Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevard Women PR17JZ AWARDED IN MISSION STUDY CLASS. The ladles of the Methodist church have been studying the past week the missionary work among the American Indians. This week a "test was given on the book, “Facing the Future in Indian Missions,” a prize being offered for the best paper submitted. Mrs. Ernest Norwood having the highest grade, was award ed a lovely medallion of a famous painting, Madame Le Brun and Her Daughter. HOMEMAKERS CLASS IN ENJOYABLE MEETING. The Homemakers class of the Bap tist church held an enjoyable and profitable meeting Tuesday after noon October 17 at the home of Mrs. W. S. Price. Ten members were pres ent. In the absence of the president, Mrs. S. W. Radford, the meeting was in charge of the first vice presi dent, Mrs. Charles Pickelsimer. Af ter routine business, plans were discussed for improvement of the church property, with particular reference to a new board walk. It was stated that L. E. Bagwell would donate lumber for this work. Mrs. W. S. Price was appointed chairman of the nominating com mi tee for election of new officers at Di next meeting. Mrs. Price was in s(. ..ted to select her own committee m abers. fter the serving of delicious re fi hments, the class adjourned to meet next month with Mrs. W. H. Grogan Jr. 77% safer| Than Smooth S Old Tires! 8 O Tests on s! Ippery H pavement show P that new Goodyear f Ml-Wenthersstop J cars T/ff quicker « than smooth, old “ I tires ami quicker ji than any otiicr f — . r< 1 Goodyear AW??'.*?? ttui up- ?• ^ jf iraJc-trh ui- fcj townnr/* tor C •our »»t? lire# ^ ^28 *«VV UU-* , , , i fli.V no umi?co9snry j chances on s'ip- g pery full and win- " ter ru.itis—put on J sufc-*\rip;>in.» new f? (.’oojyears now! 5 Most sizes svill B price J lower ilisn p lust full. ■EgwaMEBaBMMi i • n,' ri lift Mounting' Wo clean rlnta. paint them to prevent ruct. properly apnlv new tnlu • and tlrva. Eipcrlcoce.t tire men I do your work here. HAVES AUTO SERVICE j !-W 27 BREVARD | I Hot Soup —for— Cold Days There is nothing more nourishing or more ap propriate on a cold day than a bowl of GOOD SOUP like we serve. Good Food Cooked Right Whether it be a meal, short order, lunch, hot deg. hamburger. COFFEE FIT for KINGS The Canteen DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. -i 4US. O. L. ERWIN HOSTESS ro WEDNESDAY CLUB. Mrs. 0. L. Erwin was hostess to he members of the Wednesday club in October 18 at her home* on South 3 a Id well avenue. One guest, Mrs. rhomas Barrett Jr., of Augusta, 3a. was- present. The program of the afternoon was n charge of Mrs. S. P. Verner, who lad secured her daughter, Mrs. Wil iam F. Alston, who was guest last veek of her parents, to take part on he program. Mrs. Alston spoke most mtertainingly of her travels in Cen tral America, Cuba and other coun tries, from which she and her hus band have recently returned. Routine business and other met iers were transacted. Mrs. H. N. Carrier was elected delegate to the district meeting to be held ut Black Mountain on October 28, and Mrs. R. W. Everett was named alternate. Other members signified their inten tion of attending the meeting. Refreshments were served during the social hour. EASTERN STAR TO HAVE ANOTHER PRACTICE MEETING All members of the local chaptei Eastern Star are requested to meel at the Masonic Hall tonight (Thurs day) at 7:30 o’clock, for anothei practice meeting. r. T. A. TO SPONSOR HOOK TEA FRIDAY WEEK A “Book Tea’’ will be held in the heme economics room of the Bre vard high school Friday afternoon ol next week, th" event sponsored bj the Parent-Teacher association. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend the affair next wpek, and all arc requested to bring with them a good book, one of the classics or modern novel suitable lor the school library, or a reliable magazine, particularly the National Geographic magazine or good travel periodical. AUXILIARY MEETS AT THE HUT THURSDAY Regular meeting of the Auxiliary and executive board of the Presby terian church was held at the Hut Thursday afternoon, both presided over by the president, Miss Annie .b an Gash. Mrs. E. W. Blythe led the devo • i,mills, and an interesting program n the subject of Korea was conduct , ,1 bv Mrs. S. P. Verner and Mrs, Fred’ Miller. Plans were completed for the study class on foreign mis ..!