[ Society News and Club Activities j V—-— y E CLASS TO HAVE FOOD SALE Deci'i'U was made at the vegular meeting of the T. K. L. class of the Baptist church, held Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Kate De Long. to conduct a Thanksgiving food sal Wednesday, November -9, at Tharp’s Plumbing shop on Broad street. The sale will start at U> o'clock and cvntinue through the day. Cak s. pies, salads, pumpkin pics and other eatables suitable for Thanksgiving dinner will be on sale The meeting was presided over bj the class president, Mrs. W. H, Duekwoi th, and an interesting pro giam was in charge of Mrs. M. n. Holliday ran i.ar prevard COl l‘IE IS WED Announcement is made of the nmv ri:\g(> ni' Mi is y.tbbie C rooms and Mt. Arthur MeCrary, the ceremony fcouning Sunday. November 5, at t;ueii'.:He. South Carolina. \ii-. McCrafv is the daughter of Mr .mi .Mrs. j. W. (In ins. She is •, member of the Urevard high sihool e: lor Iasi of ’:>4 and is pop ular among a wide circle of mends thr school ami community. ,■ McCrarv. the sen of Mr. and t\; .1. a. McCrary, is connected v. McCrarv Auto Service. i ml Mrs. MeCrary are now i niug an apaitment at Ihtttsii I .m I'epjt street. N> UP RISE SHOWER !: n A (i US U E (' E .V T PRIDE \[ .. (t,ml MeCrary and Miss I il:< Weary wove hostesses at a I■, v,.| given Tuesday evening : 1,-nte . o Mrs. McCrary, honor Arthur MeCrary, recent i riJ. Tin* 1mm *\v many boauti t i v,j,.. . of linen. A lovely W; ]'l 0: MOtO«l b.V tllO |]0*U*<-‘0S . Mi . Caul Kcllar. atmtivr hriilt . f a mouth. pi, ... i-i weis entertained with [,,(f, games, the m it interesting i, .. ;he jigsaw puzzle, the i vi>... i' i w-luch was won by Mrs. J \ ii. M, a i y. Another enjoyable fen t !v ... the "wist; w 11." which told t if ■ .ones id tit • guests. A i ! litfui salad course was ser v - d ' ling th mening to the thirty v f ; j « i scut. SEU OKKICEIIS ELECTED ID MISSIONARY SOCIETY Kite!ion if officers for the er. suing year featured the meeting ot •lie Women’s Missionary sorietv ol the .Methodist church, held Thursday : ttci tii on in the ladies’ parlor. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Oliver (hr. the mcetirg was in dunac of the vie president Miss Florence Kern. Th - following officers were vleet o.i: 1‘nsiiiilit. Mrs. Oliver Orr; vice jov.-iilcnl. Mi's Florence Kern; re , ording set retaiy. Mrs. J. S. Nichol s it; corresponding secretary, Mrs. .1. K. 1 .oftis; treasurer, Mrs J. B. Hickrl: iuu r; World Outlook agent, Mrs. A. U. Gillespie; superintendent mi- ■ n and Bible study. Mrs. L B. Haynes; superintendent Christian Soriai Relations, Mrs. John M&x wall: superintendent supplies. Mrs. W. !.. Aiken: superintendent chil .iteii's work Mrs. C. B. West; local woik. Mr . .1. C. W'ike. chairman, Mr-. K. S. English Mrs. J. E. Waters; chairman puldicitv. Miss Aim it IVowbi Mire. ,.t% j obi, (a, Xose Drop* Check • '.Malaria in 3 days, Colds first i y. Headaches or Neuralgia in JO mlnuti# . Fine Laxative and Tonic }l„«> Sec (Li I!< ’i.'s Known Don't start worrying about your Thanksgiving Dinner We ran provide a dinner : that will suit the most fastidious, whether it be for one, ten. or fifty. Always The Best To Eat at The Canteen DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. LUKE RILEY SAYS THE RATS DIE BEFORE REACHING THE RIVER. Since moving near the river several years ago we ve always .. wl BKST-YET. We watched the vicious water Rats nibbling v BEST-YET. outside the house. About 15 minutes later they ,lart« «i off for the river to cool their burning stomachs, but died Iv ' c reaching it. Kills rats and mice only. Will not hurt cats, u 4., 0r chi'kens, ard then is no smell from the dead rat. Bhbl YET comes in two sizes,-4 oz. size 50c; G oz. size 75c. Sold and guaranteed by B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. PHONE GG BREVARD, N. C. FAREWELL LUNCHEON IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCrary entertained at their h6me at Hinton (.edge Monday with a luncheon, com plimentary to Miss Rov/ena Orr, who was* leaving for a winter sojourn m Miami, Fla., and to Tommy Patton who left that afternoon for Balti nore, Md., to enter an aviation school. URL SCOUTS IN '■'I It ST MEETING By Emma Lou Loftis, Scout Scribe) The Girl Scouts of Troop No. 2 ad their first meeting November 17 t