MRS. HUTCHES ENTERTAINS HOME MAKERS CF.ASS The homemakers class of the Bre vard Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Hutches on the Glou cester road, Tuesday afternoon at three-thirty. Mrs. C. W. Pickelsimer, vice-presi dent presiding. After the transaction of business the class discussed plans for lending a l posible aid toward the success of the revival now in progress at their church. Prayer was offered for those having charge of the revival and many special ob jects of prayer were presented. The attendance was almost one hundred per cent. The hostess served delicious re freshments at the close of the meet ing. RECENT BRIDE HONORED ANSCELLANEOUS SHOWER. Mrs. Mitchell Newly was hostess at a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon, honoring her sister-in-law Mrs. Fred C. Grogan, a bride of two( weeks. The house was tastefu'ly deco rated with various garden flowers a color scheme of pink and green pre dominating and which was carried •out in unique ways throughout the evening. After a series of games, little Evelyn Lookabill and Marvin Upchurch Jr., dressed as bride and groom, marched in as Lohengrin’s wedding march was softly played and presented the bride with a love ly corsage and the various gifts. The little bride and groom then led the way to the dining room where* punch and cake were served. The guest list included Mrs. Mar vin Upchurch a n d Marvin Up church Jr., of Kanapo'is, Miss Mil dred Williams, Mrs. Bert Fveeman, Mrs. John E. Rufty, Mrs. Joe Neely, Miss Christine Saltz Mrs. Echel Simm Mrs. Glynn Lookabill and daugh: r Eve yn. If REESES EXTERTAIX AT VICXC DIXXER Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Breese en tertained several friends Sunday af ternoon and evening with a picnic dinner at Maiden Hair falls. A great bonfire, songs and music, and a, delightful dinner all blending to make the affair one to be enjoyed. Among those present for the hap py occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J. hi. Ilison, son and daughter, Mrs. A. O. Kitchen and daughter, Miss, Roba, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rutty,' Mrs. J. T. McGehee and three chil-‘ dron and littl guest, Mrs. C. E j Orr. Miss Rowena Orr, Ed Orr Dick Bernard. W. B. Cohen, Dr, E'eanor Townsend of Charleston, iM i - , Margaret Brevse of St. Au gustine, Mr. and Mr-. J. P. Deaver ' Mr. and Mrs. \V L. Aiken, Miss Mildred Williams, At York, Miss Edith Mull, Mr. anti Mrs. C. M.. Douglas. Ml SIC LOVERS CLUB IS ISTERESTISG MEETING The Music Lovers club he <1 first meeting since May, M«nd® evening September eighteenth, at SI of Mrs. 0. L Erwin w, h Miss Mary Frances Bigger* presi dent, and Miss Janie Strickland a ioint hostesses • After the bus,ness session during which, the reports of the Music w,ek" and program committees were presented, plans were d^"9“ddisiS th. entertainment ot the, meeting of Federated Music club* which will be held in Bre.’aid The program was in c.iarge Professor Alvin Mocre who presented young guest artists. The young men.' Mr. Randolph Myers anil A. ai White Jr. presented a delightful prog ram with Mr. Moores ...stance a accompanist. The program was as follows: Svlvia, Olev Speaks; Songs --} Mother Taught Me, Dvorak; lat«e Ml,‘her of Mine, Bur eigh; Nina, KgoTasi- In QueUa, Tomb.. Beeth ..„nK bv Mr. Meyers. Impromptu in A Act, bchubeit, All Day On The Prairie. Guion; Home-On The Range Guion, Der Wanderer, Schubert; Leezie Lmd All'4. CloUflS, tiHieSt &le?rSt On The Deep Fred « .a,,.. Three For Jack, W n. Suuire- 1 Passed By Your Window May Brake; I Attmnpt Frone Love* Sickness t„ Fly, Purcell; Natuie* Adoration. Beethoven: W *ndere* Night Song. Schubert; rhe Road To Mandalay. Speaks; sung by Mr. My *'S' Etude. Chopin; SeguidUla, Ah beniz; A La Bien Aimee, Schutt, iiluvcd bv Mr. Moore. » V > Even-one enjoyed this unusual, k fine program. Mr. Meyers has a beautiful and well trained voice and Mr. White is a very accomplished ' After'^he pvogram the hostesses served a delicious salad course. IH.ASCHE BARRUS CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. CARR The regular meeting of the Blanche Barrus circle of Brevard Baptist church was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Brown Carr, eleven members were Pre!!