lMlMR PAY WILL 1 NOT BE INCREASED Lowest Salary Scale Paid In Years—$45 to $90 le Decided Upon RALEIGH, Sept 13—The lowest teachers salary schedule set by the state in recent years was approved Thursday- by the board of education with "sympathy” after voting down a propos'd for a ten per cent in crease over the scale adopted by a sub-committee and the school com mission. As a result some 23,000 North Cat' linn school teachers will receive salaries ranging from $45 to $90 monthly for the eight months of the state supported school term. l'\w districts have voted to suppe ment the state scale, and in many cases it will mean city teachers will take cuts as high as 60 per cent. The board approved the salary schedule by a vote of 4 to 1. With one member absent. Attorney Gen eral Dennis G. Brummitt voted for the ten per cent increase. “Every cent of the money available was put in salaries after every other iUm was cut to the limit," said Governor Ehringhaus, who ,!• w the resolution for adoption of ti scale. He said approximately $1 00,000 of the $16,500,00 state sc'- 1 appropriation will go for in st . tiona. service. i -atenant Governor A. H. Graham us it would have been “camou fl; :.e" to have set the salaries high er “as there are no funds with which to pay teachers more." Under the cld scale before any cuts teachers with class A certifi cates got from $100 to $133.32 month!', and under the new they will get fn m $70 to $90 monthly. There are some 8,000 in this class. The 4,000 with class B certificates who formerly got $90 to $110 monthly wi 1 get $60 to $76 and the 2,000 in class C who got $$5 to 8105 will get $55 to $65. The re mainder. including about 350 white teachers, who formerly got from $15 to $85, will get a flat pay of $45 pci* month. The resolution adopted by the education board follows: •'Sympathetic as we are with the desire to have onr teachers paid a leas* nabk and a higher wage, yet recognizing that the schedule . as w< i ked out by the sub-committee consumes every dollar of the appro priation made by the general assem b y fi r this purpose and that a vote now to increase this schedule is u v, ' ■ t' spend more than what has been appropriated and what is at piesent available, and recalling the ii: pevativo present necessity to keep ou. spending within ou rincome and the impoi tanec therefore of follow ing expressed will of the legisla ture with regard to this matter: It is therefore lcsolved that ws sdent the state standard salary sced ulc for teachers and principals as work'd out by our sub-committee and the sub-cemmittee of the school commission." FARM FILLERS Much new alfalfa will be seeded in Lincoln County this fall and far mers report exce’lent seed beds pre par'd, with ’the land thoroughly limed. Paul Patton, is the first farmer in Macon County ta build and fill a trench d!o. Many of his neighbors visited the silo during the digging and filling operations. The average gill declines to mai rv a lot of men because they neg lect to ask her. THIS CERTAINLY MAKES IT ASY TO PICK TH JEST PATHFINDER ■4.40-2! $5.55 4.50-20 $6.00 4.50-21 $6.30 4.75-19 $6.70 5.00-19 $7.20 5.25-18 $3.10 HAYES AUTO SERVICE Phone 27 BREVARD LAKE TOXAWAY j (Mrs. H. D. Lee) Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Owen hadi as their guests last Sunday Rev. J. j R. Owen of Asheville, Mrs. Miles Galloway of Wolf Mountain, Mrs. rhsi'lss Henderson and Mrs. E’vln Sdney of Quebec, Julius Owen of Gloucester, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ow 'u and children and Mrs. C. C. Hall ml daughter Lucy. - Mrs. Carlos White and children . Asheville and R. T. Hughes of V.ne Shoals, S. C., ’were guests of lr. and Mrs. F. Y. Wilkanks last eek. Mr .and Mrs. M. II. Rigsby visit 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Hall in ancestor on Tuesday. Waitev Olasener of Rosman was he guest of Miss Virginia Arro j wood Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Ray and guests Mrs. ■loti and son Burch of Washington, ). C. left Tuesday for a visit with ! ,.t lativcs in Augusta. Mrs. Elvin Edney and little daugh .r Laura Jane of Quebec spent the ' week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mali. Mrs. L. M. Aiken and son Bob of West Asheville are spending this ’ week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee. Miss Emma Jones who has held 1 i position in Flat Rock for some Mine has returned to her home here. Mrs. Ernest Pangle and children of Rosman are spending some time with Mrs. Pangle’s mother Mrs. , Harvey Rogers. I Mr. and Jdrs. Garrison Rolnns of Gastonia were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher and .ther relatives here. Ira Galloway and daughters Mil lied and Lucy spent the week-end vith Mr. Galloway’s parents, Mr. >nd Mrs. Vance Galloway, of Glou c'ter. Mrs. Maghee and son will leave his week for their home in Pitts burgh, Pa. after spending the sum ier at the Homestead. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Norris and laughter Ann, left Saturday foi their home in Bradenton, Fla., after pending the summer at “Norrcst Mi.-s Ann Norris will enter State •o k-ge for women at Tallahassee, Florida this fall. Frank Tinsley left Thursday fot Nashville, Tenn., where he will at 'end school., . . . Mr. and Mrs. Nut Lee, of Anderson, C., have been visiting friends and ■datives in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tinsley, Jul ", and Lucy Tinsley spent the week ad in Nashvil'e, Tenn. Mrs. Fitch and children, who neiit the summer at “Robin Hill, •iave returned to their home in Jack -nnville. , , . C. C. Hall has returned to nii 'uinie after spending some time with U daughter, Mrs. Joe. Cruso, in Morfrlk, Va. Rorn to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, : pttmber 10th, a daughter who .ill bear the name of Dovie Birdell. Mr. and Mrs. Hermit Hall had a* heir guest last week, Mr. Ha!, if mother, Mrs. Hail, of Rosman. .Mrs. Bill Fisher was a Brevard isitor Monday. T Mrs. Eli McKinna and Mrs. L. •» 1 ue were guest# of Mrs. W. J. Lames M Mis?*' Mae Wilbanks of Miami Fla was the guest last week of her ■'r.iher F. Y. Wilbanks. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McCarter and Hiss Laurra Wilbanks, of Green ille S. C. were guests of I aura Lafoy Sunday. Mr? McCar ,;r will remain for a visit of severs. iaMr and Mrs. Gene Moore and Jit ; Ho daughter. Joretta, of Quebec, idled relatives here Sunday Myrtle Cash, of Oakland spenf Monday night with Lucy Hail. ■ Mrs. Anna Breedlove had as her : * u»*st recently* her sifter, Aa1*s. Pag M m- nlR n'v Jones and baby spent Tuesday with Mrs. James Joncr. Mrs. Emmitt Owen and small >aughier spent last week-end m - “uebec as guests of Mr. and Mr*. Mack Reed. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neeley and I :>r!end Owen of B.evard spent Sun In here with relatives. Edgar Reed, of Oakland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Airowood Mon key. J. R. Owen, pastor of the '•'rcnch Broad Baptist church m tsheville preached an interes-ing -ermen at the Owen cemetery Sun t!iRev. Doc Owen, of Gloucester fi A d his regular appointment at Tox .vav Baptist church Sunday. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones our sincere sympathy in the loss of their beautiful little daugh ter, Imogene. May. God bless and pomfnrt them in their hour of sor* v0W is the prayer of their sincere fiicnds. Does one like a man who comes • ight cut and says what he thinks. Only sometimes. _ NOTICE OF SALE Under the power and authority vest, yd in the undersigned in a certain •eed of trust executed on the 6th day f July 1925 and recorded in Book 18 a* page 511 of the records of mortgu ;e- for Transylvania County, N. C., nd default having been made in pay- ] nent of the note secured thereby | >nd after due demand, I will offer ‘'or sale and sell to the highest bid !rr fcr cash on the 16th day of Octo ' ;r 1933 at 12 o’clock noon all that rtain real estate set out and de -ribed in a deed of trust recorded i Book'18 at page 511 of the rec •3 of deeds in trusts in the Regis-, v of Deeds office for Transylvania I 'mnty, N. C:, and said book and, :ge cf said record is made a part( reof. Said sale being made to satis indebtedness secured by said deed: • trust and interest and cost. This the 13th day of Sept. 1933. Al ie C. Wilson, Administratrix j of H. L. Wilson, deceased, Trus tse. ;>i. M—21—28 Oct. 5 ? 