The J Transylvania Times Published Weekly on Thursdays by €. M. DOUGLAS Offices in The News Building C. M. DOUGLAS . Editor MISS A. TROWBRIDGE. .Associate SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year . $L00 Six Months ... (In Transylvania County) Per Year, Elsewhere . $1-60 Six Months .76 WE SEED MORE OF THIS KIND Transylvania county could well do with a lot more of the enterprising spirit that helped win a red ribbon at the county fair here last week. Ordinarily a red ribbon is not so n.iuh tc biag about but in this par ticular instance the red ribbon was w2.++.*.++<•+<• ■}•++•{•+*+•. , (From the file of October 1, 1897) Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hampton are i visiting relatives iin Jackson county 1: this week. j| Heavy frosts Wednesday morning] are reported from the Pinkbeds and] other elevated sections of the county. - i: Tom Shipman has taken a position behind the counter of W. S. Ash worth’s extensive merchantile es tablishment. The price of rails is high in Brc-^ vard. Bob Donaldson was fined $5 tor two rails which he borrowed, from Oliver Morgan for firewood. ( In the absence of. Tax Collector J H. Case, the tax books will be in! hands of C. C. Kilpatrick, who will leccivc the town taxes now due. B. M. Gillespie, of East Fork,1 reports that a party will visit Table Reck, camp there that night., and Rev. L. A. Falls will preach there on the 8th. A series of meetings is now in progress Ht the Methodist church, ornducted by Rev. L. A. Falls, as sisted by Rev. Willis of Henderson ville. The meetings arc very well attended nnd considerable interest is being manifested. Miss Edwards, the new teacher for the Brevard Epworth school has ar rived, and she and Miss Armstrong will bo pleased to see the boys apd girls of the town, whether they in tend coming to the school or not, at the Red House T B. Crary has just finished the burning of another brick kiln—the thii'l this season—making 160,000 which he has burned and 1110s, laid this summer. The last kiln are mostlv engaged, and ns soon as cool will be delivered at the several jobs •awaiting them. \Y. I,. Carmichael lias been to Biltmore and bi n room upstairs for a clothing department, and those wishing any thing in the furnishing-} 1-ne will do well to wait the arrival ot ins slock. Clayton, a one year old son of Thrs. Duckworth, fell from his mother’s arms out ef a wagon at Centra!, S, C.# on Sunday and .was killed. The mother was sitting in a chair in the wagon with the child in Ir r lap. and the chair careened In endeavoring to right the chair she lost hold of the little one, am. it fell from her arms out oi the wagon, with the above sad result. \ visit to the canning factory o.f Kilpatrick. Bros. & Case last week emphasized the fact that it i* tke, busiest place in Brevard. As an experiment the canning business ha* proven a great success. It now re mains for the farmers to mrke the future of this enterprise a lasting benefit to Brevard and vicinity; it is with them to raise crops of pecs, sugar, corn, tomatoes etc. to keep the factory employed dr to allow the plant to stand idle—which shall n ; be? Wo are glad to note that Brevard 1 a-; -i progressive, up-to-date paiiUet who believes in the use of printer's ink. In addition to advertising in our eclumns. W. I Trantham has placed an older with us for billheads, loi ter beads and envelopes. Enterpris ing mechanics will not fail of sue r(„ in Brevard, and wc heartily recommend Mr. Trantham to build ei's needing the services of a plain or decorative painter. Miss Mario Hart of Spartanburg was on a visit to her uncle, V. C. > • Hamilton, last week. Mis j Addie On- of Asheville ha*' been up for some days visiting her old heme and friends in Trnnsyl-j vania. Old citizens ?av that Little River has the least water ever known. Mills on the river have been closed for some time. M. L. Hamilton is taking advantage of the low water and is improving his mill property by putting in a new dam. As will ho seen by an article on third pngo. the prospects for the independence of Cuba are very en« couraging. It is believed by many that war will be declared against the United States as an excuse to surrender the islund to a first class | power, rather than acknowledge Spain’s inability to put down an in surrection in a small island. Transylvania Land and Improve ment company handles all kinds of real estate, buys and sells mineral' and farming lands, town lots, mill and factory sites, water powers,; etc. Following are the officers of j this company: President, C. W. Hunt; secretary-treasurer, J. A,. Forsythe, attorney and business manager, \V. B. Duckworth. Porous ebonite, made from latex, 1 may be used in the manufacture of I light rubber board for airplanes. NOTICE Of Sale of Real Ertate \/rrr1h Carolina Jonniy of Transylvania Under and by virtue of the power ind authority contained in that cer ain deed of trust executed by Jas >er Frank McCall, and wife, Laura S. McCall, to The Raleigh Savings 3unk and Trust Company, Trustee, vhich said deed of trust is dated Vpril 3. 