PENROSE NEWS Penrose P.-T. A. held a meeting last Tuesday night and discussed items of membership and feeding undernourished children. About 17 members were enrolled to pay dues as required .for the state and na tional membership. Sandwiches and milk are to be furnished this wreek for the undernourished children. It i expected to prepare hot lunches at school as soon as a stove can be provided. Miss Annie Gash visited our school last week and explained the rules in giving the D. A. R. history medal. The school to get the medal must have enrollment of 10 in the seventh grade and the individual to get the medal must pass on the state seven-, th grade examination. Penrose Honor Roll ; Seventh grade—Ottis Bryson John ( Lvday, Drama Boyd, Emma Cox, Hazel Greene Doris Kahn, Frances ( Surrette,, Mildred Talley, Agnes Wilson. Sixth—Dan Blythe. Harold Carter,; Margaret Allison, Violet Lyday, Wil* ^ ma Pieklesimer. ; Fifth—Clyde Davis, Herman Rahn, Gloria Ann' Wilson. Fourth—Hamilton Bovd. Sylvester Orr, N. L. Ponder Jr., Wilbur Rahn, l.ucile Allison, Ruth Ballard, Louise Bryson, Ruby Ownby, Edna Rwk ' Third — Henry Owenby, Everett (Hone. , Second—Irma Rahn, Luci.e Coxe. \ F rsi— Fred Owenby. Horace Blythe, Sam Talley, J D. Owenby, Franklin Orr, Sam Parku-, Clara Mae Lyday. Myrtle Owenby Honor Roll, .4 ana /> 1 Seventh grade—John Lyday. ♦Ha-, z el Greene, Doris Rahn, Frances! Surrette. Mildred Talley, Agnes Wil-( >ton Sixth Alvin Blythe. Mildred Cor pening, Violet Lyday, Wilma Ptc,;le-| ‘Fifth — Herman Rahn. Stanley! Smith (ih cia Ann Wilson. ; Fou vh-Robbie Ccvpemng, N. L. Ponder Jr.. Louise Bryson. ' Third—Martin Landrcth, Henry wr.v bv. Jewel P.ecd. 'Leota Bell Marjorie Talley. Gladys ‘A tlson,. Irdeil Blythe. I Sccmd— Irma Rahn. Esther AUi -mn, l.ucile Coxe. _ . i Kiist Horace Bly-he, Sam Tal-i t,.v, Franklin Orr. Clara Mae Lyday. Frances Talley. ___ I Wants Song Read In Churches !•' Iitof The Times: I want to ask evi y Sunday Scnuol out rintendent and every preacher, in the minty to have this song read, i ■ church next Sunday; Oh turn away from the sparkling wine. Or dare to touch the fatal cup— h r many a life as bright as thine S'uo'ir drink has robbed of every hope. Chorus Oh turn away. Oh. turn away Prom the bright and sparkling wine, It caused so many hope? to fade, I That rnce were bright as thine. i Whdc purer joys may be iouuu at home. While happy hearts are waiting there, * ™ Be warned and shun while you may the sin. Or it may quickly draw you tn. Chorus W\ X. GILLESPIE Why Doctors Favor a Liquid Laxative \ doctor will tell you that the cam less choice of laxatives is a common cause of chronic constipation. Any hospital offers evidence of th harm done by harsh laxatives '.hat drain the system, weaken l1 " bowel muscles, and even nlTert tno live, and kidneys. Fortunately, the public ; fast returning to laxatives in liqui! jorni. The dose of a liquid laxative . an oc measured. I he action cun t • i1 >'. be controlled. It forms no habit; you needn't take a “double dose” :> lay ' or two later. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup IV -.r u *s the average pci.-onV bowel ..a; as clockwork in few weeks' ' ;r Why not try it? Some pill r t i may be men conscnient 11 r:‘. Hut there is little “convenience’' n any cathartic which is taken i frequently, you must carry it wr..i you wherever you go1 its very taste tells you Dr. Cab' well’s Syrup 1’ersin is wholesome A delightful taste, and deligl tful a tior-. Safe for expectant mothers, j:■ : children., All druggists, ready f use, in big bottles. Member V H. .