I News of the Week irom Rosman j | MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent | V... . . .. . . .. . . Rev. ami Mi's. J. E. Burt ami Mrs. A. J. Manly were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McLean Fri day night. Miss Rosa McLean, Effie Owen, Emma Jane McLean and Ruth Moore were shopping in Brevard. Saturday. j Hubert Shelton and Streeter Frye of llaywood county spent Thursday l ight ns guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McLean. Mrs. Mae Reece o: Asheville spent Saturday night as guest of Mrs. W.J s. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Callaham and son of Greenville, S. C., are -pending several days as guest of: Mr. and Mrs James Nelson. Mrs. Elizabeth Hall has been spending several nights this week; as guest of Miss Elizabeth White. Mrs. S. D. Rogers of Salem. S.! is spending several days as guest of her sou A. D Rogers and Mr ft.! Regers. 1 Mr. .and Mrs. E«oie Towns and baby and Mrs. A. D. Rogers spent' Saturdav nt Salem vis'ting relatives. Mrs. I. B. Houc k and three children I ■ p;i.t. the pa.-t week as guest of the I'l'morV sister Mis. Doyle Moss. Mr . I.ecu McCall and son oi Vickers. were dinner guests of Mr. : iuI Mrs. Doyle Moss Sunday. | The J. E. White family were Ashe ville visitois Saturday night visiting their grandmother Mrs. W. F Mill-. • ui>s. who was critically ill. _ I Miss Bcvniee Henderson, Kathleen) itml Doris Wilson of Brevard spent) |,i-it week a- guest- of Mr. an.! all-. M C Sumeral. i.. K. Henderson returned to his home a* Gray Court, S. C.. Satur day, having spent several days as goes if his daughter Mrs. M. C. > Sum 11. Miss Rul-y Ednumdscn of Ti-gah Fore.-1 sp.ut Wednesday night <«;! vuest of Miss Bernice Henderson at: (he ionic1 of M". and Mrs. M. .■sumeral. ’ > ’ Mi se- Elsie White, Irene Pharr id la Verne Whitmire students ofp \V. c T. C. Cullowhee, spent the veil; end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Glazener visit 1 relatives in Brevard Sunday. M B B^M y A*., . M.- - .._ { l 1 I: j \ ! < > 1 The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can be con trolled. It forms no habit; you need not take a "double dose” a day or two later. Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate the kidneys. , The right liquid laxative will bring i perfect movement, and with no discomfort at the time, or afterward. The wrong cathartic may keep you constipated as long as you keep on using it 1 An approved liquid laxative (one which is most widely used for both adults and children' is svrup pepsin. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a prescription, am! is perfectly safe. 113 , laxative action is l nscd on senna— a natural laxative. The bowels will not become dependent on this form of help, as they do in the ,'asc ot cathartics containing mineral drugs. Ask your druggist for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Member N. R. A. Do You Want $5.00? Do You Know GOOD FLOUR? Jl’ST order a sack of “Nancy Jane” Flour— test it in any way you will—and then tell us, in not over 25 words, .why you like it best That’s all you have to :o! Prizes are Cash, Silver, war. and Aluminum Ware, as described below. So he sure to toil your grocer to send you “Nancy Jane” this week-end. | THE RULES: Rl. Buy a sack of NANCY JANE Flour, und bake a cake * ...or a pan of biscuits... .or + whatever you will. 2. Then, in * not over 25 words, tell us how ? well you like NANCY JANE i by completing the following: * "I like NANCY' JANE best be + cause.”3. Sign your name 4 and address, and give the name ❖ of the Grocer from whom you % bought your NANCY JANE & Flour. ♦ % Is Sold Bv t 1 B. & B. | FEES & SEED COMPANY £ Brevard, N. C. * • • • • •. .* .• yt *t jt4 ^ jt THE PRIZES: % 4 1st. PRIZE: Choice of $5 cash, <• or a 22-piece collection of Sil- t verware in the beautiful “Wil- 1C shire” patttern. FOUR OTHER 4 PRIZES: Winners of 2nd, 3rd, 1 4th and 5th prizes have their * choice of the following pieces 4 in genuine “Buckeye” Alumi- | num Ware: Drip-Drop Coffee- * maker, Cake Pan, Strainer Ket- % tie. Round Roaster and Tray. S Address All Replies To ? Earle-Chesterfield Mill Co. *5’ Asheville, N. C. | NANCY JANE j '•s1-flour i c A A A a a A A A A A A >;« A a a a A >♦, A*A**« Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and son Gerald and daughter Lois of Brevard, visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher visited relatives at Cashiers Sunday. Weldon Galloway of CCC camp, John’s Rock, spent the* week-end as guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway of the Old Toxa way section. Miss Lula Manly spent the past week as guest of her parents Rev. ami Mrs. A. J. Manly. Mi.