The Transylvania Times The News X The Times Ift'Jn Estab. 1931 Consolidated 1932 Publish 'd Weekly on Thursdays by C. M. DOUGLAS Offices in The News Building C. M. DOUGLAS . Editor' MISS A. TROWBRIDGE■ ■ Associate■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES J Per Year . Six Months .:•••••••••. , tin Transylvania County) Per Year, Elsewhere . ?L60 Sux Months . '7a We apologize for our small paper this veejt and for the fact that many item# t interest have been omitted. Remember, it’s Thanksgiving. (Mrs. Harry McCall) [■'uncial services lor Mr. and jit#. Oliver Galloway’s baby were ci'iduit’d Sunday, Nov. Jt> ai the Slum! Creek Baptist cemetery. The 1 al:> wa- ur 18 months old a no ill ■ i from ar operation. 1 Send# f “Aunt Susie McCall’ w , glad to know that she is or il-t id to 'ccovery after a serious ,|l: i. i about two weeks. y McCall culled on Mr. and M, W. M. .McCall of the Mace d" ciflow Sunday. ;: . and Air#, ilarlie Owen un nouu I'-the birth e,* a am, recently. Si .1 i Iks fiom Balsam' Grove spent the day in Brevard Saturday. Amo it; lIk ,a were Air. and Mrs. Chur!; tiockn >r and children, Mr. ; ad iloifson McCall, All's Fil lin'>e Galloway and urn Oema# am: D, mid McCall AY. C. McCall of Selica, is spend ing a fm days with hi- sister, Mrs. I>.,c i'i.-Cali. who has been seriously ill. My11! Gailcway is spending sev , m! .ays at the home of Uncle l.ynk AleCall. .Mi and Mrs. Arch Galloway and family visital at the home of Doctor McCall Saturday. A s'.ii prise birthday dinner was given \Y. \. McCall Sunday. Sev t al l' Ik- attended and reported a real nice time. Misses Fannie. Frances a n d Louise Chas tine spent Saturday night with their sister Mrs Ingontar AleCall m’ the Macedonia section. Next Sunday is our regular meet ing tin e. Everybody come and bring . mm mu else with you. NOTICE nr I,A\l> SAir HY TRISTFE By virtue of the power given in a v rtain deed of trust executed by A. I McCrary and wife Nancy Me dal \ t.» the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness mention d tie rein which deed of trust is datnl 20 day of March 1933 and it gist, red in book 2b at page 234 tf deed ef trust records of Tran sylvania County and said indebted ms nv'i'tion d having become due and default having been made in the payment and the notice as required in‘said d.vl tf trust having been given i" the makers of said note and deed of t rust to mak good the pay ment and default net having been made good and the holder of said m t having demanded that the lands described in said deed of trust be s.ltl to -atisfv the said indebtedness and the cost of ale. 1 will soil to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard N. Cr, on Fill PAY. DECEMBER 22. 1933 at 12 o’clock M. all that land de scribe 1 in a deed from Bum Mc Crary to A. I.. McCrny and wife Nancy McCrary by dc dated the 23 day of May 1921. ntuining 65 acv s am! being all o Nos. 1 — 2 ." art! l ■ f the div of the R. t'\ Hunt estate, record ’ the of fice of the register > t'ds for Transylvania County in >k 44 at page 94 of the deed rev for said | County t> which record ‘'fence is hereby made for a full a.. 1 complete d criptioi'. of the land 1 eby con vi yt d. This 20 dav of Nov. 1933. T. C. GAI.LOWAY Trustee i Nov. 23 30 Dee 7—14—21 j The Home of I Armour's quality; and ..ilier Quality Meats Oysters and Fish Fresh and Staple GROCERIES Phone 47-We Deliver CITY MARKET S. F. ALLISON ^ ---7-======^ ^ Society News and Club Activities J mi, scours have diOND MEETING . ily Emma Lou Loftis, Scout Scribe) i he Girl Scouts had their second irg Friday, November 24, in the rout room. Emma Lou Loftis, pa-, ■1 leader, took charge of the, ■ .ting, which was as fellows: Song, America the Beautiful,’' pledge to \> flag; business. | Alter this Miss Aiken took •barge. She talked to the girls on he Scout laws, "A Girl Scouts ttner is to be trusted,” and “ A Uirl Scout is clean in thought, word and iced*” We played a game which was to iiass off some work. In, ploying this ■ ■anie a girl was supposed to teli