■> If you have not paid your subscription, it will pay you to do so at once while the price is still at the minimum. I LOST MY BEST CUSTOMERS THRU RATS WRITES J. ADAMS OF 427 MAIN St. TRENTON. N. J. Used to have the busiest Restaurant in town until news spread that the kitchen was infested with rats. Lost a lot of my l.e--t customers until I tried besv-yet. Haven’t a pest in the p'aee now. All Restaurants should use best-yet it’s the new Red Squill powder that if put around in dark places will cause rats to disappear. Comes in two sizes, 4 oz. size for the home 50c, <i oz. size for the farm 75c. Sold and guaranteed by B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. PHONE 66 BREVARD, N. C. QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) ' Mrs. R. T. Fisher, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lesa Loving, took her little daughter Darline to Bre vard last Friday and had her tonsils removed. Dr. Newland performed the operation. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Thom as, a son. Miss Lola Reid spent one day last I week with Miss Alinene Owen. Misses Lillian and Mary Dodgin i spent Wednesday night with their taurt, Mrs. R. T. Fisher. Mrs. Cad Whitmire has returned ' to her home here after spending sev eral days visiting in Easley, S. C. Waymon Thomas and Will Reid I were Brevard visitors Friday. Misses Myrtle Lee and Veardeary ■ Fisher spent Monday night with Mrs. Odell Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Black have returned to their home in South Car olina to spend the winter. Miss Millie Fisher spent Thursday night with Miss Mary Dodgin. Little Betty Jean Smith, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Smith, is quite ill this week. Miss Josephine Thomas and litt'e sitter Frances sppnt Tuesday night with Miss Irene Owen. Miss Ella Chappel of Eastatoe, S. C.. spent last Sunday with her sis-; ter, Mrs. Neal Thomas. Jack and Lon Haskett of Jackson | .■ounty spent one night last week j with their cousins Cecil and Roy| Robinson, Janice Whitmire spent Thursday night of last week with Betty Jean Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown and (hildren of Easley spent the week-’ end with Wayon Thomas. Meade Fisher spent Friday nigh? with “Junior” Whitmire. Mis. Jim Everett of Easley spent( the week-end with her sister, Mr*.1 Ber. Fisher, who has been seriously j ill, bdt is now improving in health, j Mrs. Elbert Whitmire and daugiv j ter Margaret Nell were visitors in Brevard Saturday. i Medford ChapHnan and Edwin \ Whitmire have been spending a few.; days in Tryon. _ i Mr. and Mrs Joe Boggs of Eas ier called on Mr. and Mrs. Elder*, Whitmire las* Sunday. Miss Elva Fisher and sister Louise of Lake Toxaway were dinner guests if Mrs. Lesa Loving Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCoy spent Saturday night with Mrs. McCoy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Miller.! Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCall and bnbv Ima Lee wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Reid Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen and1 baby were dinner guests of Mr. end. Mrs. John Reid Sunday. Mrs. Lyle McCoy spent a while, with Mrs. Paul McCoy Saturday. Mrs. Elvin Edney and daughter! Laura Jane returned to the home of Mrs. Edney’s'parents, Mr. and Mrs. j C. W Henderson. Saturday, after 54K-nd'Ug two weeks with Mrs. Mar-j vin Edney of Cashiers. j Miss Beulah ROd and Charles; Reid called on Mrs. Mack Reid Sun-j dav afternoon. Miss Aiieen Oven returned td her; heme after spending several days at, Slater. S. C. | Filetu* Moore and son. r urman M-ore, rf South Carolina spent Sal-J in dav night with Gene Moor?. Mrs. Llovd Bryson of Rosma.i was guest of Mrs. M. 0. McCall Sun. day. . , Guy Whitmire was taken to l-ijnay Memorial hospital Sunday for an operation for appendicitis. Rebecca Smith Helen McCall and Charles and John McCall spent Sun day with Barbara and Truman Hen derson. Mi s Frances McCall, who is stay ing at Rosman. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall one day last week. Mrs. Anderson Smith spent Thurs day with Mrs. N’oah Whitmire. Mr. ana Mrs; Gideon Miller were dinner guests at the home of their grandson, Mr. Leonard Thomas of Lake Toxaway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman McManhan were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall. Rev. OJyde S. McCall preached at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday morning and night. Mrs. L. E. Reece had a 'wood cnop ping” Saturday for the purpose of getting up stove wood for the winter. Ouiti* a number of the citizens of this community were present at the ‘‘working” and a large amount of wood was cut. TTrs. Reece's son George and his wit', and children of Canton were also ’ sent as were some cf the children of Walter Reece of Rosmar.. The table was spread with an abundance of excel lent food both nt noon-and in the af i tcrnocn. Some of the men present <aid that this reminded them of the i rears ago when the people were more social than they appear to be today; when log rollings, corn shuck ing?! ouijtings and clearings were common in this community; every body appearing to be glad to help ! everybody else. A Presbytery selected by Rev. J El. Burt, pastor of Oak Grcve Bap tist church, will meet at the church at 3 o’clock next Sunday afternoon for the purpose of examining Rev. Taylor Lee with a view to recom mending him to the church for or dination. PISGAH FOREST NEWS Of interest to friends here was the marriage of Agatha, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Deaver of j Tampa, F!a., to Mr. James Thomas Bradley of Alabama last Wednesday ! Oct. 25 in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. ! Deaver have often visited his mother 1 Mrs. Robert Patton here and have j many friends here, who will be in | terested to learn of the marriage. ; Mrs. Clarence Ramsey of Inman, ' S. C., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morgan, j Mr. and Mrs. Frances Allen and ■ daughter Elizabeth and Miss Nellie ! Mackey of Swannanoa spent the week lend with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Plummer of Prcvard have taken rooms in the Colburn bouse here. Messrs Dewey Edward and Valry Carter attended the University of Georgia and the New York University football game in Athens, Ga., Sat urday. Mrs. W. A. Lyday and daughter Edith spent Friday with Mrs, Robert Boggs at Turkey Creek H. L. Souther, had the misfortune] j to get a severe cut on his foot with j ! an ax last week while at work at ; John’s Rock CCC camp. Miss Nadine Avery attended the fail* <n Spartanburg last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson of Greenville spent Sunday with the lat ters mother Mrs. D." W. Hollings worth. Miss Lillian Allison of Horse, Shoe has. been visiting relatives in j this section. Mrs. Jack Bryson of Cathay*: Creek spent Monday with Mr. ardi Mrs. Joe Otr. Mr. and Mrs. dim Cowan and daughter Martha were shopping in Asheville last Thursday. Miss Bose Wolf entertained the members of her school class, 8A with a Hallowe’en party at the home! of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H ! Well Friday night. Varied and| amusing games, for the occasion1 were enjoyed by the following: Har ry and Joyse Sentell. Herman Hol lingsworth. Helen Daniels, Tom and Hat Poor, Martha Albert. Carmen | and Edward Curto with Misses I 'Jamie and Flora LyJay and Mr.] huaben Mackey as guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfie'd had as their guests Sunday Mr and] Mrs. Frank Allen and Messrs Al ien anti Floyd Canipfield all ofi Swannanoa. Mrs. (I. W. Corn and Mr. and Mrs. ] S. T. Townsend are now occupying, the G. W. Hall house recently va-j rated by the Wyatts. j Mr. Elwood Thompson of the Barnardsville OCT camp spent the] week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Francis, Mr. Adam Hal! of Humphrey. Ark., spent last Tuesday with Mr. Sunday Hedrick. Several people from this section attended Mr. Corns funeral at Pleas ant Ilil! Saturday. • Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Sid Barnett and daughter Clara PLEASANT GROVE (By W. H. Grpy) Mr. and Mrs. Bill On1 of Hender sonville visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Rev. J ,E. Osteen and wife of Mud Creek visited W. H. Gray Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. W. Gray and son of Hen dersonville were guests of friends and relatives here Sunday. Victor Orr visited friends oo j