^' devotional was led by Mw, B . Long. Mrs. Ralph Duckworth was appointed treasurer to complete the unexpired term of Mrs. Carr.wh will leave shortly to make her home in New Orleans. , . The program on the subject of tne Christian Family was in charge oi Mrs. Coleman Galloway. During the delightful social which followed Mrs. < arr. the hostess, was given a hand 1 ^rehief shower by the members m appreciation of the splendid work she l:i= (lone in the circle. The hostess served an ice course. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ramsey and Mrs. Julian Glazener will have charge of the program. Mrs. Cos Paxton of Greenville, sp nt the week-end at her summer ■ ccttsig? at Chcrryfiejd. ^ _ jRS. MtlEOD HOSTESS TO WEDNESDAY CLUB The Brevard Wednesday club met with Mrs. Hinton McLeod at Illahee amp Wednesday afternoon, Sep t.mber twentieth, the president, Mrs. J. S. Silverateen, presiding. The corresponding secretary reported hat with the exception of one, all books had been receved from the pub lishers and delivered to members. Mrs, Harris asked that Mrs. Berg act as her substitute for a limited time. Mrs. Hinton McLeod, the hostess, i Iso had charge of the program and .or subject was the French Rovolu kion. Members responded to roll call vith short sketches that had most hpressed them in the study of the French revolrtion following this a olay on this subject was read by Miss Beulah Mae Zachary. The serving of refreshments dur ing the social hour rounded out a most delightful meeting. MR. CLEMENT ENTERTAINS El WAN IS OFFICERS Mr. Frank D. Clement entertained Ihe officers of the Brevard Kiwanli club Tuesday evening with a din ner at the home of Mrs. J. W. Me Minn. Those present to enjoy this plendid hospitality were: Patton Kimsey, president; Jerry Jerome, vice-president; Charles M. Douglas, eqretary; Ralph Ramsey, Dr. C. L. N't w and, Rev. Paul Haitsell, Rev. R. L. Alexander and Frank D. C|ement. directors. After a fine dinner which was thoroughly enjoyed, a business meet ing was held. CLADY BRANCH Y. W. A. HOLDS MEETING The Glady Branch Y. W. A. held an interesting meeting Friday eve ning at the home of Marjorie and Melrose Tinsley; the president, Miss Nela Gillespie presiding. Twelve members and one visitor were pres ent to enjoy the sp'endid program on the 18th. amendment. During the social hour punch and cookies were erved by the hostesses. The next meeting will be with Nell Scruggs, September 29th. MATHATASIAN CLUB IN FIRST MEETING. A ca led meeting of the Matha tasian club was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Norwood Thursday aft ernoon, September 14th. Mrs. Patton Kimzey, newly elected president, pre ; iding. Routine business was trans acted, books were discussed and se lections made for the club year. Miss Florence Kern was made an hor.o i ary member of the club. The first , gular meeting will be held Thurs day, September 28th, at the home of the president, Mrs. Patton Kimzey, M which time Mrs. Jerry Jerome will have charge of the program. MRS. RALPH RAMSEY BRIDGE HOSTESS. At her lovely home on Park ave nue. Mr?. Ra'ph Ramsey entertained with four tables of uridge Friday evening. The house was tastefully decorated with fail flowers. During the serving cf dainty refreshments, prizes were awarded. Ladies high score was won by Mrs. Hinton Mc Leod and high sco>e for men by William Wallis. Consolations were given Miss Charlotte Brown and Pat Kimzey. The guest list for this very enjoy able occasion included: Dr. and Mi3. C L. Newland, Mr. and Mrs. Fat ter. Kimzey, Mrs. C. D. Brown, Mrs, A. II. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Haro d Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hinton Mc Leod. