BELLED BUZZARD IS SEEN IN JACKSON CO.1 i ROSMAN, Nov. 22—According to Carilec McCall of the Gloucester ction, a very unusual buzzard was , en in the Jackson county section l i+<• * FOR OLD and YOUNG I here is no substitute for good*?pure Sunnyside Milk —When the last ounce of strength has been spent at work or play then drink plenty of soothing, refresh ing, and nourishing milk—Sunnyside Milk contains ev ery essential food element. It is exceptionally rich in Paul Glazener Walter Glazener POLICEMEN BUST UP i HOME BREW PARTY (Continued from page one) vino brew, and the delicious ap eaiing of five huge cakes and tne riks of small tea cakes. Kijentment of such an ungentle tar !y intrusion was expressed by ladame Hostess in no polite manner d effort to procure the trust vrth family pistol for emphasis r * Policeman Morris’ timid r.a :re to such great extent, along with hairs and furniture, that this wor hy officer lost his sense of etiquette nd offered to escort the Host, Host ’s, brew, cakes and all to the lock up. For the second time the officer foiled, the • Hostess promptly tinted in anything but a make •.lieve manner, and it was found cesa&ry to call one of the Brc ard Medicos to minister to her ’ *'ds Th unwilling host '.vas brought i Sheriff Wood’s Hotel, corner of Jroatl and Fast Main, but released i'ler he had satisfied the officials hat he would appear again cm Mon ’av The party brew was allowed to fikle over some rocks on the side 'f King’s Mill road, the cakes left or lntc-comers, and the “delightful :rd enjoyabb” party was over. LITTLE RIVER NEWS Unde Joe Hamilton. who has een quite ill for some time is re torted mu to be improving very much. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George had as heir guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs, . IS. West and children .Allan and Sarah Lou and Miss Mary George li of Spartanburg. Mrs. Tom Curry of Lawrence, S. i- visiting relatives here. Miss Ruth McCall of Brevard was he dinner guest of her parents Mr. nd Mrs. M. M. MeCall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs .Aston IWth of 'ivvard visited Mr. Heath's moth i Mrs. C. Capps, Sunday. Mr. anil Mr?. Lawson Moore had . : their gut at last week their voiiter Mrs. M. Moore of Spartan i tv,.; and Air. Moore’s sister, Mrs. Freak Keener of (llenville. A. 15. McCall left Inst week for i May-ten. (la., where lie has employ, tient. constructing n CCC camp. Alts. Tom Curry and Mr. and Mr-. Virgie McCrary visaed, Mr. ml Mrs. “Brb" MeCall of Hender •iville Sunday. Mi s. W. J. McCrary had as her • u-t Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. L. ’lamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott ml son O’dell. Luther Wood of Brevard is visit >g his daughter Mis’ .lulitt Wood t the liome of Mr and Mrs. Ha) ’I ;it. Miss Wood is one of the teach ers here. .Air. and Mrs. Clarence Nicholson have moved to the McCrary cot tage. Ansel and Janies Jon s have been o. tiding some time at Cedar Mtn.^ Ft iends of Mr. Jackson McCall will be sorry to hear of his death which, occurred in his home town’,“liig, Michigan, on October 20th Mr. MeCall was returning to his h me late at night and trying to •t.iss th° street alone was struck by' ; I itxi cab and his body badly mang id. Mr. McCall was a former resi dent of this community and a brother of A. J. McCall. •***************************'>4*+*****'i>+*+4 ****** \ * % I i Local and Personal Items |! t *1 VTVTTTTYTTVTTTTTTTVTT r r r «• • i Mrs. W. J. Wallis is visiting hcr( daughter, Mrs. Eric Rawls, in Ashc-| ville. James Siniard of the CCC camp! at Lal«e Lure, on account of the illness of her' mother, Mrs. J. W Hayes, who is reported to be improving now. Mrs. Mamie Verdery was guest -veral days last week of Mrs. Reid I t.ake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emmerson. of Asheville, spent the week-end here itb Mrs. Emmerson’s mother, Mrs. T. E. Clayton. , , , Mrs G. D. Shuford and daughter, -idia and Mrs. W. S. Ashworth 'otored to Greenville, S. C., for the ’ay Saturday. Tom Shepherd, of Hendersonville, vas a business visitor in Brevard ast. week. ® •***»»»« Mr. and Mrs. James Waters, of ‘.'isgara Falls, N. Y., are spending i few days this wetk on their hon ymoon trip visiting the former’s' arer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters.! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tilson have! noved from the McMinn House to he Harry Patton cottage on West Wain street. Mr. and Mrs. Bil! Fetzer, Miss Oorothy and Billie Feteer, and Miss' \nnie Yongue attended the Duke Uarolina game at Chapel Hill Satur lay. Mrs. Charles Orr and daughter, Rowena, left this week for Miami,1 Fla., where they will spend the re. Tommy Patton left Monday for Baltimore, Md., where he will enter i school of aviation, Mrs. Pat Henry returned last week 'rom Richmond and Harrisburg, Va., .vhere she visited her two sons. Claud and Jeff Staggs. She also vis ted in Washington, D. C. and other mtstanding places. Her son. Jeff Staggs underwent a mastoid opera ion at Harrisburg hospital while she vas there, but he is said to be re :cvering very nicely. Mrs. .Cordelle Russell and little laughter have returned to their home in Canton, after spending a week vith Mrs. Russell’s parents, Mr. and Mis. W. H. Duckworth. THANKSGIVING SERVICE BETHEL COLORED CHURCH A Thanksgiving program will be btld at the Bethel CA1 Baptist L'hurch, colored, on Thanksgiving night at S o’clock. Special arrange ments will be made for white friends to attend. An address will be made by Colonel Victor McDowell, the negro rator of Asheville. Special music will be rendered by the jubilee choir. ALEXANDER HEARD BY LARGE CROWD i Preaching to an overflowing audi torium, the Rev, R. L. Alexander, pastor of Brevaird-Davideon River Presbyterian church, conducted his last service in Brevard Sunday morning, he having resigned to take up work in the First Presbyterian church Lumberton, N. C Mr. Alexander touched upon the duties to be performed by people of this community in order to lead the life a Christian should live, using as his text the story of Nehemiah re' bvfilding the walls. Nehemiah,, the popular pastor explained was too busy carrying! out the important work of fortifying, the city of refuge for his people to! pay attention to those who criticized his work, those who tried to draw him away for various reasons of merit, and those who sought to dam age the proposition by taking the leader’s mind astray. Heif likened i Brevard and this community to the wall am' the people here who arej trying to accomplish something for the good of all as the builders, and I urged his heavers to be like the out-| standing Bible character—too busy to come down. '’JBikISm No good-byes were expressed in the sermon, no reference to the rc ! tiring of the pastorate here other than to stress the fine treatment that people had accorded him while here, and the prayer that the best of the people would endeavor to do their utmost for a bringing about I of peace between the factions that beset the community, i Mr Alexander has made a warm place in the hearts of all people of the community during his stay here, not only his own church members, but members of other churches as wel), who will regret the pastor’s ! leaving. OVER TWO HUNDRED MEN WILL BE GIVEN WORK IN COMMUNITY (Continued from page one) women to work, with the hope that all will be at work the first week in December. Apportionment of the number to be thus employed in Tran sylvania was arrived at by state of ficials in chare of the program from the number of people on relief files as of November 15, the number on relief files during the last year and the population. ‘‘Chiseling’’ on the federal govern ment will in nowise be permitted, advices from the state office em phatically assert, and it is pointed out that it will be useless for a man to cuit a job on which he is now making a dollar per day in the hopes that lie will be taken on the civil works projects, special in structions having been given to guard against such. It is pointed out by Mi. Wilson, civil works administra tor, and Mr. Gravely, reemployment office manager, that there are al ready over five hundred names on file at the two offices. Instructions to the local adminis tration also point out that: “Ne loafing or inefficient work will be permitted. These who do not give an honest day’s work for their pay w.ili be fired and will not be taken back. They wiil likewise be 'dropped from the relief *iles for these who will not