Boylston Sunday. j Otho Scott of Pisgah Forest call 1 ed on E. Hamilton Sunday. | Mrs. H. A. Gray spent the week I end with her daughter Mrs. Nichola-tj | Sentcll of Mt. Underwood. J. M. Gray made a business trip to Blantyre Saturday. The farmers around Pleasant Grovo1 are gathering their corn off the low1 grounds, for they figure one bird in! the hand is worth two in the bush. I Mrs. D. R. Justus of Blantyre1 visited W. H. Gray and liitle daugh. i ter Florence Sunday afternoon. Walter Banks of Mt. Underwood! was in this section Friday of last week. ' Ralph Reed of French Broad Park wus dinner guest Sunday of his sister, Mrs. Earl Gray, of this place. - i F„ Hamilton and Earl Gray made a busing, trip to Greenville one day last week. j and Mis* Wills King accompanied Mi. Thompson back to camp Monday afternoon. Mis. O. P. Anders of Greer, 8. C., and Mr. Arthur Allison of Ed neyvijle have been visiting their father Mr. Will Allison. Mrs. Joe Orr has been spending several days with Mr3. John Lyday at Penrose. Mr. Van Tinsley left last weiek fir Florida. Mrs. Tir.siey who is with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyatt will leave in about six weeks to join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Corn and family of Spartanburg, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SefTtell and other relative!* Mrs. Henry Mackey returned to Spartanburg with them where she has employment. ! Miss Mattie Davis of Greenville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr., Mrs. W. Davis who has been visiting Mi. and Mrs. Patton returned to her home in Greenville with Miss Davis. A large crowd from this section attended the fifth Sunday singing in Brevard. New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Wade Eubanks, of Brevard, announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William White of Rdsman, announce the birth of a daughter, Jo-Anne, on October 26. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cantrell of Route Three' announces the birth of a daughter, Bessie Elizabeth, on October 27th. < IT (§ MORE FUN TO KNOW! 8r.. I iVe experimented a lot with THE VARIOUS BRANDS OF CIGA* || RETTES. I FIND THAT CAMELS ; ARE DEFINITELY MILDER.YOU I DON'T TIRE OF THEIR FLAVOR— | THEY ALWAYS TASTE 6000 ! Camel's ctftlitrlivbaccoi faHHBMnw never {jeton ijcovrliervei.. fHcvcr Vre ijewrlatte THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY FARES Last Cent A Mile Train I Travel Bargain Fares This Season VISIT HOME—RELATIVES AND FRIENDS ITS FASTER BY TRAIN GOING: Nov. 28 and 29-Return Dec. 7 November 30th 'A. M. Trains Jacksonville.$9.55 Louisville ........ 8.15 St Louis. 13.40 Miami, Fla ...... 16.85 Washington.$9.55 Cincinnati. 8.60 New Orleans ..... 14.80 Memphis. 11.10 And Numerous Other Points ALSO Baltimore. 11.00 Chicago, 111.19.15 Detroit.. 18.80 Kansas City.24.00 Philadelphia . 14.45 New York . 17.70 Cleveland.18.65 Toledo, 0.17.65 ROUND TRfP PULLMAN FARES Above Fares Apply From Asheville Set- your local agent for fares applying from ycur home station. R. H. DeBUTTS, DGPA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM THE expenses of seeing must be paid jointly out of the light account and the sight account Obviously it is only good business to pay the bulk of the expense out of the light account. This involves an insignificant amount of money. We should draw as little as possible from the sight account, which is given us when we are born and which must last us until we die. You can always afford more light. You can never buy another pair of eyes. When rent, food, clothing and other commodities have gone up in price, light has continually gone down in cost. The cost of light has never gone up. Everyone can afford more light today because it is now marked ly lower in cost than it ha3 ever been before. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY 3 E. Main St Brevard, N. C: Day Phone 116 Night Phone 16 Radio Program — WBT 9:15 A.M.—Mon,-Wed.-Fri.

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