ff. 0. W. NEWS W. H. GROGAN. J*. District Manager Only seventeen more days until we meet at Hickory for the big day, and what a day, with President Brad shaw, 250 Uniform Rank boys, Wadesboro brass band and 5,000 Woodmen ,all marching down Union Square, what a sight, what a thrill, vou cannot miss it, so be on time. It will start at Hotel Hickory Satur day morning November 25th at 10:30 a. m. and will go from place to place during the day, in fact the dny will just be crowded with Woodmen dem onstrations—for example; The big parade will form in front of Hotel Hickory at 10:30 a. m. and march to City Hall where President Bradshaw will speak at 11:00 a. m.—The degree work will be in the old overall factory at 2:00 p. m. and the exhibi tion drills and contests will be on Union Square, beginning at 3:00 p. m„ this will be followed by dreei parade. The reviewing officer will be General D. F. Bradshaw The big dance will be Saturday night at same building where degree work was put on General, Barrington T Hill win | have charge of all Degree teams and. Uniform Rank Compar.ys, attending the Hickory field day November 25. Will give more about program in next week’s news, be sure and read it to your Camp so all members will know when to be in Hickory. Don’t forget that we have a mem bership campaign on at this time, al so don’t forget it’s to honor President Bradshaw who will be our HONOR guest at Hickory November 25th. and for that reason you should do your: best to get some applications at once. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from Charlotte Chap man ot. al. to the undersigned Trustee said instrument bearing ■ late o'- February 2nd. 1931, and Registi i> d in Book No. 28 at Page 151 of the Record of Deed in Trust for Transylvania County, the same securing certain indebtedness therein named, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and all notices required having been given and said default has not been made good, now therefore the under signed Trustee, will, or. SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd. 1933 I at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House Dorr in Brevard, X. C. sell to the. highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioni I and described ir> said Deed in Trust aforesaid, reference being hereby made to same and the Record thereof for a description by( metes and bounds. i The proceeds of sail sale to be applied upon said debt .interest, costs of sale etc. This the 2nd. day of Xov. 1933. VIRGIL McCRARY Trustee. Nov. 9—10—28—30. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION; Should birds in the breeding pen receive any more at tention than thit given- the laying , flock? I ANSWER: If the breeding birds are in good condition when penned they need no special attention. A .well*balanced mash containing test i ed cod liver oil plus the usual scratch | feed will carry them over the season. ' Where possible, the birds should have I access to green feed and, weather j permitting* should be allowed on range a few hours each day. A com ! fortable house and regular feeding | is most important for breeding birds. QUESTION: How can a farmer estimate the volume of lumber in standing timber? ANSWER: A “tree scale stick’’ or what is commonly called a Biltmore stick has been devised by foresters for this work and can be secured at almost any hardware store The stick contains a table giving the amount of square edge done inch lumber that can be cut from any tree of given diameter and height Farmers Bul letin No. 1210 distributed by the U. S Department of Agriculture pves valuable information on this subject. QUESTION: How can lespedeza iced bo saved for planting next year? ANSWER: Seed from the Com mon, Tennessee 76, and Kobe varie ties can be harvested with a seed pan attached to the cutter bar of a m'wing machine. Plans for making these pans may be secured by writing ’he Agricultural Editor, State Col ! ge. Due to the growing character istics of the Korean variety the seed , from this variety are threshed out J with a grain separator a few weeks after the plants are harvested. Jones County farmers report har vesting the largest crop of hay ever to be stored in the county. The qual-; ity is exceptionally good due to good ■ weather during the harvesting per-( iod. You Should Advertise: Want a clerk, Want a partner, Want a situation Want to sell a farm Want to sell sheep, cattle Want to sell groceries, drugs Want to sell dry gcods, carpets Want to sell clothing, hats, caps Want to find customers for buying ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES Advertising will gain you customers Advertising keeps cdd customers. Advertising makes success easy, Advertising begets confidence Advertising means business Advertising shows energy Advertise and succeed Advertise judiciously Advertise or bust Advertise weekly Advertise now And all the Time You*n#v«r do this — Why do THIS? • You never take a spark plug from one cylinder of ypur car to replace the plug of another cylinder. Why borrow a lamp bulb from one socket to re place rhe lamp in another? For this not only puts one fixture out of service; it exposes you and your family to eye strain from improper, inadequate light. Have spare lamps on hand. Get a carton ol thrifty General Electric Mazda lamps today . . . then you will be sure of good, economical, eye-saving light. Buying a carton of six saves you 10 per cent. Better Light Better Sight The MAZDA Lamp man will be at your home soon. Check over your extra sockets now and refill them with MAZDA Lamps. Southern Public Utilities Co. Day Phone 116 Night Phone 16 3 East Main Street Brevard, N. C. TUNE IN ON OUR RADIO PROGRAM WBT 9:15 a. m. Wednesday THE PRAYER CORNER (From the Files of Brevard News) 1 JESUS CHRIST AND CHILDREN It was Jesu3 Christ whc discovered children. Until He came, mankind had not the grace* of seeing t:ie graces of chiWrfen The Son of God, who chose to come into the world by the way of the cradle and the home, taught men to reverence the little ones. Before the Christian Era, no admiration for humility, but rather intense contempt. Men had no ap