pete Breese, of Memphis, Tenn , ?was the week-end tfuost of his par .viinf ; ea . ?T . >e Holt, r.;,\ Vv'hit j visits i'ri > ' i c children, of ' i; . . ..- 'i ralc.ivas as enrsfec 'si, ? I > ..i . \V. II. Ducl-.v. irth ? t.-. ...o:'.-/ Walter ' '*? ' 1 ? -i 6, ilju-sl-all, F " '"?< ' !, Ii> Gicck ? ?- j., a..d G. C. :_v f /H.J. '? 1 ; ata! v>ti, John, < " " . r : t'uncuy '/utsts . ? :i. First' r. J ano mother, of Sunday with Mr. *<1 i:... . I". P:> ?.?{.'? Jr. ?f Puck worth a::d chil ?/f!T -TJests Su?* former's parents, Mr. A. IT. IlarrK i f Ch'n l visited his over tli.? week -end. Oi.-.:t\v i-ih, who has been in n- . ? >v >? v.-o.-k iii Charles City, v'th hi: p- ents, Mr. and i.I; ? 1 il. Duckworth. IJowem S'i SMify, ?drs. Jer ry .no r?r?;I Waiter Hart motored 1c * .-isle for the day Monday. M'v. fk*or?r:? Gtazcn is .spending ?r.r ':r-e at the home of Mr. and St'? W (Duckworth. .'r ,J. W. Dcwnsg of the Woman's ?t. >( nary Council, Nashville, Tonn. >r. i Kucst at Br-:vr.rd Institute this week. ?.irs. O. Q. OiT hi- boon confined !:c- home !h< j.:i : week on ac cnmt of iKne?"-. Rv. r. L. Ah 'er returned the first of tha week 'rum Bay Springs, "'i-;:;.. whore !?? wsi - catted ?n ac coun*. [>?' t'u 5i i Iiis father. Anr lincscv r .,;nic by Mr. and 1.1 re. Gl<-nn fxokn!C:i of the birth of ?t. son. Chnr! Ray, Saturday, April 22. I rintoj: > ? dee. Miss !)aisj i;;"er i.nd Miss Marv Floyd, of Bivv;ini < i.stitutt, attend ed the :: ?] ! ? ; ^ t ? ? ? tr cf the Wo men's Missionary society of the if: !h';<!Nt church e -nv> pinp in Way nusvill ? In.1' w. el, both appealing on th? prngr-tm. Mr. and M: =. .1. S. Nicholson and :<on Richard are i i improving after attacks of flu. TRY 0UR W5NT ADS Thev Come Back -> ? Proof of the assertion % thai we arc pleasing our g customers is the fact that % they keep on coming back % again and again. * UflHfl Try The * P, and G. CAFE % I And wt- believe you will % be another regular custo- * mor added to our list of * people who like * * f GOOD EATS | P-Vine Gmnie | Price Wood % ?? .Vi. .;. a .; ?* GRADUATION PHOTOGRAPHS SIX Portrait studies -for expertly lighted, retouch ed and artistically mount- $ t.60 ed in 3\'z x 5" folders. .... H^RIENDS and relatives wouid love to get n one. And surely you want to perpetuate the memory of your "happy Graduation day" with a PHOTOGRAPH ' of yourself? . nunge for it now. Phone 138 For Appointment AUSTIN'S STUDIO 22 BROADWAY

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