Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevar , /; a - :c-“rAa»JSgk MACFIE RECEPTION BRILLIANT AFFAIR Honoring their son Jeffreys Ashe Macfie and his brick, ihe . former Miss Rebecca Sumrney, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Macfie tendered a re ception Saturday afternoon Septem ber the ninth, at their home on Cald well street. The house was tastefully decorated with a profusion of fall flowers, a color scheme of pink and lavender | predominating. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Macfie, Jeffreys Ashe Macfie and bride, Miss Nancy Macfie, and the fo lowing intimate friends; Mrs. Henry N. Carrier, Mrs. Harry P. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beane Sr. of Augusta. From a beautifully decorated table on the porch punch was served by ! Mrs. Randall W. Everett and Mrs.' Norman Heggie of Jacksonville. j Under the Skillful direction of, Mrs. Harry Patton the following young ladies, special friends of the j bride and groom, assisted in serving; refreshments; Misses Dorothy Ev-, erett, Charlotte Patton, Annie; Yengue, Dorothy Fetzer, Rowena| Orr, Mrs. Ed Cantre'l, Miss Jean Heggie of Jacksonville and Miss I<ouiso Beane of Augusta. During the afternoon more than 150 friends called to pay their re spects to this popular young couple. The groom is the younger son of Mr. and Mr A Spencer Mac(|\ « graduate of Brevard high school and later attended Davidson College where he is a member of K. A. fra ternity. The bride is a graduate of Bre vard high school and very popular in the younger social set and is a young woman of fine attainments. Immediately following the recep tion the bride and groom ett on a motor irip to High Hampton. Blow ing R' ck and ether mountain rc Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at the homei of the groom’s parents on Caldwell] street. j MISS SEELY WEDS MR. CKOGAN j Of interest to many friends aim relatives in this section is the mar riage of Miss Willie Mae Neeley and Mt Fred Grogan which took place at Pickens. South Carolina, Wednes day Sept mbev the sixth. Mr. and Mrs. Grogan have taken an apartment in Hinton Lodge Mr. Grogan connected with tne . o A dwvovth company. MIL L E E-COW AS' WEDDING AN SOI SLED Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Millet- an 1 nounce the marriage of then- daugh ter Margaret Davis, to William Owan Jr. of Char'otte. the ceremony oo'-uring August 29, 1932 at ^ck ens South Carolina, Rev. L. A. Car ter. “astor of the First Methodist hutch officiating. Mrs. Cowan is the youngest daugh tor of Mr. tnd Mrs. H. M. Miher xlu| is i charming member of tne younger social set of Erevaid. After a weading trip Mr. and Mrs. Ccvvan Jr. will be Y{ groom’s mother Mrs. William Cowan of Charlotte. N. C. MISS SUMMEY WEDS MS. MACFIE ..1 Mr 0 V'. Summey ai nounces the marriage of his daughter Rebecca to Jeffreys Ashe Macfie on August .*> 1932, at tin- Fust Methodist church. Pickens, South Carolina. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. I-. A. Carter, pastor of the church An l> 4. R- HOLDS' FIRST MEETING Or YEAR The D A. R. held it’s first regular meeting of the year with Mrs. Ra ph Ratasev at her home cn Park ave rue. Mrs. Ramsey, the newly elect ed Regent, presiding. The meeting was opened with ba lute to the Flag and prayer. At the request of the Regent the same standing committees will WW this year with the addition of Mrs. Cole man Galloway to the D. A. R. **. aisine and a’so the Girl HmMK> committees. Mrs. Laura M.Ue., chair ivan of the program committee read the ’ist of program leaders as roi U ' September. Mrs. Bo rg; October Mis* Kern; November, Miss Gash,; December. Mrs. Allison; January, I Mrs. Galloway: February. Mrs. bib; versteen; March, M r s PaJ-t0" ■ April, Mrs. Tatum; May, M rs. Blythe. Programs to be used ar those recommended by the u. a. k. magazine. . , * ! The secretary read a card from Miss Maude Ellen Pike asking for, a demit to the Abigail Whitman chapter of Norway, Maine. Demit was also issued to Nathaniel Gieene chapter of Greenville, S. C., tor Mrs. W. H. Davis. _ .. . Invitation from t.he President General. Mrs. Morris, to the district meeting to be held in Asheville Oc tober 18th, was read asking that this chapter appoint a page. Miss Anita Galloway’ was asked to serve with Miss Rebecca Patton alternate. Mrs. Blythe gave an interesting talk on matters pertaining to the National Defense League. A motion was car ried to change the hour of meeting from 3:30 to 3:45. _ LADIES CLASS IN ENJOYABLE MEETING The regular meeting of. the Wo-' nan* bible class of the Methodist •hutch mot 'll the Ladies parlor Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hendrix, Mrs. 0. H. Lyday and Miss Sudie North were joint hostesses. Following the