Only Newspaper Published In Transylvania County THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County An Advertifiinj? Medium Of Exceptional Merit VOL. 38? No. 33 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA- THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNT* TRANSYLVANIA TAX RATE SET AT HARTSELL ELECTED HEAD OF BAPTISTS AT COUNTY MEET Many People Are Attending Association Meeting at Little River Rev. Paul Hartsell, ? pastor of th? Brevard Baptist church was reelect ed, moderator of the Transylvania B a p t i s t Association, Wednesday morning when delegates from the Transylvania churches met at the Little "River church for their annual two-day session. All the association officers were reelected, including: vice-moderator, Rev. J. K. Henderson; clerk, Mrs. G.. F. Gallamore; treas urer, Lloyd Cantrell; historian, T. C. Henderson. Rev. N. B. Rogers delivered the morning sermon, using as his topic, "The Kan Needed for the Hour, be fore several hundred people When the. roll call of churches was made onlv four churches were noted without delegates to the meeting, and the attendance was reported as be ing unusually high. ] Prof Murphy, new principal of Fruitland Institute, near Henderson ville, and Rev. A. I. Justice spoke! in behalf of the work that institution is doing for young Baptists I. G. Greer, formerly of Boone, N C., now superintendent of the Mills Home at Thomasville, spoke for the orphanage work. With T. C. Henderson as its chair i man a committee on committees was appointed to select the associations trustees for Fruitland Institute. The speakers for Wednesday af ternoon were Rev. J. E. Burt, of Rosman, who discussed the Coopera tive Program; L. P. Hamlin, who spoke on temperance and public mor als; and J. Will Glazener who dwelt on the condition of the county churches. The following program has been scheduled for Thursday: Executive committee, Rw. o. K. Heftderfcoit ; Religious Literature. Ralph Ramsey, Orphanage. Rev W. Price; W. M. S Mvs. M. C. Ship...? , -"-?nor; promotion committee, T. C. HeJ}dei son; B. Y. P. U., Hybernia Ship man; and Sunday Schools, A. B. Galloway. The Association will meet day anil Thursday following the, second Sunday in August 1934 at. the Pisgah Forest church with the main swmon by Rev. C. W. Hilemon Alternate preacher, Rev. F. H, _I! ol den. 'ill 0. E. Sams, vice-president of Mars Hill College was heard Wed nesday afternoon in a discussion oc the advantages of that junior col lege. white Iron slain BY RECKLESS MAN Another "meanest of mean men ' lias bec-n located. He is charged with killing, one of the beautiful white herons that have been making their home at the small lake on the Country Club golf course for several years. Dr. Hugh R. Murchison reported the incident to The Times, and seemed all wrought up over the fact that a man could be so thoughtless as to wantonly kill such a beautiful bird as the whitfe heron. Aside from being a violation of a moral code, killing of a heron is a misdemeanor and punish able by a stiff fine. People of the Country Club section and players on the lccal course are requested to keep an eye on poachers who are so thoughtless as to kill one of the birds. SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECTS OFFICERS AT ROSMAN EOSMAN, Aug. 16? Officers elected by Zion Baptist Sunday School last Sunday morning include: i Superintendent, A. P. Bell; slec Iretarv, Miss Ruth Burt; advance teacher, W. H. Suramey; young 1 people's teacher, Miss Rosa McLean; (intermediate teacher, Miss Pauline [Leathers; junior teacher, Mrs. J. B. I Rogers; card class, teacher, Mrs. R. i S. Winchester and Mrs. Roe Rice. TIMESREAWARE ON THE HONOR ROLL Price of Paper Will Have To Be Raised Soon ? Present Rate This Month Fine response is being shown by j Times subscribers to the card-state ments mailed out of this office dur | ing the past several days, with each i day bringing in renewals, some by i mail, while others are calling at the : office. j As stated on the cards mailed to ? those subscribers whose time ex ! pired the first of August or pre j vious, it looks as if price of The ' Times will have to be increased to ! $1.50 in the county and $2.00 out ? side. This raise is being forced on ' the paper by the increased cost of ! white paper, ink, and supplies, plus i increased cost of labor, the last j named item being made necessary in i order to keep step with other con i terns, while general conditions have I caused supplies to increase, some of ! them nearly double. However, all those who wish to I take advantage of the present prices i ; have two more weeks in which to ! ?do so. Since last Thursday the fol-j ! lowing have renewed their subscrip- 1 | tions : | Mrs. J. R. Smith, Atlanta; Joh'i| ! Ashworth, Brevard; Mrs. L. M. Wat-i ikins, Rcsman; J. W. Duckworth,; I Brevard; L. V. Sigmon, Rosman;j i L. E. Lewis, Raleigh; Mrs. L. W.I t-Bsookef, IV-3; Thine an Mae.Dorfgakl, ; i Bievard; M. G. Duncan, Rofman; [George Bower., Brevard; Mrs. Coraj Orv, Penrose, Homer Orr, Penrose;! Ottis Greee, Ashvville; U. G. Reeves,! \R-2: Ernest Lyday, Pisgah Forest; j jH. V. Smeriberg, Brevard; S. M. Bar- 1 [ton, Pisgah Forest; C. R. Sharpe, '. R-o ; Mrs. C. L. Sanders, Lake Tox i away; G. C. McClure, Shelby. 