U i lVIM to m m lEsoAf Several Papih r?- F?<- ? T- Make Up Wotk fcro F'ssit Wecne Graduation exorcise. 'Jivvuiv EU'??v.::tary rcheo! -will :;vv? the j;ramm!>r school aut. Tuesday evening, Maj : .... o'clock. Professor Julian A. C'< ? give .he literary ad Ires:'-, \ ; i fessor J- E- Ruf(y, prinr' ! senting the diplomas to t!\ invgo class. Program as an^ounc d f ??? ti'a event follows: Sons, by the el". sr * invocation, Rev. J. H. West; song-, class: saH'. tatory, Robert Kalian; ciass history, Billy Nicholson: ;>ocm, Shirley Zach ary; prophecy, Vbcrt Shuford; grumbler. Clara A Mishn ; '?>=' and testament; Kathryn Fc" valedictory. Arbutus Aiken; 1: ary address. Prof. J. A. Glazen- : pre sentation of history medal :entber of P. A. R-: presentation ? ' seventh grade certificates. Prof Rufty; song, by the class. I Cha s Allen is president, of the! chu s Kiith Owen is vice president' nnd S ? 'M Teas* ue, secretary. The, class ii'-wci- is s\v. ;>t pea; colors,; pink ? 1 v. roen ; motto, "Watch lis' cr.'V _ j The .ii.Aving pupils ar:> scheduled . for gr: "'.tier, ? Arbutus Aiken, Cln- , ra A ' Naomi Briggs. Nell ' Bowt . Ri-'h"! Bower. K-J'hryn [ " ? IN.., I Ca- . 11 mid, % i r:' - , , T . 1 ; :i" -n Ruby Per-' ?y ? ! 1 rm id. Katbiyri Ful- ?! tea. v G"il" : re a Gallo-j way. r'laral !le ' Gr.ven, Kin ra Oral:'. ('v.- ";i"lvi <:-vor.is. Evelyn ; Harri. 1 tli -r "x amin: ' in i ' r ' > make ? ????'? r.v grade a->d I . ? a' ?*!>."! j > - : 'tinn an- Cherl-s All a, Rilev P rldin;: field. "d son. Wil'ivm Case. Klmo (?'???? ? V 1 '1 0 1 ? ? * ' : v.* f > ! ?>. Richard !?:??? '-'rwiv I'd par C 'Te-v i ? i ?!!:.!. ("? J a-.-i. -? . ? PUiar C'-m-.s! I nff's, G"v Msill, -loo Jlc.lunkins, W'i'l::.ni \ a, BHlv Nicholson, ; ?la' I'i. ?';!?!!u. who ha; l-sen ill for the past week is not improved at this writing. Mr. "t"l ? is. Ov: Kitchen -nerit Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Owen. Mi- R-.-sio McCall -pent Satur day right as gue-t of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow McCall and . hildrr n were Balsam Grove visitors Sunday. ]'"*!? /fad /{e/ie/ ^Wnt NEURALGIA There is no known medicine that works quite like Bayer Aspirin for the awful bead and face pains of neuralgia. The speed of these tablets, and their perfect safety, makes ihem invaluable in relieving suffering of this severe" kind. ? Doctors know this peculiar efficacy of Bayer Aspirin in neuritic pain, and they insist on Ihe tablets of Bayer manufacture. Bayer Aspirin is safe. You coulo lake it every day in Ihe year without any ill effect. II dots not depress Iht heart. So, stick to this proven product with proven directions. Safe uniform, dependable. Buy the bottle of 100 tablets at the oew reduced price! ? JL i.-- > v*?. 5K.-4' " , s i . T Brc H\. ? ? I be* in on Sun vt ir:; ?ii ipht oVlock. wher> :i Hit. . -i-i Win on Sun . . ,u , ,ay , veaii^, v,iu. i, paste;' ?t>*' r a* 1 ' '-terian church, wiii ' hy >'? ',:v - ? a ? ? .laureate sermon ai. .? -ft.un Bess Pender, ? ? j.ios ! auditorium. j Ider : Bila Mae Scruggs, >xtatwey cises, both class: .nd B. P. Gillespie, treasurer. ing exercises, will Complete program follows: Evening-, April Thirtieth 8:00 O'clock Mr. Alvin .'I acre Rev. 1 : \rvy p riy . Mi: Music I.ovor.'' Club i Rev. Pan! Hi?.r.:seli Music i Club . Mr. J. B. Jon-, s Rev. R. L. Alexander Rev. J. West !o. i 'vil Mv. Alvin Moors MARSHALS Christine Yongue, Chief Elizabeth McCoy Helen Henderson Margaret Fullbright Charlotte Patton Harold Duckw. r'h Edgar Loftis .lr.rnes Di'avt-r Mack Allison Wednesday .Evening, May Third 8:00 O'clock Prologue Silicic Orchestra Salutatory Justine W right Scene r A Forest The SI" rif ?" of Nottingham and hits sialwart imT. ; an un fortunate serf; Princo John and hi ' rotsiin .s. Scene II The Coming ef the May Epilngu" Yaitvictury Ella M- K Must ? Tincuc B ' '! Air. Ai Procesnoral .... Orchestra Presentation <-T Diplomas Mr. J. .s :?