OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) We wonder if any one looked for Oakland News last week and felt disappointed. If so, we are sorry. Through the kindness of Miss Al berta Burgess and her mother we had a chanco to visit our sister, Mrs. It. J. Galloway and family, and could not resist the temptation to go. Therefore we were not home at the right time to send in our news items. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway are both in their 85th year and are get ting very feeble. Mrs. Mary Burgess spent part oi last week helping nurse her brother, J. B. Galloway’s children through a •serious illness. Three of them were under the care of a doctor at the same time. We are glad to report they are considered out of danger. I Effie Small, daughter of Mr. and( Mrs. Hovie Chappell, is reported to, bo seriously ill at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander. Mrs. S. E. Alexander called one day last week on Mrs. Clarence Nor-! ten. Mrs. E. A. P.eid recently visited her sister Mrs. Bud Scruggs at her( home near Brevard, and had the' pleasure of seeing another sister,1 Mrs. Maggie Riddle of South Caro lina, who was also visiting Mrs. Scruggs. Mrs. Thad Guy and children Lu cile and Ted spent last week with friends in Wayneeville. Mrs. Clyde Chappell has spent most of the time the past week with her sick granddaughter, little Effie Chappell. Mrs. Mary Burgess, Miss Alberta Burgess and Mrs. W. F. McCall called Friday afternoon on Mrs. Clarence Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Alexander of Cashiers were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Sanders. Miss Kvon Sanders, who has em ployment in Brevard, spent the week end h ie with home folks. Doy’c McCall of Whitesides visited Lane Sanders Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Clarence Norton visited friends at Sapphire Saturday afternoon. Mrs. l.eota Lnnning left last week looking for employment. Mrs. Lan ning is one of the worthy unemploy ed and we hope she soon gets nice-; Iv located. Mrs. Jess Breedlove, who is keep ing house for Fred McNeely spent «.:■ • night last week at Lake Toxa wnv w>h Mrs. Anna Bred love. Rev. L> C. Owen filled his legular appcinini . Sunday at Lake Toxn* way Baptist ch inch, and it was an n. uneed that Waul Breedlove would speak at the Baptist church next Sunday. October 22. Let’s give him a larg congregation. TRY OUR WANT ADS GLOUCESTER NEWS (Helen Owen) Mr. and Mr*. Walter Crawford announce the birth of a daughter Clara Lucille on October 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Owen and son of Cherryfield visited R. F. Kil patrick Sunday afternoon. Harlow McCall arid Ella Mae Hal! were Brevard visitor* Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galloway moved to Rosman Tuesday. Miss Helen Allison spent the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allison. Arnold Batson of Cherryfield was a visitor to this section Tuesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCall and Mildred Price spent Saturday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs j Earnest Boley. Miss Gladys Owen spent Wednea-, day night as a guest of Mildred ■ Price. I Mrs. C. A. McCall spent a few, days last week with her daughter Mrs. Julius Owen. Helen Owen spent Tuesday night with Miss Ella Mae Hall. Miss Mildred Price spent Thurs day night with Gladys Owen. Miss Pearl Price and Helen Owen were Rosman visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow McCall and daughter Vondalee. Miss Helen Alli son, Ella Mae Hall and Helen Owen, attended preaching service at Bal sam Grove Tuesday night. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Clarencfe McCalf. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Price and son Holmes and Jim Anders spent Wed nesday night in Greenville, visiting relatives. . „ „ . Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCall and children of Balsam Grove spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will McCall. N. C. Miller and daughter Miss Annie were visitors to Sapphire Sun dn v. Mr. end Mrs. Coley McCall an) children spent the week-end visiting friends and relatives at Pisgah For cst. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow McCall ami children and Miss Ella Mae Hal) attended preaching service at Hal-, som Grove Sunday night. Miss Helen Allison spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and M's Carl Allison at Cherryfield. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodring •ypvc visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Brown ano children, and Horner Owen. Author Riddles and Miss Edna Kilpatrick v.