-s Virginia Oats was a guest of Mis Irene Pharr Sunday. Mrs J. E. White was called io Asheville Wednesday or last week on account of the critical illness of her mother, Mrs. W. F. Millsaps. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glnzener and children were* called to Marion last week on account of the iijrcss of Mr*. Glazenor’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Poole. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Watson of Glenville. spent Friday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glaze ncr. It. I, Ilogsed was a visitor to Br<vard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Watson and - .11 John of Gicnvillc visited at the homo of R. L. liogsed of Calvert, the latter part of the week. Ilarrv Clay of Canton spent tno cvc k-oiid at Rcsmnn visting friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Lewis and ihmgiit.i'.' Ruth and Volina. Mr. end Mi.-. L. V. Sigmon, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. tinrmou attended the five county -inglng convention at Bidfour Sun lay. . Mr. and Mrs. Aiarsnaii uuggins mid son Charles of Cherryfi.ld were Sup day jiuc^ts of Mr. and. Mis. Carilec McCall in the Gloucester *1" c t IOP Ernest Recce cf Ozarl;, S. C., Ter re and Dock William? of Cullowhee, I'.ai's White of Statesville, were inlay quests >f Mr. and Mrs. A. M Pharr. . . A. M. Paxton Jr. received a pain ful injury to hi- eye Saturday when i ni'-ce of steel struck him in the vo while turning an emory wheel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McJunkin and •liildvtn wore Sunday guests of Air. m,1 Mrs. Thurman Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. James Staton were dropping in Brevard Saturday. Vh-s Calvin Galloway, who ha. ice a quite ill with flue is recovering Mrs. George Butkr.Mrs. Rill McJunkins and Mrs. Alice Page vote business visitors to Bvecard Mr and Mrs. E. A. Glazener and Ur. and Mrs. Claud Glazener were •isitors tc Six Mile hospital at Six MPsSMaucf Phillips, Lud Howcrtoti, iml Clvsess Parham of Franklin •"ited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens W C. Robinson of Asheville visit ’d A. M. White and Mrs. White he first of the week. Mrs. Dick Petit is spending sev -ral days with her son Oscar and ^FvicmPof Mrs. C. J. Eldridge will be glad to hear that she is slowly ( improving following an operation, though still confined to Lyday Mem orial hospital in Brevard. Mrs. Florence Myers of Townsend. Tenn.. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Farmer of Newport. Tenn, visited Rev. C J Eldridge and family here Monday. The former is a sister of Mrs. El Jridge. . Miss Betty Moore and Wesley Holtzclaw of Canton visited Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glazener Sunday. Ralph Eldridge, a student of Wea ver college Weaverville, spent the week-end at his home here. He was accompanied to Weaverville Sunday by his father. Rev. C. J. Eldridge, SENIOR CHAPTER F. F. A. MEETING Friday morning Nov. 17, Rosma.i chapter F. F. A. held its regular meeting the program as follows: Devotionals Victor Sigmon; short talk, Warren Case; debate—“Re soled that Beef Cattle are more piv I'itahle to raise than sheep”— affirmative E. J. Whitmire, Charles Nelson and Ted Harbin, negative, Blanton Whitmire, Oliver Morgan. Roy llinklo with the affirmative winning. “My Project” Charlie Lee; jokes. Clarence Chappell; music, Charles E. Galloway.—Ted Harbin, reporter. JUNIOR AGRI ROYS MEET Th. Junior Agriculture boys oi Rr mran high school met Nov. 17, and had a very interesting program as follows: Devotionals. Tom Glazener; talk on poultry, Russell Duncan; talk o» rotation J. R. Breedlove; corn d’.s ase and insects, J. G. Parsons; jokes, Quinion Crane.—J. R. Breed live, reporter. NINTH GRADE GIVES CHAPEL PROGRAM The ninth grade of the Rosman high school, under the direction of L H Thomas, home room teacher, gave a very amusing chape! program Friday morning. The program included: Devotional, Charles McCall; song, school; “Jos. inh’s Proposal,” characters, Josiah, Everett Whitmire, Sally, Mary Mor gan. News reporter, Lila Gillespie. PROMINENT WOMAN. DIES IN ASHEVILLE Mrs. W. E. Millsaps died Monday afternoon at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. F. Foister, in Asheville, after an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning at Statesville, where M;s. Mill saps lived before making h r home in Asheville 10 years ago. She is survived by four daugh ters. Mrs. Foistev, Mrs. J. F.. White, of Rosman, Mrs. T. C. Auburn and Mis Neva Millsnps. a sister, Mr*. Emma Guy, and a brother, H. L. Tomlin. J. W. Eldridge. Ro| and Douglas j Eldridge Miss Ruth Joruan spent Friday | : night as guest of Miss Ruth Burt. I > Floyd Callahan of Long Creek j ' academy, S. C., spent the week-end « a* guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E-1 