W. EXCHANGE WILL CLOSE IN FEW DAYS The Women’s Exchange, which has been in operation through the summer months will close for the winter on September 16, according to announcement of the chairman of this enterprise, Miss Katherine Grif iin. All of those who have articles there on sale are requested to call at the exchange rooms on or before September 14 and remove them be fore the rooms are closed for the winter. The exchange has proved very popular and profitable this summer, both for the organization and for the numerous citizens and tourists who have taken advantage of this community service. The Women’s Excharge is one of the major projects of the Women’s Civic club, and its re-opening in the early summer of next year will be anticipated by many CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to take this method of ex pressing my sincere thanks to my many white friends who weia so kind to me at the deuth of my wife, Etta Kilgore and especially ter the many nice flowers. Lee Kilgore More than half the plate glass us ed in the United States goes into the automobile construction. In the Arctic regions conversation has been carried on over water by persons separated by a distance of 6.696 feet. ’ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from 0. H. Orr and wife to J. M. Meece, said Deed in Trust bearing date of December 30th. 1930, and Registered in Book 28 at Page 106 of the Record of Deed in Trust for Transylvania County, securing certain indebted ness therein named, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said indebtedness whereby the Power of Sale contained in said Deed in Trust has become operative, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having requested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose said Deed in Trust, and all notice, required as to said default having been given and said default has not been made good; New therefore the undersigned Trustee will on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30th. ! 1933 at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House Door in Brevard, N. C., of-' fer for sale and sell to the highest bidder. for cash, the following de scribed real property, to wit; I All those three lots or parcels of land mentioned and referred to in j r.id Deed in Trust aforesaid refer ence being hereby made to said Deed in Trust, and the title Deed therein! referred t<? for a description of said j property by metes and bounds. ,The proceeds of said sale to be ap-j plied upon said indebtedness, com-; missions, costs of sa'e etc. This the 30th. day cf August,; 1933. : J. M. MEECE Trustee. Sept. 7—14—21—28 _j 666 Liquid — Tablet* — Salve Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, FINE LAXATIVE and TONIC Most Speedy Remedies Known. 1 GLOUCESTER NEWS (Helen Owen) The Rev. Judson Hall, pastor oi Macedonia Baptist church w i 1 preach at Macedonia Saturday j morning, September ninth at elevei ' o’clock, also Sunday morning al , eleven. Sunday school will be held at j ten o’clock. Mat Parker, of Asheville, spent Monday night as a guest of Mr. anc ' Mrs. A. C. Price. Mrs. Burgan Kilpatrick visited | Mrs. A. C. Price Sunday. Mable Owen spent Saturday night as guest of Dora Lowe. Willie Galloway and R. F. Kil patrick visited Burgan Kilpatrick Iftst week. Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price, Mr and Mrs. Tom Nicholson were visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCall Wednesday. Bessie McCall spent last week visiting friends in this section. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Coley Me Call, a daughter, on August 31. Mildred Price spent Friday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Crawford. Mrs. Loren Kitchen left Tuesday to spend a few days in Asheville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kitch en. — * __ J. O _ X 1 „ n m uv a LiuntJ opv**u - guest of Mab e Owen. Mrs. C. A. McCall spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Overton Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCall spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nicholson at Cowarts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilpatrick and daughter, LaVada, Talmadge Kil patrick. Cage Stamey and son, Car los, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Artillus Anders and baby and Mitch Anders, of Green ville. spent a few days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anders. Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson and son, Tommy, of Cowarts, are spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price. . . Hardy and Edna Kilpatrick visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Burgan Kilpatrick Saturday night. Pearl Price, Ruby and Helen Owen visited Edna Kilpatrick Sun <ia'Rev. Dillard Owen, of Balsam Grove was a dinner guest of R. F. Kilpatrick Sunday. \ Irona McCall was a Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. Spurgeon Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Banther and sen, of Lake Toxaway spent Satur day night as guests of Mrs, W. E. Patterson. A singing school began at Mace donia Baptist church on Monday, September 4, with Talmadge Chas tecn as teacher. The school will con tinue until Saturday, September 9. The high schoo' boys and girls of this section feel that they have been very much slighted since there has fce.n no way provided for them to get to school. Wake up. Commission e s, am! get us a bus so we can get stavti d to school. Is it not as ^im porrnnt 'hat we children of Glou cester get to school a3 of other sec tions? Silversteen school opened Monday to begin its year’s work. Sixty chil dren were enrolled the first day of school. N. C. Miller, the principal, made a talk to the children and laid down a few simple rules to govern their conduct while at school. He al so spoke to several parents present, welcoming them, and inviting them to visit the school at