VOL. 38? No. 19 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 ?' i ? ii.BiMi ?>? i iw I? | W? wtm-mm ? i ?hiwbi? ?? ? ? M SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.00 PER YEAR PUNS PRACTICALLY COMPLETED BY CLUB TO OPERATE BUREAU Business Houses and Individ uals Showing Fine Spirit In the Movement. WOMEN'S CIVIC CLUB IS TAKING LEAD IN AFFAIRS Woman's Exchange Will Ba Operated In Connection With Information Bureau. Plans are going forward for op ening of a Bureau of Information at an early date, the Women's Civic club to have charge of the work. ! Business firms and individuals of ! the town and county are responding heartily to the work, ladies of the soliciting committee report, practi cally one hundred per eent respoonse being made. According to tentative plans agreed upon by the ladies in a meeting held last week, the bureau of informa tion will be operated in connection with the Woman's Exchange, thus materially cutting overhead expense. All boarding houses, hotels, busi ness houses and other individuals are being contacted by the ladies, the canvass to be completed within a few days. While definite location has not! been decided upon for operation of the exchange and information bu-j reau. several places in the immediate uptown section are being considered. ASKS THAT BONDS BE TAKEN IN PAYMENT Bill Introduced To Permit Ac-^ ceptance of Bonds By j Transylvania County RALEIGH, May 10 ? Representa- 1 tive Galloway, Transylvania, has; introduced a bill authorizing thej Transylvania county board of com-; missioned to accept county bonds in i payment of certain notes held as ad- j ditional coilateral for county de-1 posits in the closed Brevard Bank-i ing company. The bill provides: j "Section 1. That the board of commissioners of Transylvania coun-j ty be, and they arc hereby, author- 1 ized and empowered to accept coun ty bonds at par value in payment of any and all notes now held by said county as collateral for county funds on deposit with the Brevard Bank- . ing companv at the time of its clos ing." | AUTHORITY GIVEN THRU l LEGISLATURE TO TOWN ?! Authority has been granted the) board of aldermen of the town of Brevard through legislative enact ment tu allow special assessments against church property cancelled. A bill was introduced by" Repre sentative Galloway allowing this move, his bill however being tabled inasmuch as a measure previously introduced covered Brevard. STUDY COURSE TO BE HELD BY BAPTISTS j Annual study course of Brevard Baptist Sunday school will be held during next week beginning Monday evening and continuing through Fri day, with classes meeting at 7:30. , The standard takers manual will be used, being taught in . working wilBReginners, Primary,) Juniors, Tntf^^diates, Young Peo ple and Adults. State W.O.W.Official Wm. H. Grogan, Jr., who was elected head advisor of the State Camp, Woodmen of the World at Asheville convention, May 1-2. mxrarychTldken 1 MAKE FINE RECORD; Feus* Pupils From One Fam ily Have Perfect Attend ance At School Five pupils of Little River schoofj had perfect attendance during1 thej school year ending last week, ac-l cording to Miss Sallio Merrill, prin-i cipal. Of these five, four were ehil-i dren of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mc-j Crary. Those having perfect attendances) for the year were: Clara Cantrell,! tith grade; Dorothy McCrary, Gth! grade; Lucile McCrary, 5th grade; j Kathleen McCrary, 3rd grade; and| Thomas McCrary, 2nd grade. Norman Hamilton won the medal | offered by the Daughters of Ameri-I can Revolution for excellence in 1 American History, the medal being: presented by Miss Julia Deaver. ; Last day of school was celebrated by the entire student body going on a picnic to White Pine camp for the day, trucks being used for transpor tation. REVIVAL SERVICES ? . . ROSMAX, May 10 ? Revival ser-! vices have been announced for the! week, beginning the past Monday. Mrs. Phillips is in charge of the services being held each evening at the old Rosman Theatre. An invita tion is extended to the public in ( general. POTATO PLANTS^ WANTED BY THE WELFARE BOARD W. A. Wilson, director of relief and welfare officer, announces that he will need around 75 to 100 thous and sweet potato plants, and that he would like to purchase them from someone in the county. Plants must be of the Porto Rico| type, in bunches of fifty, and as I many thousand as can be placed. The contract for furnishing these J plants will go to the lowest bidder, ! Mr. Wilson said. BUS SCHEDULE SOON TO f MOVE TO THRICE DAILY I i Joe Neely, operator of the Brevard to Hendersonville bus line, announces that a change in schedule will be made within the next ten days, three" buses running daily instead of two. Present schedule calls for buses leaving Brevard at 7:30 in the morn ing; 4:45 in the afternoon, and leav ing Hendersonville at 9:00 in the morning and (5:30 in the afternoon, j' Seventeen Men Will Be Given Work By Government In Forest Monday i Transylvania's county's quota of seventeen men will go to Asheville Monday morning for examination, then to Fort Bragg for two weeks, -returning to Pisgah National For ? est where they will be employed for six months. Forty-five other men will also be called to work in the Pisgah Forest section within a few days, according to a statement made Tuesday by Superintendent of Welfare Wilson, it being his opinion that the latter named group would be called at any time. Official notice will be issued from his office as to exact date. The 17 young men between the age of 18 and 25 will be "enlisted" in the forestry service, being under supervision of both the army and forestry units, with the army having charge of camps and discipline, and the