1 Mrs. Kate, Bievard; W. j H. Duckworth, Brevard: J. C. H recognition for his prowuess on the | tennis court at that institution and; also at Wcodberry School, Woodberry Forest, Virginia where he /'studied] prior to entering Princeton. He plans, to enter a tournament which will' be held in Charlotte at. an early, date. He recently won the Kenderson ville city open tournament by defeat ing George Fain in the iinals match 6-3, 6-3, 8-6. He has also seen action on the Asheville courts. DRY FORCES NAME TOWNSHIP LEADERS Active Organization Will Be' Set Up In Each Com munity In County For the purpose of launching its j fight into the stronghold of each I township in the county, Transyl-, vania's unit of the United Dry Forces of North Carolina in a meet-1 ing of the executive committee at | Little River Wednesday appointed j (Township chairman for the work. The executive committee headad by Rev. J. K. Henderson, chairman of the local unit, includes Oliver H. J Orr, vice chairman and J. W. Glaz ener. T o w-n ship chairmen appointed Wednesday were: Boyd, W. L. Tal ley; Brevard, Mrs. Frank Jenkins; Catlieys Creek, J. W. Glazener; Dunn's Rock, Clyde Pittman; Easta toe, A. M. Paxton; Gloucester, C. A. McCail; Hogback, Mrs. Lee F. Nor ton and Little River, W. P. Holta claw. According to chairman Hender son's plans these township chairmen will appoint at once their individual committees and., stand by prepared for a general meeting which will be called in the near future for the purpose of outlining the county work. MUST SIGN NRA TO j GET FEDERAL FUNDS i I Welfare Department Not Ai-: lowed To Issue Orders To Non-Members Only those stores and places of j business in Transylvania that have ? signed up with the NRA will, after; Saturday, August 19, be given aiiyj business of any nature through or by. the Federal Government This notice was received in Bre vard Wednesday morning ,a letter coming, to W. A. Wilson, superin-| tendent of welfare, who hac charge ; of relief employment hero, ana he < was instructed to notify all mer chants that after August 19, the rul-; ing would go into effect and be i strictly adhered to. Permission has been granted the , local board oi welfare to hire labor j at the prevailing county wage scale ? for work in community gardens and at the cannery in Brevard where ! thf> vegetables raised in the corn-; munity gardens are being canned. A > previous order was taken to mean ! that, thirty cents per hour must be I paid all workers on relief projects,! but this leeway is being allowed due I to the fact that, the garden program ; has been in effect for several months, j While no concerted boycott "has j been started in Brevard, it is ex-i pected that an organization will be' set up in a few days to keep in step with others of like nature the coun try over, a canvass to be made to ascertain who is not in sympathy I with the National Recovery Ad- 1 ministration, and procure pledges' from consumers that they will pur- 1 chase supplies only from those firms) displaying the NRA sign. CITY BOARD T(T ASK j COMMISSION'S COST Necessary To Levy Debt Ser vice Fund Until Agree ment Is Reached I Decision was made by the board of aldermen of the town of Brevard in their meeting last Thursday evening to take the matter of cost of bringing the Debt Readjustment commission here, when such com mission is appointed* by the governor. Several citizens werexpresent at the board meeting and asked that the town take the same steps that have been taken by the county com missioners, which body several weeks ago askid that the Debt Readjust ment commission be sent here to help out in financial matters. Representative Wallace Galloway called attention of the board to the debt readjustment commission, nndj a general discussion was entered in- j to by members of the board and oth-| er citizens present, with stress be-j iny laid on the fact that inasniuc'ii! as the town was a part of the Trar-i sylvania county unit, that expense ? incurred by the debt readjustment > commission would fre far less if ai-! (Continued an back pige, Sec. 1) ! MANN