1925 and recorded in book 14, it page 400, of the County Registry, ; fault having been made in the layment of the indebtedness thereby iccured and in the conditions there n secured, the undersigned substitut 'd tiustee by instrument recorded in 3ook 66, at page 114, County Reg stry, will on the 14th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1933, it Two o’clock P. M.. at the court louse door at Brevard, Transylvania i Jountv, North Carolina, offer for ale and Sell to the highest bidder ’or cash the following described jroperty: . All those certain pieces, parcels or racts of land, situate, lying and be ing in Catheys Creek Township, ITansy.vania County, and State of North Carolina, and being more |ioi tieularly bounded and described is follows; FIRST TRACT BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Ralph Zachary’s land, which is in the center of the public road and twelve (12) feet from the renter of the Transylvania Railroad, measured on a line perpendicular ly to the railroad; thence along the center of said public road South 10 deg. 30 min. East 484 feet to the Northwest corner of M. M. Alex ander’s and, formerly known as the Julia A. Thomas farm; thence along the line between McMinn and Alexander South 89 deg. East 2730 feet to the left or West bank of_the French Broad River; thence along the mear.derings of said bank to the center of the mouth of the branch; thence up and along the center of said branch to the South east corner of Ralph Zachary’s land, «nid branch being the line between Zachary and McMinn: thence cions iho line between McMinn and Zach arv, South 78 deg. 30 min. West 2305 feet to the center of the pul lie ruad and point of beginning; con triping fifty two and seventy seven one-hundredths (62.77) acres, more or less. Being the same lands con v veri io Jasper Frank McCall and wife by M. M. Alexander and wife, N. K. A e::anJ?r, by deed dated \pri 22, 1905, and lccorded in Book No. 22, at page 471. et seep SECOND TRACT Lot Number Three, BEGINNING ( n the Northwest corner of lot No. 2 and runs South 30 poles to a lo cust stake; West 27 poles and 34 links to n stake; thence North 30 nob* to a stake; thence East 21 poles and 14 links to the beginning containing 5-2t acres, more or less. Lot No. 8: BEGINNING on the Northwest corner of lot No. 7, and runs North 5 poles and IS links tc a staao; thence East 50 poles to a stake in the center of the public road; thence South 35 deg. 30 min West 7 poles to a stake, comer of lot No. 7; thence West 40 poles and If links to the beginning, containing 1.75 acres, more or less. The two tracts ol land hereinbe fore described being lots No. 3 and No. 8 of the lands described ir special proceeding for partition cn titled B. C. Batson et nl Vs Maggie R, Jordan et al.. at-.d being the twr lots allotted to the heirs at law oi Rachel Batson, deceased, in saic special proceeding, which said pro ceeding appears of record in the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Transylvania County, N. C., ir Minute Docket E, at pages No. 26G 348. 277, and 314, and the report ol the Commissioners who divided the land, the map and the decree of con firmation of said report, is also re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County in Bock 19. on pages No. 213, tc 217, to which records reference is hereby made ns a part of this de scription T \Jn<* .1 K H. nnrl 10 ill tlld Special Proceeding entitled B. C Batson, et a!., vs Maggie E. Jordan, ct ai., which is on record in Minute Docket No. K. one 22(5-348-277-281 and 314 P.u-i-rd; of Transylvania County, also the map relating to •lid division is registered in Deed Book ID, at pages 218, to 217 Deed Records of Transylvania County. Lot No. 4, described as follows: Re-ginning on the Northwest corner of lot No. 3, and runs South 30 poles to a stake; thence West 27 poles and 14 links to a stake; thence North 30 poles to a