CEDAR MTN. SCHOOL HAS MANY ENROLLED — With an enrollment of fifty Cedar Mountain school Is progresing nice ly under the supervision of Mi** Dixie Jones, who is handling thi* largo group of students in an ad mirable manner. Contests were held last week in the English divisions of the different Biades, the following article* being selected as among tne best submit ted by the pupil*: WHY l LIKE FALL i like full became the weather u neither too hot or too cold and in this even temperature my spirit 1« in a healthful, Joyful mood and 1 can better appreciate the beauties of nature. The flowers in their glow, ing colors give me a greater thrill) the leaves with their golden glitter make me feel that I am on soms lofty hill; the fruits with theta ripening odors revive my thirsty hunger until I can eat my fill; thd birds with their charming voice* sooth my troubled heart and con strain me to surrender to Him my will: the brooks with their Hppling chatter lead me onward and upward still. . ~’.m Them* nre u few of the many things that nature has given the fall which makes It my choice of all seasons. Blanche FALL Fall is coming soon, you can just toll by th<- moon: Frost is coming back rn earth anti and it makes you think of Oc tober birth. It wont b- Ion/ 'til it will be cold you can tell by the clouds so crimson and gold. The squirrels run fast giving thunks for the mart, ■\n' itall worth an October birth. Itobert Karl damn, FALL IS COMING Fa! is coming soon, and we may sec the bright y lighted moon; The leaves may turn brown and full to the ground, Upon this earth of dust. Chestnuts are falling and the blue iays are calling; t like to get out and travel about the meadows Where the cows are bawling. Marvin Jones FALL 1 like fall the best of all season*. Kail has beautiful loaves of red, gold, and many other colors. W* like to go out in October and No vember nr.d see the beautiful car pet that the leaves have made on the ground. Boys lib f,» go fishing in the foil: thev" catch crawfish, minnows and fish of different sizes. Boys also like to go hunting with their father’s and of course the boys have tc have n Ktin or they wait'd not en joy it; they kill squiffrl, coons, pos sum nnd rabbits. Sometimes the boys make a rabbit box or get their father, to make them one. The fall month* are Sepicmbei, October nnd Novem ber Marie Burns Mi)THKR There are lints in her lorhead and gray in her hair, That the cares of a lifetime of love have put there; There are roses, now faded, that left her cheeks To blossom for loved ones whose welfare she s eeks. Rut all of the beauty of living for others Shines in her face and the fare of all mothers. Paul Roberts, Jv. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the power of Sale contained in that ceitain Deed in Trust from W. A. Kilpat rick to I). L. English, Trustee for the Brevard Building & Loan Asso ciation,. bearing date of April 18th 1929, registered in Book 23 at Pag* <>0 of tiie Record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, N. C. Se curing certain indebtedness therein described,, and default having been made in the payment of said In debtedness, whereby the Power of Sale contained in aaid Deed in Trust has become operative, and all notices required having been given and said default has not been made good, and the holder of the note evidencing said debt having requested the un dersigned to foreclose said Deed In Trust; Now, therefore, the undersigned Trustee will, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1933, at 12 o’c'ock M. at the court hous* door in the Town of Brevard, N. C„ offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following proper ty to wit: That retain house and lot lying and being in the Town of Brevard and on the West side of South Broad Street, reference being hereby made to said deed in trust and the record thereof for a description of said lot by metes and bounds. The proceeds of said sale to be applied upon said indebtedness, com missions, costs of sale etc. This the 12th. day of September, 1933. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee Sept. 21—28 Oct 5—12 ' OTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the Power < f Sale contained in that certain J>ecd in Trust from R. R. Eagle and wife Bessie H. Eagle to D. I* Eng lish, Trustee for the Brevard Build ing & Loan Asso. dated November 10th. 1930, and registered in Book No. 23 at Page 152 of the record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, N. C. securing certain in* QUEBEC NEWS (By Lucille Henderson) Mrs. L. E. Recce spent last Fri day afternoon with Miss Patience Boling. Several of the young people of this community visited Quebec school Friday afternoon to hear a program presented by the pupils of the school. They report a pleasant afternoon an da fine program. Miss Lillian and Opal Dodgin spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Lucille Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene King are visiting Mrs. King’s parents, Mr. md Mis, James Chapman, Miss Barbara Henderson and Helen McCall spent Sunday with Ml»» Rebecca Smith. . Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hawkins and son, William, of Taylors, S. C, were Sunday guests of Miss Helen Henderson and Miss Patience Bo lmMr .and Mrs. Grover Woodard visited Mrs. Woodard’s parent#, Mr., and Mrs. John Reid Sunday. Misses Dlla Mae and Alleen Owen I vIhIU'4 Misses Berthp and Ethel Golden on Saturday of lust week. I Mrs, Raph Alexander and he< brother J. B. Chapman visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Sunday. Mrs Homer McCall and her i mother, Mrs. John Robinson, visited Mrs, Henry Chapman last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall and baby visited Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Whitmire and baby, Betty, and Miss Gussie W hlimirc visited Mrs. Anderson Smith Friday, afternoon, ' I Mr. and Mr*. Walter Santera nmi '.•hildren visited Mrs. Sanford’s pai nt*. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Inst week. Mr. Wavninn Thomas went to Eas Icy, S. 0.; Inst Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. Bert Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher visited their daughter, Mrs. Lilco Galloway at Easley, S. C„ last week. Mrs. Alfred Owen visited Mr* Fovd Jones on Tuesday of last, week. | Carl Banther took his niece, Miss, r.illio Thomas, to the denti*t last j week. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Fisher spent a | night last week in Easley, S. C., with j Mr. and Mrs. Lilco Galloway. Miss Carrie Owen was a guest of! Mrs. Alfred Owen one night last, week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owen took their baby, Tommie, to the Shriners hospital in Grenville, S. C., on Thursday of Inst week. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wi! Reid. „ Cecil Owen of Greenville, S. C.,! visited Oscar Henderson last Satur day. He is spending a few days with relative* in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Elsker Whitmire of Greenville, S. C., visited Mr. Whit mire’s mother, Mrs. Dovie Whit mire, hurt Saturday. 'jgMp'll , Mr. Claud Simpson and son Jack were at their summer cottage Sat urday and Saturday night. They re turned to Greenville, S. C., Sun day. .... G. J. Whitmire 01 Growvillo. s. C„ spent several days last week with his children end other relatives ot this community. Ho returned to Greenville Sunday. It is reported that Mr. Hinkle Bouie and Miss Magaree Fisher weie married in Greenville, S. C., last June. Mr .Bouie is a native of south Carolina. He has been wel> known in this community for a number of years. Mrs. Bouie is the daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ben Fisher, with whom Mr. and Mrs.Bonie are stay ing at present. Mr. and Mrs. Berry Robinson and children of Tryon were week end visitors of Mrs. Robinson a brother. Mr. Wayman Thomas, They returned to Tryon Sunday afternoon. Miss Clara Thomas, Mrs. Robinsons sister went home with them. Rev. N. L. Ponder and daughter, Floy, of Penrose were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. W. B. Henderson. and family. _ ... Mrs. Bessie Owen of Greenvil.e S. C., is spending this week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCall and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore and daughter, Jorettn, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle {tcCoy last SUMrRJand Mrs. Elbert Whitmire and children, Mrs. R. T. Fisher and daughters Millie and Darken, Mrs. Lesa Loving and daughter Mary Jane were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller last Sunday. There is to be u special program of the Oak Grove B. Y. P. U. next Sunday night, beginning at seven o’clock. Everybody in the community is invited to be present for this program. x _ debtedness therein described and de fault having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, and nil notices as to said default having been given and said default has not been made good; Now, therefore, the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday, October 14, 1933 at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House Door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real proper ty, to wit: That house and lot located in th? Forest Hill Development, fronting n Park View Drive and Eagle Street, and being fully described In ’lid Deed in Trust and the Record ‘hereof, reference being hereby made '• said Deed in Trust and Record or a description of said property by metes and bounds. Th? proceeds of said sale to be ap • lied upon said indsbtedness, com issirns, costs of sale etc. This the 12th day of September, F>83. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee Sept. 21—28 Oct 6—12 PISGAH FOREST NEWS Mis* Mary Frances Bigers of Bre vard delivered u nintercstlng talk at .he local Baptist church Sunday morning in behalf of the Fruitland Institute drive, Mrs, C, F, Allison had as her guests Thursday afternoon, Mrs, C. C, Morris and Mrs, Cuncv of Blit more and Mrs, Frances pfummer of Brevard, Mr, and Mrs, Delius Lyday of Turkey Creek spent 'ast Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Lydny. This was Mr. Lydays first visit to this community in several month* due to his ill health, and his many friends here were glad to see him out again. , Miss Margaret Denver of Umati]-, In, Fla., who has spent the summer: nt the home of hor aunt, Miss Julia| Dcaver loft last week for Harrison burg, Va,, where she has accepted a position. Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr, motored to Woynosville Saturday with friends from Brevard. Mrs. Carl Frady and two sons re turned to their home in Henderson ville Friday after spending several days with Mr, and Mr*. G. T. Frady. Mrs. Hull Crews and two daugh ters, Ann and Gail have returned to Iheir home in Florida after spending the summer at the home or MU* Julia Denver. Mr. Crews who has been connected with the John's Rock CCC camp has boon transferred to Mississippi. Miss Mary Louise Croushorn let! last week for Macon, Ga., to enter Wesleyan college where she will be a sophomore, Mr. and Mrs, Harlen Thrash and two children of Florida have been guests of Mr, and Mrs. J H Wolf. Miss Moraret Gash has returned to New York after spending the past month with Miss Annie Jean and Mr R. ,L. Gash. j Mr. and Mrs, John Denver havei returned to their homo in Umatilla, Fla., after spending the summer with Miss Ju la Denver. I Miss Fanny Boggs left last week for Biloxi, Mis*., where sho has accepted a position as nurse in a hospital there, W, A. Lyday was a Greenvilhi visitor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Alllsofc had as their guests Sunday the- letters brother Mr. Hillard Johnson and family of La France, S. C. Mr. Arid Mrs. Kiah Hollingsworth returned to their home here Sunday after spending tho past week with friends and relatives on MOs River, Mr. and Mrs. Van Tinsley of Se llca were recent guests of the 1st* famous purchasing cam paign several months ago when Shis company poured S50,GiS[).0Q0 into the market to buy the products of Amer ican industry and help do its ehure in a groat pro gram of business recovery ‘ • You Are Cordially Invited To Sears Great<| JBKawniversaryIsale Come in and let us serve you—and you will find that Seat bring you better merchandise for less money—you owe it to yourself to makel Sears your headquarters. __ a m New Lew Priceion E-Z Way Oil MEN’S HERCULES ORK SHIRTS Preshrunk; full Cut, triple stitch tdi Hercules work—fine£. ty Chamttrsy — Regular