w. o: W. NEWS W. H. GROGAN, J* District Manaatr The night session of cur District Convention will be over when you get this column, however, you ran some to the morning session at Mill Spring (Red Mt. Camp), The following program will be cai. ried out; Called to order by Presi lent, C. P. Goforth; Invocation, Web :ome address by Sovereign J. 0. Led letter, Consul Commander of Red Mountain Camp, response by Mrs. Effie Rogers, state manager Wood nen Circle; Introduction of visitors >y Secretary; Reading of Camp and 3rove reports by secretary and vc-r >al report by one member from each, iddress by Jr. Past Head Consul, Jarrington T. Hill; Committee re icrts; Selecting next meeting place; infinished business, after which Red Mountain Camp will serve picnic linner. Camps that will be rt presented at listrict convention and number ot ipplicntior.a they have secured this rear follow; No. 213, Hendersonville, .3; No. 891 Murphy, 3; No. 517 Marshall, 11; No. 80 Hickory, 54; 4o. 116 Brevard. 10; No, 391 Canton, 6; No. 681, Mill Spring, 6; No. 560 5ylva, 22; No. 806 Granite Falls 1, 7o, 1, Asheville 4; Uo. 295 Ronman, l; No. 606 Catawba, 2; No. 96 Le loir 4; No. 413 Cashiers, 10; No. !2d Waynesville, 1; No. 518 Shelby, I: No. 82 Morganton, 2; No. 16 fings Mountain 19 and No. 79,? Irodhias 1. We are now working on a class of ive hundred to be initiated at Hick iry November 25th. Every Camp in >Iorth Carolina should see that they ret on this honor list by furnishing ne or more candidates for this big k.v, certainly every Camp in western i triet should get on the honor roil, so doing you wili show President - oclshaw that you appreciate thi* i-it to N. C. and our district. • lend Watchman, C. P Gofortn - I I wrote six applications down at Mountain last Thursday. Ap 1 attona can be secured most every i-'icre now, provided some one goes iter them. Why net wake up nil ver Western North Caroiinn und v hurt) to build up our membership ii evc-ry Cnmp. You know the winter n '.-'are the best months for lodge vi k and remember this: If we do lot get them, some other Company or iociety will, so its up to all of us to urry the banner of Woodcraft, into h” fields, forests und homes giving nvltations ns we go, to those we ieet on the way, to join up with us, ry it in your section. Corn that was damaged by worms nd drouth was cut for silage by C. i , Shaver ef Shaver of Stanly Coun V and is now in perfect condition dr feeding. _ OLD TOXAWAY (Beulah Rice) Mrs. Gaston Chapman and laughter were Sunday guests of the former's 'mother Mrs. W. M. Meece. Mrs. MAD. Rice and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Addic Iticc. ! Miss Daisy Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton and daughter of Rosman and Weldon Galloway of John’s Rock were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway. Mrs. Davis Galloway and Mrs. Isabelle Morgan made a business trip i to Brevard Saturday. Rev. Judson Corn filled his reg ular appointment here Sunday. 1 Miss Beulah Rice and Mrs. M. D Rice made a business trip to Rosman one day last week. Gus Chapman wgs Tuesday guest of Luna Meece I J. D. Morgan of Middle Fork visit ed relatives in this section daring l the week-end. Rev. Lindsey of Madison county, gave an interesting talk at the church here Sunday. Rev. Coren was Sunday dinnet guest of A. D. Rice. ■ 666 gl Liquid, Tablet*, Salve, Nate Drop* S[hecks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first ay, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fin® Laxative and Tonic Meet Speedy Renusdie* Ki'owv. T. ~ and . . . THEY COME BACK Our friends and custo mers who have eaten with i us for the first time since we opened for business | two weeks ago, have got ten into the habit of com ing back. We Try To Plea*e whether it is your first visit to our place or the I second or the fiftieth. , WALTERMIRE CAFE \ R. L. Nicholson— —-J E. Waters BALSAM GROVE NEWS (Mrs. Harry McCall) Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the marriage of Ira Mc Call to Miss Ellen Owen. Mrs. Mo Call graduated from Rosman high school, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Lewis Owen of Jackson county. Mrs. W. M. McCall, McKinley j Stamey, Mrs. Harry McCall and baby were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Richard McCall and family. Misses Frances Chaatine and Max ie McCall called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCall Monday. I Mrs. V. J. Owen and son Curtis, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jason McCall. | Bill Broom of the Macedonia see-, tion visited Mr. and Mrs, Roscoe McCall Sunday. Folk around Balsam Grove are very proud of the road work that is be-' ng done by the state and the CCC. j rhey are widening and . subgrading prd putting sand and gravel on the oad from the Gloucester bridge to h? CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCall visit-' ■d Rufus McCall here recently. Several people from the Balsam1 !»rove were Brevard visitors Satui-, lay. Miss Lois McCall spent Wednes Iny of last week with her sister, Mrs. Arch Galloway. Revival services are being held rwtee daily by the Rev J. B. Kil patrick. Everyone is invited io al-. end the services. it... n n r* .. 