1 GILLESPIE HOUSE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE The Gillespie House, one of the, noted places for good things to eat in Transylvania county for years,1 was totally destroyed by fire of unknown origin about midnight Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gillespie, cwners oi the fine ^ home, are at present living in Hendersonville, the house having been vacant for the past several months. The home of Mr. and Mrsr'R. V. lores, within a few yards of the Gillespie House, was not damaged. | Only partial loss was covered by in surance. CIRCUS COMING TO i ASHEVILLE MONDAY — The Great Hagenbecfc - Wallace ' circus,—largest trained wild animal 1 show in the world, is coming to ; Asheville for performances, after noon and night, on Monday, Septem 'her 18. i The huge affair, known as “The i Highest Class Circus On Earth," ■ will bring all the famous Hagenbeck Walace arenic stars, including Clyde , Beatty, the greatest wild animal i trainer in the world, who, this year, ' enters a steel arena with forty wild and ferocious lions and tigers—the most dangerous and thrilling display l ever before presented. 1 More than 1400 persons comprise :he big shew, and three special all• '< steel trains are required to trans port the mammoth circus, conceded, i the second largest in the world. “Poodles” Hanncford, famous rid ing c'own, and the noted Hanneford | family of bare-back riders, again, by popular demand, head the field of equestrian acts, while numbers “high in the air” are almost countless, as are the trained and educated horse displays, and spectacular stage num bers which feature many trained animal acts. | “Bombayo”, The Man from India, the famed Picchiani Troupe of spring-board acrobats, the Billetti 'Troupe of breath-taking high-wire performers, the Canestrelly Family, unsupported-ladder artists, and the newly imported “CHrckerboard” dis play of forty-eight back and white liberty horses, said to be the most 1 beautiful trained horse display in *ho world, are other 1933 features, 1 not forgetting the gorgeous. opening i -.ageani. “Cleopatra, Queen ot ■ Egypt," the five herd? of performing Is phantr—40 in number, and a . • ogress of nationally known clowns omens as laugh provokers, i Performances arc scheduled to be En at 2 and 8 p. m. with the main • i-ates opening one hour earlier, al '’•■wing inspection of the Great Ha !gnbeck-W allace douh'o menagerie. | *hc largest on tour in the world. In Memory Of MRS. G. W. McCALL I i Mrs G. w71McCall of Balsam Grove, was borne into the presence : cf the “Great Physician" on August ! s>9th, following a serious ’llness ol : two weeks. “Aunt Jane," as she was called, had been an invalid for sev ! eral years. Aunt Jane was the last child of i the 'arge family of Mr. and Mrs. I Calvin Shenherd. of Macon county ito depart, this life. On her counted lance, as her soul passed into eternu 'tv was seen such a light rom Hea Iv'en that it proved it was only » glorious home-going for her. Surely 1 she saw the glory of the Lord with ,her own eyes before sloping away. She gave her heart and her life to i the Lord at the age of Sixteen and , had lived 54 years an exceptionally b. loved and remarkably useful mem 'ber of the Baptist church. ! At her marriage to Mr. McCall 49 years ago she came from frank lin N C. to Transylvania county, ! making her home at Ba'sam Grove, where she lived 49 years a true ana devoted wife, a loving and faithfu mother, an humble Christian and a great friend. She is survived by her I husband, four daughters; Mrs. Blythe Owens, of Jackson county, Mrs. H. Owens, and Mrs. Floyd Maegard of Balsam Grove, Mrr. Fred Honeycutt of Brevard, and two „cn« W. C. McCall of Balsam Grove and George D. McCall of Pi» gah Forest. The funeral service was conducted at the home by the Re\. Judson Come. Aunt Jane is— Not dead, no, no! but borr.c beyond the shadows, Into the full clear light; Forever done with mist and cloud and tempest, t Where all is calm and bright. Not even sleeping-called to glad awakening In Heaven’s endless day; Not still and moveles3-stepped