the Scout room. They reviewed the requirements . Scouts and talked about the pro . cams for the coming year. The patrol leaders were as fol ows: Mary Alice FeaMer Rachel Hamlin, Juanita Freeman, Emma u Loftis. ,, T\v. iity-i lie Scouts were enrolled Hi? Scouts were very fortunate to 1 vc as leaders Miss Willie Aiken, ■aptain, and Miss Magy Sue Jen >1 Miss Nell Duckworth, as as istnnt captains. The meetings for the coming year will ye held every Saturday. iREWELL TEA HONORS' •IRS. R. L. ALEXANDER A farewell tea was given by niem : , s of the Auxiliary of the ITesby-; uriau church Thursday atternoon1 the Hot, the affair honoring the (laslor’s wife. Mrs. R. L. Alexander, before departure for their now i in ■ in Lumberton. - The social function was heal at lusi n of the regular business n cling of the Auxiliary, presided v.r by the president. Miss Annie i. ,r 'lash. The program on foreign iib -ions was in charge of Miss Corn WilUon, assisted by other members. \ special collection for foreign mis ,-.s was taken. HOMEMAKERS class /•. / ./•’( V .s OFFICERS Homemakers class of the Baptist Knelt met with Mrs. W. 11. Grogan T' s,|av afternoon. The meeting was pn st.lo'il tv I by Mrs. C. W. Pickcl . inter. The following officers were elected f. i- the tenting year: Teacher, Rev. W. S. Price, assistant teacher. Mrs. t'niteh; president. Mrs. S. W. Rad I'oiai; first vice pr- sidont. Mrs. W. T. Bosse; second vice president. Mrs. II. :v Erwin; third vice president, ! Mr.-. J. A. Simpson; secretary, Mrs. C. K. Ware; assistant secretary, Mrs. John Ashworth; treasurer, Mrs. i . E. Bagwtll; reporter, Mrs. W. S. Pi ice. , , The opening prayer was teil by Mrs. Dean, anti the scripture read by i Mrs. A. M. Case. I The hostess served refreshments I during an enjoyable social hour. | iiosor perils I IX MUSIC CLASS l Three honor pupils n Miss Snttic Parker's music class 1 r November have been announced as follows: Kthelyn PiekelsinuT, Katherine Simpscit, Patsy (irimshaw. MRS CALLOWAY HOSTESS TO ill AX CHE KARRI'S CIRCLE Mrs. Coleman Galloway was hos tess to the members of the Blanche Paints circle at her home Tuesday afternoon. Twelve members were pies.tit. One new member, Mrs. Wal ter Banks was welcomed into the cir cle. fhe presultnt, Mrs. Roy Long, was in charge of the meeting and read the scripture lejson. Mrs. Ralph Ramsey led in the opening prayer. Mrs.' Paul II art sell was program Latler, giving an interesting and; helpful discussion of a chapter >r. the study book. “Lady. Fourth j Daughter of China.” Refreshments were served during the social hour bv the hostess, as si-ted by her daughter, Anita Gallo wav The next meeting of the nr tie will be held at the home of MisSj Annie Shipman . METHODIST LADIES TO HOLD THANKSGIVING SALE I.adio" of the Methodist church will hold a Thanksgiving food sale Wednesday, November 29, at Loftis market. _ . All kinds of eatable* suitable for Thanksgiving will bo on sale. The sale will b'.gin at 10 o’clock and continue through the day. H\4 TERS-ROBSON WEDDING COLOREDL SOCIAL EVENT The marriage of Miss Dorothy Gertrude Robson of Lockport, N. and Mr. James S. Waters son of Mi. and Mrs. J. E. Waters, of Bre vard. is of wide interest. I The following account of the wed ding appeared in a recent issue of the Lcekport (N. Y) daily paper: One of the most beautiful society weddings of the season was solemn d on November 15 at 7:30 o’clock in the First Baptist church, when Bw. Jeffrey D. Livingstone, pastor, united in marriage Miss Dorothy ('Intrude Robson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LcGrand 0. Robson ot High street to James S. Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Janies E. Waters ( f Brevard, N. C. ... The chancel of the church, where — » -- - the marriage vows were exchanged; was banked with, nalms, cybotium , ferns and whit© chrysanthemums, 1 and preceding the ceremony. Mis* i Helen Flinchbaugh, church organist, rendered an orga* recital while guests and friends were assembling, and which merged into the wedding march The bride, given in marriage by her father, was strikingly gownee in eggshell chiffon velvet made on long slim lines featuring long tight sleeves which ended in points over the wrists, and the top of the bodice of the gown was finished in pearl beading, while the skirt was fash ioned