(' Jitlii’ d /•''(/ Mtf) Chnrks Met'.!. M. O. Met ’all, Leo U, .Iidim- Tinsley. Karl Whitmire, Kvir ' Wh mire, 1>. S. Winchester, Millie Alii-. ... Leo Banther, Ger trude Bn Hove, Annie Gillespie, Mary >!• «:r% Inez Oates, Addic Ov,: a. Mac >>\ven, Laura Pharr. Lois Whi'miic. Ruby Whitmire. I :V:;ihth Crude H iv; Rf. -Iln/o'l Moore. Ilorbeit \\,|;ini. (y ' '; m Crane,.!. R Breed j j• t'.. • nd.inco- .!. R- Breed [, v . ! ureiice Banther, Charles i ; l a t appelt. B'oaiius Dm. Craie 1-i h. i , T<>111 Glazcner, j; . i| i;., Walter Green, Wood m .... . .1. B. McCall. Donald ; ai, || d Recce, Archie Whit i Whitmire. Herbert \y, .1 :■ r Fisher, Helen Fisher, lie i. Galloway, Lucy Gallo vv j, r;. n. Ruby Love, Helen M, Kinr e Reid. Tommy i; v ,j | . Sumniry. I.enora ■ Fi... | . Riirdon, Annice Whit v: < 1/1 H, ii, , I! . I ti-illc liaU""n.v. 1 i......, , ., •; uv Uoy hldridtte. ,1 (;; w ;• .■. s. „tt ('.allowiiv, y dll,, f V vy lie M 1 U' U»b i . r.. l.uwr.t’Cl' Owetl. , . r y \Vi»i , • raid Allison \ ;; R, f’, -ton Brittain, Dewey t Xi'-fo'.M-i . Ku - "'I ,,,, , ' ; -.11. ch'ii III. if... . \v: D. II. Windiest'-r. ' • I uin Cassell. Well . (.;« i Hilda lie..-. Mu M , ■ , I'ol>itli;i Wnlcl. -M*. i ■ W i •!. r:?*h di'ttdi' * I , i; Knstus Smith. Gladv* , !.. Kill Green, l.ituileeue !.u>k, Ku h D ".a Mar Smith. I , ■ , - adiiiu". Joe Burt. G ., it i ile- Huggins. Tern \ ,n u,t\: ! tewey Miu hell, Klasi*, ]• ;n ‘Kaim's. Rn-itus Smith,' iii;,i.■ wV. . Howard Whitmire, , I Essie Conner. Rosie ,, |■ p i v Green, Margaret .ten . Uui IAvt>. uirleenc Dusk, Uuth t;U . ' tit Rogers. Elizabeth 11, ■ ' i > Smith, Marnab S . v.. '. -. Wild. f. . eth Crude |((, , p Edna 'IlDon, Ilazei Kali.:' C- '■ Gallby.ay. I ' • K,r r Pnitl \j. Reo« Morris, -i, Bertie \i ,1,, j. .a Whitmire. Ruel Whiti ire.' ( • Winchester. Mac A iv,",',t ■ - lane. - Hazel Bnrrdt j v ':, ‘: >5 v i;, I.iliatf Bryson. Ef-. p.,;t . Butler. I my Mm', Met ’.ii1 I Moin is. NaonP M<» rt ; , On. Ol a Owen. 11 el* ,, \\|, •, . •>. Whitmire, A. J. IP v t> Uson. Ray Israel, u I j,, • arenec Masters. Paul V • P. w ll, Ku l Wt.it. inn -.-. Gl. uehester. Crude : It, ,,, p Elviie Chapman. Dan [.- • \ Israel. J. A. Meeee, i x, Allen Whitmire. l-il-ie Mm « ’• ay. Avjrie Glav .... , |. *. iu yeutt. Thelma JK« , • ,t| 1. tit. .losephit - Powell. ^ pit. ■emlanee- I A. Meeee. .. M Gail. Albert Israel, Dan [.’,Iun l.n ' ' Daves. Ralph Chap p'd. I.’e 15 a Jr., Billie Nicholson, TOM MIX (In Pers: .) IS COMING rO A S H E V I /. L E PLAZA THEATRE NOV. 17th 31VARD i DOWNS 1 ARM SCHOOL BOYS Price Runs Ninety Yards for Touchdown—Passing At tack Nets Gains (By Charles Morgan) The fast feet of David Price step .1 from his own 10 yard line for t Mi'll down in Brevard’s victory vi r Farm School, 21 to 0 here etuidav. The 00 yard run came in !:•. Iasi* period for the climax of the game. Brevard found it hard to gain ground by running so they took to lie air. in the sieond quarter, Noil | ,.vi red a punt in mid field, then lu,'t pass for 5 yards was follow 1 by ;i 20 yard pass to Neill for .... i-ivsi tally. English tossed one , Walter Clayton for the extra ini. Morris caught one in the third ,iind and crossed the six point line. Price was clear to receive the ball r v ono move point. Tima Price intern pled a pass and ., i :n) yards. Edward Clayton mark ; no anoth.r extra point by tuk jrg the p.e-s from English. Th • sanie passing attack that won hard tmms last season ilefent • I a heavier driving team. No team V, ■ has stopped the Kngli-h to {'(*.’vt1 n. M rri- and Price eombina i ion. The outstanding player for Farm St iiu. i v a' Ci rd.ii, lull buck. He ji'inikcd up long gains and played |.. i ilefetis'. I. Lance played Ins | best game since he tins been on Hu |.T!a,|. No gai wire mad, over liis ' iih. ,f the lit’"- His blocking was ,„l. an I Ins tinkling was p.rfwt. ! ,V‘ was (lie outstanding player "1 It In day. Farm School mark d up k first eves 1 o the Blue Devils 0; 121 1 *.v. rn gained by running by the vpituis, while the locnls netted only PJ. Brevard completed 5 passes out ! 7 for 03 yards. Farm Sellnl tri d 12 making 2 good, and two were in i ptod. Brevard’s average on the nuts was d2 yards while Farm i Sii'iai's was 25 yards. Both teams 1 wi re pcaalio'd 05 yards. F irest Rreee. Bruce Smith, Alien Whitmire. Elsie Mac Galloway, Ava* > Glazeiur. i’eai'l Jones, Frances M ilehoil, Thelma MiCronill. Edna . Ison. Sadia Smith. Si'C'ind Gi'udr 11 or or Roll — Margaret Hopi Bun, Xflle Waldrop, Margaret Whitmire, Martlia Whitmire, Fruneis Giliespii, Mae (Jrccri, Margaret Parson, Ruth Gillespie, Velma Lewis. Vi'-ian Ghu ■ r. Lon na Gal'< way. Guy Bryson, Virgil Barrett, Stanley Wiivheslio , Poire Winchester. W. B. Head Jr, : ,,yd Gillespie, Richard Orr. Bobby Galloway, Cha.s I.1 e Moore, ( has 1L Snmnicy. Junior Stroup. Perfect attendant- Guv Bryson, \' i. ur 11 Barrett, Joe "'ild-. Boa-e \\ ii'chesti r, Sian ley Winchester, IJ' yi| Gillespie, Riehai i Orr, Chin. Henry Summey, Junior Stroup, John Sm’th. Henry Snipes. ' He Waldrop, yi ugint Whitmire. Martha Whit mire. Mai Groeito. Frances Gillc?Pjf, Vivian Gla/.eiicr. Velma Lewis. K i -..»b t|, Morgan. Faye Mitehell. Flora O’Shields. Nad'ne Powell. Margaret Parsons. Dorothy Reid, Rehu Roger.'