■«, which'will be held Tuesday ■ 1 Thursday afternoons of next k and two Wednesday evenings, Tia> study book used will be “Ambas :..kir Supreme’’ and Rev. R. L. Alex r will be the leader. Members of Circle No. 3 served fvesbmcnts at conclusion of the ... *.ing. Uf'NMER BREVARD r’KI. n:: WEAVERVIht MAN Of much interest to -any friend* •d relatives in this • immunity is Muncenient <f the marriage id !1 .! Mary Fiances Lewis, formerly Brevard but now of Weaverville . kI M -. August Theodore Erickson ' V: averviile and Asheville. Tlw mony occurred at the home o1 . k bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F-. :. L wis, in Weaverville, at noon or Tuesday. October 17. The Rc-v. Jamei Finley Matney, of Statesville, unci* f the bride and retired Mcthodisl Episcopal minister, officiated. Of in fer*. «t. was the fact that the sarn* minister performed the ceremony a the marriage of the brides fathc-i at. ! matin r 30 year? ago. The ceremony was performed n the presence of the bride's parent: and a few close friends. The only rut-of-town gm ts were Mrs. L. W B, oks, of Brevard, great aunt o' 11; * bride, the Rev and Mrs. J. F Maine, of Statesville, uncle am aunt of the bride, and Mr. Mntnej !' union, also of Statesville. The bride wore her mother's wed. din" dress of ivory silk with cap* collar of all over lace and appliqm insertif n trimming the long ful sleeves, circular flounce and train She carried her paternal grar.dmoth er’s prayer book from which fell i shower of knotted satin ribbon an* i os: buds. Her only ornaments wen two quaint old sterling rings whicl belonged to her maternal grand mother. The bride is a direet descendan r; Fieldirg Lewis who married Bet ty Washington, the sister of Georgi Washington; the great great grea granddaughter of Colonel James Mil ler, of Revolutionary War fame, tie bride’s father being the great grea grandson on both sides of the house and granddaughter on her mother’: side of the Rev. Alexander Fletchc English, one of the outstanding pio noer Methodist Episcopal Minister in North Carolina, Tennessee an* Virginia. Mrs. Erickson was educated a Brevard Institute, Weaver collcg and the University of North Caro lina. Mr. Erickson is a native o: Sweden; he was educated in thn country and a number of years ag< was in business in Chicago, 111. A' present he is the Western North Car olina field manager for Orthopedic Inc., of Providence, R. L The couple will make their home in Asheville. LUKE RILEY SAYS THE RATS DIE BEFORE REACHING THE RIVER. Since moving near the river several years ago we’ve always I used BEST-YET. We watched the vicious water Rata nibbling ■ at BES'r-YET, outside the house. About lo minutes later they ■ dart d off f..r the river to cool their burning stomachs but died before reaching it. Kills lats and mice only. Wih not hurt cats, di es or chickens, and there is no smell from the dead rat. BKSi YKT comes in two sizes, 4 oz. size 50c; b oz. dze i5c. Sold an guaranteed by I B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. S PHONE GG ■_ BREVARD, N. C. |1 U. Y. P. U. HOLDS REGULAR i COUNCIL MEET AT CHURCH i The regular monthly council meet ing of the senior, junior and inter- i mediate B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist i church W83 held at the church Mon- i day night, with 56 members and of- 1 ficials present. 