Leathers. George Bilbie of Birmingham, ai-j rived Tuesday to accept a position with Gloucester Lumber Co. Miss Beatrice Sisk is spending several days in Greenville ns guest of | Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Callaham. Miss Ethel Manly and Mr. Bruce Reid were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Recce Sunday. > i Lee Morgan, Jim Morgan Thur-1 man Galloway, Louie Galloway, A. D Regers, and W. XL Stroup attended federal court in Asheville Tuesday. Rev. B. N. Rogers spent several dnvs last week ns guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins. Girtha Watkins visited friends in j Pickens Monday night. : Mis' nra Jarrett. daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. WTm. Jarrett, who has been ill for several months, is slight-1 lv improved. ! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Masters and; John Grant of Easley, were Sunday; guests of Mr. and^ Mrs. W m. Jar- j rett. Mrs. Lynch Whitmire who spent the past two weeks in Tennessee visiting relatives, returned home, Saturday. “Dock” Lusk of Six Mile, visited | his brother Mickler Lusk, last week.; Mrs. Mickler Lusk and daughter., Xelle Jean, returned home the lat- j ter nart of the week. The former has j been substitute teacher for her sister! Mrs. Gavf Willinmon who teaches, in the Six Mile school. Homer and Vernon Clarke spent | Friday night in Jackson county visit-1 ing Mr. and Mrs. Everette Smith. , Oliver Galloway had a very narrow c.-capo while hauling logs last week when the chain holding the logs came lcose. Mr. Galloway suffered a very painful injury to his leg. Mrs. J. A. Wilds and children were 1 Sunday guests of Mrs. M. B. Owen Saturday. Mrs. Doyle Manly and two children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Owen Sunday. Miss Margaret Aiken of Brevard spent the week-end as guest of her sister Miss Odell Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hand and Mrs. Marion Glazener visited Mr and Mrs. Ed Harlin at Calvert Sunday. Mrs. Bud Lieklighter of Dan dridge, Tenn., spent the past week as guest of her sister Mrs. J. S. Wilds. Miss Dollic Masters of -the East Fcrk section spent Friday night as guest of Mrs. Wales Mull in Bre vard. Mr. anti Mrs. c: %id Hudson ana daughter Eva of Pickens spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green and children spent Sunday at Lake Tcxawav as guests of Mrs. Green’s mother Mrs. Alice .Tones. They were acccmpanietl home by Frank Owen of Liberty,* who will spend a few davs visiting here. , Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Allison visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gillespie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waldrop at Cherryiield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glazener and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Allison at Cherry field. Mrs. P. A. Aiken, Misses Irene and Margaret Aiken, Miss Allie Bel le Molris and Harold Aiken of Bre MASONIC MEETING WILL BE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Regular communication of Bunn’s Rock lodga will be held in the Ma sonic hall Friday night of this week at 8:00 o’clock for the purpose of | conferring the second degree. Mr. j Jerry Jerome will be in charge of ' tho initiation and will be assisted by Mr. T. G. Miller. , All members are requested to be ■ present, and a cordial invitation is i extended to all visiting Masons. I ! vard visited the former's daughter IMrs. W. J. Moore Saturday night. Miss Anne Moore and Robert : Gravely visited at the ‘home of Ralph Galloway in Gloucester Sun day. Mrs. A. H. Gillespie, who lives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wal drop at Cherrvfield is reported very ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Garren and I children spent Sunday as gmsts of i Mr. and Mrs. Goo Winchester at ! Calvert, ✓ | Mi ses Ruby Love, Helen and , Tre;: Summey visited Hilda Galloway ! Sunday. Mr. and Mr? J M. Hand und j daughter of Easley were Sunday ; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glaz I r rev. They were accompanied home jl>v Miss Bessie Glazcner who has cm jlfpynunt at Easley. Rev. Fi. N. Rogers and Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Burt were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. (J. P. Morgan on.! ' daughter Elizabeth, and son Bud i die, were Sunday guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Frank Scruggs at Brevard . i Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Galloway of 1 the Gloucester section are moving ibis week to Robbinsville where thc ! fi rr.ier has employment. 