.. First Crodi Hun v Roll- Ma'lrie Galloway, nis Glazener. Cora O’Shields. Polly Kate Heath, Jcnette Owen, Barney Sivk. James Hensley, Marvin ( hap* man. N ttie Galloway. Perfect attendance—Judith Bole.v, Reba Clavton, Iris Glrzener. J'-ssic Mac Gillnn, Madrie Galloway, ("in O’Shields. Jenette Owens, Deris Bungle. Kdna Russell. Barney Sisk; Polly Kate Heath, Ophelia Chap pell. Kansas Galloway, Curios Ciu -ell. Finest Morrison, Frncst On* 'em. Henry Whitmire, Rollen Wink mire, Bert Dodson. Crude 1 -II Honor Roll—Lila Mae Galloway, Louise Gant, Frances Moore, Mar uiierite Reece, Junior Chapman, \\ il liam Galloway, Claud Murphy. Perfect attendance—Betty Bryson, Lois Galloway. Lila Mae Galloway, Marie Galloway, Louise Gant, I* ran* cts Moure, Inez O’Shiclds, Margunte Reece, Fdward Chapman. J. C. Chap man. Junior Chapman, William Gal lowuv, Dcrrell Gant, Claud Mur phy., Junior O'Shields. Albert Whit mire. .1. B. Whitmire._ TWO HOURS OF THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT KING BROS. IXL RODEO Under Auspices Kiffin Rockwell Post NOVEMBER, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th AFTERNOON and NIGHT McCORMICK FELD ASHEVILLE, N. C. 40 Men—20 Horses—Indians—Buffalos—Steers Admission ; CHILDREN UNDER 12—25c — ADULTS 40c « s • • « SOMETHING NEW-DON’T MISS IT! < •i HONOR ROLL PLACE I; WON BY MANY HERE; (Continued ftpm page cue) Galloway, Tom Galloway, Edward Glazener, Paul Jones, John Walker. Janus Wood, Karl Wright. Perfect Attendance—Margaret Aik en Jeanette Austin, Edna Fulton, Rih he 1 Hamlin, Lena Heath, Fannie Killian, Virginia Kane, Claris® Mc Crary, Htatsie Moore. Euna Leigh Me ore, Pendleton Banks, Paul Bow m. A. B. Galloway, Edward Glaz. .nor, Lewis Earl Jackson, Paul 'lorn’s, John Walker, Charles War ., James Wood, Lucilc Garron, Om'mu Trent. Gladys Trimmer, Ed ,,.,.,1 Ashworth, Agnew Campbell. Charlie Clayton, Clarence Pearson, Hale Siniard, Ted Whitmire. I'ifih Crude Honor Roll- Robby Huggins, N. a Miil.r, Jr., Mary Jane Brown. Katherine Gro Ms. Oddi McCall, hois Moore, Louise Osteen, Aloe 1> |,| Kathleen Wilson, Patsy Grim share, June Fenwick, Mary Louise Whitmire. Kvelyn Myers, C.ara Hol den lassie Mae hubanks, Olive I! lit* Jerks, Harold Sudani. Ik i feet Attendance-I.'Mcr Brown, Wintford Cantrell, Henry Case, Bob ■ v Huggins', It bert Jackson. Junior Miller. James Siniurd. Frank Smith, Mum- Jure Brown, Patsy (irinishaw, kiilherine Grooms. .Team Hayes, n : n McCall. L< is Moore, Louise Os 1, cn. Alice Petit. L;ona Mac Smith. Lueiie Swungim, Kathleen A iIson, r.„i< Wilson, Josephine Siniard, hv Clarence Pi essley. PiitAet Attendr.nee Bertie Brown. Burn Blown, Mtybell Bryson, Dora he, Carren. .leap Glenn. Ruthie Me fi'ahn. Katherine Simpson, Pinna Mae Smothers. Mary Alice Tinsley, Jimmie Cobb. James Cooper Billj MeCiarv, David Canon. Fred Glnz <„er, Jack Huggins, Kind Li.m-e. ! Jimmie Martin, hplnnun N<;d, Kip i \v. -t George Often. Charlie Pnt it, n Larrv Wilson, Roland Whitmire. . hdgur Aiken. Otlu. Bow.n, Doyoc Biacken. Morris Cahtrcll, Roy’ Head, William Owersby. Harold Keaion. John Leo Whitmire. Bet.y .Met nil 1 urili Sneison, Mildrul Sprouse, Chi istine Tir.slev. Kilnn Ward, Ruby Waters Third. Crude Honor Roll—Jack Crary, llill K’t. llarol.l McCrary, T.