1 Plans for the coming month’s! > work were outlined with the presi- i dent R. H. Ramsey, presiding. Following the council meeting, the intermediate B. Y. P. U. held an en joyable social hour, playing games »nd serving refreshments. Miss Elizabeth Duckworth is leader of the intermediate group. METHODIST SOCIETY HAS SPECIAL MEET A special meeting of the Woman’s Misionary society of the Methodist church was held Thursday afternoon at the parsonage. During the business session decision was made to divide the church mem bership into circles. The following committee was appointed to complete! this matter: Miss Florence Kern, Mrs. John Maxwell, Mrs. Ed Loftis and Mrs. C. B. West. The chapter in the mission study book, “Facing the Future in Indian Missions.” was led by Mrs. Ernest Norwood. Children’s books, toys and other articles were brought to put in the box being packed by the society for the Bethlehem House in Winston Salem. . . Light refreshments were served by Mrs. West at the close of the meet ing JUNIOR MUSIC CLUB IN jFIRST MEETING OF YEAR I The first meeting of the Brevard < junior music club was hold Tuesday 'evening at the home of Rheuemma ! Bcddingfield. This club is sponsored by the Music Lovers’ club and will meet once each month at the homes of the different members. 1 A group of piano solos was pre sented as follows: Ghost Stcry, Mar tin by John Paul Jones; Echo Waltz. Streabbog, by Dorothy Poole: Hark Hark! The Lark, Schubert-Liszt, bj Rheuemma Beddingfieht. Ora Holt Long, the president, is urging all members to attend each, m eting. The main studies fov the, winter will be harmony, car training] :tnd scales. Piano numbers, will be nu.entcd at each meeting by the. numbers. Mr. Alvin Moore, counsel 1, r. will assist ill all meetings. BIRTH Ot sox Vf 1ST BREST HERE. . . j Of interest to many frteuus in this community is announcement ox .he, birth of a son to Mr. anil Mrs. Pres ton Taylor, at Mt. Holly. N. C., otij Friday.'October 20. The little fellow; has been named Preston Jr. ! Mrs. Taylor, the former Miss M'l-j droil Trantham, of Brevard, has; hoen spending the past several years ■ in Baltimore with Mr. Taylor, who b ibis year completing his fumi year -tudving at a denial college in lha. iiv * Mrs. Taylor expects to join hex ni'-hand ir. Baltimore within a lew ( Vr< E W. Trantham is now with , ;,er daughter in Mt. Holl.v. the home , Mr. Taylor’s parents. ;. ni!VER BREVARD GIRL IS RECKST BRIDE. Main friends will he interested m the announcement i f the marriage .f a former Brevard girl, Miss Mary Ellen Powell, eldest daughter of Bov. and Mrs. H. L. Powell, to Mr. Bonert I.rM-is Coleman, of Greenville. V D. The c.irmonv recurred at the honuj of the bride’s parents at Mt. Pleas a,it, Friday evening, October ZO. ! The bride’s father was pastor o: tlK. Brevard Methodist church a number of years ago, the entire fare,. ! i 1 v being popular among a wide cir j'.'b of friends during their residence | ' The bride were a gown of black i bii r\ chiffon velvet trimmed in lac if spil 'rhinestones and with accessories j r,f eel gray. The couple was unat • tmded and simple arrangements pre ! vailed. A wedding supper followed I the ceremony. , Mrs. Coleman attended weaver , college and was graduated with A.B degree from Greensboro college. Th< , following year she did graduate work ot Duke University, receiving her A. M. degree in 1928. Since then she has been instructor of mathematics! in Greenville high school and since! , 1981 has hem teacher of mathematics 1 in the Weaver college summer school. ! She has visited Asheville frequently , and two summers ago was maid of honor in the wedding of Miss Eliza ,’beth Carter to Mr. Henry Pruett, i* Mr Coleman is the son of Mr. L ■ A Coleman of Daytona Beach, Fla. ■ He is a graduate of Clemson college i and at present holds a responsible position with the International Shoe company. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman will be at ' heme to their friends in Greenville, N. C., after a short wedding trip in 'ithe western part of the state. I __—— The sugar in sweet corn will turn to starch much less rapidly if the corn is kept in a cool place while it is stored before cooking. Administratrix’s Notice i Having aualified as administratrix, I C. T. A., of the estate of T. H. Gal loway, deceased, late of Transyl vania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, N. C., on or before Vie 20th day of September, 1934, or this notice will be p eaded in bar of then recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 20th day of September, 1933 PAULINE GALLOWAY. . Administratrix, C. T. A., g