WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned during the past week' To Prosecute Gold Hoarders Washington—The justice depart ment has instructed all district at torneys to proceed without delay to prosecute all who hold gold illegally in amounts greater than $1,000. Later i hose holding more than $100 will be prosecuted. Davis F'wed of Charges New York—Senator James J. Dav is, charged with violation of tho federal lottery laws in connection with a money raising campaign for the fraternal order. Senator Davis served as secretary of labor in the cabinets of Presidents Harding. Cool idge and Hoover. T. 1'. A. Dorn Ordered lluilt .Washington—Construction of the $22,000,000 General Joe Wheeler dam on the Tennessee river in Ala barna has been ordered at once. Negro Is Mob Victim Labadiaville, La.—A negro, arrest ed la't Wednesday in connection with the slaying of a fiftcen-year-old white girl, vva.s taken from the jail here Thursday by a mob of unidenti fied white men and lynched. Gardner Quits Post Raleigh—O. Max Gardner, former g< vevnor of North Carolina, now a pructioing attorney of Washington, D. C. has resifened as National Dem ,viatic committeeman, and will de vete hi' entire time to his law prac tice. (. >m Kef ••si's Offer Raleigh —Frank P. Graham, pres ident Of the Greater University of North < ,.i ’ina has refused to leave ins school work to take a position of fered him by General Johnson in the education! department of the NRA. rtili'.er --1 ppropriation Washington-—Four million dollars has been set aside for construction o ' f itdiror works at Muscle Shoals, tin product to be sold vvhcti manu ftp-.lirei .it “fair" prices. ijiio'td't To Speak A i-.v . '. -Senator Bob Reynold-* vi!l -pc ; in Asheville on th night 1. fore the election in Asheville, he „n\v being oi. a tour of the state in hi c-t of repeal of the eighteenth NOTICE C 17 FORECLOSURE ITul r and l>y virtue of the Power of Sa'c contained i1' that certain Deed in Trust from J. P Mason and wit'e to the undersigned Trustee, bearing ucte of April 23rd. 19.-0. and registered n Book No. 23 at Page U’7 of the Record of Deeds in Trust for Tiaiujlvania County. N. t. se curing certain indebtedness therein . 1 oro default having been made in the payment of said indebt ed lie s whereby the Power e.f bale contained in said Deed in Trust has become operative, and the holder ot the note evidencing said indebtednes having requested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose said Deed in Trust and all notices as to said de fault having been given and saia default has not been made good; I Now therefore the undersigned Trustee will, on I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th 1933 at 12 oYhck M. at the Court House Don- in ihe Town of Brevard, N. G.. offer for sale and sell to the highest i bidder for cash the following dc sevibed real property to wit: I.ving and being on the East s.d< of the Public Road leading from Brevard to Island Ford, adjoining the lands of V. B. Scruggs jt ah and fully described in the said Deed m Trust aforesaid, reference being herein- made to said Deed in 1 rust .,„d the Record thereof for a tie-; seription of said property by metes and bounds. , , The proceeds of said sale to be ap-; plied upon said indebteness, com missions. costs of sale etc. This September 2ith. 1333. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee OCT. 5—12—19—26__ theIught way't'Ttravsj.' Is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliabl*. Costs less. Inqtnre oi Ticket Agents regarding «re*ttv reduced fares for short trips. lanDTWElIW ^ILWAY SYSTEM ■—— -—-- ~ Tir^TrP-^-rrr-TTiT Tf'T HIT TTT1 i Farley To Sjteak at Raleigh Raleigh—Postmaster General Fai lev will speak in favor of repeal of the eighteenth amendment here on November 3. Insult Fighting Extradition Athens, Greece—Samuel Insuli is i ighting extradition to the United Suites where he is wanted in con ■'ccticn with crash of His great se urities and holdings companies in which millions of dollars were lost by investors. Russia Is Elated Moscow, Russia—All Russia w ’ubilant over the fact that the coun ‘ry is being recognized by the United States, and financial leaders here a■■ right to shoot fleeing prisoners regardless of the fact that such •n honor is only in for a misdemean i, according to an opinion given 1 ast week by Executive Divcctor ige Ross Pou in charge of the - on division of the state. Huge Rum Tax Anticipated Washington—T h e administration Jo king forward with expectation r,. receiving a minimum of • ■: ',000 in taxes from distilled Riio i - during the first year of legal . announcement here said Sat u rday. Ilyrd [ eaves For South Pole Newport News, Va.—Rear admiral iC.