>: '? School J-ong 5' n ? ? : ' ('lass Colors Orchiil a ] ? ?c.. s < ' ; M ' t;> - - !! ???'. mi; i M.r-i'OtR: Mary Ann Ranwey Donald Mcl.-eod CI! ARM'. '".:;uS of t e May Day Exorcises Que " of Th ? May Mary Denmaa Maid of Honor Kdna ..'?? i n THE COURT Et.lul R:\xUr :',?!! D:,,!--vorth i ! .Joints Helen Ki'win I;-.-. h f?n;T;rs ' |> 1 Morris J?H '.ii'.rrojl I.oi: "iarnefctf Bf?s fond; r | Ifi Wood !!(?;; ;ri< Vir^lni:'. Vv'iif"'."n Ruth Wyiic ? c-ialtz smith V/il-if Kati Water? i HERALDS ?i- ,:-i!'ov.vi> Ka t'le Fu!luyi/hl PACES Clydi S!n:!(ird John Mil' r ? \ R :?!i ! iattk .! liti ,'i.TUt W'i! ???i - ? SfY-Uir '? ; ! Shadow ; i Hbi'i-' ' ( ! \'< ? Shi . i'hi ?-? ')'? ' K,-:. . . a 1!. I K ? t M ? t a i i i: . : . ?: ; II' j o Ot'.is . M-rriju ?? d : ! ,\ :? Kar! 'Cilpatrifk w;, . Jnclc Lyday Pi', ? ' Ruth PiclcelsiuuT v.',' . ? ? ???? liheueinma Beddinu'fidd DANCE OF VILLAGE MAIDS Serf Prinw J< hit I'm: ?? K.lainers Blonde! Wilt! Piani Dallas Gla/.ener Ethyl Leo Layne Mildred Whitmire Julia Wilson Mary Kllen Rood Justine Wright Idell Tinsley Clara Barnette R9SMAN HIGH EVENT ON NEXT WEDNESDAY Dr. John E. Calfee Will Be Principal Speaker For Seniors' Exercises ROSMAN, April 2(>. ? Graduating exercises ot' Rosman High school will be held oil Wednesday evening, May ?'!. beginning at eight o'clock. Address will be made by Dr. John K. Calfee, president of Asheville Normal, an outstanding speaker oil his section of the state and an edu- I cater of note. j Complete program follows: Processional, class ; invocation, R(.v. J. K. Burt; salutatory, Louise jGluzener; valedictory, Ruth Jordan; | address, Dr. John E. vC;^lfeo ; pie | mentation of diplomas," Prof. T. C. i Henderson; distribution of honor ?presents; sonjj, America; benedic-1 lion. Rev. J. N. Hall. Ushers for the occasion will be'. | Sari White, Gertrude Breedlove.l ; Russel Duncan, Beatrice Woodard, j I Victor Sigmon, Ophelia White, Allen J I White. ? OF TRUSTEE'S SALE i Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed, by P. J. Ash worth to Carl Hardin, Trustee, dat :>d the 25th day of May 1925, and recorded in Book 18 page 575 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, I will, at Twelve O'clock M. on WEDNESDAY THE 17th DAY OF MAY, 1933, at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, sell at public Auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following described land, to-wit: Being Lot No. 4 of the James Bracken land near the Town of Brevard on Brushy Creek, and be ing the same land conveyed by H. Bracken to J. A. Ashv/orth, deed ?lated May 25th, 1925, recorded in j^ook 50 it 'iige 1(17 of the deed I records of Transylvania County, SEVENTH GRADERS IN GRADUATION EVENT Rosman Elementary School To Give Final Exercises Tuesday Afternoon KOSMAN, April 26 ? Graduation exorcises of Rosman Elementary school will be held next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. R. L Alexander scheduled to make the address to graduates. Program