Rumor Organized Rum Runners Are To Make North Carolina Their Abode Raleigh — Is North Carolina due to be covered regularly and systematically by a thoroughly or ganized anti fearless fleet of rum runners, plying from sources of sup ply to bootleggers located in every city, town and hamlet during the coming days of alleged dryness, fol lowing the “dry” vote in this State? Reports are given in Raleigh that last week an emissary of an organ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from Charlotte Chap man et.' al. to the undersigned Trustee said instrument bearing date of February 2nd. 1931: and Registered in Book No. 28 at Page 151 of the Record of Deed in Trust for Transylvania County, the same securing certain indebtedness therein named, and default having been iv, rile in the payment of said indebt< ss, and all notices required having been givc-n and said default has been made good, now therefore the under signed Trustee, will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd. 1933 at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House Door in Brevard, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned and described in said Deed in Trust aforesaid, reference being hereby made to same and the Record thereof for a description by metes and bounds. The proceeds of said sale to be applied upon said debt .interest, costs of sole etc. This the 2nd. day of Nov. 1933. VIRGIL McCRARY Trustee. Nov. 9—16—23—30. i ized gang from up around the Great ! Lakes was in the State looking over ; the land, checking highways, cities i and towns, possible local contract men and other conditions, with the announced purpose of covering this State with a network to supply the supposedly arid area with fiery liquid. He was in Durnam, the report said, and that was thought to nave been only one of several points touch ed in the preliminary survey. Be lief was expressed that soon, probab ly even before the 18th amendment can be repealed early in December, a fleet of trucks will be plying from th Great Lakes area and also prob ably from Florida, Louisiana, and ther Southern ports, into North Carolina and South Carolina as well. If such an organized crew should attempt :F’.oh a thorough coverage, it would be impossible to prevent it entirely, even with the entire United States Army and the State Militia and highway patrol, seeking to stop up the gaps through which it would flow. North Carolina, as well as ^ Soutn Carolina, will have plenty of ti co ble in the next few years in main taining oven a semblance of avid ity, despite the two and a half to one vote against repeal of the 18tli amendment. County prizes cf 300 and 20t pounds of nitrate of soda is offered corn ciub members of North Caro lina for high score acre yields of corn in lO.'lo by the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau. "court calendar TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FOR TRIAL OF CIVIL ACTIONS DECEMBER TERM, 1933 Monday, December 11, 1833 1—Carolina Timber Co. vs. E. H. ct al. 108- Transylvania Tanning Co. vs. National Leather Belting Co. 109— Transylvania Tanning Co. vs Lazarus & Sons, Inc. 126— Standard Oil Co. vs. Briscoe Whitmire. 127— Standard Oil Co. vs. Harry Sitton. 128— Sterchi Bros. vs. Mrs W. E. Shipman and R. R. Fisher. 129— J. A* Owen vs. Luther Owen and Berlin Owen. Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1933 131—Commissioner of Banks vs. R. N. Nicholson, F. G. Norton et al. 1274—Maggie 1.. McCrary vs. R. I. . Gash et al. 1303—Ed Davis vs. Rosman Tanning Extract Co. 1410— F. E. B. Jenkins vs. 0. R. Hogscd. 1411— Commissioner of Banks vs. h. li. Jones. 1429 ^4—Seeuritv Investment Co. vs. J. II. Wolfe et al. 1434—Commissioners cf Transyl vania County et al vs. T. 0. Thrash et al. Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1933 1505—Chase National Bank et al vs. Lelia J. English and E. S. English. 1507—Commr. of Banks vs. Lelia J. English aiul-E. S. English. 1513— Commr. cf Banks vs. Williams Brownell Planing Mill Co. and C. R. McNeelv. 1514— Commissioner of Banks vs. L. P. Hamlin. 1513*2—Transylvania Tanning Co vs. Gastonia Belting Co. 1540—Commissioner of Banks vs. E. S. English. ONE-STOP SERVICE Everything for your car at One-Stop, saving you time, money and worry—trained me chanics and the most up-to date equipment on the market today. FIRESTONE BATTERIES 13-PLATE $545 and your old battery Let Us Keep Your Radiator FROM FREEZING .Don’t make the mistake of letting your Radiator freeze, when you can buy enough Antifreeze to protect your car for from $1 to $4_This is much cheaper than buying a new Radiator or Motor Block. Let us service your Radiator with ANTIFREEZE, PRESTONE — GLYCERINE — ALCORI NS — ALCOHOL. 