business session Ihe members were invited to the church grounds for a weinc-r roast where thev were joined by several members of the mens bible class, especially invited for this social hour. MR. BRADLEY WEDS MISS CLINTON ! Mr. Osborne Bradley of this city, and Miss Alice Clinton of Asheville, N. C., were married Sunday. Scp-^ tember 10th at the home of thCj b'-ide's brother in Spartanburg. Mr.; and Mvs. Bradley will make their; home in Brevard. Mr. Bradley is manager of the Bradley department store. PRE VBYTERIA S' CIRCLES IS’ INTERESTING MEETINGS Mrs. C. D. Brown was hostess to Circle No. 2 o? the Woman’s Auxili ary of the Presbyterian church at her heme, Thursday afternoon at three-thirty. Seven members were present. Mrs. Kinton McLeod led the devotional and the program was in charge of Miss Cora Willson. Mis. Harry Patton chairman of tnc cir cle presided over the business ses A social hour followed during which the hostess served dainty re freshments. Circle No. 4 of the Womans Aux iliary of the Presbyterian church met Thursday night with Miss Charlotte Brown. Mrs. Patton Kimzey presid ing. Mrs. C. E. Cunningham led the devotional and the program on Home Mission was in charge of Miss Re ba Kitchen At the close of the meet ing a social hour nrd refreshments were enjoyed. EASTERN STAR TO MEET SENT TUESDAY The regular meeting of the East rn Star will be held in the Masonic hall next Tuesday at 8 o’clock. All members are requested to be present. An invitation is extended to all i visiting Star members. .RECENT BRIDES ARE .HONORED WITH SHOWER. 1 Mrs. Roy McCall and Mrs. Mitch ell Fortune were honored with a j misee'lanecus shower Friday night i at eight o’clock. Miss Ruby Whit i mire, the hostess, entertaining at i her home. A color scheme of orchid , and green was used in decorating, j The honorees received many pretty and useful gifts. Thirty-five young folks were pres ent to enjoy games and the opening of the gifts after which punch and ■ cookies were served. WEEDE-MEYER ORCHESTRA CABARET DANCE Arcade Roof—Asheville FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 15th Couples $1.50—Stags $1.00 10 until 2 a. m. WIPMAN-BRITTAIN MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED The marriage of Miss Mazy Ship man, attractive daughter of Mrs. Emma Shipman and the late Mr. T. Jec Shipman, to Mr. Allen Davis Brittain on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock was an event of much in terest here and in many points. The quiet ceremony Was performed in the presence of a few relatives and : close friends in the First Baptist I church by the pastor, Rev. W. H, ! Ford, who used the impressive ring service. j Miss Kate Dotson presided at the ' rgan for the wedaing music and i rendered "Because,” by Guy D’Hars j .lelot before going into the strains I of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin I is the wedding party approached, i While the vows were being spoken "I Love You Truly,” by Came Ja cobs Bend, was softly played. The bride, who belongs to one of, I the prominent families of this sec. tion, was lovely in a smart traveling | suit of eel grey with matching ac cessories and wore a corsage of Ophelia rosebuds. The bride is a graduate of Pleasant Hill Academy •it Pleasant Hil!, Tenn., and has a wide circle of friends. The maid of honor, Miss Mildred Jones, was attired in a modish suit of Spanish tile with brown acces sories and woi-e white gardenias. Tlte groom’s brother, Mr. Grady Brittain, attended him as best man. | The groom is the son of Mrs, Mamie Brittain and the late Mr. M.1 M. Brittain, a well known family of lie county. He is manager of the Brittain Produce company of this •ity. He took a course at N. C. State College at Raleigh. I The young couple left immediately , iftcrward fer a motor trip to several; •mints of interest. Announcements have been issued and the acompany-, ing card said that they wi l make (heir home at 228 Sixth avenue west.' A host of friends will extend best wishes .— (Hendersonville Times News.) SWIMMING PARTY ENJOYED AT ROCKBROOK CAMP A few friends of Helen Carrier nioved an afternoon swimming par-, ty at Rockbrook Camp Sunday after •'Von. Among those present were a small number of Brevard’ syounger 'wys and girls, all of whom seemed 'o have a very enjoyable afternoon it the camp lake. I MISS HAMILTON HOSTESS 1 TO YOUNG PEOPLE The Y. W. A. of Glady Branch , church held their regular meeting at the home of Miss Marjorie Ham ilton last Friday night. The president ana vice president both being absent, the members dis cussed plans for the success of their organization and sang Y. W. A. pep songs. A number of new members were welcomed. During a pleasant social hour * watermelon feast added enjoyment to the occasion. The next