from earth’s rough places To walk the King’s highway. Not silent—passed from earthly hearing To sing Heaven's sweet, new song; Not lonely—dearly loved and dearly loving, Amid the white robed throng. But not forgetful-keeping fond re memberance Of dear ones left awhile; And looking gladly to the bright re union With hand clasp and with smile. Oh no, not dead, but past all fear of dying And with all suffering o’er Say not that she is dead when Jesus called her To live forever more. Mrs. George D. McCal1, Pisgah Forest, N. C. Y. T. H. F. GROUPS C OSE OFFICERS Group officers of Brevard Chap-, ter Y. T. H. F. were e ected during the week, with a complete set up for the three groups. For the tenth and eleventh grades,' George Leverette w«3 chosen pres-' ident; Earl Ashworth, vice presi-' dent; Sidney Siniard, secretary;! Jone3 Garren, treasurer; Lee Coop-1 er, reporter; Edgar Glassener, How ard Morris and Glanna Shipman, executive committee; Edward Mack ey, Charles Meece, Mack Hamlin, O’Dell McKinney and Max Green, program committee. For the ninth grade, James Glai ener was elected president; Melvin McGaha, vice president; Ralph Smith, secretary; Paul Owen, treas urer; Robert Taylor, reporter; Claude Davis, Ra'ph Brown and Donald Merrill, program committee. For the eighth grade, Robert Kil lian was chosen president; Tom Nich olson, vice president; A bert Shu ford secretary; Ashley Dickson, ' trea. uier; Riley Beddingfield, re porter; Edgar Garreiy, William Nei ! son and "Charles BurreP, executive I committee; Jack Hogsed, Albert 'Williams, Sam McCullough, Joe Mc Junkins, program committee. Beginning with this Friday after noon, meetings will be held by the different groups every other Friday. QUEBEC NEWS I Mrs. Gene Moore and baby and Mrs. Marvin Edney and baby visited Mrs. Stophel at Rosman one day last week. Mrs. B. T. Whitmire, Mrs. Ander : son Smith and Mrs. Wa ter Sanford and children visited Mrs. Judson McCrary of Brevard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire visit ed their grandparents Saturday. Mr.'and Mrs. Walter Sanford and children from Enka were visitors in the home of Mrs. Sanford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire, four .days last week. Mr. L. C. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bryson and Miss Vera MeCall went to a chicken dinner Sunday night at the home of Tim Miller of Sapphire. ... , Mrs. L. E. Reece visited her brother Rev. J. K. Henderson of Brevard Sunday. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Ponder and daughter visited Mrs. B. T. Whitmire one day last week. Miss Louise Owen is visiting her uncle Mr. Wilk Reid of Tryon. Eiastus Whitmire get his dollat charg'd last week, receiving four quarters for his one little piece of i paper. On examining his “hand full” [ of quarters he found one of them had a hole in it. Not caring for the j piece of money with a hole. h« re turned it and got one that was whole. ... ™ Mrs. Bessie Fisher of Lake Toxa i wa r was a visitor in the home of hex : sis toi Mrs. Nancy Fisher, last i Saturday. „ , : Mr. and Mrs. Judson McCrary l a lid sop of Brevard visited Mrs. Me Clary’s mutter, Mrs. L. E. Recce, last Sunday. Misses Inez and Ruby Dunn re cently visited Mrs. T. C. Henderson. , ima J -an Jones, little daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Clyde- Jones, died on I Monday of last week and was buried Thursday afternoon in Oak Grove Baptist cemetery. Funeral services 1 were conducted by Hev. A. J. Man I Mr. and Mrs. John Fufty and Mr. land Mrs. Mitchell Neely of Brevard j were visiters in the home Oi Mrs. L E. Reece Sunday afternoon Mrs. Mack Reid returned home •GLOUCESTER NEWS (Helen Owen) -s A detoration tervioe will be held at the Anders cemetery on Sunday Sept. 17th at eleven o'c'ock with the Rev. Judson Hall pastor of Mac edonia Baptist church in charge. Ira Galloway and daughters Lucy and Mildred spent the week-end as guests of Mr .and Mrs. Vance Gal loway. Mildred Price spent Thursday night as guest of Mable Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCall? Mildred Price Mrs. Loren Kitchen and son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowford. Mrs. Burgian