-burd E. Byrd left here Saturday i und for the south pole—expecting i., !>; gone two years. Dalton (lets Death M odor cnville- -T o o F.. Dalton sentenced by Judge Michael ydionck hero Sunday afternoon to bo electrocuted on Dec. 1. after a imv had brought in a first degree ■ seder verdict against the man for ’eying his wife. French Cabinet Out Paris—The French cabinet headed bv Premier Duladier resigned Tues duv following its defeat by a vote : luck of confidence in the chamber ' deputies. Wage cuts in govermen tul agencies was Daladier’s chief : i for downfall. I,;i;e!n I'lttc To I.irdbergh hidna)>er Boston—A clue to the kidnapers of the Lindbergh baby was claimed Wednesday by New York police working with Massachusetts, New Jersey and federal officers in qut-s t'oning John Govch alleged swindlei and former resident of Hopewell, N. .1. Whether information gleaned fr. m Govch was of real importance, officials would not say. hut added, “it is a clue." Price of Gold Set Washington—The government on Wednesday began its open market for gold purchases at the rate of S31.36 an ounce in President Roose velt's new price lifting and monetary program. The price for gold set Tuesday at Washington was $29.80. The price set Wednesday was $10.69 above the old statute price of $20.69 per cunce. Cotton jumped $1 per bale and better upon announcement cf the gold dollar price. The old fashioned sweet gum we used to gather is now called storax, and is used in making perfumes and cinnamic alcohol, says It. \\. Gy* ber, extension forester at State Col lege. _ Farmers in Gaston County last week received $48,898.00 in part pay ment for the cotton plowed up this spring. County Agent Altman says this is about half the amount that is - take this “thrift” tip . . - when You Buy Coal Coal thnt burns down to a fine, clean ash..giving the most without constant replenishing..... .each lump a high grade unit of heat. You get that Quality when you ORDER FROM LS. We are not going to raise prices the first cold snap, how ' ever, now is the time to lay in that supply for Winter. Prices are still low and you can get prompt delivery. G. M. BROMFIELD PHONE 44 ^rfffsfiffnrrn^ToUiM fi lol m nfiffyfY^f^TifrsiTrr^lTFTmsm^ ITT^ il°iin^llI°llU^ | GLANCING f BACK AT BREVARD * $ Taken from the flies of The 4 v Sylvan Valley Nev/s, beginning 1 t 1895, through the courtesy o' 4 | Mrs. W. B. F. Wright. < (Prom the file of Oct. 8, 1897) Our fellow townsman, M. D. Coop r, who was thrown from his wagon last Saturday morning and sustain ed a severe injury on the shoulder, is up and able to be on the streets again. j filaj. T. U. Fisher und family of Charleston, S. C., who spent the -1 ason at the home of Hen. T. S. W ot d, left for home last Monday. Th'.y were accompanied by Miss Agnes Wood who will spend a month with them. , ■ ■■ - The Davidson River school opened Monday with Miss Lila Brice, of Shelby, as teacher. This school has been slow in opening its fall term an account of securing a teacher to : atisfy all parties, but have at last succeeded. Misses Lizzie and Chester Bell lift this week for Greensboro where they will enter that excellent in stitution of learning, the State Nor mal anti Industrial college. W. S. Ashworth exhibits a new variety of lace leather, (lie product f his tannery at Grange, which he ails Rawhide Lace. What Gordon Williams doesn’t know about tanning n’t worth reaching for. This new a i duet seems to fill a long f' lt ,vant by all who have bolting to lace >v shoes to tie. 1'nvin Brooks has accepted a po rtion with W. L. Carmichael. Ruscoo Nicholson is clerking in Brevard’s Greatest Store. 1 lie report wmcn reacnvu iiei* ■ome two weeks since that Mrs. R. I McMinn had been shot and was i th tight to bo fatally wounded by her brother at their home in Ashe ville in mistake for a burglar, was semtwhat overdrawn. In a conversa ion with her father Wednesday morning it developed that the wound w a.- flight and she has suffered lit tle < xcr.pt for the loss of two teeth. She was in the act of speaking when I the bullet entered her mouth and is I supposed to be imbedded in the innoi ' side of the jaws os it has not been extracted. There will be no sent to show that she ran so narrow an escape of her life. Susan Whitmire youngest daughter , f Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitmire, died at her home near Greenwood ■cemetery Saturday evening, and was buried at Mount Moriah Sunday. The funeral was conducted by Rev. I. T. Newton and Rev. E. Allison and n large gathering of friends and rela tives were present to perform the last sad rites for the departed. It 1 is sad to record the death ■of one whose life was just budding into womanhood, and to whom all the at tractions of earth are sweet. "Sue had