(HDXp|| —>— .f ^ - _- -—- |,^ ■ , . n Advertising Only Newspaper T^T ¥ 11' I B 9 Medium 01 Pub i#hed in B B B B"* J I Bm„i /“m J Exceptional Transylvania * AAA-J * -*-WX A. J f Merit county ^ Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County flUgffi-*-1 *- RREVARn NORTH CAROLINA- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933 31.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUHTY VOL. 38—No. 40 __ ■ 111 _"_~ --— .... ■ — BREVARDj I WE 30 OUR PART This Event Is One of Progress. It portrays the neighborly spirit, teamwork... Merchant, industry, ...J • . .IT, B warmer, citizenry. . .making the team. It is such teamwork that has created, in the past, as it will 8 in the future. |A bigger and bet-g ter Brevard, and Transylvania County, WE 00 OUR PART. ; ■ ;• /liVi'l Judson McCrary Ward’s News Stand Long Drug Co. Freeman Hayes Transylvania Ta^.**.6 R. H. Plummer Co. McCiary Auto Service h"1""