about a eat, so Miss Aiken asked a ,■ questions. She asked, What is a bob cat?" And she i.n veved. "A bob eat is a eat whose ail has been cut off. i h.X T HR IDE IS ON0REE AT SHOWER ’ll--, Paul and Mrs. n Uanoton wen hostesses at a i u'llan us shower at the home of .Mrs. Smathors Saturday evening, .njilimeutary t Mrs. Leroy \\ hite . r of iliekory, recent bride, fot > I:ly Miss Peggy West. I ittie Paula Mae Smather< and io West presented the showef of -, in suit ease to the hor.ovce ■lm received many pretty and usefu. nc mbt nines. Four table- of bridge were in play the veiling, following which i i iiments wt re served. ; ns ESI) AY CLUB ! idS WITH MRS. VEHShit ’1 Wt duesdny club, in regular , I’ing Wednesday afternoon of last ■icek. was entertained at the home of \ii... s P. Verm r. \ pi.'.giam i-i unusual interest was • charge of Mrs. P. N. Simons, ding of the architecture of the '.ihatnbrn by Washington living, in heautifi*l ription of this buiui The business meeting was presid 1 over by the vice president, Mrs. ;• W Everett, in the absence of ■hi president Mrs. J. S- Silvcrsteen. Uefreshments were, served at eon ’•is:i,n i f the meeting. SHOWER HONORS 'IRS. Til.SOX Mrs. Krnest Tilson was honoreo at surpiiso miscellaneous shower giv • h r by members of the Sunday hool class of Mrs. Oliver Orr on Thursday evening at Mrs. Tilson s ! ■ mi on West Main street. .Members of the class met at the inch, going from there in a body ■ Mrs. Tilson’s home, surprising her with a varied assortment of use : il household gifts. An enjoyable .cuing was reported by those in at r da nee. | 'liSSES MORRELL GIVE v■PESD-THE.DAY party , Misses Annie and Meta Morrell wire hostesses at a delightful spend ,e-day party at their home in '.Vest Brevard Friday of last week. The occasion was in honor oi Miss Katherine Griffin, Miss Louise Wright and her sister, Mrs. Marsh, v.hi atr leaving this week for Nor ,„lk. Va., where they will spend sev- ■ .. al months. , A li vely luncheon and several leadings by Miss Wright were en joyable features of the day. WOMAS'S CIVIC CLUB TO \ MET M OS DAY AFTERNOON _ ! December meeting of the Womans Civic club will lie held next Monday on at 3:30 o’clock at the \nnual election of officers will b;* luId at this time and it is urged that all members make a special it;' rt to be present Monday attoi i>! on. MRS. com: HOSTESS TO MAT HAT ASIAN CIA B Mi- J. L. Cibb was hostess to the members (f the Mathatasian club Thursday afternoon at her home on: I’robait street. ! The program of the afternoon was in chaig- of Mrs. Julian G azener, who told ir to re.-ting facts in the life i f Martha Berry, head of the Ber iv School in Rome, Ga. Mr. Glaze ,;.r, Who had visited the school, was present and added further to the program by telling first hand facts about the school. . , The dub agreed to cooperate with the pi e-school nurse project being established under the supervision ol Mrs Constance Banks and Mr . John McLean. The meeting was pre sided ever by the president, Mis. l ain Kadditmn to the regular merm t: is, a former member, Mrs. Netti Benedict, was also present. Aitu refreshments served by the h fss the club adjournd to meet S, xV at the home of Mrs. Harold Norwced. fortnightly club IN L>,.r.rwh'truA 5 V I. ftp. All members were P^sen •ml one former member, Mrs Z. W. X Routine business was ln charge of “resident, Mrs. Cordia King. v. r. Gillespie was P1,0^™ • uder. telling interesting facts about th« World’s Fair and Chicago ana of her visit there this fall. A salad course served during the S ciul period concluded the after iron’s meeting. The next meet! g if the club will be held on December 14 at the home of Mrs. King. I Silage stored in a trench silo by T. T. Foster of Caswell County, is in excellent condition and is keeping n* well as that stored in a ver :.