forestry workers supervising work. It is pointed out that "enlisting" tor the six months work in the for est does^ not entail "joining the army," ?. ;t rather a .signing up with the Federal government to stay on the job for the six months period. ; Those selected to go to Asheville Monday include: Orville Long, Glou | ester; Jack Loftis, Brevard; Wood ' row Fisher, Lake Toxaway ; Olen Conner, Cherryfield; Wilton Arro wood, See-Off; Alden Hubbard, East Fork; Joe racken, Brevard; Clif ford Gravely, Brevard; Robert Leathers, Rosman; Walter O'Shields, Rosman; Monroe Holtzclaw, Bre vard; Lester Cox, Enon; J. T. Owen, Dunn's Rock; Ehvood Thompson, Brevard; Newton Teague, Lake Toxaway; Ralph Whitmire, Rosman; Homer Manly, Rosman. ! Three alternates have been select ed by Mr. Wilson to take the places of those, ac-1 cording to announcement made by Mrs. M. C. Shipman, associational superintendent. Exact judge in the pro- ' erty improvement contest sponsored: by this organization. Closing date for entries in this i-ontest has been set for next Mon-; day, May 15, and any property! owners of the town desiring to en- j ter the $5.00 priz? contest are re-ji quested tc enter their names otj; tmce .The contest will continue in j ? operation until September. Ii FIST PLACE WON BY ?WHITMIRE fN CATTLE JUDGING FIELD MEET E. J. Whitrr/ire Score# Highest In Western North Carolina Contest On Wednesday. J. C. LYDAY SECOND HIGH MAN;; ONE POINT BEHIND Agriculture Teachers Elated Over Fine Showing Made By Local Boys. _ Transylvania boys again won the Western North Carolina cattle judg ing contest Wednesday, E. J. Whit mire, president of the Rosmau Chap ter F. F. A. winning first piace with a rating of 87.6. while J. C. Lyday, of the Brevard Chapter won second place with 87.5. Professor John Corbin and Pro fessor Julian Glazener, teachers of. agriculture at Rosman ar.d Brevard high schools aic justly elated over the winning of their boys, and es pecially so since the cattle judged were of the beef type, Hereford heifers and Hereford cows, end Hampshire sheep being the stock judged. The contest was staged at Hickory Nut Gap farm, owned by J. G. Mc Clure, schools of Western North j Carolina participating. SEATS ARE PLACED ON LAWN 8Y LADIES Court House Grounds Are Now Show Place, With Nice Shrubbery Growing Final touches in the beautifies tion of the court house lawn havt been perfected by the Women's Civ ic club with the placing f four seats against the building. High backs, artistically built, add "just the touch" to other improve ments that had already bec-n made by the Civic club. Native and nurs ery shrubbery in orderly style, dis placing the large trees a'ld fe'.v scattered shrubs formerly seen on the lawn, now make the gi. ands a real show place and one that is at tracting much favorable comment from home folk and tourist. Work done on the court houst lawn is part of thg beautuicatioa program being earned on throughout th; town by members of the Civic club, under the leadership ct Mrs. Beulah Zachary as general ?;hair man. CH APPELLI NJURED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT ROSMAN, May 10 ? Oscar Chap pell was painfully though no! ser iously injused Sunday nigh: v ! or. the car he was driving and a tiiuk u:ed on the highway w'rk near here collided, Mr. Chappeli being thrown through the windshield, in flicting * several wounds ab':> the head and face. FEDERAL court to DEAR LOCAL CASH Federal court opened in Ashrv t Monday morning, with Judgs E. Yates presiding. Several hundred cases, dealing, principally with vio lations of the national pv.hibitior. laws are to be tried at thi~ term. Cases from Transylvania urd PolV. counties are scheduled to comq Uf' on May 15. Several member- ^+' tht Brevard Bar association, together ivith a few residents of the county, ivill attend on that date Girl Scout Play Will Be Presented Next Week la Drive For Camp Funds ?'Importance of Being Honest." a 3em*'-oSassic play by Oscar VVildi-. svi'll lxj presented at Brevard High jchool auditorium or. an evening Lhe latter part of next week, accord - iik to announcement made by the Girl Scout committee, sponsors of the play. Scouts, scout loaders, members of ihe Brevard high school graduating ilass and dramatic leaders of th :ommunity will be included -r.i the, large cast that will take part in the play which promises to be one of the t>cst to be shown here in some time. Miss Beulah Zachary, director of the play, has been holding rehearsals for several days, getting the play in shape to make it an entertainment of high order. , Funds derived from the benefit event will b? used for the Girl Scout' samp fund, supplementing monies now being procured in various ways! by the scouts, in crder that a tea ! day encampment may be held this ; summer. The camp will be held this year at Camp Illahee, this fine location hav ing been offered by Mr and Mr* Hinton McLeod, directors, foi the en - campment. Leaders, and director; will be selected by members of tfcs scout committee and director. Plans now call for holding tl. r camp during the early part ef Jun< . thirty or more girls to bo given th? privilege of attending the camp, which V/ill be of approved type. The community eommittc-c. spoil- H sors of the local troops include: Mis* Jeannette Tallcy, chairman; Miss Martha Boswell, .vica chairman; Mrs. C. L. Newland, Mrs. Carl McCrary and Mrs. Harry Sellers. Serving on the camp committee are Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Alexander. Mrs. Beulah Zachary, Mrs. S. M. Macfic. Cap*. Bill Fetzer, Hinton McLeod, Sr., R. H. Morrow and C. M. Douglas. A DAUGHTER Rev and Mrs. Paul Hartsell an nnunee the birth of a daughter, Car oline, or. Saturday, May ?>. '??? -'i * ? I