of T. H. Galloway. Sept. 21—6t t MSS SILVEKSTEEN VOICE JTUDENT IN N. Y. CITY Miss Adelaide Seventeen left last ireek for New York city, where she trill spend the winter, studying voice inder Mr .Edgar Scofield, widely mown musical Instructor. Mr. Sco ield was instructor cf Edward John lon, of the Metropolitan opera, and ilso coach of Rosa Ponaslle. Miss Silverstecn possesses a con-j valto voice of rare ability, and gives iromlsc of a bright future career in he opera or some other field of jrominence in the musical profes lion. Miss Silverstecn, youngest daugh :er of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Sil rersteen of Brevard, is stopping at ;he Panhellenic Hotel, 3 Mitchell Place, during her stay in the met ropolis. This hotel is the East River center for college women of twenty national Greek letter fraternities. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Whitmire had ss their guests Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hawkins, of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore re turned Saturday front a two weekV honeymoon trip to Canada and othet northern points of Interest, and are now located in the Kipp cottage on Maple street Nathan Dworetz, of New York :ity, is a visitor in Brevard this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Whitimra were visitors in Asheville last week. Miss Earleenc Poindexter left this week for Weaverville, where she win be connected with Weavei college for the remainder of the school yeat. Miss Ruth Waters hag been con fined at her home several days this week with the flu. Lee Arkdge, of Greenville, was e Sunday visitor in Brevard. Mrs. William Cowan. Mrs. Fred Emmerson, Mrs. Mamie Verdery, Misses Agnes and Josephine Clay ton motored to Asheville for the day Saturday. Misses Mildred and Louise Wu liams returned Saturday from a week’s trip to Chicago and the World's Fair. Calloway Nicholson, of Asheville, spent Sunday here with his father, M. M. Nicholson. Mrs. Alvin Rockwood and Mis* Ruben ia Nicholson were Asheville visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Jenkins is improving from painful injuries received last week in a fall down the stairs at her home. Mrs. George Glazener is spending this week as guest of Mrs. J. 11. Mc Lean. Mrs. J. VY. Duckworth, Clarence Duckworth and Few Lyda Jr. spent Sunday in Canton with Mrs. Duck worth’s daughter. Mrs. C’ordrile Rus sell and family. _4~ir MU* Rut* Button MR Monday for Spartanburg, S. C., to accept • 1 nursing position. < Earl Twiggs left last week on a business trip to New York , for a ] month or six week*, after which ho ] will return to spend the winter with ■ his wife who i* with her lather, T. , A. English, at David|>n Hirer, m Mis* Myrtle Whitmire left the j first of the week lor an extended', visit in the eastern part of the , state. Mr. and Mrs. S .M. Macfie, Miss ; Nancy Macfie and Mr*. Ashe Mac-j fie attended the Duks-Davidson game. at Davidson on Saturday, returning . to Charlotte, where they upent the;, week-end with Mrs. Macfie'* brother Dr. Ashe, and family. J, Mrs. J. C. Jones and little daugh-i ter returned last week to their home in Miami, Fla., after spending sev eral months in Brevard, stopping at, the Hunt house and the Zachary, apartment on Maple street. Miss Katherine Loftis, of A*be-; j ville, was guest last week of Mr* ! lawrcnce Holt. . Mrs. A. B. Galloway visited rela.; tives in Marion last week. j Mrs. Frank Henry, of Hendenmn ville, was guest Stlnday of Mis* Helen Galloway. 