11.,.Uru t ill I O. 1V • X • Vil»livni"j . -— - Barry McCall Monday. Miss Ruth Morgan, who is teach ng schoo' here spent the week-end vith her parents at Cherryfie’-d. Mr. ami Mrs. Spurgeon Owen of ,ake Toxaway spent Sunday with itufus McCall and children. (Intended for last week) j Revival services started nt t.h. i '(lurch here Sunday, with the Rev.: 1. B. Kilpatrick in charge. Two. ervices will be heid daily, at eleven n the morning and 7:30 in the even ng. The meeting is expected t.> entinue for two weeks. Thelmon McCnllum, who has been pending some time with his sister, •eturm-d home on Saturday. Miss Ruth Morgan spent the week-' nd with her parents, Mr. and Mr. [. F, Morgan, at Chenyficld. Miss Lois McCall visited her sis-, er, Mrs. Arch Galloway, recently, j. Misses Zona, Stella and Junie Mc-| kill of Brevard, spent the week-end 11 viih their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt McCall anf'i hildren of Piagnh Forest, were cal-1 rs in this section Sunday. i Folks around this section look with i satisfaction und pride on the work hat is being donp on the rond from j lloucester Bridge to the CCC cump.i he work, being done by the boys nnd < he state forces. A serviceable sui-l ace of sand und gravel is being put hi the road bed. Misses Zona and Stella McCall •isited Mrs. llnrry McCall lost Frl-j lav afternoon. j Mrs. Roscoe McCall is spending[ ■cveral days with her sister, Mrs j Bruce Waters, in Brevard. Lois McCail visited Misses Fannie ind Frances Chastain Sunday I T. R. Chastain and singing choir) -,ave been practicing recently, pro raring to assist in the revival. Melvin McCall and son. Howard,] .'isited the former’s parents, Mr. anul Mrs. Doc McCall, Sunday. j The community is proud that Alney: McCall hud the prise winning steer( it. the county fair, his animal weigh ' ng 1235 pounds, and was under five fears of age. - | AT THE i CLEMSON THEATRE j — i Action und drama arc featured in, he two pictures scheduled at the, "lemson Theatre for the week, with' ‘Flaming Gold," a western action j irama starring Bill Boyd. Mue Clarke ind Pat O’Brien billed for Friday1 ind Saturday of this week, u story: if the tropical oilfields, terrifying uspenscful and colorful. Sinclair Lewis’ book, "Ann Viek-i ■vs" that drew a storm from critic.-j when published, but nevertheless was i best seller for months, is basis for the story in which Irene Dunne und Walter Huston are starred. It is a f Boone were guests of Mr. nnd, Mrs. Dovle Moss Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Hurt nnd daughter Margaret Hope were dinner guests-^ of Mr. am! Mr*. Tinsley near Bre vard Sunday. * A. D. Rogers and Paul Rogers, spent Sunday night at Wallia.laj visiting relatives. Mrs. C. J. Eld ridge underwent tin operation at I.yday Memorial hos-; pitn! in Brevard Sunday ana is re-, ,. v- ring u well a* could be expect ed. I NOTICE j Having qualified as administratrix j for II. L. Wilson, deceased, late ox j Trnnsvlvanin County, N. C.. this i»i to notify all persons having claims I against the said deceased to exhibit! them to me n or before September. 21 19.TI or this notice wilt be nlead-j iin bar of their recovery. All per-j 1 ,-ons owing said estate will make! payment. i September 21, 1933. ACME C. WILSON, j Sept. 21—6le AdmittMtufrtx 1 ORDER ! is THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina, Transylvania County Vletoiia Lee Hubbard, vs William Thon.ns Hubbard It anpoaring from the affidavit ox Victoria Lee Hubbard, plaintiff in this action, that h illiuni Thomas. Hubbard is not to be found in Tran sylvania County, and cannot, lifter j due diligence, he found in the State of North Carolina, and that the said WiUinni Thomas Hubbard Is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina. It is therefore, on motion, ordered that notice of this action be pub lished ot;ce a week for four con secutive weeks in the Transylvania j Times, a newspaper published ir. j Tian.-vlvatiia County, setting forth the title of the notion, the purpose of the same and requiring the defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court foi Transylvania County to be held at the Court House in the Town of Brevard, N. C., and that the said defendant he required to file his answer within thirty days of the completion of the service of ■ timmons by publication. This 24th dav of Oct. 1933. OTTO ALEXANDER Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, N. C. Oct. 26 Nov. 2—9—16 pd. Mrs Paul Rogers and children spent Sunday night as guests of Mrs. A. D. Rogers. Mrs. E. A. Glazener underwent an operation at Sis Mile hospital Saturday and is recovering as well as could be expected. Joe Dunn of Seliea visited Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McLean Sunday. Mrs. Mae Reece and daughter Mar garet, Dot and Wilda, and son For rest were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McLean Tuesday night Miss Anne Hughes of Greenville, was a Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs. M. C. Summeral. C.irtha Watkins and Mickler spent 'unday at. Pickens and Six Mile • isiting relatives and friendo. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Glazener of Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glazener Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Orr and daughter of Asheville and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Styers of Cherryville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitmire at Cherryi'ield. Mrs. Joe Neville r.nd nephew. Dr. and Mrs. Lester Neville of Dillard, Ga., spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gillespie. Miss Anne Moore spent Sunday as guest of Miss Margaret Waldrop at Cherryi'ield. Mrs. James Nelson, who has been; quite ill for several weeks, is slight ly improved. Misses Ruth Burt and Edith dark ,vere dinner guests of Miss Pauline Leathers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton and laughter Marvella and Miss Daisy Galloway spent the week-end at Old Toruway as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway. . firmer Manly and Walter OShteld * of CCC camp at Banulsyille spent 1 he week-end with their parents here. . Miss Louise Williams returned Sunday from a weeks visit to Chica go attending the World’s Fair. Wm. White of Gastonia is spend ing several days with Mrs. White at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Whitmire. ••.1 At.. . I. - Vll'k A. C. Bruner and two children, Mr.j und Mrs. Welch Galloway and son Charles and Jim Henry were Sun-, day guests of Mrs. Sarah Galloway.' Bromlus Henderson of Greenville, spent the week end at Quebec. Mrs, .J. M. Bowen of Wolf Mtn.j is spending several weeks as guest i ■' her daughter Mrs. 1,. I). Rnn-j dulph. Mrs, Mary Randolph returned home iasl week after an absence of -ix weeks visiting relatives at Ed in vville. , Mrs. E. D. Randolph and Mrs. 1. H. Thomas were Ea^t Fork visitors Sunday. Mrs. W. P. Fullbrlgnt and son Furl of Brevard visited relatives in Rosman Monday. Joe Paxton left Monday for his homo at P»l?er, having spent several days visiting Jack Nelson and Char les Galloway . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glaaener and children were Sunday guests of R.> 1„ llogsed and son Harold at Cal vert. ' , W J. Moore and daughter Jose phine and son J. B. visited Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glnsener Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson aim children visited grandma Byrd Sun day. , „ ,, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galloway or Gloucester, have moved to the L. R j Chapman house on the hill. j Miss Frances Edens, who has been employed in Asheville, returned home last week. . W. R. Lewis was a business visitor to Asheville Friday. Bennett Anthony and Formal Dodgin of Pickens were Rosman visitors the latter part of the week. George Young and Lud Houston spent Saturday night at Franklin. Mrs L. M. Glazener returned home Sunday, having spent the past week in Asheville ns guest cf her (laugh ter Mrs. Wade Gnrrcn. She was ac companied homo by Mrs, Garret) and son Forrest. Miss Olga Fortenberry spent the week-end ns guest of Miss Helen Henderson at Quebec. W. R. Lewis spent Thursday in Easley, on business. COACH EXCURSION THROUGH TRAIN-- — NO CHANGE Of CARS CHICAGO, ILL. Saturday, October 28th Leave-Asheville 11:30 a. m.-Saturday Arrive Chicago-7:10 a. m.-Sunday ROUND Rlfi FR0M TRIP ASHEVILLE Tickets good returning leaving Chicago 11:40 p. in. Monday October 30, arriving Asheville 9:10 p. m. Tuesday. TWO FULL DAYS AND ONE NIGHT IN CHICAGO NO PULLMAN LAST CALL DON’T MISS THE FAIR SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM JH w P nw m pni ^ »wrk —w — — World's Fair Egg Laying Contest 'Hfc.TOtt NW>S m MAK'Mfr^ world’s rj&ords tor E«r PRODUCTION. LEY& SEE VF WE CAN - vmo our what makes ] - THEM LAY SOj ( EPElUAV T ho, IHWi m\ 1 TEED-T^tY I SAK\E TEED**) \A*fc4ETTIN*?l CAN BUY AT ANY PUWKA. 1 ft \f \ DEALERS A ixzar~>n BWi-tO ►>Rfc \ CO fAAKE \ !0!A POULTRY" I BIRDS y >CARt \ ) FfcEDy^v -- U)C HAVE IT / PURINA LAYING MMH' . 'THE SAME FEED THAT is used at the mm WORLD'S FAIR £60* CONTEST TRY * GROCERI ——at— Money-Saving Prices! Try our store for your next order of groceries, whether it be a dime’s worth or $10.00 worth. We believe we can save you money, and give you satisfaction. I with your next batch of corn... we are pleasing lots of folks with the kind of meai we fur ■ ^