stake; thence East 27 poles and 14 links to the BEGIN NING, containing 5.27 acres. Lot No. 5, described as fo lows, viz: BEGINNING on the North west corner of lot No. 4, and runs South 30 poles to a stake; thence West 42 pole- to a stake in the center of the public roc • thence West 42 poles to a stake in the center of the public road; th>. nee North 18 deg. East 5 pole and 15 links to a stake; thence 30 deg and 30 min. East 20 poles to a stake: thence North 17 deg. 30 min. East 8 poles to a stake; thence East 25 poles and 21 links to the BEGINNING, containing 5.75 acres. Lot No. 9, described as follows, viz: BEGINNING on the North west corner of lot No. 8, and runs North 5 noles and 8 links to a stake; thence Eiist 53 poles to a stake in the cen ter of the public road; thence South 35 deg 30 min. West 7 poles to the 'orner of lot No. 8; thence West 50 poles to the BEGINNING con taining 1.75 acres. Lot No. 10, described as follows, ,iz: BEGINNING on a stake, North corner of lot No. 9, and runs: )7orth 6 poles and 14 links to aj itake; -thence East 56 poles to a itake in the road, corner of lot No. i; thence South 17 deg. 30 min. West I poles to a stake, corner of lot No. I; thence West 54 poles to the BE GINNING, containing 2.18 acres. THIRD TRACT Lying and being in Brevard Town hip, Transylvania County, N. C. First Lot: Beginning on a Post Ink (nrvr down), *. corner of <»>« ,id Situat'd, tract, the stump of said tree standing on me auuws oenx ot the road wnicb leads from Island Ford Road to M. Pi Hawkins place, along the Blythe line, and runs from said Post Oak stump. East 24 poles to a stake; Whence North 14 poles to a stake; thence North 26 deg. West 4 a stake; thence West! 22 poles to a stake in the old Siniard, line; thence South with said old: line to the BEGINNING, containing 2 7-8 acres, more or less, and being the lot on which the J. M. McCall residence is located. Second Lot: Adjoining first 'ot, above described, being part of the, Richard Porfder Tract--Beginning on the corner of lot No. 80 of thej subdivision of the Ponder Tract, and j runs North 6 deg. West 90 feet t> McCall Alley; thence with said Alley j North 69 deg. 30 min. East 330 feet, | to a stake at Jumping Branch in the | Hawkins line; thence with said Hatv-| kin?, line South 25 deg. East to the] McCall and Hawkins corner, a cor-i ner, of the first lot above de-: scribed, to the corner of lot No.: 30 of the Ponder subdivision; thence] with the line of lot No. 30 to the BEGINNING. For a further description of thia Third Tract, reference is hereby made and made a part of this de scription, as found in the records of Deeds of Conveyances of Transyl vania County, North Carolina, in Book No. 44, at page 342, et. scq„ Deed dated December 16, 1921. FOURTH TRACT Lying and being in Brevard Town ship, Transylvania County, N. C, i ving on the South side of the road ; leading from Brevard to Pisgah For est: BEGINNING on a stake on the ! South bank of the road in a ditch and runs down the ditch South 41 ! deg. East 40 1-2 poles to a stake, formerly a black gum; thence South ; 88 deg." East. 40 poles to a stake in Lamb’? Creek thence down the creek i South 86 deg. East 36 pok* to “ i stake in the Creek at Patton’s cor ner; thence with the Patton line , South 4 deg. Weat 65 poles to a stake in a ditch; thence up and with said ditch North 87 deg West 3!) _Ire 4rv « afaVo A Ifll’CTe on the East side of the farm road; thence with the East side of the Farm Rf-ad about one pole from Mills and Osborne line North 61 deg. 30 min. West 122 poles to a stake on the South bank of the pub lic voadj thence with the South buns cf the road North 44 deg. 30 min. Kant 20 po'es to a turn of the road; thence still with the South side ox the mud North 60 deg East 24 poles to the BEGINNING, contain ing 46 acres, move ov less .and he irtii- a part of the Chas. L. OsbonK Farm. For a further description of this 46 acre tract just mentioned reference is hereby made to the Rec ords of Deeds of Conveyances of Transylvania County, N. C., as tound in Book No, 43, at page No. 340, ct soq., Dcc-d dated Seplemhei 4 BEGINNING et a Black Gum, now at Sir- fork of a ditch, old beginning center of Killiam tract, and runs with Patton’s line North 4 deg. East along , 1920, and reg istered in Deed Records of Transyl vania County, N. C., Book 41, bt page 464, et stq., aforementioned the the following lots or parcels of said lands are hereby conveyed to the At 'antic Joint Stock Land Bank for the purposes