Ki pa(trick and daughter Inota spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Gal loway. Mr. and Mrs. O’Dell Owen and son of Cherryfield spent Sunday as guests of R. F. Kilpatrick. Cora Boll Anderson of Piedmont, S. C., spent Sunday night as a guest of Maxie McCall. ; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jones is spend ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owen. Mac McCall visited Burgan Kil ' patvick Sunday. i Mrs. Laura Hammons and chil dren, Calie and Cora Be’l Anderson of Piedmont, S. C., are spending [this week with friends and relatives Saturday afternoon after spending three weeks with her daughter at Easley, South Carolina. Just arrived on last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones a new and attractive guest, It’s a girl named Dovie Birdell. Mr. and Mrs. Tol Whitmire and two daughters of Canton were visi tors last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall and other relativei of this community. Miss Madge Jones of Etowah was visiting her brothers, Messrs. Clyde j and Floyd Jones during the past week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Reid !ast week-end were Mr. Phillips and little grandson, Mr. Clarence Horton and little daughter Christine and Mr. Mullinax, all from Easley, S. C. It is reported that several men and boys of this community have i been hunting and ‘taking in” a good I supply cf “rabbit*,” missing only I those which hid in holes in the | trees about seventy-five feet up from I the ground. . „ _ . ! a. C. Brooks and Rev. J. E: Burt ---- FRUITLAND SCHOOL DRIVE NEXTSUNDAY • Will Present Cum Of Baptist Institution In All ChuweluM Support for Fruitland Institute trill be asked in all Baptist churches next Sunday, acording to L. ?. Ham fin, chairman of the local com mittee, the following announcement being made by Mr. Hamlin in regard to the drive. At the Transylvania County Bap tist Association L. P. Hamlin, Mrs, M. H. Holiday, T. F. Middleton, Dorse A lison, C. B. Clarke and Mrs. T. P. Ward were appointed as a committee to work for Fruitland Institute in Transylvania Associa tion. Recently this committee met with Professor A. B. Murphre, pres ident of Fruitland Institute at which time it was decided to make thn third Sunday in September Fruitland Institute Sunday in Transylvania County and the following speakers i have been selected to go to the var ious churches of the Baptist Associa tion on next Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Beasley, Cars Hill. Mrs. T. P. Ward, Boylston. L. P. Hamlin, Blantyre. . -Ralph H. Ramsey, Catheys Creek J. B. Jones, Mt. Moriah, Ca'.vert 1 E. C. Neil, Little River. A. B. Galloway, Mt. Moriah, Cher ryfield. 1 W. W. Pruett, Dunns Bock. Mrs. M. H. Holiday, Enon. Miss Mary Frances Biggers, Pis gah Forest. Miss Janie Strickland, Cedar Mountain . Mrs. Carl McCrary, Rosman. A. P. Bell, Middle Fork. W. S. Price, Glady Branch. N. L. Ponder, Oak Grove. T. C. Henderson, Lake Toxaway. RIV. Flave Holden, Dunns Rock. , J. A. Glazener, Brevard. 1 A. E. Hampton Shoal Creek. C. R. C ark, Macedonia. P. H. Galloway, Blue Ridge. made a trip to Columbia, S. C.r iMt week with a load of vegetab.e*. When they had disposed of their load ar.d started back heme, the light wing of the Cuba-Florida Texas storm wa» fluttering around Columbia, one. it was difficult to keep their little truck headed to ward home, it often being driven sideways, skidding over the wet slick surface of the highway. H Wall cases, 3oda fountain, cafe equipment patent medicines, com of sundries, and many other items. This ifHar S and assignment for bene j 10 A|M.r Phene 734, Ktrustee, 80S additional ii ■HMmi We have most any kind of seed that you need to make your winter garden complete. Still time to make A complete line of flower seeds that will he\p you make your lawn y and flower garden what it ought ..ifliMeilUJ * -— chow"r for all farm animals. We also car ry a large line of shorts, bran, cracked coin, hay, and roughage. We Can Save You Money ■nn STILL BUYING Paying as much as you can get anywhere and giving I fair treatment to all J jtore vuun h» w««»» East Main Street