in train style. Her veil of j white illusion was made in cape ef.l feet and wreathed with orange blcs I soms. She carried a shower bouquet of gardenias. Miss Almcda Waters, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, and ,he wore a gown of [reach colored i chiffon velvet ,the skirt fitted to the | knees and ending in fullness, the bodice having short sleeves. Th* i'lid smaids were the Misses Willie Kate Waters another sister -of the bridegroom from Brevard, N. C.,j Klmabeth Shaarston, Ruth Zuuiema j iml Geneva Pafnner. who won | gowns of nile green chiffon velvet patterned the same as the mfiid oi honor’s gown All nllf udr-nts car vied arm brquets of Johanna Hill toses. The bride’s mother wove a stun "iiur gown of lace in one of the new., shades of blue trimmed with a deep-j ,- shade < f blue velvet while- the bridegroom’s mother was attractive ly gowned in mulberry lace. .Loth mothers wore shoulder corsages oi gardenias. Herbert Robson, brother of the hi idr was best man, and the usher?, j w-.'i-e Donald Robson, twin bvothei' of the bride, Roger Shaft, Daniel Witte and Dudley Fitg-Gerald, who eemc from the University oi Roch- J t let-. limmediately following the cere mi nv. a wedding reception for 1■ gvitsfs was held at the Town uro (hoititi v Club. Til'- bride’s table was I set for ih, and was handsomely , decorated with white chrysanthe j mums and tail ivory tapers in si'vei | in ideis, while the centerpiece was »j laig; wedding cake. Tables for the] umaining guests were arranged, with white daisy pompoms in white] Italian pottery bowls. A profusion of. puinis, ferlls and brilliantly colored autumn bloom lent added attractive ness to the main lounge, where the reception was held. A delightful program of music via- also featured including selec lions on the harp by Miss M nlifred Merrit, accompanied by Miss Lois Silleskv, violinist. : DELIGHTFUL MEET IS G OF n. A. K. IS HELD. A delightful meeting of t he Waightstill Avery chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu ti n was that held Wednesday aft_ ernorn of last week at the home of Mrs. E. W. Blythe, in celebration of the president general’s birthday an niversary in connection with the reg ular chapter meeting. The registrar reported papers ap-, proved for Mrs. T. G. Moody. Miss. Annie Mac Patton and Mrs. Horn. Wike Barclay. j .Miss Annie Jean Gash reported ft i- the committee on medals, recoin-; mending that six medals be present ed for the best work in United States history by seventh grade yu-| ills, one for each section of the aev mth grade in Brevard. The other r.edals will be given at Rosman, Pen •osc, Little River, Davidson River, irovided there are as many as ten mpils to finish that grade. The name of Miss Adelaide Silver steen was proposed for membership n the chapter and she was unan>.' nously elected. It was voted that all names pro posed for membership shall be voted ,n and mast be elected by unanimous /(to. A letter from state regent, Mrs.1 Cooper, was read, 3taiihg that all lues must be paid by December 1st, ind asking that a drive be made for new members and that old members ivhe have dropped out be reinstated.1 A letter from Mrs. R. L. Alexan-j ii,.,- was read, thanking the chapter ( for the George Washington bi-ceii-. tenrial plate presented to her young j A buyer from Mrs. VanLanding- j ham urged that all members who | have not yet paid the two-dollar c uUcr&tiiii asked f°i‘ the do?mi toi- under (unstruction at fro?snore i, pv nt once in order that the build-1 ire may be finished and dedicatee, about December 1*5. Mi •• T. A Berg pave a number of ii trusting 'acts concerning condu ii |k at Crussrore and th<* "°,Kj Koch member of the chapter was asked to bring to the December meeting a gift to cost, not more than 05 cents, suitable for a girl between Ihe nges o' r> and 52. The treasurer was authorized to , n.,\V the subscription to the D. A. R. magazine. The magazines were passed by Mrs. Patton. ' Following the business meeting, j, resided over by the regent Mis. Ralph, II. Ramsey, the b rtneay of Mrs Magna, president general, wa (■.hi rated. Three songs wr.ttan by Mi Magna w; *v sung, and the <*>i luticn of pennies taken. a bug.