meeting will be he'd at the home of Marga ret and Melrose Tinsley September 16th. _ i RECENT BRIDE HONORED. Mrs. E. F. Tiison was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Pat Kimzey, Mrs. Willis Brittain, and Miss Janio Strickland last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kimzey in hon or of her recent marriage. The house was artistically decorat ed with a profusion of dahlias in their rich colors combined with ether fa l flowers, After a series of| progressive games the hostesses ser ved a delicious salad course. At this time the bride was presented with a beautiful set of iced tea glasses in crystal with compotes to match. The guest prize was drawn by Mrs. J. B. Jones. The guests for this occasion included: Mrs. Charles Newland, Mrs. Hinton McLeod, Mrs. J. B. Jrnes, Mrs. Roy Long, Mrs. Robert Plummer, Mrs. Joe Poole, Mrs. Jul ian Glazener, Mrs. Maude Webb, Miss Juanita F*uett, Mish Virginia Wilcox, Miss Eva Call, Miss Martha Boswell, Miss Mary Frances Big gers, Mrs. Harry Sellers. MISSES JENKINS AND ALLISON GIVEN FAREWELL PARTY ! On Thursday evening Miss Mary Sue Jennings entertained at the home of Mrs. Carl McCrary on Maple ‘treet with three tables of bridge in honor of Miss Mae Jenkins and Miss Lena Allison who are leaving to resume their studies. . Miss Jenkins returns to the Train ing school for Nurses at St. Mary* Hospital in New York City, Miss Mliscn to Western Caro ma Teach -rs co'lcge where she will enter her senior year. During refreshments the consolation gift was awarded to Miss Christine Young and each of the honorees received a gift. UROWN-TINSLEY WEDDING ANNOUNCED A wedding of much interest to friend? in Brevard was that <,l Mfc Lucille Brown to C. A. Tin” ? which was solemnized Saturday af ternoon at two o’c’ock at the home cf the bride’s parents Mr. ant M*J Tell Brown on the Jyuntry C-ud road the Rev. Paul Hartsoll of the Brevard Baptist church off The bride wore a lovely blue km. '’•V:'lfn“crSSTy mI’Si.?' Spartanburg. Greenville and Toy lovs, S. c. upon their return the. will be at home on kaple street. birthday tarty /SJR T&'W-V If ?et in Brevard was a party E> • Saturday night at Camp I lahee by Sandy McLeoo. rdebrating h. f t tpenth birthday. A number of young high school friends enjoyed games, sonare and round dancing, and variety of refreshments. Canoeing on the Illnhce •ided novel entertainment for many, while others enjoyed situare dan ine in the lodge overlooking the lake. All the young jmop e report that cnirved the evening to the fuiie-i, and wish Sandy many returns of tig day _ trORM.ER BRDi'ARD column of tu. Will. <S<* |g be of special interest to a host ox friends in 'his county where Lanaig Gallo'.var spent his boyhood and w VM!S'.. • »/* cl. of M.nds in North Crol.wt »»j South Carolina is the engage men S Virginia Galloway, of Lynch* Vvmr S C, to Mr. Lamar Galloway, this city The announcement was irmriln,.,. g.» Fg,i.y .v %;.hT.U«sr ."W was covered with a lace cloth and the centerpiece was of rosas and eweeC brides being used for the..ladl!fentl^ [silhouetted grooms for the gen i'"Each guest was presented wth^^a jig-saw puzzle whicn, when ! b*d revealed the news of the «n I pacement and that the marriage 1 would take place in November. Guesta attending the party were Mr. Lamar Galloway of Asheville, M . Mrs E. H. Pate of Lamar, S. t,., Mr. W. R. Gall >way of Fort Fla • Miss Maude Tallon, ^ 10^' S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W}111*™8 of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs L- W. Wd kerson, of Hartsville, S. C., • Mrs. John C. Galloway of Atlanta, Mrs R. M. Prince, of Greenville. Mr and Mrs. L. S. Lindler, of Sum ter, South Carolina. , , Miss Ga'loway is a graduate ol Gcker college and for thepast oral rears has been teaching school in the city schools of AShevdle, and although bearing the same name i« not related to the groom. Mr. Galloway is a graduate of woi ford college and, after being grad. iated from Wofford, studied law ai Hie University of North Carolina He is a member of Chi Tau fraterni y, of Phi Alpha Delta, national le •»al fraternity, an of Tau Kappi \]oha, national honary forensic fra cinity. For the past eight ytars hi Mrs. Tim Cowan and daughter Martha have returned from a visit to the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Moselle of Char 'eston are guests of Mrs. F. P. ! Sledgo. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Bramlet have returned to their home in Jack-] sonville, Fla., after a stay at the home of Mrs. Sledge. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wilson and Mrs. E. Y. Quinn spent Saturday in Asheville. Miss Dot Shipman left last week for Mars Hill college. Mr. and Mrs. Welch GaToway and Lamar Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. John Neely of Asheville were in the city Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. T. H. Galloway and ware guests at the home of Mrs. R. H. Zachary. Mrs. George L. Glazener who has been seriously ill for several w.eks, is reported improving. Mrs. Jack Reymond has returned tc her home in Tulsa, Okla., after spending some time with her father, T. L. Snelson. Mrs. Mary McCarter and daughter Mss Louise McConne'l of Washing ton, D. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. A McCarters father G. W. Tran tham, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Trantham. Mrs. Mattie, Mr. and Mrs. Schrum and Mr. and Mrs. Lo gan Strut of Maiden, N. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Trantham over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Butts who have been the_guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Patton left Sunday for their home in Orlando, Fla. They were accompanied home by Nixon Jr. who has been at French Broad Camp for the season. I Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Trantham are living at the England Home dur ing the absence of Mrs. Ethel Har- j ris who has gone to Washington, D. C., for a short visit. j Mrs. Ethel Harris and grand-, daughter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Crary to Washington, D. C., on Sunday where Mr. Crary has been representing Grennelle compa-, ny as chief engineer in charge of tilt power plant and piping of the Buzzard Paint Power plant for the past few months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles nckeisimer, Mr?. J. B. Pickelsimer and daughter Ruth will motor to Weaverville Thursday where Miss Ruth Pickcl simer will enter Weaver college. Mrs. I.igon rf Anderson. S. C., who hss ocouoied her lovely summer home ut Casears Head this season was a visitor in Brevrrd Monday. Mr. Robert Deader of Tampa, FiU. a former resident of Brovard was a visitor here the past week. • Ms. Frank J. Booth of Clearwa'er, Fla., has arrived at the Moofltt House to spend two weeks with her sister Mrrsr. Win. T. Harrison.. •I. S. Sih-ersteen left Monday on a business trip to the east. Mils Margaret Cash has returned to her home in New York City after a month’s visit with relatives and friend**. OM Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stytrs and children left Friday far their home in Washington, D. C., after a weeks visit with Mrs. Stycr’s parent* Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cloud. §31 Mrr. Patton Reeve of Morristown, Tenn., is visiting Mrs. John C. Deav er at the home of Miss Julia Denver Hinton McLeod Jr. left Tuesday to i ecu me his studies at Davidson Col-, lege. 1 Mr. J. T. MeGehee of Macon, Ga., spent the week-end with his famLy at their summer home in Brevnrd. Misses Fanny and Nida MtGehee and their brother Richard returned to Macon with their father on Sun-. day. gSKSSBH , „ ! Miss Margaret Deader left Sun day for Harrisonburg, Va„ where she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babb have taken the home of Mrs. L. B. Haynes for the winter. Mrs. Babb’s mother, Mrs. Anderson will come from At lanta. to spend the winter with her daughter. . Mrs. Garland McGregor ant. Mrs. W. H. Davis who have been spend ing the summer at “Ivy Hill’ were cal ed home Saturday on account of the serious iliness of Mr. Me Gregor’s siste- Mrs Charles Peat man of Anderson. S. C. , Dr. Eleanor Townsenu and Junior Watson of Charleston anti Miss Mar garet Bveec-e of St. Augustine will arrive Wednesday for a visit w’tn Mr. and Mm. J. M. Allison. Mr. C. R. McNeely was a ousines* visitor in Asheville Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Dowler of Ft. Lau derrdale, Fla., expects to eave Bre i vard the latter part of the weelc i after spending a month at the Mol I fitt House. . , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Houston of i Hendersonville spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexander, of Harrisburg, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mr?. J. K. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Yates visited friends in Brevard last Saturday. A. IL Harris and Herbert Schain spent Tuesday in Asheville on busi ness. , . i Mrs. Mitchell Shipman and family who have had a cottage i n North Brevard for the summer months left Wednesday for thejr home »n , Raleigh. has been practicing law in this city where he is at present asociated as sociated with his father in the firm of Galloway and Galloway. SAINT PHILIPS I AUXILIARY TO MEET Miss Blair of Saluda, vice-presi dent of the second district of the Womans Auxiliary will be in Bre vard Friday, September 15th. , A special meeting of the ^ Wo mans auxiliary of St. Philips church is called to meet in the chapel