been gradually failing for sev eral months with that dread disease 1 consumption, and the end was not | unexpected. A double wedding occurred at the. Connestec Methodist church Wednev, day evening and was an event of much importance to the rural society in that section. Miss Laura Mull and R. F. Hunt of Dacusville. S. C were united in matrimony, and Miss Rosa Mull and W. T. Foster, cf Asheville, Rev. L. A. Falls, of the Bnvard Methodist church, officiat ed Another recent wedding which, I deserves more than passing notice oc curred Tuesday night, that of Misi. Hattie Justus and W. S. Lankford., i Rev. L. A. Falls officiated. ! Probably no enterprise which ha* been established in Brevard during the past year ,and none which may, bo introduced in the immediate .u-. ture will have the wide-spread m | fluence for good that attaches to the i Brevard Epworth School.. Nothing of any importance can exist without | friction, and this movement in the cau°e of education is not without opposition, although it is gradually 'NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from C. B. Hollings worth and wife to the undersigned Trustee, dated Sept. 7th. 1920, and registered in Book No. 23 at Page 95 of the Record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, N. C. se curing certain indebtedness therein named, and default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness whereby the Power of Sale contained in said Deed in Trust has become operative and the holder ol the note evidencing said indebted ness having requested the undersigned Trustee to foreclose said Deed in Trust and aR notices required as to ..aid default having been given and said default has not been made good; Now therefore the unersigned Trustee will, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 28th 1933 at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House Door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real property to wit! Lying in Boyd Township near Blar.tvro and fully described in said Deed ‘in Trust and the Record there of, reference being hereby made tc said Deed in Trust and Record for a description of said property bj metc-s and bounds. )' The proceeds of said sale to b< $ j applied upon said indebtedness I commissions, costs of sale etc. This September 27th. 1933. ;i D. I,. ENGLISH, Truste< OCT. 5—12—19—20 LITTLE RIVER NEWS (Mrs. E. H. Mackey) Friends of Mrs. A. B. McCall will be glad to know she is improving after several days’ illness. Mr. anti Mrs. Silas McCrary, of Greenville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kilpatrick recently. Ruby Galloway, of Pisgah Forest, spent last week-end with Christine Fisher. Marshall Aiken of Mills River spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. Martha McCall returned to her home Sunday after an extended visit with relatives in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Mackey had as their guests Sunday, Mr., and Mrs. Thad Riddles and small son, Thad Jr., Miss Senna McCall, of Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. L. vday and children of Asheville. t Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher had as their guests last week, Mrs. May Mason and children of Easley and Mr. and Mrs. Stanop Pierson of Mills River. i Mr. and Mrs. Green McCall and grandson visited Mr. ar.d Mrs. \Y. M. George last week. Ira and Irons McCall of Gloucester visited relatives here last week. Mary George, who has a position in Spartanburg, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. George recent ■■ iy. Misses Louise and Jessie Hogsed of Carr’s Hill spent the week-end with loin McCrary. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ray are| moving to Mr and Mrs. Cling Eay hajd's home. Mr. and Mrs. Baynard have moved to Blantyre. Everyone is invited to attend the vvi\n! which is being conducted by tie- pastor, Rev. W. P. Holtzclaw and Ri v. Mr. Burt of Rosman. be, iking down nil barriers, and bids fair to be an enduring monument to the Christian charily ar.d human love which exists in the ranks of the Epworth League in this state. The! price i f $50 a year, including board, tuition and expenses which can large ly be paid in farm products, ought to put at least one child from every; family in the upper French Broad vailiv in this institution for a year u least. The great object and aim of s-ciur-l is to educate at least one i'ioiii cadi family so that they may boivnv- e- missionaries to teach others. The mission of the school is eful one, and Brevard ought to feel honored by the selection oc its h ardors as the permanent home cf th school. The News takes pleasure :tt endorsing and commending this .,h o! to th** reople of Brevard and the county, believing that it will yet