-«i silo. i r; ERESTING PROGRAM Th' Brevard junior music c!ub .act Tuesday evening at the home oi John Paul jonts. The president, Ora licit Long, presided over the meet irg. The following interesting pro gram was presented: Piano solos, Valse Briilante, Spindler, by Nina Lou Rustin; Forest Brook, Gan schels, by Sylvia l.yday; Snowman, Pressor, by Dorothy Poole; Narcis us, Nvm, by Ora Holt Long; Hunt ing Seng, Gurlett, by Katlierine Shu fold: Sequidillas, Albeniz. by Rheum m» Boddingfieid. A quiz on harmony and scales was led by John Paul Jones. The club .was pleased to have as guest Miss Eva Cal!, of the senior marie club. Out rf town members present were Nina Lou Rustin. Sylvia l.yday, Norma Hamilton and Katherine Shu ford. Following the program refresh ments were served by Mrs. J. B. Jones. Tin* next meeting will be held in December. f l). ('. 117/./. MEET SATl ’RltA V AFTERNOON Regular meeting of the Iona] ehspter United Daughters of the Uonfedetney will be held Saturday afternoon of this week at the library at ;i:30 o’clock. Al! mfothers are requested to be present. Mis< Janie Hume, of Ashevme. if visiting Ml*, ami Mrs. ,J. M. A11 i st n. Mrs. It. P. Marsh, who has been pending some time as guest of Miss i ouise Wright, lift Tuesday for hei heme in Savannah, Georgia. Mi. and Mrs. James Waters left Mi ndny for their homo in Lockp >rt, N. Y . after spending part of their hen'.ymc'iii here with Mr .and Mrs. J. K. Waters. it v. R. L. Alexander was guest of [)i. and Mrs. C. L. Ne.vland the first of the week before leaving on Tuesday for his new homo in Lum l a tom’ Mrs. Alexander and baby, who have been visiting her parents in Crlumbia, S. 0., will join him en i Quto to Lumberton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barclay Jr. left last week for their home in Greens burg, Pa., after visiting their pnr u-.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barclay and Mr. and Mrs. .1. (’. Wike hero for ; cine time. Miss Katherine Griffin left Tues day for Norfolk, Va., where she will spend several months with her sis ter, Mrs. C. L. Renter, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barclay and daughter Louise left last week for their winter home in Greensburg. Pa., after spending several months at their summer home near Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grogan Jr. nl.J Bratshuw day in Hickory Saturday. i 1,1. a. Eail Twiggs left last week o join her husband i:i New York, where she will visit .after which they will both return to be at ths hem. cf Mis Twigg’s father, T. A. English, at Davidson River. t Welch Galloway, of Asheville, was a business visitor in Brevard Friday. Miss Charlotte Patton, was in jured in a fall the first of the week, while on a visit to her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton, from Montreat Normal. She will not return to the Normal having te-enlered Brevard high school. Hairy and Walter Clayton were Asheville visitors Saturday. E Mrs T. W. Whitmire Is quite ill at her home at Weltermire hotel Miss Ruth Keathley, of Hondc-r nville, visited her brother, L. O. Xoarhley, here the first of the week. Walter Wood has returned from a visit to hi< aunt Mrs. Cos Paxton, in Greenville. Mrs. Johnson and Ernest Miller were visitors in Asheville Fri day. Miss Mabel McNerly spent tho week-end with friends and relatives in Tcxaway. 1 Burt McJ unkin, of the Smoky i National Park, spent tho week-end ! hero with his family. John Buti.'i and Sammie Barnette, of Spruce Pine, were Brevard visi t is Monday. Mrs. Boil Freeman is quite ill at; lid home on North Caldwell avenue. Hus: Mackey was railed to Green ville last wdek on necaun? of tho illness and death rf his brother Stroub Mackey. ts 1 I.