any time. Miss Allison made a short talk in which1 she erected the little ones and the parents present and expressed her hope for a good school for the com ing year. The Ov.cn reunion will be held at the Silversteen school house on the | ninth of September. Everybody is] QUEBEC NEWS (By Lucille Henderson) Mieses Nettie and Carrie Franklin were visiting their brother, Ransom Franklin, last week-end ' Mrs Lesa Loving and daughter, Opal Dodgin, were visitors at the home of Simp Fisher cf Gloucester last Sunday Miss Carrie Owen spent Sunday i and Sunday night with Miss E'l* jMae Owen. David Orr of Brevard visited James {Henderson on Thursday of last week. 1 Millie Fisher is on the sick Hit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith had a Mbean stringing” on Thursday night of l&st wcok* j Jack Smith cf South Carolina i« spending a few days with his ne phew. Anderson Smith, of Quebec. I Miss Beulah Reid and Charles ' Reid visited Mrs. T. C. Henderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire were Brevard visitors last Saturday. Capt. W. D. B'ack returned to his summer home here last week after spending a few days at his South Carolina home, T. C. Henderson made a business trip to Brevard last Friday. Ima Jean, little daughter of Clyde Jcnes, is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller. Fin 1 in a nmr\Knv rtf nPflfll h frOffl this community attended the Fisher I reunion at Lake Toxaway Baptist church last Saturday. Little Joretta Moore spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. Mrs. Hinnant and children of Scuth Carolina are spending a few weeks at their summer home here. Mrs. T. C. McCall spent Saturday with Mrs. M. 0. McCa 1. Calvin Smith of Rosmar. visited his brother Anderson Smith one day last week. Miss Lucy Hinnant visited Miss Carrie Owen one day last week. Truette Henderson left for Mars Hill last Monday where he is enter ing his senior year in Mars Hill college. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Owen of Ashe ville, spent one night last week with C. W. Henderson. Woodrow Fisher came in from Ft. Bragg Friday for a week-end v*sit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Fisher. He attended the Fisher reunion Saturday and returned to Ft. Bragg Monday. Sherman McMahan was a visitor in this community last week looking after his garden and other things he left here when he moved to Ashe ville. , , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher of (Easley, S. C.. attended the Fisher reunion Saturday, spent the week end with relatives and returned to Easley Monday. , Lawton Harvey of Flat Rock visited K. K. Miller last Sunuay. Louie Miller and sister, Ernestine, were visitors in the home of Tl?® Henderson Sunday afternoon. Miss Agnes Miller, who has a po sition in East E at Rock, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. j Miller Sundayg; „ . Elbert Whitmire went with Fvank, Fisher tc Easley Monday where he has a position in one of the mills. Virgil McCall spent Monday night with Oscar Hrenderson. Born to Mr. and Mrs Fred Owen, a son, Edmund. Jascn McCal! visited Bill Brisco ( in Jackson county last week. R. T Fisher went to Gloucester! Sunday to see his father, “Uncles Simp Fisher, who is very ill, having invited to come and bring well filled NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY The Board of County Commissioners of Transyl vania County will sit as Board of Equalization and Re view in the County Commissioner's Room in the County Court House on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1933 AT 10:00 O’CLOCK, A. M. then and there to hear the complaint, if any, of any taxpayer of the county who has complaint to make in regard to assessment of property for taxes for the year 1933. Sept. 5, 1933. JESS A. GALLOWAY tai JU ? ti * Wit CJ®* to Board • \ 1 H FOREST NEWS 1 Mrs. A. L. Morgan and Mrs. Kiah Hollingsworth entertained at the home of the former Saturday eve ning honoring Mrs. C. L. Corn, a recent bride, with a miscellaneous shower. The bride was presented with many pretty and useful gifts, after which refreshment* of ice creum and cake 'were served. Mrs. Bessie Eckerd and sons, of Canton are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Patton. I Mrs. Clarence Ramrey, of Irmnn. S. C., was the week-end guest of | Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morgan. 1 Mrs. Will Owens, of Davidson River spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. 1 Osie Sente!! and daughter, Bea trice, of Mt. Underwood, spent the week-end with relatives here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roby Street and children of South Carolina were guests of Mrsr. Bob Street. They enroute to Rainbow Springs, where they intend to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cheek and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Vaughn in Biltmore. Mrs. Larry Simpson has returned to her home in Greenville, S. C., af ter spending the past week with he? mother, Mrs. D. W. Hollingsworth. Miss Mamie Galloway was a re cent Asheville visitor. Claud Stepp and Roy Marshall spent Wednesday in Cashiers Val ley. • 'u. auu ijmuu ivuy, ui luuc River spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hedrick. Lloyd Campfield, who is employed in Sw&nnanoa, was a caller of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyday and children of Penrose spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. Bill Blades has returned to his home in Richmond, Va., after spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pruitt. A. L. Morgan, who is employed in Tryon, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stopbel in tend to leave for Sumter, S. 0., Sat urday to make their future home. Mr. Stophel will be employed as saw yer in the Galloway-Peace mill there. The local baseball nine defeated Cruso team at Cruso Saturday after noon, 16-2. had a stroke of paralysis. The