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kizer, Mrs. Fred Mi’lcr, Miss Charlotte Brown, and William Wallis. FALL COUNCIL MEET Of WOMEN’S CLUBS. The fall council meeting of the State Federation of Women’s clubs will be held in New Bern October 3 and 4. CJub women of tie state wilj travel to New Bern with peculiar pleasure since it was in this historic town twenty years ago that many of the highlights of the Federation s history was enacted. The organiza tion was at that time ten years old and was presided over by Mrs. K. R. Cotton. , , , ■ Brevard has three federated clues with an enrollment of about fifty women who will follow with a great deal of interest all projects and ac tivities of the State Federation. INTERMEDIATE OA’s HOLDS MEETING Miss Mary Aiken was hostess to an interesting meeting of the inter mediate GA’s class of the Brevard Baptist church Wednesday evening. The meeting opened with the singing of “Wliosoever Will” and scripture reading by Clara Allison and Mary Aiken. The topic for discussion was ‘‘The Acadians” and was lead by Mary Aiken, assisted by Dorthy Al liscn, Ruth Fulton, Elizabeth Price, and Ora Holt Long. A selection from Evangeline was read by Mabel Gil lespie and a story entitled “The Light in the Window” was told by Catherine Fulton. After a short business session presided over by the president, Elizabeth Price, refresh ments were served, Betty McLeod und Kate Edmundson were welcome visitors. The next meeting will be with Marcia Ray Snelson on September 27th. HOUSE GUEST HONORED AT PICNIC SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. William Pruitt, .■•ho are occupying'the Kipp home on Maple street this season, entertain ed with a picnic supper Monday j right, honoring their house guest Miss Hobbs. These enjoying this de lightful hospitality were: Mrs. D. F. Moore and daughter Martha Kate, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, Miss Delcie Cavegnero, Mr. and Mra. Mitdi Neely, and Mr. and Mrs. Rey LADIES AUXILIARY IN MEETING ON THURSDAY Regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Brevard-Davidson River church will be held in The Hut Thursday afternoon of this week, at four o’clock. Miss Annie Jean Gash, president, urges that every member make a special effort to be present. Dr. Thomas J. Summey of Moorea town, N. J. arrived in the city Tues day night to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. T. B. Summey. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Reeves, Miss Garnet Lyday and Miss Lizzie Mae England have returned from a two weeks motor trip including a visit to the Century of Progress Exposi tion at Chicago. Miss Garnet Lyday will leave on Thursday of this week for Gastonia where she has accepted a positkm in ;iie city schools. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stroud and two daughters, Misses Louise and Jessie Libby, of Mocksvil'e and Mrs. Thomas Keever of Stony Point spent the week-end in this city guests of their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamlin, of Asheville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loftis Sunday. Harry Clayton and Donald Lee Moore spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mr. Lee Whitmire of Henderson ville was a visitor here Sunday. Misses Agnes and Josephine Clay ton, Mrs. Mac Johnson and Mrs. Wood Paxton motored to Charlotte Sunday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan. Mrs. C. L. Newland, Miss Jennie Aiken and Mrs. Boyce Walker were shopping in Asheville Friday. Mrs. W. McK. Fetzer and Miss Dorothy Fetzer spent Friday in Asheville. _ .. '■ Miss Jennie Aiken left lor New ton Friday where she is a member, of the faculty of the city schools. | Mrs. Elizabeth Murray who is spending the season at her summer home “Peter Pan” is recovering from a severe attack of flu. Mrs. J. R. Charges of Union, S. C., is the guest of her daughter Miss, Linnie Charles at the Lyday Me morial Hospital. Dr. ana Mrs. C. E. Cunningham are visiting in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Risk and fam ily who have been spending the sum mer at their summer residence in Forest Hills left for their home in Cocoa, Fla., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kimzey spent Monday in Asheville and attended the circus. George B. Wallace of Bradenton, Fla., is a visitor in this city. Mr; and Mrs. M- B McDaniel, and family have retuined from a va cation trip which inc uded the Cen tury of Progress Exposition at Chicago. , . _ , Mr. Ralph Duckworth left Sunday for a trio to the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Duckworth who has been visiting her parents at Ahoskie will return with Mr. Duckworth the lest of this