- f\ nni\ Puffin , Wilkins expect to attend the Davhl -on-Wnk.' Forest game on Thanks giving dny. Airs Mamie Verderv. Misses Jack Age s. Josephine Clayton, It o b a Kitchen and Roberta Bryant wer» rli :ping in Asheville Saturday. Mrs I eioy Whit' n<r left Sunday far her home in Hickory, after -pending several days with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. C. B». Wes' Airs. J At. Tatum "pent the weMr i ml in Asheville with Dr. Trih'tn whr i' connected with Eckerd's Dnsg company there. . Air and Airs. Marcus Williams had es their guests over the week end their daughter, Miss R irl# AVillionis. Miss Margaret Neal, Miss Fannie Pearl Frlmet, Miffs Dorothy, Winfield Miller. Mr. Tilscn Fleetwood and Air. Hal1 Miller. .1. C. Calloway and F,. P. Me Coy were bird hunting in Macon county Monday. All-. W. P. Raines was taken to a hospital in Charleston, S. C.. on Sunday. Miss Margaret Basse, who has been in Spartanburg, S. C., for some time, returned the first of the week to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J M Allison and children expect to spend Thank-giv ing holidays with friends in Char leston, South Carolina. U-. and Mrs. H. E. Erwin and) fai. i y ar. niovirg this week from Maple street to the former McNeely • u:o on _,at>c Main street. IT herd Nicholson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, suf fered a sprained ankle Itpst week while playing r.nd was unable to at tend school for a week. Min Louise Wright left this work fer Norfolk, Va., where she wil Isper.d -sveral months before re turning to her homo hero, ticlly House. Mrs. Echel Galloway returned the first of the week from Spartanburg, S. C., where she has been for the liast several months. Mr and Mrs. Thomas S. Bond, of Savannah Ga., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hampton. Mrs Hampton and her father, J, M. Dancy, returned on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bond to Savannah, where they will spend two weeks. Mrs. Bond is a sister of Mrs. Hamp ton. / Mias Gladys English, of Durham, Mis3 Jean English, of N. C. C. W., Greensboro, and Miss Elizabeth Ramseur, cf Angiers, an expected to arrive Wednesday night to spand the Thanksgiving holidays with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English. Mis* Ruth Pickel’inur, student at Weaver college spent the week-end heiu with '.er parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pi'.kr'.simer. I, Z. Orr, of Greenville, was a week-end visitor in Brevard RUNDOWN IN MOTHERHOOD Mr*. Rom M Emu of 124 E. Sixth Sr., Frederick, Md., Mid: "?n early motherhood I Ijcrame run down. I developed a rounlt that sapped my siicngtli and vitality. 1 w.u»dri»e«J to take *.F>'. Pierce'* Fa vorite I’r■acrlpllon end !>!j Golden MHiral l.'i c-.c(ry and l veil ard .MiWI... . -- , wtinlii.' Sold l»y clmiwu ivrywl tv. Nt*\v tcilile* ”'!c ■ *1 • i tt-, or !T7.:i'\ “V'o U'» OuJflirrf.** HAS HEALTHYgNERVES NOW! xxAVx-yx-r'x,.' :*■•>Mtnm wswsk til’,t/£ff3BT&&k HOW ARE YOUR NERVES ? .. f FINE..YOUR ' AOVICE TO :hangeto cameis CERTAINLY WAS RIGHT. THE MORE I SMOKE CAMEIS THE BETTER THEY CAMEL S COSTLIER TOBACCOS wz/de/f a£ton ipur • • fl'tww lvre tjcwrJaitt ❖vv*^*****’^****** .•*❖**** 'S' ** * V V »;* •> * V * v * »> <> <' <• <- * *5* v <• * v * v ! Thanksgiving Dinner THURSDAY. I NOV. 30th I * V '< Hi rlNiiM iftl' o Oyster Soup * Chenvfield Turkey ' Oyster Dressing * Steamed Rice Buttered Peas * Mashed Potatoes Giblet Gravy | Asparagus Hollar.daise Sauce «{• Cranberry Jelly j^K I* rutt Salad ■BS8K :'H|m Hct Biscuits | Pumpkin Pic and Whipped Cream N . & Wf: CAFE 1« * On YVic Sqwrc :: _Brevard NOTICE how closely a typical customer's electric bill varied with the length of time artificial light is needed per day through the year. This is one reason why electric bills are higher during fall and winter months than during the spring and summer. More cooking is done in the winter time also —more roasted meats and baking—which makes the heating bill higher. More tirpe is spent indoors, read ing, visiting, card playing, etc., and the radio is called upon for longer hours of operation by far than in the summer time. HH1 No matter how much electricity you use, always re member that it performs a service cheaper and better than any other way than that service can be done. Electricity has never gone up in price. It is markedly lower in cost today than ever before in history. Electricity is Your Best Servant—Use it Freely SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES

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