for the event is as fol !ows: Song, elementary chorus; in vocation. Rev. J. X. Hall; saluta tory. Herbert Woodard; president's address, Hazel Moore; who's who, Julia Jordan; valedictory, Quinton Crane; song, elementary chorus; ad dress, Rev. R. L. Alexander; pre sentation of diplomas, Professor R T. ICimzey, principal; acceptance of diplomas, class; presentation of his tory medal, D. A. R.; class song; benediction, Rev. J. E. Burt. Class colors of pink and white will be displayed, as will the class mctto, "He Who Labors, Conquers." Ushers for the occasion will be D>> \ie White, Lucile Galloway, Ruby Glazontr, Margaret White, Allen Sisk, Jr., Ray Winchester. Included on the graduation roll are; Quinton Crane, Herbert Woodard. Charles Clark. Earl Duncan. Alfred Gillespie, Fred Gillespie, Tom Glaz ener, Russell Green, Donald Nelson, James Parson, N'ath Passmore, Au burn Waldrop, Archie Whitmire, La mor Whitmire, Hazel Moore, An inice Whitmire, Helen Summey, Tom imie Reynolds, Ruby Love, Julia ! Jordan. Elizabeth Gravely, Carolyn jGarren, Hilda Galloway. , The irish potato crop of eastern Carolina is reported up to good stand and sweet potato beds sprouting well. reference to which deed is made for j th" purpose of a description. j This 15th day of April 1933. CARL HARDIN, Trustee 'Apr. 20?27 May 4?11. 6 i . ? i L vj. viCi I \H Mb v j J' , ait i l> ftiM I T, . :J : J- is J ho 0.f l'"-< ? J; ? V. .1 ; ' (Jl j 1 tc":i >c >1 .? *'m! n." . - )>' ?. *? I a i . V i < ? ii;r ? ' '' ."c.k, to IteJ i .i> :) in the high school auditorium i o'srht o'clock. Mmibers of the class have fccwij v/orfcirg hard for a number of weeks !)? c ' x to make ths play n suscciis j very ytandpoint, rn " a lin?? iiji/ . />? ^ i. o'c" ' 1 Oriiar cvjiitr. of the seniors wass will ioliow, wit!, tils baccalaar?:ai sennon Sunday afterncon. Following is complete program fry; the senior play: "SAMMY" CAST OF CHARACTERS Leander Perkins ? A prosperous farmer Ernest Pa:ig;e Miranda Terkins ? His wife Lucille Henderson Samantha ("Sammy" for short) Their Daughter. . .Betty Nelson Ckm ? Their Son Rain Jordan .Susy ? Their "Youngest" Catherine Waldrop Adoniram Hawks ? Who "walks out." with Sammy. .Frank Israel Malcolm Richards ( Two Entertaining j Wallace Gillespie '?crbT' Spear ... ' College Youths I Ralph Eldridge Cyrus Field ? A New York Capitalist Walter Rc.tc, Jr. Natalie Field ? His Daughter I.ouise Glazener Junior Field- ? His Son Charles Glazener Trone Gray? His Ward Helen Owen Miss Leila Barton ? His Sister-in-law Ruth Jordan Annie ? Miss Barton's Confidential Maid Gladys Gilie: pi? Friends, neighbors and acquaintences of the Perkins: Mrs. Seroogins Virginia Brunei M:.;s Fitt Ruth Moore Miss Crocket Frances Morgan Miss Beagle Annie I.aura Sijngietary j Mrs. Snyder Home: Clark Mrs. Smithers Cecil Gal! way Guests at the Annex Miss Cranston Myrtle Bryson Mrs. Hogan Hoien Owen M'ss Louise Grant Gladys Gillespie Mrs. Lorene Eubar.ks Ruth Jordan Mrs. Belks Harry Morgan Mrs. Belton Frank Tinsley Performances at the show: Tri.