1 Miss Alta Herring ,a teacher in Greensboro and well known in Bre vard .visited Judge and Mrs. D. I* English on Sunday. Miss Alta Clark, of RossJyn, Va, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John L.' Gravely. . . . . „ , Mrs. Z. W. Nichols has returned from Washington, D. C., whore she has been for Dome time with bet son, Z. W. Jr., and family, and u now in Brevard stopping with Mis* ; Daisy Norton on Probart street M's. Flax Lawrence and Hr*. Madge Wilkin3 have moved from Park avenue into the Wallis bunga low on East Main street. Miss Christine Saltz loft last week for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will spend the winter with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed iwin Sultz. and also attend business; l college. , , .. ‘ Mrs. J. R. Hamlin and daughter,: Jane, of West Asheville, were week | end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. | Loftis and family. Mrs. Hamlin av-j . tended the district music meeting in j (Brevard on Saturday. I Prof, anil Mrs. C. H. Trowbndg-..: ,,f Weaver coliege, were guests of. ! Mis. Julia Trowbridge on Thu if-! i . * . {' Miss Myrtle Barnette rcturneJ, Saturday from a week’s visit in, J Ash. ville with her sister, Mrs. C- A.j Jones, and family. B. f.. Mullinax, of Asheville, w*jT Sunday guest of Mr* A. W. Bai-j r.ette and family. . ' , Mrs. Jordan Whitmire, ot Kos-.: man, was a Brevard visitor ruesdaj.1 Hr. and Hr*. B. r. B*a*tey in saving Friday topend the week, nd in Atlanta. 'Mr. and Mr*. Frank Henry Sr., of lendenonville, spent Sunday in itevard. Mi** Elisa Henry, of Gastonia spent he week-end here with her parents, Hr, and Mrs. W. M. Henry. Mrs. William Cowan returned Sutv lay to her home in Charlotte, after pending a week here with her nother, Mrs. H. M. Miller, who has wen quite ill but is now improving, J. M. Tatum, of Asheville, spent :hs week-end here with his wife; vho is spending the winter with her >arents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S.King. Dsn English was an Asheville vis! or on Saturday. Miss Charlotte Patton and friend, >f the Montreat Normal, Montreal; [pent the week-end here with Miss Patton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clement and F. D. Clement were guests Sunday )f Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Clement in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton were week-end guests of relatives in Greenville. Frank Henry of Franklin, attend ed the Brevard-Franldin game here last Friday. Mrs. Brown Carr left Friday fov New Orleans to join her husband who Is in business in that city. Misses Ruth and "Willie Kate Waters motored to Asheville for the lay Saturday. Mr. Henry Hadden, of West Ashe ville, spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brown at the Ledbetter farm at Davidson River. George Snelson left last week to accept a position in Jacksonville. Dick Zachary, of Atlanta, Ga, visited his mother, Mrs. Ralph Zach ary, here the past week. Charlie Corn was a week-end visited in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McDaniel and family moved this week from East Main street to the Joincs house on Jordan street. Miss Litsne Charles, who Juts been nurse at Lyday Memorial hospital for som time, left last week for her home in South Carolina Miss Elizabeth Shipman, who Is teacher of music in the Old Fort and M.orion schools, spent the week end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Shipman. Harold Duckworth and Ralph Gal loway have returned from a week’s trip t>> Jacksonville and other point* ir. Florida. Mr. Tom Evans, of Greenville, was guest of Miss Mary Allison on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Alston, who arc now in Flat Hock, were guests last week of Mrs. Alston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Verner. K B • M ^ Drip! Drip! Drip! If you could see electricity wasted by an inferior lamp bulb as readily as you see water wasted by a leaky faucet, you would replace the lamp at once. But you cannot see it! ‘ Thousands of people are paying for light they do not get, because the bulbs in their sockets are obsolete . . . worn out .. .or of inferior, unknown make. Often they and their/ families suffer eye strain ' as well, because of inadequate light. ■* The only sure way to guard your eyes and your pocketbook is to use larpps you know have a reputation for quality . . . (Jeneral Electric Mazda Lamps. We have them in all sizes. Why not get a carton of $1^ And sAve ten per cent? The MAZDA Lamp man will be at your home soon. Check over your extra sockets now and refill them with MAZDA tamps. Better Light.Better Sight

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