week. , ^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taft of Augusta who have been occupying the David Ward residence on Main Street for the summer months re turned to their home on Sunday. Mrs. W. 0. K. King of Canton undeiwent a serious operation at Noiburn hospital in Asheville last week. Mr. and Mrs. King were for mer residents of Brevard and their many fiiends wi 1 be pleased to leavn that Mrs. King is getting alone nicely. , . Mrs Cordia King returned from Asheville Saturday where she was railed on account of the serious ill ness of Mrs. W. 0. R. King. Mr. and Mrs. Water Duckworth of Marshall were Sunday visitor* here. , ,, ■ Mr. and Mis. Ralph Ramsey and small daughter, and Mrs. Hinton Mc Leod and son Donald spent Monday] in Asheville and attended the circus. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eliott wm*! have been spending the summer with Mrs. Mary Hampton Mills have re turned to their home m Km Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wylie and daughtei, Miss Ruth Wylie, who have been living in the Shipman cot tages for several months have re turned to their home in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Lee ATdriee. of Greenville spent the week-end in Brevard. Guests at “Apple Grove” the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Maxwell are: Mrs. A, T. Barr, Mr. Frank Exley, Mrs. Exley and Miss Baker ail of Savannah. . . . Miss Louella Kellar has arrived from Miami to spend a ten days va cation with her mother Mrs. Marne Ke'lar on Maple street. . Mrs. A. B. Gould of Wheeling West Virginia is a visitor in .^“f city, stopping at the home of G. C. Kilpatrick in Forest Hills. Mrs. Gculd will be pleasantly remember ed by many friends having made her home with her daughter Mrs. Moore in Forest Hills for several I vears, . . _,1 Mrs. Marvin Upchurch and sm»i< sons, Marvin Jr. and Tommie Reece of Kannapolis are visiting fnenas and re'atives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, and Mias Delete Cavegnero left Tuesday for their home in Miami after spend ing the summer here, occupying the Whitsett house on Maple street. Misses Lillie McCrary and Cath erine Case returned from Asheville after a visit of several days with friends and relatives m that city. Miss Nellie McCrary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCrary was a week-end visitor at Fruitland Insti tute. Miss McCrary was a former student and- a graduate of that school. Miss Adelaide Silversteen will leave Thursday for a trip to New York, Chicago, and other points of interest. . „ , Leon Lyday left Monday for Ral eigh where he will enter his senior year at State college. Donald Lee Moore is visitng in M»£io& ___ ! Warrior Corn was cal'ed to Hen | dersonville Monday on account of 11 the death of hi* uncle. Mr. and -Mrs. Gassner and eon, Ray, who have been spending some I time at the John Wilson farm at . Penrose left Wednesday fpr their home in St. Petersburg. Ruel Hunt left for Chapel Hill Monday. Mi sees Rowena Orr and Virginia Wilcox and Edwin Orr spent Mon day in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Silversteen will leave Thursday for a trip to ■ New York. i Mr. Cos Paxton spent the week end on a trip to the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Sitton, of Tryon, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mr*. J. E. Waters. Mrs. Rush Whitmire is visiting iti | Asheville. Miss Sara Jane Whitmire ’ has entered St. Genevieve of the Pines for the school year. Miss Louise Townsend has return ed from a trip to Chicago and will j be the guest of her mother, Mrs. i Greenwood for a few days before re turning to Wi'mington where she is !a teacher in the city schools. Willie Cantrell of Enka spent the week-end with friends in town. | Miss Mildred Lewis of Elizabeth an is visiting her aunt Mrs. Flynn Jenks. Mrs. Mac Allison and house' | guests, Dr. Eleanor Townsend and, 1 Miss Margaret. Breese, spent the day shopping in Asheville Friday. I Mrs. Carl Frady has returned to { [ her home in Hendersonville after a weeks visit with her mother Mrs. I Mamie Verdery. Dr. M. E, Parsons was a visitor ; in Hendersonville Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitmire, j of Greenville, spent Sunday with