-. -"Swing Low Sweet Chariot" Mrs. Smithers Cecil Gr.l'oway Mrs. Belton Frank Tinsiey Mrs. Belles ...Harry Morgan N ;tni Sermon ? By Parson Peace... -ne Hoi -.or Clark SETT ^ Or ACT Plr^g-rrom of Perl ir- farm-h , on a summer afternoon. ACT : Living room at Miss Barton's house, the next day. ACT M Same as Act I, ' days later. SYNOPSIS 'Pnrfer Perkins, who is a !? I old farmer, rents the Annex to summer boarders. Two coikge boys give a demonstra tion n Pi " ? Ever Aluminum Ware and gaes:.s from the Annex it'll Mentis of the Perkins attend. The demonstration is brought to a elo; e by :t sudden shriek. Junior propesvs to iV'r." my and ex pla a ?; hi- hasty prop:/ al is due to the sudden illness of his fav urate aunt. They received a telegram from Miss Barton, )>?"' r':- ' -it, telling them to come at o:;ee. Sammy leaves with Junior Field. Sammy and Junior arrive at Mi s Barton's, but Sammy be riTir.-- ?? . y ? ! ov r t'ee njarriagc situation. and v.- r.ders: \ i ti.o outer.!, ic will It ? Junior's father visit the I'. : :' to ??t. .1 up matters. Mr. and Mrs. Ler.nder Perkins arrive at M: ti: . >??!'? ui1 ? j ' ".i. Sammy and Miss Barton select Sarr. '! ' ? ' va'.i, Sa. and Junior Icav ? as they had planned "" e is iji::: ? a bii. 'I di.-'cust inn as to who will own the An te-: !a!! end Adcnir-m Hawks try t) bay the Anne::, and . ?> ; ?'! Barter. who wants to give it to Junior and Sa.nniy , far a we:M'ne: present, but they find out later that the Annex ! :liy belnr.g- to Sammy anyivsy wlv.-n she becomes of age. A party is given in the Perkins home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Perkins' wedding anniversary and all the guests at the An nex. friends of the Perkins family, are well entertained by a gn tip of .pecial entertainers. The play closes amid a riot of good spirit, and curtain falls at the unexpected announcement of FOUR weddings. 1 SELSCA NEWS | Our farmers are busy planting their crops here and have had fine weather for their work. . .). \\\ Dickson and sons thrashed 75 bushels ..f lespedeza seed last week. The cutting from four acres after being graded was estimated at 50 or CO bushels. This is the Korean var iety. one of the four outstanding early grown in the south. These seed arc. being sown on 50 acres of rye for soil building, and we believe will add a new page to the farm history for our section. Rev. J. N. Hall preached a splen did sermon at the Methodist church Sunday morning from Phil. 14, theme. "Concentration on Christian Service. j 1'rof. AVilkins and his school at Silica are doing some splendid im provement on the school grounds. They have a number of evergreens well arranged, a* well as a number of flower beds and bird house:?. Wu have had a fine school and should say so. There has been a large part of the; relief garden planted :it the county farm, which will mean much for the unfortunate next winter. It is reported that Jeter Barton left here last week for Douglas, Wvo. I We wish for him a sa.fi* journey. 1 Mrs. C. R. Sharpe was very ill last week, but is much improved at this writing. We forgot to report that Mrs. Ola' Norris and children have moved to the Pressley Galloway house, whvi., | they will spend the summrr. i Misses Idell and Edna Tin-ley were visiting Misses Annabelle. Inez am! Ruby Dunn last Sunday. ; The prayer service at the Metho dist church is going well, with in teresting meetings and large attend ance. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna were .isitors of their daughter, Mrs. Copa. Lee of Lake Toxaway on Monday, j The Stamey Creek prayer service ?!. 1 ? 2- 'ii..- landing |!n the s- ;,s i?;vo? acre cu: i per iod, and .?{ always j;f tracts a laigcr jjurr:!? patrons and visi tors vi ! .< , . <_ j the iJicnientary ?ScaOj ] r; ? In- given Monday evening; _ May ? ginnir,.; it eight p clock. in the L.