-d Mill!. Jo; ly Moltz, Albc.1 Reid, Carl Scrugg (■anv'll Johnson. Lois Allison. Ar.i. Rank . Hazel Brown..Elizabeth Sum I ] in guttle. Mary Compton. Nema - 1 : wav. Franki - Mo re, Mary tlo' ' jviuct Atten la'icc—dm k ! r;ir I Rill li'etzcr, Bill Kilpatrick, Haro* McCrarv, Ted Mall, Albert Koi •Carl Scruggs. Richard l'y-dey. 1 mil Johnson. Lois Allison. Ranks. Hazel Brown. Elizabeth Lm llingame. Mary Compton, Nccw Gm lmvny, Frankie Mo- > ■ i Sizemore. Helen Allison. Betty Jam Bracken, Annie Owen, Bertie I.'’" Owcnsbv, Hoilne Siniard, I i >nt ! Waters.' Willi..m A lison Ranks. Robert Demml. Jack Hon., cult. Allen Shipman. Ernest Smith Charles Townn-nd. Roy 1'' ,u‘> Second Geode Honor Roll-Mintzel Tin-ley. N>-.‘ Whitmire. Vesta Mae Anders. Mi ! uinia Keaton. Jimmie Knnipe, Eli r. lard Nicholson, Ray Simpson. Brad ley Wyatt. Patsy Babb, Christme, Coleman, Cecil Coren, NeU Galh more. Martha Jeane Hardin. Ruth Osborne, Hicks Scruggs. Melba Sim i i„rd, ElaUet Simpson. Edith Swam -gim. Doris Wilson, Margaret /each I a,‘-v- . I Perfect Attendance—Coren .-vik<-K, Eloise Brown, Harold Carr.-n, Chris | tine Coleman. James Grunt, Cecil Ccrcn, Jimmie Knnipe, N-'l (■ alia■ more. William Mdtz, Martha Jeanm | Hardin, Richard Nicholson, Roberta | Head, Lawn nee Ray, Ruth Osborne i Rav Simpson, Melba Siniard, Brad ley* Wvatt, Edith Swungim. Ralph | O-borne, Janette Tinsley, Doris \\ il 1 sen, Margaret Zachary. Eugene Bracken, Roy Banks Robert Clark, I!illv Heath. Orville Mull. Ellison, I McCrarv. Mack Smith, William Sm iard, William Sizemore, Sherrill Warren, Ned Whitmire, Jack Zach nrv. Hazel Mae Hale, Frankie Mason, Adell MeJunkin, Ruby Pearson, Ruth Zachary, Catherine Siniard, Ethel Snclsori, Loraine Honea. first Grade Pei feet attendance—Hattie Sue Aiken, Philips Osteen, Beatrice Hull, R. V. Paco, Jessie Trent, Char les Wilson, Coleen Warren, Walter Wilson, Charles William Bracken, Thomas Butler. Charles Heath Jr., Paule Meece, Edward McCall, Jr., Bobby Norwood, Louise Allispn, Robert Smith, George Simpson Jr., Franklin Sprouse, Ervin Wolfe, Mel vin Ward, Robert Waters, .Oscar Whitmire, Kenneth Wyatt, Billy Griffin, Dick Fenwick, Douglas Brown. Lucile Honea, Mollic E Tinslev. Vivian Smith, Blanche Ray, Ernestine Parker, Nancy Ann Mch rlson, Dorothy Jean Loftis, Roberta Hale. Francis' Hendricks, Betty Jean Duclcs, Willie Mae Aiken. White Heard at Church A correction is herewith made in n statement in last week’s issue nf The Times, which stated that Alvin Moore rendered a piano solo, "Im promptu in A flat,” at the luncheon musical program at the district musv meeting held in Brevard last weel The name should have read A. M White, as player of this section ii stead of Alvin Moore. SMHY FOLK ATTEND’ FIFTH SUNDAY SING: _ j