re I latives in this city. Regular guests with Mrs. Flora Hart at “The” are Mr. Adolp hus Weschlcr and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Liddon of New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Terry cf New Or leans. Week-end guests were; Mr. land Mrs. D. L. Baldwin, Mrs. Edith Torrence, Mrs. L. G. Umpstead, Mrs. J. R. Erwin, Mrs. ). L. DeLa mar and the Misses Katie Upchurch, Loyal 1 C. Hurd. Myrtle Thomson. Ada Buice, Margaret Hail, Lois Reed, Catherine Sprinkle, Helen and . Luci e Jones, all of Charlotte. | Mrs. Spurge Osborne has lieeii I quite sick at her home in North Brevard for the past ten days. Miss Helen Galloway has returned from a tea dayr visit with her grandparents at Horae Shoe. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Whitmire, Rush Whitmire and Lawrence Holt spent Monday in Charlotte. Snooks Thompson has returned from a trip to Arkansas where he went to attend the funeral of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Twigs of New York who hsve been the gueets of Mrs. Twigs parents Mr. and Mr*. T. A. English have taken a cottage in Kendersonvillo for September. James H. Case who represents C. M, McClung Co. of KnoxviJe in thin section was a busines visitor in the city Monday. The Mites Shipman have closed the Franklin hotel and moved to their winter home “Walnut Inn” on Main street. Mrs. Frank King and children and Mrs. A. II. King were shopping in Hendersonville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Candler of Candler were week-end guests o\ Mrs. A. H .King at her home on the Caesar’s Head highway. Miss Edith Pride of Tuscaloosa, Ala., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jim Hayes on Whtmire street. William Aiken has returned from a visit with relatives in Asheville. Glen Burrell was a business visitor tor in Hendersonville Monday. Mrs. Guthrie Kilpatrick and son Billy and Mrs Tom Wood and sou Walter and Lloyd attended the cir cus in AtsheviUe Monday night. Miss Gladys English left loot week for Durham where she has accepted a position. Miss Elisabeth Ramseur has re turned to Anglers where the is a teacher in the city schools. Miss Elisabeth Zachary left Mon day for Winston-Salem where she Is a member of the faculty of Saea college. Dan Enlish was a business visitor in Asheville Tuesday. Mrs. R. E. Smith of Asheville spent the week-end in the city with Mr. Smith who is auditor for ths town of Brevard and is spending some time in the city. Mrs. A. B. Galloway and Mra» Mamie Verdery spent Sunday at Horse Shoe the gueate of Mrs. Gal loway’s sister Mre. S. W. Davenport. Mrs. Gus Gillespie and Miss Celia Shuford left Thursday for Chicago and the Century of Progrses Expo sition. Miss Martha Vaughn has returned to Gaffney, S. C., where she will enter her senior year at Limestone college. Robert Whitmire, of Greenville^ spent Sunday in Brevard. Mrs. J. M. Tatum spent the week end in Asheville. I LIKE THIS BETTER FLAVOR! i didn't smoke ouHfis at first. LATER, I DISCOVERED THAT I UKED CAMELS BEfTER.THEY NAVE A MILO, RICH FLAVOR THAT IS MIICHTFUL. AND THEY OONT OUT ON MY NERVES. CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS netted cjitcm ycru#lfavU..fHcif6rtlre iftwr latte w I I No argument about the camel. When it comes to i »H|j® gallon, there’s nothing in all the Gobi desert—or i or anywhere else—that can beat him. No argument about Chevrolet, either. It’s the most economical form of full-size transportation on wheels. You can travel a long, long way in a Chevrolet Six without a single stop for gas or oil. In fact, you can get more miles out of a gallon of gas in * Chev rolet, than you can get in any other full-rise car. The best proof of the way Chevrolet i« being preferred by leading national business These firms know their mileage figures. And today, Chevrolet is choice by an overwhelming count. Chevrolet is also first choice of the American public by the widest margin in bistory. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN * m at m __ m Bg Allpriot {. o b. runt, Uhh. Spt/t/fquip m ***** *8 TO "** *% «•"< •*•••■ £»«* doUrorod pilot ond tty I c. Id. A. C, larmt. A Control Mount Volt. DAY PHONE 290

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