100 per cent Pennsylvania Oil 1.29 r in 2-gallon Sealed Cans—per can Alcohol.1*0® per gallon Glycerine ..1-^ J per gallon Change the oil and grease in your car to Winter Lubri cants and avoid expensive repair bills. McCRARY AUTO SE CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE WASHING POLISHING GREASING SIMONIZING WRECKER SERVICE DAY & NIGHT DAY PHONE.290 NIGHT PHONE . . 291 EVERYTHING IN THE REPAIR LINE YOUR CAR NEEDS Rims, Wheels, Hubs, Bearings, Radia ors, Springs, Pistons, Rings, Connecting Rods and Bearings, Clutch parts, Drive Shaft*, Transmission Gears, Ring Gears, Pinions, Axles, Starting. Lighting and Ignition Parts. DRIVE IN—WE SAVE YOU MONEY And Serve You Better. —Commissioner of Banks vs. Norma Bel! Shipman (Brad ley) et al. Thursday, Dec. 14, 1933 j 1571—Commissioner of Banks vs. | S. P. Verner and 11. N. Car ier. 1578—Union Oil Co. vs. L. A. Holt et al. 1588—E. F. Green et al vs. James M. Cox et al. Saturday, Dec. 16, 1933 ; MOTIONS AND DIVORCES 41—A. F. Mitchell vs. J H. Tins ley. ! U2U—John Byrd vs. Gloucester Lumber Co. 1308—V. C. Moore vs. T. W. Whit mire. 1421—Pisgah Mills vs. C. W Piek elsimer et al. 142'.'7s — Rock Hill Body Co. vs. D. P. Dinwidio et al. 1558—Avery Cc. Bank vs. Frank Cox et al. 1652—Champion Fibre Co. vs. Rob ert Owens et al. 1550—Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank vs. X. C. Bank & Trust Co., Trustee and Sutton Wil son. 1628—Milon Nicholson vs. Ida J. Nicholson. 1636—Houston Furniture Co. vs. 1. E. Blythe. 1627—Houston Furniture Co. vs. T. E. Blythe. 16G1—Violet Woods Williams vs. Lawrence Williams. 1666— L. J. Whitmire Jr. vs. Mane Quinn Whitmire. 1667— Commissioner of Banks vs. Flax A. Lawrence. Motions and Divorces may be heard at any time by consent or on one day’s 'notice to opposing counsel. BREVARD BAR ASSOCIATION PISGAH FOREST NEWSj Lower district B. Y. P. U. meti at the local Baptist church Sunday] afteinoon. An interesting program I was presented and enjoyed, during ! 'which Rev. Paul Hartsell of Brevard] delivered an interesting talk on. “Every Member Canvass”'.” The next meeting will be held at Enon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frady and] children, of Hendersonville, have^ been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady. Our hat is off to Mr. C. E. j Oampfield for his luck in killing a ‘ine gray fox. This is the first one wo have heard of for some time. Boyce Walker made a business trip to the Eastern part of the state ns l week. ! Miss Annie Jean and Will Gash ind Miss Maggie Denver enjoyed a trip recently to Pickens and Wel n.alln, S. C. and went by way o lighlands on their return trip. i The local school P.-T. A. held » meeting Friday afternoon at the. school house where it was discussed, and agreed to feed the undernouti'-a ed children of the school, soup and milk. AH parents are urged to co-1 operate with the teachers in this, worthwhile work. Mr and Mrs. Claud Ray and son,.' of Little River spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Hedrick, and they, with several others from this section, attended Rev R. L. Alexander’s farewell ser-, mon at the Brevard-Davidson River, Presbyterian church in Brevard. Mr and Mrs. Alexander have mads many friends in this sect’on and while we are sorry to lose suck nnc pastor, we arc wishing him good luck in l umbcrton. j Mr. Lewis and Mr. Leonard Cow-; en of Hendersonville were recent; guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Francis, Plummer and Miss Martha Cowan., Mrs Nellie Mackey of fiwannanoa rient tile week-end with her par-; enfs, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mackej. Mr and Mrs. Jesse McCall an-j ivanice the birth of a daughter. Mrs. D. M. Hollingsworth had asi hr guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.] Larrv Sirnpsrm, of Greenville, S. C .* Miss’ Ella Hollingsworth of Brevard, S.ldon Barton, of Davidson River, ar.d Mr. and Mi;s. Kinh Ht.diings worth. Mr. Charlie barton, oi nenur, smiVille, ami Mr. and Mrs. Charlie j , wove recent guests ot ilttl former’s father, Mint Barton at. Ivy Hill where he continues in de-j dining- health. j Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bryson and children and and Mr. Lloyd Bry.nuj of Cashiers Valley spent Sunday | with Mrs. Bryson’s parints, Mr. and Mrs. W- L. Stepp. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tinsley have moved into the former post oihee building. Misses Mamie and Flora Lyday. Julia and Maggie Deayer, Annie Ma? Patton, Annie Gash, Mrs. I. b. law. ton. Mrs. C. F. Allison, Mrs. Boyce. Walker. Mrs. Frank Patton and Mrs.! T. G. Miller, all of Circle No. 1 of, the Brcvard-Davidson River wo man’s Auxiliary, attended a tea at, the hut in Brevard Thursday after noon in honor of Rev. and Mrs. K. I Alexander who are leaving this week for their new tame in Lumb-.