- birthday cake tupped with little candles was brought in > Mi- Slvthe’s little grand*.augntei, Glenn, who. in a charming and dignified manner, made » toast Mrs. Magna and presented the cafe Mr- Ramsey cut the cake. ' hicl. war. served with cofiee. Fifteen members v.e.e P'ssmn and e.ne guest, Miss Bradshaw, ter of Mrs. Verner. EXJOY ABLE AX l> HELPEIL VF.KT1SG OF BIBLE CLAaS. ' An en *oy able and helpful meeting of the ' Bible class, of which Sirs Fleet Gallainore is teacher "as hell Friday afternoon at the home '* Mrs. Doc Wright, who was assisted by "Aunt Lou” Couch in the co-iie esics of hostess . , Following the rcgulai weekly meeting of the class, refreshments were served. , A large membership of the class v.a in attendance on this occasion. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. B. F. Beasley. THA XKSGI1 IXG PkOGRA M To BE AT GLADY BRAXLH. A Thanksgiving program will be given at Olady Brandi Bapti l church Sunday morning at 10 oWk by the V. W. A. of the churcn. The public is c( rdially invited. The same program will be given at the county home Sunday afternoon at 1 (.’clock. At ibis time a quilt, made by the Y. W. A. will be pre sented to th* inmates of 'he home. BALSAM GROVE NEWS McCall) Coming as a surprise to their nu merous friends wan the marriage of Mr. Floyd Bradley to Mrs. Ira Owen. The couple were ouietly mar ried in Pickens, S. C. Saturday, Nov. ember 18. Mrs. Bradley is the daugh ter of Mr. and M-rs. Will Davis, of Balsam Grove, while Mr. Bradley is employed with the CCC camp. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arch Gallo, way, e daughter. Thte young lady has been christened Nora Lee. Charlie Buckner and Burton Me. Call made a business trip to Green ville recently. Misses Max;e and Georgia McCall of the Macedonia section spent Sat urday night with their sister, Mrs. Hurry McCall of this place. Horry McCall visited Mr. and Mrs Henson McCall Sunday. Mi-ses Juuio and Zona McCall, oi Brevard, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henson I.lcCail hero. Folks around Balsam Grove look with great pride on our good road which is being put in such good con dition. It has sand and gravel and f. layer of crushed rock. Several new EDGAR OSBORNE AT BAPTIST INSTITUTE _ Wake Forest, Nov 24—F. E. Os borne of Transylvania County is among the 900 students enrolled this sendee ter in Wake Forest college. The Baptist institution, now in its 100th year, wili celebrate its Cen tennial anniversary next spring with the completion of a new and hand some administration building Its medical school has just moved into new quarters, the William Amos Johnson memorial medical building. bridges are being built. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt McCall and chiidrerl, of Pisgah Forest, were guests of Uncle Lynch McCall Sun day. Ju’e McCall,Travelers Rost, is in our community with a load of fine sweet potatoes. Harris Galloway i- building a chimney to his house this week. Several folks at Balsam Grove arc gathering corn this pretty weath er. They say one bird in the hand is worth 'wo in the bush. For Beauty Culture That will please Cow# To RUTH’S BEAUTY PARLOR W’c. have just installed a New Eugene PERMANENT TOE MACHINE givii$| cur place modern and up-to-date equipment for all types of Beauty Work. Eugene Permanent Wave $5.00 Croquignolc End Curls .... $1.50 Reverse Combination Spiral Permanent, $6.00 Facials, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 Manicure.35c Shampoo and Finger Wave.50c Hair Cuts . 25c thinning and Tapering.25c 217 Maple Street Phene G9 MRS. RUTH McCRARY QcIMIIMMHmMIIKHI'IIIIIIIMUHHKilHIlHI.. 6 Turkeys 5c each 9 pcs. Furniture 5c ea. PLUMMER HEART OF THE SEASON SALE NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED BOYS’ BLUE DENIM Overalls 4Jf* Sizes 6 to 16 Ladies’ Outing GOWNS All Sizes 69c Ladies’ Full Fashioned HOSE All Sizes 49c One Big Lot of Ladies’ SLIPPERS All Sizes $1.79 NOTICE For every 50 cents you trade or pay on account we will give you On^coupon on all the $104.75 worth of Premiums now on display at our store—Important DON’T forget DRAWING for TURKEYS will be held November 29th 3 p. m.—Drawing for Furniture will be held Saturday December 23rd at 3 p. m. One Big Lot of Ladies SLIPPERS All Sizes—Newest Styles— Ties, for $1,49 Men’s and Ladies’ Good Quality COAT SWEATERS CQC Men’s All Wool LUMBER JACKS $2.79 1R. H. PLUMMER & CO. I BROAD STREET__ BREVARD^^J