CHILD SEVERELY CUT BY MOWING BLADE The three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Mann who lives near | Breese's Mill was severely cut on ;the right leg Monday afternoon when [it ran upon a sharp scythe hidden j i in the grass where he was playing. T'ne child was brought immediately i to Dr. E. S. English for treatment; -and it was found necessary to take; several stitches in the wound. CORBirra TEACH IS ! BUNCOMBE COUNTY | Has Been Great Factor During Past Five Years In Farm Progress ROSMAN, Aug. 16 ? Professor j John F. Corbin, for the past fivs years teacher of vocational agricul ture at Rosman High school, and leader in farm improvement circles | in this section of the county, is leaving next week to assume work in the Leicester High school in Bun combe county. Professor Corbin has made many1 friends in the county during his stay here, who regret to see him leave thCj "community. He has been instiu- ; mental in bringing statewide recog nition to the Rosman school, boys from his class leading the entire sec tion of Western North Carolina on several occasions in vocational agri culture work, and at one time leading the state in cattle judging, whicF i is a part of the work taught in the! vocational agriculture room, both in theory and in practice. Increased yields at lowered cos? have been results of the practical [ farming that Professor Corbin has taught in the five years that he ha? | been in the community, and favor able comment has been given hi* work here by state and district leaders in farm work. As a citizen and neighbor, Prof en sor Corbin has built up a circle cf ( friends that extends through it the county. Hie work, carried on during and after school Months, and hits willingness to assist the farmers of; this section in solving their prob lems in a practical way, has meant much to the entire community. The following letter is enclosed ; from Mr. Corbin to his friends ? j "To my friends and former stud-, ents of Rosman Community: . j "It has been a pleasure for me to; work with- you during these past; years I trust we have both' been benefited by the association. I am sure -chat I am more capable and , that life will mean more to me l'or' having been with you. "I hope' that I have been of some I service to all whom i came in con- j tact with. It was my aim to serv# i everyone who wished assistance, and^ it is with deep regret that I leave | my friends, i "A worthy and capable young man is succeeding me, and I trust that | you will cooperate with him and make it possible for him to help yci;. "Sineerelv, "JOHN F. CORBIN." FISHER'S DOG ATTRACTS MUCH ATTENTION HERE! Ralph Fisher has been creating, quite a stir among the ergophobes of . the city with the peculiar antics and ' performances of his little hc-inz (57, varieties) pup in recent days. The educated canine at a signal ' from Mr. Fisher goes from the' ground to the fender, to the hood of ! the auto and onto the top of the car, where he lies down to await further j orders. Any signs of a struggle on the street in which his master is i a participant brings the k-9 t" the' rescue in a series of leaps, fangs ( bared for action. The dog, unlike many people, will speak when spoken | to and only then. FLOWER SHOW WILL BE STAGED HERE ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON ~ % Many Varieties Expected To Be Entered? Camp# To Have Exhibit# Plans are now complete for staging the annual flower show, sponsored by the Women's Civic club, which event will take place Friday of this week at the corner room of the Whifc mire hotel building, at Main and Broadway. The show will open at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and : continue throughout the afternoon and evening. A silver offering wilt be taken at the door. It is requested by the garden com mittee, in direct charge of the flower show, that all exhibits be- brought to t.he show rooms not later than Fri day noon, and that potted plants be brought Thursday afternoon if pos sible, or definite notice given Mrs. J. M. Gaines so that space may be allotted . The exhibits are open -to every one in the county as well as tc all townspeople, it is stressed by the committee, and it ia hoped that many throughout the county will make en tries of home grown flowers or plants. The following committees have been appointed for the different ac tivities of the flower show: Prizes, Mrs. Coleman Galloway; soliciting, Mrs A. ft. Gillespie, Mrs. Fred John son; piloting space, Mrs. J. &T? Gaines, Mrs, Roy Long; listing. Mrs. Olivei- Orr: selection of location. Miss Florence Kern, Mrs. Beulahi Zachary, Mrs. Ralph Zachf.ry earap exhibits, Mrs. J.'s S. Si:vei>te