-vton, N. C. Miss Nadine Avery is visiting in, Maccn, Ga. , ! Friends in this section will be in terested to learn of the marriage ox Mr!. Underwood and Mrs. Norwood of Balfour. Tlie former has many friends and relatives here. Nat Vandiver and Ralph Lands, rf Anderson, S. C., were Sunday guests of Miss Martha Cowan. R. L. Gash made a business trip! to Raleigh last week. At a recent meeting of the Bap tist church, Rev. Hilemon, of Cedar, Maintain was elected to succeed the. Rev. Mr. Rineheart of Canton as pastor for this year. Rev. Hilemon has planned to start a revival begin ning here next Sunday and everyone is cordially invited to attend. QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) Elvin Edney of New Mexico has joined his wife here and will prob ably remain in this section during the winter. Mrs. Edney and baby Laura Jane preceded him, in compa ny with Mr. and Mrs. London, to this community several weeks ago. 1 Misses Annie and Ida Whitmire j spent Tuesday night with Miss Mae; Banther. Mrs. L. E Reece called on Mrs. R. I T. Fisher Thursday. ! Miss Pearl Chappell spent Wednes-, day night with Rev. and Mrs. Clyde McCall. ! Miss Lora Belle Miller called on Mrs. T. C. Henderson Thursday af-J fernoon. Misses Lola Reid and Ella Mae; Owen were visitors Monday of last, week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Johnson of Lake Toxaway. ! Mrs M O. McCall and daughter Miss Vera McCall visited.Mrs. T. C.j McCall last Saturday. j Miss Rebecca Smith spent Satur-j dav night with her aunt, Mrs. Homer McCall. j Miss Carrie Owen spent a few days last week at Lake Toxaway as guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen. j Miss I.ouiso Fisher of Lake Tox»-; way spirit Saturday night with Miss. Mary Jane Dodgin. Mrs. L. E .Reece visitc-d Mrs. Avery Reid one day last week. I Oscar Owen of Setica visited j James Henderson last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edney and baby Laura Jane spent, a few days last week at Salem, South Carolina, visiting relatives. Miss Opal Dodgin spent Thursday, night with Mbs Mac Banther. Miss Lola Reid spent Saturday, night with Miss tyia Mae Owen, j Miss Emma Jones and Miss Raley, McCall spent last Sunday with Miss, Ailene Owen. Miss Owen returned with them to East Fiat lb ck where she has employment for the winter. Spurgeon Brown of Easley had a pleasant social visit with Miss Alma Chap-ell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Odell and sister Nelli. Thomas visited Mrs. Ltsu Loving Sunday afternoon. , i Miss Irene Owen spent last Sufi-! day with Miss Virgie Thomas. Elbert Whitmire and R. T. Fisher were visitors in Bosnian Saturday.. • Mis< Ella Mae Owen -pent Fri day n:ght with Miss Lola Reid. 1 Mrs. Frank Fisher and children: Verona end Betty June visited Mrs.: Fisher's « nrents, Mr. at id Mrs. Hen-: i-v Chapman Sunday. i Claude Owen was a l.UKe luxawa; j I’isimr Monday. Miss Beulah Beid spent the pastj n-oek with Mrs. Avery Reid. Miss Pearl Chapell spent Satur-. lay night with Miss Lillian Dodgin.| Mrs. Mack Reid called on Mrs.; Alfred Owen Monday. Oscar Henderson has been a reg-j ilar visitor at the home of K. K.| Miller during the past week. We are very glad to report that Mrs. Ren Fisher and Mrs. Raymond Fisher, who have been seriously ill fi r quite a while, are very much im proved , I, C Sanders was it visitor in this community last Sunday ' Broadus Henderson of Greenville. S. 0., spent the week-end with his father, IV. R. Henderson. Miss Lucille Henderson spent Frl dya nigh with Miss Lillian Dodgir,. Bolt Mull in ax cf Easley spent the week-end with G. C. Whitmire. Miss Alva Fisher of Lake Toxa w-.iy called on her grandmother, Mrs. Gideon Miller, Thursday after noon. , . Mrs.C. W. Henderson visited Mrs. T. C. Henderson Friday. Gene Moore pleached at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday night L quite a crowd who were present to hear him. Glenn Reid has gene to Kannapolis to spend several days with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Up right. , . Rev. J. E. Burt is to preach at Oak Grove Baptist church next Sun day night at 7 o’clock. Everybody is welcome to attend this service and it OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Let F. Norton) — We returned heme last week after a delightful visit of several days in Brevard with Misses Flora and Bess Reid while their parents visit ed the World’s Fair. T. B. Reid made a business trip to Raleigh last week. Mrs. Mary Burgess visited her parents recently and. reports that her mother, Mrs. R. I. Galloway, has been seriously ill with flu, but is reported to be better at this writ, ing. J. B. Galloway of Glenville called Thursday on Mr. and Mrs, I. S. San ders. Fred Nicholson of