young people of this com munity enjoy their swimming privi leges in the lake at the home of T. C. Henderson. They say the water is getting a little cold because of these cool nights, and they realize thpt they must soon give up this sport and wait for its renewal next summer. When the World War began air p'anes could r.ot fly faster than 85 miles per hour and could climb on ly 3,500 feet in live minutes. When the :var ended planes could fly 150 miles per hour and climb 6,000 feet in five minutes. Wilson County tobacco growers reirort the best Quality of leaf since BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada Reed) -- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morgan of Hendersonville, were Blantyre vis itors Sunday. Rev. F. H. Holden was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray called oo Mrs. Gray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Duncan have recently moved into this community. We were glad to have Rev. Paul Hartsell, of Brevard, with us at Blantyre church Sunday afternoon. He gave a very interesting and in structive talk. A. W. Davis spent the week-end with his family here. Wedding bells were ringing in our section recently when Leroy Davis and Miss Agnes Maxwell motored to Greenville, S. C., and were married. They were accompanied by Miss Irene Davis, the groom's sister and Miss Fred Maxwell, a sister of the bride. Their many friends extend to them their very best wishes. Miss Belle Reed of Candler, spent the week-end with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Clannie Justus vis ited Mrs. Justus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of Etowah Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and children left Monday for their home in At lanta. Mrs. Smith and the children spent the summer at French Broad Park. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams and little daughter, Katherine and Miss es Fannie and Susie Reed visited I John Reed and family Sunday eve j ning. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brown of i Turkey Creek visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. P. A. Rahn has recently returned to his home after spending some ‘lime ^.siting his relatives in Georgia. BALSAM GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. Harry McCall) FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. G. W. McCALL. Funeral services for Mrs. G. W. McCall were held last Wednesday e( the home of the deceased, attend ed by a large group of relatives and li: nds. The Rev. Judson Com had charge of the services. Pallbearers w;ie Ira McCall, Ingomar McCall, Ernest McCall, Elzie McCall and Spurgeon McCall. Flowers were in charge of Misses Lois McCall, Ellen Owen, Mrs. Otis Mesaengale, Ruby McCall, Myrtle Galloway and Hazel McCall. Mrs. McCall died on August 2£, after a life of usefulness to her family and community. She was seventy years old and had been & member cf the church for more than fifty years. Surviving are the hus band, six daughters and two sons. | Mrs. Arch Galloway and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Galloway's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc McCall. 1 F. McCall is spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Richard STUDENTS MAY GET HAN At COLLEGE (' __ Cullowbee, Sept 6—The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina Teach ers College has authorized President H. T. Hunter to accept during the coming college session the personal note of as many as 20% of tha students instead of direct cash pay ment as a means of taking care of the new tuition charges of $24.00 that will be made by the institution. The making of the tuition charge, which will amount to $8J$0 per quae- * ter, was made mandatory by the no tion of the last North Carolina Gen eral Assembly. This arrangement to take care edt tuition is a part of the rather wide spread program of financial aid to students that is being adopted with the beginning of the 1933-34 session by the Cullowbee institution. Presi dent Hunter ttnnounces that far more than a hundred students are expect* ed to be given financial aid of soma kind by the college during the com ing session. Approximately 60 students will be given self-help positions on the cam pus. In this group will be both young men and young women. Among the types of work that will bo done are: grading papers for instructors, act ing as assistants to instructors, wait ing on tables in dining room, washing dishes, working on college farm, caring for grounds, acting a* library assistants, and doing several other types of work. Many applica tions for jobs have already been made and several of them have been assigned. It is planned to aid approximately 30 students with the college loan funds. In the matter of both the loan funds and self-help positions It is the decision of the college adminis tration to give financial aid in small er amounts but to a large number of students. The decision of the college to a*, cept from 20% of the student body. per^Jnal notes in the place of im mediate cash payment as a means of taking care of tuition charges will give financial aid to a considerable number, Western Carolina Teachers College, which is a standard four year college and grants the bache or of science degree, will open its full term September 19. McCall. Miss Ruth Morgan spent the week end with her parents at Cherryfteld. Mr. and Mrs. Stamey of the Mace donia section are visiting at the home of HarTy McCall. Several people from this communi ty attended the decoration service* at Owen cemetery Sunday. Miss Inez McCall and Arvel Long visited Mrs. Harry McCall Sunday. Arvel Long of the CCC camp near BarnardsviTe is spending several days here. Mrs, Roscoe McCall and children visited Mrs. Arch Galloway recent- . PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE THE PRICE IS UP|

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