A. laige number of singers gather-' ; i] here last .Sunday for the Fifth Sunday Singing convention, leaders' coming from various sections of! Western North Carolina and upper’ South Carolina. An enjoyable feature of the morn ing session was the singing of three if the “old school” singers, (Jncle Joe Orr, Dr. Wexler Smathers, of Urevard, and his brother of Hender son county, these three having at tended singing school together half a century ago. Plans arc now completed for th< "Book Tea,” which will be held in the home economics room cf the Bre vard high schoi I Friday afternoon i,I this week from 3:30 to *1:30 o’clock sponsored by the Parent-Teacher association. A program, consisting ceased is survived by hto wife Mrs. Myrtle I,. Yarlimoufth. three children. W. J.. .lane aral J. (J. Jr. his parents, F. ('. Yarborouifh •nod Mrs. Komeliu Yarboroufr’n; three isti .s, Mrs. Jasper Kdffc, f Hope Mid-’. Mrs. G. H. Byday, of David i r. River, and Mrs. H. T. Bowen, of .lappa, Mi!.; and by four brother*, Rev. W. I). Yarborough, of Lanrii COUNTY JAIL EMPT Y FOR AN ENTIRE DAY Something new happened in Bre vard last week-the jail was ban; of boarders for a day and night, the first time since Sheriff #Toni Wood took charge in December first of-last year. However, this fine state of affaiis did not last over the week-end, with alleged violators of fhe law coming in as usual, one, two, and four at a time, until the jail has again resum ed its regular appearance, faces to be sem peering from the upstairs windows. AT l.YDAY HOSPITA' The following patients at Lyda.v Memorial hospital were all reported lo be doing nicely on Wednesday morning: Turner Allison, Mrs. C. A. Cor. Robert Thompson, Henry Garre n, Mrs. C. J. Eidridge, Mary Heffner Hill, N. A. Yarborough, of Kept* we’I. Va., M. G. Yarborough, of San ford, and W. F. Yarborough >>f Fa> • etteviMe. Funeral service.' and interment were held ai Marvin church ia Gray’s Creek at 11 o’clock by Rev R .1. I . Edward.-, of the I’arkto.i circuit, R v J. C. Wooten, presiding elder of this disti’ct, and Re\. p. It. Woodall, of the Fayetteville circuit. Active pallbearer:■ were Sid Cain, Will Patrick, Malloy Ow-tt, Dan ip ham. Dm ham Gallup and Ebb Smith. Hoiiorniv pallbearer-* were Slur >.'f W 11. McC.rachy, Dr. J. V. M* Ci uc.'in, \. f! Smith. Dr. W. C, Viidcry. Dr W. T. Raimy. Dr. J. I). Mighsmith, John Owen, Dr. P. T. McQueeo, Or. Iln iVor, Jack Mc Pht r- n. B. C. Bre.mbK Ben Dixon McNeill, A. B. Spears. W. J. Bur.ce. ..!> I T. S. Smith Among Asheville’s Bsttei__ — Phone 4013 ' Haywood St. A Spu-ial droop of Women's and Children's Rain-Capes Attractive, Peter Pali Crdlnrs. some with Be ids and Baps to match All high shades. Fleece Lined GALOSHES $1.00 Pair 3roca.30 0 Butte-.- Spr.aderi $7 HURS^Y & CO. JEWELER8 BtlUrr Park At». A»h»r!ll* .