preciation for simplicity and trust fulness. All the chief qualities of childhood were despised, and boys and girls were only appreciatd by the State insofar as they might be come useful in after years. Consequently, when the little ones crowded clingingly around our Lord, the disciples instinctively and promptly interfered. They regard ed the presence of children, not only as useless and inconvenient, but also as a dishonour to their Master. They considered that those affectionate and demonstrative little ones were unnecessarily and seriously interrup ting an important mission. Conse quently they rebuked those that brought them, (Mark 10:13). But when Jesus saw it—so far from ap preciating their action, he wa» much displeased, and said unto vhoaii "Suffer tne little children to come un to me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.” (Mar* 10:14.) Do not drive away from the teacher the most promising of all His Pupils. . It is children and the childlike ox whom the Kingdom of Heaven ia made up. That spiritual Kingdom belongs to the simple mir-dod the trustful, thooo who easily behevfc those who live in an atmosphere ot eheerrful dependence, those whc, at least, are always conscious of their ignorance. Of such is the Kingdom of which the meek and lowly Sav. iour is King. It needed more thar one such lesson lO teach the disciplej how to appreciate the qualities ol children. . . . . After the twelve had received muc* additional instruction, and had en joyed the inestimable advantage ol intimate daily association with th< master. He found it necessary to give them another lesson on the same sub ject—the hcavenliness of children As they walked along, the Apostle* had been secretly wrangling about | seniority, and their relatives positions in ihe Kingdom which Christ was to set up. They had been carrying ou a fierce and bitter discussion ns to which of them should be the great est. Jesus Christ therefore took a little child into His arms, end hold ing it up as an object lesson or= Hu nidify, using the child as an illustra tion of what He meant. Preaching from this text He ssicf, “Except ye be converted (changed) end liecome like this little child not one of you shall be the greatest, or even the least in tho Kingdom c* Heaven— ye shall never enter it. (Matt. 18:8.) Whosoever shall hum ble himself, as this little child, tha same shall be the greatest in th* Kingdom of Heaven. A PRAYER Gracious God, I come to seek th< grace I need for filling rightly my place as a parent. 1 ask of Thee to imprint deep on my heart the solemn thought that I can effectually teach my children only what I really teach myself, that I can only expect the truth that influences my own life really to influence theirs. O my God, I think with shame of how much that I reprove in them U only the reflection of what they hava seen in me. I confess how much there has been wanting of the spirit of childlike love and self denial, of joyful obedience to Thee and thought" ful self sacrifice for others, wmen would have beer, to them, the highest education. 0 my God forgive me what is past, and give me grace in every thing to teach myseli what 1 want to teach my children. Be pleased especially to make me feel deeply that it is as I live as an obedient child with my Father in heaven, that I can teach my children, and expect them to be obedient to me. Lord!, may childlike simplicity and obedience be the atmosphere my home breathes, the bond that makes parents and children one. As I think of my own slowness in learning, may I be very patient and gentle with my children and yet full of hope that the lessons I impart to them will have their effect. Jesus, Master, teach Thou me, that with Thy Teaching. I may teach my loved ones. Amen. • ^ Report of the Condition of the TRANSYLVANIA TRUST COMPANY at Brevard, N. C., to the Commis sioner of Banks At the Close of Business on the 25th Day of October 1933. RESOURCES Amount Cash, Checks for Clearing and Transit Items- 7,811.62 Due from Approved Depos itory 3anks. 28,072.71 United States Bonds, Notes Etc . 75,980.00 North Carolina State Bonds, _ Notes, Etc. 10,838.36 North Carolina Bonds Bor rowed. 8,000.00 Loans & Discounts—Other 37,244.93 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment. 252.95 Pisgah Industrial Bank, Guaranteed Asset Ac- _ count. 12,176.81 Accrued Interest Paid on Bonds Purchased. 356.70 TOTAL .180,733.18 LIABILITIES Demand Deposits—Due Public Officials. 69,739.92 Demand Deposit*—Due Others .. 73,798.82 Cashiers Checks, Certified Checks and Dividend Checks. 389.37 Time Certificates of De posit—Due Public Of ficials. 1.600.00 Time Certificates of De posit—Due Others. 5,270.77 Savings Deposits—Due Public Officials. 1,670.29 Savings Deposit s—Due Others. 2,680.66 North Carolina Bonds Bor rowed. 8,00Q.W TOTAL Liabilities-163,049.83 Capital Stock—Common... 25,000.00 Undivided Profits. 2,675.56 Reserve for Depreciation Fixed Properties. ?.7o TOTAL .180,733.13 State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania . M. B. McDaniel, Cashier, Lewis r. Hamlin, Director, and Judson Mc Crary, Director cf the Transylvania Trust Company Bank, each personal ly appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge an Lvday Sunday. Mrs. Betty C. Albert of Asheville was a recent guest of Mrs. 8. A. Albert. Mrs. W. W. Pruett returned to her home here Sunday after spend ing- the past month in Weavervule. Several mothers from this section attended the P. T. A. book-tea at the Bwvard high school Friday af ternoon. — Approximately 12,000 packages of rat bait will be used in 40 North Carolina counties this fall In a rat eradication campaign, says A. E. Oman, biologist. BETTER FOR STEADY SMOKING! ^JUM iIIIIIH —ill1111—1——. skmi maoaiab u*y*n rtnxr a OMUtUfttMiTMl ISM9M CAMUS AUM« IMM AIM rflU, TAW HAM THAT Mil* MSS AKB a BOB TASK THAT • B»V WMMt I UT MV NOT CAAOH* w_ ■ J CAMEL’S COSTLIER TOBACCOS t»Mef a£t9* y9*ryUrv*i"tot9€*Hrf ■jm’Ulc I WTQf BOTHtR Jf *a> I MIC BO ,/ -w&srtj' y More Pounds of pork per Dollar invested More Gallons of Milk More Pounds Butter _ CRDRFRIFS A comp“«' 5t*plM UnUUtglBLO that will Save You Money