a1 3:30 and every member is urged to i l*e present. Mrs. Guy Nicholson of Savannah has returned home after a visit with friends and elativea hers. Mrs. T. J. Wilson, Mrs. E. If. Quinn and Miss Mary Maxwell spent Friday shopping in Hender sonville. Mrs. C. M. Douglas visited her mother in Asheville Tuesday of this week. Mrs. C. W. Pickelsimer and Miss Ruth Pickelsimer spent the day shopping in Asheville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Carrier and guests were visitors in Green, ville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sprinkle and twin daughters Ann and Lillie of Henderson, N. C., are the guests of their sister Mrs. Pat Kimxey on Park Avenue. Mrs. R. S. Fuller of Winter Park. Fia., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Poole. Miss Ruth Vaughn returned from Aiken, S. C., where she has been in camp and wi'l spend a week with her parents before going to Gaff ney, S. C., where she has a peti tion as teacher in the city school*. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carmichael of Portsmouth, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis of Asheville were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mr*. Houston Mackey at Davidson River. Ernest Miller left Saturday for Washington, D. C., where he has ac cepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sltton have moved from Cherryfield to the Louie Loftis home on Prcbarte street for the winter. Dick Zachary of Atlanta visited his mother Mrs. R. H. Zachary over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Jenks and Mrs Verne Clement are visiting in Erwin, Tenr. Mr. Motte>-n, Mr*. Jenk’s father, who haslieeu visiting his daughter here returned with them to his home. Mrs. Mahaffey and daughter La Verne of Greenville have beer, visit- j ing at the borne of J. E. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barclay of1 Greensburg, Pa., are the guests of Mrs. Barclay’s parents Mayor and Mrs. Wike. Mrs. Margaret Setzer left Thurs day for a visit in Western North Carc'ina and Georgia. Mr. ana Mrs. Roy McCall of Ly man. S. C., spent the past week-end visiting in Brevard. Mrs. Andrew Bergstrom and lit tle grandson of Atlanta, Georgia, has arrived at the Moffitt House to spend several weeks. , Jt1 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Crocsnorn and Miss Marry Louise Crnushorn motored'to Macon, Georgia or lues dav where Miss Croushorn is a stud ent Rl Wesleyan College. L Mrs. Carl Frarfy of Ror.derton* vi'le is visiting her mother Mm. Mamie Verdery. . .. Mrs. Curtis Muse was ttt the city Tuesday of this week. Mrs Muse s connected with the Muonic Jour nal and Orphan’s friend and wa» locking after their interests m tlili ^Mr.5* Randall W. Everett and. M1m Dorothy Everett; motored to Wmjton Sf’.em Vn Wednesday where Mil* Everett entered Salem Academy lor the school year. ._ Friends wi>l he happy to iearr that Mrs. David Ward who has been seriously ill for several weeks Charleston are visitors in the city. Mr. and Mia. Gordon Rom return ed Tuesday from a visit to their borne in Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. Bow have been spending the summer at the home of Mr*. E. W. Blythe on Country Club Road and an planning to stay through October. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lewi* and small daughter of Asheville wen guest* of relatives in town over Ibc week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duckworth and children of Marshall, N. C., were visitors hen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Carrier have the pleasure of having as their guests at this time Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heggie of Jacksonville. Mrs Heggie is Mr. Carrier’s deter. Mrs. Bevis of Miami, Fla., arrived at the Moffitt House Wednesday to spend several weeks. Henry Carrier Jr. left on Wed nesday for Rome, Ga., where he will be a student at Darlington this year. Miss Elisa Henry will leave on Friday of this week for Gastonia, N. C., to resume work as a member of the faculty of the Gastonia high school. , , Miss Eloise Lewis will leave on Wednesday for Tarbtro, N. C., where she will teach in the city schools. Mrs. Thomas Barrette Sr., of Au gusta a guest at the home of 0. L. Erwin, who has been sick for the past few weeks, is decidedly im proved. Mrs. Barnette is one of our most charming summer visitors and thiR announcement will be received with pleasure by a large circle of friends that she has made in her short residence here. Miss Annie Locke of Columbia, C., returned to her home iu that city alter e pleasant visit with rela tives here. Hiss Locke holds the nosition Better Cooked Meals at Nominal SOUTHERN 3 East Main Day Phone 116

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