help themselves [should not be helped.” Complete details of handling funds, selection oi projects, putting men to work, et cetera, are being sent out [from Raleigh office, with projects I continuing tinder the late of pay ef i fective lust week. Several projects are being studied i by county and town officials for submission to the civil works ad' ministration. ............MMMMMMMMMIIIMMI... : Pi | DEPARTMENT | OPENS SATURDAY | : Come In And Sec SANTA’S Crystal Cave I Brim full of toys for girls and boys | 20% Reduction on all WOOL DRESSES Vanderbilt Place | Biltmore Forest Basketball Shoes _ [ Ci averse Men’s . $1.25 1 Converse All-Star . $3.25 I Converse Girls’ . $1.00 I Converse Girls’ . $2.25 Above are Special School Prices _**_ Covington Sport Everything for the discriminating sportsman \ 51 Haywood Phone 6017 - j = Suede and Leather JACKETS Special at.$7.95 i Twin Set Sweaters-$2.98 — Skirts_$2.98 & $3.98 19 HAYWOOD STREET » “You'll Know It When You See It” : __ I New street and sport \ dresses in the new Spring I shades are now being | shown moderately priced. 39 Haywood Street .1111111*11111111111111’ Personal nomination for pure ele gance: The LADIES’ SHOP’S dis play of evening dresses. A survey*! of them is recommended for that tired feeling we ali get when lock ing through our clothes closet and pondering- our bank balance. They are reasonably priced and are prac tically unlimited in selection, Crepes, satins, velvets, all waiting to be worn by you, to their best advant age, during the holidays. Dressy gowns and utterly simple ones, some Paris models and some copies. You'll fi'ul exactly what you want. For all of you who wish to send out attractive Christmas cards this year by all means go into DENTON’S and look over their fascinating and unique assortment. You can have year name imprinted to match the printing on the verse at no extra cost and the r:sult is an exceptional ly good-looking card. There is a wide selection, and you will un doubtedly find many designs that will suit your individual liking. Go in or order very soon so that you will get them in plenty of time for mailing. COVINGTON’S has a selection of stunning sweaters for men., that you won’t be likely to find any where else. Smart original de signs made of light weight zep'm yarn and brushed wool. Both coat and pull-over styles, tailored with the new ragland shoulder, and available in all colors. Ivfer. will also be de lighted with their imported argyle hose and those ultra-smart new hand knit ties. BON MARCHE’S Boudoir Bazaar is enough to disturb any gal’s equili brium. French crepe hand made gr.wns with lace insets or designs in piping. Fragile, lovely colors; tea rose, blue, pink, white and magnolia. One gown in particular to delight your heart is mude of gleaming satin with a lacy ruffle around the neck and a deep lace flounce. There are panties in matching colors and ma terials that will make adorable Christmas presents. Very swank and tailored are the lounging pajamas, they are showing, in striped silk. I’ve found the answer to a maiden's prayer at the COLLEGIATE SHOP. You can select your own pattern for a skirt, made of land-of-the-sky homespun and they will make it up to year own measurements. The cost is actually no more than a ready-made skirt and you have the advantage of careful tailoring These skirts come in all dark shades and the shop stocks very sporty sweaters of many designs to be worn with these made-to-order skirts. I LET ME DO YOUR SHOPPING. READ FRANCES REYNOLDS' COLUM\N each week in The Transylvania Times ANGORA BERETS $2 and $3 See our new shipment of Evening Gowns I I JEAN WEST i “The Ladies Shop” 58 Haywood Street HAN AN, FREEMAN 6 WALK-OVER SHOES Starting Wed Nov. 22nd. Up to Thanksgiving We offer our annual Thanks giving Specials on ail short lots of women’s and men's shoes. $4.85 to $7.85 Edwin Burge, Inc. “Your Shoe Man” 7 Haywood Street I1U1V1DUAL, Youthful Models for the Stylish Stout. Lowenbein s SMART SHOP 12 Church Street WATCHES For Everybody! Standard makes.. .favor ed styles—great values! Two examples! Official Elgin Boy Scout Watch. Only $17.75 Elgin White Gold-Filled Wrist Watch. Raised Gold Nume rals. Beautiful 1 $25.00 HURSEY & CO. JEWELERS Battery Park Ara. AuhrrllU .—Hll