-pre visitors to Jackson county Sun day. _ , Hill Brisco ot' Jackson county, n nt the week-end visiting friend* and relatives of this section. Miss Marior. Henderson anu Loo Gravely of Conrestee were visitors of this section Sunday. PA y 'YOUTSVBSCRH'TION Brevard Loses Close Game To Heavy Aggregation of Franklin High Players The Franklin High team downed Brevard Friday afternoon on the locai gridiron, 8 to 0. The local boys were outplayed all during the game until the last period when they threatened twice to score. Franklin scored early in the first quarter after a 22 yard gain by Cabe, quarter back. McCullen went over the line for the talley. A short pass failed on the extra point. Then in the third period Clayton attempted to punt but it was block ed. Brevard covered behind their goal line, making safety end scoring two points for the visitors. Lance, center for the Blue Devils, was outstanding linesman while Morris showed good work in the baekfield. Dowdle, Franklin’s captain, and center, displayed brilliant defen sive work, and McCullen, half back, did well by averaging 6 yards each time he carried the ball. Brevard’s passing attack did not function as it did last season for 10 passes were tried and only two com pleted, which netted them 81 yards. Franklin made two good and gained 28 yards by them. Franklin marked up 210 yard9 from scrimmage while Brevard s line players gained only 71 yards. Brevard punted 6 times, one waa blccked while the other four averag ed 39 yards. The visitors kicked S times and averaged 28 yards. The home team made 8 first downs to the visitors IS. Brevard (0) Franklin (8) E. Clayton ... D. Wilkie Right end Hollensworth—L. Lance. Hunter Right tackle MeJunkln . H. Wilkie Right guard A. Lance . Dowdle Center Gallamore—J. Aiken. Waldrop Left guard Huggins . Stewart Left tackle Neil . Foots Left end W. Clayton . Cabe Quarterbeck Wood—Siniard . Cunningham Right halfback D. Aiken . McCullen Left halfback.: Morris . Hunnicutt Fullback Franklin . | 6 I 0 j 2 I 0 I 8 Brevard . j 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 j 0 Harry Clayton, referee; Tommy Hampton, umpire; Henry Erwin, head linesman, Baffin Wilkins, time keeper. GLADE CREEK NEWS (Mias Evis Reece) (Intended for last week) Miss l.etha Belle Stamey of Bre vard, and Mr. Earl Wyattum, of Morgantcn, were married Monday afternoon at the Brevard court house. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Stamey. The groom >s employed with the John a Rock CCC camp. After a honeymoon trip to Morganton, the young couple will return to Brevard to make theit heme with the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reece and children, Roy nnd Evie, Mr. Winfred Hughes and J. A. Recce were din ner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs \V. G. Recce. Miss Emma Orr and Coy Holden were visiting friends at Pisgah For est Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reece and Win fred Hughes and 0. E. Recce spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G Reece. Mrs. George Sentell and children, Ruth and Carl spent Monday at tor noon with Mrs. 0. D. Reece. Perry Orr is making seme nice molasses. , Air. and Mrs. J. A. Reece and Win f,-nd Hughes railed on Mr. and Mis 0 E. Rrcc-e Sunday. Mrs. R. T. Allison and daughter, Hetty- Jean, who have teen spending some time at Fslantyre .have vrt-.ivnci' S1LVERSTEEN (Annie Miller, Reporter) Silversteen school will report an increase in attendance for the second month of about fifteen percent. We think the increase due to having * bus for transporting the children, some of whom live five miles or more from school. Honor roll for the month includes the following: Seventh grade—Troy Owen, Hazel Hall. Sixth—Georia McCall, Lois Miller, Mildred Price. Fifth—Ethel Devore, Mnble Owen i Riba Price, Ernest Anders. Fourth—Vaughn Galloway, Hazel ! Miller. , Second—A. C. Price, Kifie Do j vi re, Pauline McCall, -Elizabeth ' Owen. 1 First—Mildred McCall, Kdn» ■ Brow,n, Myrtle Brown. ! Miss Helen Allison, assistant teach I it spent the week-end at the home of | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Al lison. at Chenyfield. Principal N. C. Miller attended th< 1 dry meeting in Brevard Sunday af j ternooh. j to their home. ! We were glad to sec tire- ndvei I tifcmcnt that Mr. Tinsley put in tlw ! paper about saving potatoes, bj ! wi aid be gied if he told us how._ mm FOREST NEWS _ LjsMry. Don O'Kelkr and children of Enka and Mrs. WilHe Morris and baby of North Brevard were caller* of Mrs. W. A. Lyday Thursday. I Messrs Allen and Lloyd Camp 'field spent the week-end with their | grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfleld. I Miss Elizabeth McCoy visited tbs Montreat Normal at Montrcat Sat . urday where she was a former stud sat | Mrs. Joe Orr returned to her homo here last Tuesday after visit j ing her sister Mrs. Jim Heath in Greenville. j Friends here of Mrs. Dewey Plesnmons will be sorry to learn of liter death in Hot Springs Saturday. ! Mrs. Plemmona is a former primary teacher of the local school, and won marty friends while here. Her death was due to pneumonia and she was buried in Roman Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Y. J. McCrary re turned Sunday from a visit to the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hall in Humphrey, Ark. They report that Mr. and Mrs. Hall, former res idents of this section, are both in de clining health. Mr. and Mrs. Waverly Morris moved from this section last week and are now occupying the Sinlard house at North Brevard, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burns have moved into the Morris house. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Morris moved to Maple street in Brevard Monday, and Mr. and Mrs. Milae Marcum are occupying tho house vacated by them. Mrs. B. F. Carr left for New Orleans Friday to join her husband where they will make their home. Mrs. Ben Montgomery, who un derwent an. operation at an Asheville Rev. C. C. Reece will fill Ms reg ular appointment at the. Duns1* Rock church neat Bustday, October 22, at 11 Celetk. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitmire spent Saturday in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoped spent last week with their daughter Mrs Press Galloway at the Duckworth farm. Lipaey Henderson was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Kerkendall of Bait Flat Rock a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burns ol Pickens, S. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Huston Giaxener. Mrs. W. W. Mull spent one day last week in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hogseo were the dinner guests Sunday, of the latters father, L. J. Holden. Miss Josie Reynolds of East Fork was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Graveley Sunday. Little Betty and Billy Hogsed of the Island Ford community are spending a few days with their cousin Louise Raines. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson Holden of Pisgah Forest and Miss Carrie, Colnmhus and Tilden Holden of this place spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker of Highland*. Misses Marion Henderson and Mar garet Gash attended the Western District Teachers* Asodatiou in Asheville last week. hospital last week, is reported to be improving. Charlie Roller was a recent Hen dersonville visitor. Mr. and Mrs, Claud Ray of Little River spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hedrick. YOU CAN PROVE THIS YOURSE1? i've found that camels are MILDER.THEY HAVE A BETTER FLAVOR.AND DO NOT INTERFERE WITH HEALTHY NERVES. mitsissxSiBSiMmmmmmi ..i CAMEL’S COSTLIER TOBACCOS wirfvt ij&tan ifowr Id&rt&S.. fl/Uvor tZrc tj &urjadx —- r.~.—.w—muwn——jaMMuaraiBBWWWi ^mew* 2 Big Winter Bargains Ladies Undershirts 25c Children's Union Everything in Brevard’s Biggest Depart ment Store is on sale. Come! Check the Quality and Price of our goods ... BUY HERE AND SAVE! MENS OVERALLS Extra good grade, heavy weight and full cut, triple stitched, worth $1.00 to $1.25 wholesale. ANVIL OVERALLS Men’s genuine Anvil Ov eralls, worth wholesale now $1.50, sold last year at $1.25 to $1.35. Don’t wait men and blame us! $1.09 LADIES’ HOSE Ladies’ mercerized Cotton Hose—a good ai’ticle and a great Bargain. For this sale at, per pair 5c SILK HOSE $1.00 sellers in Ladies’ Pure Thread Silk fullfashioned Hose, the season’s latest shades. Sale price, pr. LADIES’ FALL HATS Extra Special One special table of ladies’ fall and winter Hats, all shapes and colors; sold up to $1.50. Your choice 29c LADIES’ COATS We are showing the most beautiful selection of Ladies Sport and Dress Coats this section ever saw. Special! $2)5419,! TOWELS Great big Turkish Tow els, sell at most stores at 15c. Sale price, each 8c OUTING Good grade of Outing worth 10c to 12l/!»c yd. in white, pink and blue. Don’t delayl This sale per yard. 8c Listen, Folks AND ACT Prices On Sweaters GREATLY REDUCED You can buy them at less than wholesale cost now R. B. Sorry. Baby Blankets 25c Baby Blankets. Keep baby comfy this winter. Until [they are all gone. 10c Bedroom Shoes Good grade Ladies’ Felt Bedroom Slippers, all colors and sizes. A bar gain! 22c GALOSHES Lined Galoshes, worth $1.50. Quanity is limit ed. Get yours NOW! Sale price, per pr. 94c | MEN’S SUITS Extra Special One special job lot Men's and young men’s suits. Special— $3.95 SWEATER BARGAIN Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys’ 40 per cent. Wool Slip-Over Sweaters. Do not wait till they are gone. 25c BMW PART-WOOL SOX 15c Men’s Part-wool Socks. Buy now because quantity is limited and prices- are going r MEN’S SHOES Men’s guaranteed solid leath: er, double soles, a real bar gain, if there ever was one, at long as they last, per pair