-h schooi auditor* ium. I ^The tt "CVi.na Silk," tells o. Rosemary, daughter of a noted artist, who lias just arrived in China, where she meets Wee Long whom she? had known well in Ameri ca when Wee Lor,?- was at school there. Wee Long and frie? explain to c miu'y tne Chinese cUocis am! tell ha- of the goddess, of : flkworms? ? .o !-.i Lin;- Chi. They t il her also oi t,;.- approaching wadding of the princess. _Ac midnight strikes in th* feast oi Si Ling Chi, fhe - reat silk moths change n to mi.-rchicvou? sprites, and ih nish . sen:ory for her secret fcv turning her into a garden post. The princess, mistaken by ,he silkmoths for Rosemary, I, turned into a if stone, :ir.d is not to be found when the time comes to carry her to the home of her father-in-law for tho wedding. By iho help of the fiowers all is m;;da right; the princess pets her wish and sh ; and Rosemary have a wonderful time at the feaat of Si ng -Thi. f ist ,.i' characters include: Huge, 'm.-.ry, Dnvio White; Artist, Alfred Princ:s$, Margaret White; ?Vor> I.nng, Anicc Whitnire; Ow Lin.,'. Julia Jordan; ICa K.. Eva I .u llly Genrvjt Pet it. r Sslknoths - Stanley Winchester, Dan Edens, Alien Whitmire, Glen >. inchf-stc-'*. Lc )noy Sink, Joe Burt, Ear! Powell, Clyde Rice, D. H. Win chester, Preston Brittain, Russel Green, Albert Israel, V. I). Waldrop, Fred Pov.-ell, Jason Gillespie, Bor tian Cassel, p. toy Morris. Ray Win chester, Charles I.--? Moore, Burley riolden, Robert Whitmire, Edward Gillespie, Earl Gill* -pie, Jessie Mc !GaI!. Bc.vce Winchester, Ge>-ald Gil lespie. Chines? Chorus? Tobitha Waldrop, Inez Pangle, Carolyn Garr i. Eula Mae Morris. Hilda Gal'ov.ay, I.u Galloway. I.ula Cc sal." Ruby Live. Mirriam St .-wart. H-len Sum mey. Ii.rz Summer, Agnes Wood sy^. - T~ "? c. Bi: ????! Green, Tom net A'il ;r" Waldrop. Herbert ft'r " :ar.|. Harold Hog c l, Clary Pe'.it. cc, ;]] p ircrs ? Char!."- Clark, ?:? vro. Frank Wi itinire, j'/.V ?' "1V . Earl Duncan. Laxar Fii.w ? PpppVs: Vivv.i film K!:-'aV.!h Morgan. Pefit, Whitirire. Elizabeth Sisk Cs C-nner, Morr'ah St.wan. M.ir '. I".! "'hitmiiv. Margaret. Ora 0*en, -tie ac Orr, Ruth Rice. Gia.iys ! Clac k. Eva Galloway, i .. -Margaret Hope Burt. Xa i i''.w il. Averee Glazen r Edna [Nelson. Lilian Bryson. Alica Glazen !'-? Li re na Gallowav. Ruth GilJaspie,. I -I ' -'-phine Powell, Rubv Green. Ruth i Jar-rat 1 Chinese Children? Billv an.! Jack: 1 Eadens. is announced for Thursday r ' : | having been closed during the winter I months f Mis. Julia McKinna and hrorhi-sr, .Fred, visited their father, Henry .McKinna, in the Holly Per r-ertwa | last week. | .MRS. ROLLPJS BURIED ! ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON I Mrs. I.illia Anderson Rol'ins. 4*. [died at '1:20 o'clock Sat.rday rocr ? injr at an Asheville hoipifa] *f.?r >an iliness of several wee':s. I f uneral services ware c inrfnrSoi at 2 o'clock Sunday a ternoon a* llryson City. j The mother, Mrs. Ida E. Cj*1iyT lis well known in Brevard, fcro* j owner of The Br ant Housf. .tV> 'one of th" -lighters, Mrs. t X. J< hnson, is also well known h?'nt. ngBsa s Lumber For Sale at $6 and $ 8 per 1 housand (f. o. b. Pisgah Forest) This offer ought to attract the attention of all farmers who need to repair their Homes, Barns, Cribs, Sheds, and so on. This lumber is good for such purposes, and at this price will enable all farmers to make alt necessary repairs and additions to their buildings. CarrLumber Company Pisgah Forest, North Carolina