h. the means of great good to thir _ h luitifu! and favored section. We arc snrelv in need of education, and th liberal terms granted by Prof. Tnyln- and hi- assistants places >\ within the reach of all. THE PRAYER CORNER (From the File* of Brevard News) 7) * i * ■ POISONING THE CHILD MIND i I wish to share with you some thoughts for parents by a writer whom I esteem very highly. He says: One of the recent discoveries in the art of healing is the Therapeutic value of suggestion. That is to say, the physician by suggesting to the( patient suffering from nervous dis-j order, sane and helpful thoughts about himself, can work a cure bet-| ter oftentimes than by the use of1 drugs. The force of mental sugges-| tion is so great that many fads, and' even new religions have arisen which' are based upon it. If the influence of good suggestion be so great, the influence of bad suggestion is even greater. I wish to call attention to one form of character poisoning of which par ents are frequently guilty: Perhaps the worst misfortune that can happen to a person is to be in fected with GERMS OF FEAR, to lack decision and self confidence, to be a prey to the terrors of morbidi ty and doubt of self. Who can tell the mortal pain, shame and self tor ture of the innumerable victims of chronic fear? Frequently parents are responsible for this. A boy, for instance, develops some inborn trait of waywardness; he is untruthful, will not apply himself, is careless, disobedient, or persists in keeping bad company; the parent naturally tolls him of his fault, and as it seems to do no good, drops into a constant practice of scolding. Over and over the boy is reminded that he- is “bod” and so on. This finally filters in the child’3 subconsciousness and then the irretrievable damage, for when he comes to believe in his submind that he is bad, he is bad. | Why not try to find the cause oL, your child’s defects, and remove it?, When you KNOW that blame and reproof do no good, why go on? | Wo do not realize that it is a crime to say to any child under any circumstances that he is BAD,' WEAK or VISCIOUS. When you do, that you are planting a seed of dam age in his m'rid. i Many a woman has been wrecked: because her life was poisoned when she was a child by unceasing men-] tal suggestions from her mother that, she was naughty, wicked, unreliable or untruthful. . | Many a mail is a weak failure in the struggles of mature life simply because the cult of failure was care fully instilled into his childish mind by his thoughtless parents. Dwell upon and encourage the good that is in your child. Ignore hi* defects as far as possible. Learn hew to shut your eyes. Above all, do• not tell him he is wicked. Show him! his faults, but never in public, but' _ in sacred intimacy. Show biin the consequence® of wrong doing, but enlist his aid in opposing his bad traits. Persistently suggest to hire that he is good, brave, strong and truthful. In after life this belief of yours in him will tone up his self respects and give him strength in his hours of crisis. A PRAYER Blessed God, give us wisdom and grace as parents to be such teach ers of our children as Thou wouldst have us be. Guard us from the dan ger of character poisoning of which parents are frequently guilty. Heip us to find the cause of our child’s defects and remove (hem with Thy heip, well knowing that blame and reproof do no good. Bring home to our hearts the fact that it is a crime to say to any child under any cir cumstances that lie is bad, weak or viscioua for when we do this we are planting a seed of damage in the child’s mind, 0, give us grace to dwell upon and encourage the good that is in our child, to ignore his defects as far as possible, and learn to shut our eyes. And the praise and glory shall be thine, 0 Blessed (Jed. Father, Son and Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. —C. D. C Produce merchants in thirteen states huve sent trucks into the Ham burg section of Jackson county this year to buy cabbages. Growers arc getting fair prices for their product and the demand is heavy, says Coun ty Agent G R. Lackey. MASONIC MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT j 8:00 0 CLOCK All members ure urged to be present, C. K. Osborne, W. M. Henry Henderson. Secy, STOMACH and NERVES BAG? M:s. M. L. Price of iJS & Winter St., Hagerstown, fe Met. says: “I felt warn H out—suffered from stomach H complaint and was awfully & nervous. I used Dr. Puree'* ¥ (iolden Medical Discovery and it helped me in every vnv—e.iv* mt a line an petite. MP-ncth and energy, and tht sfonacr distress disappeared." Sold by diii^i'.t* everywhere. New mk, tiblets 50 cts.; liquid SI.JR l-a.K si’-e tablet* or liquid, $1.35. “W D*> Our fbirt." __ . ... r.