1 Miss Mattie Moore spent Sunday j right as guest of Miss Hazel Moore at Cherryficld. i Miss Betty Moore and Miss_ Betty ! O-h mo, a ini Wesley Holtzclew of Canton wire guests of Mrs. M. N. Moore. , j. C. Galloway visited friends in I Gloucester Sunday. Miss Berries Reid of the Quebec j section is spending several days this ! week with her fattier ,T. A. Reid in > Brevard. 1 Glenn Reid is spending several I days at Kannapolis visitirg rela tives. i Mr. nr.d Mrs. Arthur Whitmiie I ard children were Sunriav guests of I Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Whitmire. A. M. White Jr. spent Saturday night at East Fork as guest of Robert Gravely. A mov. meut is under way to plant •luO acres of red raspberries as a I new cash crop in the foothill section i of North Carolina. 1 PLEASANT GROVE I (By W. H. Grhy) ! Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Davi* of Asheville visited the latter’s aunt, Mrs 0 S Gray, one day last week. Clyde Garren of Boylston visited ' W. H. Gray Sunday' night. I Aldon Drake and Earl Gray made ' a business trip to Asheville last week. F. H. Bljdhe of Pleasant Grove ! celebrated his 83rd birthday Satur 1 day night with a supper. Nearly all | of his children and grandchildren i were present, 33 in all. Mr. Blythe has lived in this section the mosr of his life. He is a deacon of Pleas ant Grove church and is loved by all. He is the father of Rev. C. E. Blythe of this place. O. S. Gray of Pleasant Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Sentell of Mt.. Underwood one day last week. Creed Banks was a Henderson ville visitor Saturday. Mrs. Edgerton Fletcher of Be't lah section visited her aunt, Mrs. K. A. Gray, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lyda Baynard have moved from rur section over near Blantyre We regretted to see them1 go, for thy were good neighbors and a good family. Misses Mildred and Ethel Gray, spent the week-end with their lis ter, Mrs. Nicholas Sentell, of Mt. Underwood. Mrs. Richard Hamilton is spend ing a few weeks at Stanley with her daughter and little grand-' daughter, Mrs. Lee Shook. The election is over and Pleasant Grove is stilt dry, and Bnb R. says the state will be drier still. Three BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada Reed) Claud Rickman was an Asheville visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' Simpson had as their guests Sunday Rev. F H. | Holden and W. L. Frady. Guests visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus recently were Mr. and Mrs. Pink Fletcher of Charlotte, Mrs. Jerry Orr and son and Mvb. Luther Kilpatrick cf Hendersonville, also .Mrs .Barber and baby. Luther Couch called on John Reed i one day last. week. Mr. and Mis. J. E. Powell spent Sunday in Asheville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T.' Justus. Leonard Nesbit will conduct the prayer service Thursday night at our church, subject “Victory.” Mr. and Mrs. Lyday Bnynard have moved to the Dick Ledbetter place. Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Talley have moved to the Anderson house near Blantyre. The elderly men will have charge of the opening evercises of Blantyre Sunday school next. Sunday morning. Wanted: Everybody in this com-, munity to attend Sunday rehoolij and church every Sunday. You can help in these services and they ran ^ help you. cheers for Bob. Rev. Mingus Hamilton was dinner guest of Rev. Willis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Gray spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Gray. "NERVES INTERFERED WITH MY*WORK _ — in ■ i ■ i ■ mm ■■ ii■■■■«!■ UMiililB'Hi II—Mi FELLOW IN MY LINE CAnY^ HAVE*JIGGLY,,NGRVES, Jjl A MILDER CIGA- * I SWITCHED TO CAMEL’ CAMELS TASTE BETTER A D MY NERVES ARE JBl HEALTHY fH OP TQZ t2«T itlf Every horns should have -- i N B i R E C T LIGHTING LAMPS These attractive lamps banish glare and gloom which the Eye Sight Conservation Coun cil of America state" is largely responsible for this appalling cotrli'ion among our young folk. Wilen growing ..hildrcn gather about the study table in the evening the lighting should be comfortable, it '? noi enough that the light is sufficient in volume—it must be without ir ritating glare — s f., .shadowless — in other words coni'ortable ligbt.H Parents should see lo it that those precious eyes are protected. Either of the lamps shown here will insure such protection. * A demonstration in your home will convince you. You may own one of these lamps for a payment or only S.95 down, the balance in easy installments wiflt you; tight bill, The Cost of operation U only one cent per hour on our New Residential Rate schedule No. 1. Electricity is Cheap**Use it Freely Southern Public Utilities Company Night Phone 16 ' i E. Main St. Brevard, N. C. Day Phone 116 Tune In On Our Radio Program-WBT 9: IS a.m. Wednesday ■IMBIW ■lllillirnWWIITTTl- .

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