Rosman spent several days last week with his mother, Mrs Maggie Nicholson. E. A Reid has been quite ill the past week, as result of having his tonsils removed. We are glad to re port him much improved Mrs E A. Reid visited Mrs. Lee Nicholson at her home in Rosmun cne day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Guy recently moved from this community to Roh insville where Mr. Guy has employ ment. Mrs. Breedlove and sma'i son Daniel spent one tesy last week at Lake Toxaway with Mrs. Anna Breedlove .. Mrs. Henry Chapmen of Edisto visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fisher and family one day last week. , ,. T. F,. Reid of Brevard visited ms brother E. A. Reid Thursday. Homer Chappell returned home last week from Robinsville, where he had been hoping to find employment. Mr and Mrs Robert Noland of Asheville spent the week-end here with Mrs Noland’s mother, Mrs S. K Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton had a tinner guests Sunday their mother ..n-l sister. Mrs Lee Norton and Mrs. F. McCall. ' ensy Sanders of Lake Toxatvay T -.away visited hie brother 1 B (levs' Sunday, and reports that ' ’ father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. ■: ’ . Sanders, arc still visiting their J. L. Sanders at his home in r -.ih Carolina. Vess Chandler of the Imhaney (tion was here Saturday on his rc i to the county home. ! one SanderK cclcbratcM n 1 ** ck .'-ii birthday Sunday, and said he ' yed all except being rolled un der tit? bed. But he took that like r. good sport as it was part of the fun for the others. Lincoln County farmers report the heaviest seeding of fall grains or all kinds planted in recent years , Eight registered Jersey females, all deeended from on" pure bred heifer purchased in 1926, are now owned by J. E. Carter of Mar-hall, Madison County. is hoped that no one in the communi ty will be absent if at all possible for them to be present. _ PRIZES OFFERED BY NANCY J4 FLOUR Offer is made in this issue of The Times by the Earle-Chestcrfield miiis that should appeal to house wives of the county, free prizes be ing offered for writing the best Set ter telling why “l like Nancy Jane flour best.” Five dollars is offered each week for the best letter, four other prizes being offered for the next four prizes. The B. & B. is local dealer for this flour. An advertisement in this paper tells of the details. NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE By virtue of the power given in a certain deed of trust executed by A. L. McCrary ard wife Nancy Me Clary to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness mention d therein which deed of trust is dated 20 day of March i 933 and registered in book 28 at page 234 cf deed of trust records of Tran sylvania County and said indebted n<s»s mentioned having become due and default having been made in the payment ami the notice as required in said deed of trust having been given to the makers of said note and deed of trust to make good the nay mint and default not having been made good and the holder cf said note having demanded that the lands described in said deed cf trust be ftld to satisfy the said indebtedness and the cost of sale. I will sell to lhe highest) bidder ror cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard N. C.. on Fit!I1 AY. DECEMBER 22, 1933 at 12 o’clock M. all that land de scribed in a deed from Lnm Me < rary to A. L. McCrary and wife Nancv McCrary by deed dated the 21 day of May 19B£, containing i'5 acres and being' all of lots No>. I— 2—3 and 1 cf the division of the R. F. Hunt estate, record'd in tin- of fice of the register of d-.eis for Transylvania County in B-.-ok 44 at page 94 of the deed records lor said County to which record reference is hereby made for a full ar.d complete description of the land hereby con veyed. This 20 day of Nov, 1923. T. C. ({ALLOW AY Trustee Nov. 23-30 Dm 7—M—21 LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn ? Hagerstown, Md. — "I had indigestion — every thing soured and fer mented in roy stomach — I feit tireJ and weary a!! the while," said Mrs. L. Mullcnix "f .15 fairground Avc. "I am pleased to recommend l)r. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for it drove away the it’ digestion, relieved tm. nentbum and tn; bloated condition.” Sn'd bj drugjitts. New size, tablets Skt: In.nid $!.<*'. latrge 1 size, tabs, or iitjiiid, $US. “Be l>o Our Pari." WALTERMIRE H European Plan Warm Rooms, and Cut Rates for Winter Months Only Our $2.00 Rooms . $1-50 Our $1.50 Rooms . 1-00 Our $1.00 Rooms. *75 We also give the CCC boys a special rate of 50 cents each, two in one bed. Think of such a low rate for Steam Heated Rooms L™—« T. W. WHITMIRE, Propr.

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