WANT ADS MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING—reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, , Brevard, N. C. 2tc FOR SALE-—Good sun cured Bur ley smoking and Bull Face chew ing tobacco, grown on Good soil and aired right. Will swap fjr corn or potatoes. Joe Grooms, Country Club Road. 3tp. DOGWOOD WANTED—4 V4 inches at small end—16 inches and up to 4 ft. in length. Clear of knots, de fects am! red heart. $12.50 per eord delivered in Brevard. I!. S. Town send, Cantrell Blacksmith Shop, near Depot, Brevard. Nov.2tf FOR RENT—SmaH furnished Apt. suitable for couple. Good price to right party.—Bagwell Apts. Caldwell street, No. 11 tfc FOR SALE—Five burner Oil Stove with built-in oven, $10.00 cash. Joe Poole, Brevard. ltp WANTED—Baby pen, collapsible with floo'\ Must be reasonable and in goal condition. Apply 221 So. Gas'on street STEADY WORK—GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on iimmrs >n Transylvania Coun tv No experience or capital needed. Write today. MX ESS CO. Dept. S. Kiteport, Illinois. i WANTED-.-A coal range fitted for (onnection with hot water tank. Must be in good condition and reasonable. Box 963. Brevard. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under ai'd by virtue of the Power <■1' Sale contained in that certain IT 'd in Trust from Charlotte Chap ai. to the undersigned Trust* snd instrument bearing date of February 2nd. 1931, and R* jfirtc r d in Book No. 2S at Page \3t * f the Record of' Deed in Trust tor Transylvania County, the same teeming certain indebtedness therein ranted, and default having beer, made in the payment or said indebtedness, mi:! all notices required having been given and said default has not been mad* good, now therefore the under-j signed Trustee, will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd. 1933 | at 12 o’clock M. at the Court Hcust: Door in Brevard, N. C. srll to the highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned and described in said Deed in Trust aforesaid, reference being hereby made to same and the Record thereof for a description by metes and bounds. The proceeds of said sale to be QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) I Mrs. James Chapman called on Mrs. Locnie Banther last Saturday. Fred Bone of Etowah spent Sat urday night with J. D. Golden. Alonzo Banther is seriously ill at the home of his son Loonie Banther. Miss Ida Whitmire spent Thurs day night with Miss Rebecca Smith. Lewis Owen of Lake Toxaway spent Wednesday night with his uncle Al lied Owen. Wayman Thomas had a ‘•working’1 on Thursday of last week. The men cut and hauled up the winter supply t wood while the women engaged in iuilting All present reported a good time and a good day’s work Andersen Smith was a Rosman visitor Saturday. Mrs. Alfred Owen called on Mrs. Fib it Whitmire Friday. Miss IV'len Banther spent Wed nesday night with Mi-*s Mildred Mr full. Mi s Opel Podgin spent Saturday with her grandmother Mrs. Gideon Miller. . . , , Mis. Ed Waldrop visited her son Uillio Fislur Thursday afternoon. " Bobb: ■” Whit mi if ipenb . Friday night with Mary Jane Dodgin. Fud Revis was a caller in Quebec Sunday. Mi -. Louis Tinsley and Mrs. Cnar l.o. .1 lake Toxaway visited Mis Loonie Banther Friday. • Albert Price and J. P- Golden ivad, u business trin to Jackson untv on Friday ot last ween. Mi?. Odell Fisher and children iiclit Thursday night with Mrs. ’•’islui’s brother Waymon Thomas. Mrs. Anderson Smith spent Tues ihn with Mr? B. T. Whitmire. ’< Miss Pearl Chappell was dinner , guest cf Mis- Lillian Dodgin Sun Mr. and Mrs. Judsnn McCrary and i aliy “Junior,were visitors in the li. nn of Mrs. L. K. Reece Sunday . i I't.ei noon. Mi?- Beulah Reid called on Mrs. T f' ttend ••“•in last Saturday. Henry Miller spent the week-end , >n Brevard. ! i Misses Conic Owen and Mae Bar.- . ill r spent Tuesday right _ with ^ Misses Lillian and Opal Dodgin. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Sanford ami ihildren of Enka spent the week- . end with Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Whit- i mire. Oscar Henderson spent Thursday night with Paul Fisher Mi?. Elbert Whitmire made a husines trip to Brevard Saturday, j applied upon said debt .interest, costs , of sale etc. ] This the 2nd. day of Nov. 1933. i VIRGIL McCRARY j Trustee. 1 Nov. 9—16—23—30. Loon Loowe is on the sick list this week. John H. Reid had a “wood cut ting" on Tuesday of last week, get ting up a good supply of wood for tne winter Mrs T T Miller of Lake Toxaway visited her daughter, Mrs Lyle Mc Coy. one day last week Miss Lola Reid left last Monday for an extended visit with her sis ter Mrs. Clarence Horten of Easley. Mr and Mrs Gene Siler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reid. Miss Ella Mae Owen was dinner guest of Miss Lola Reid Sunday. Oscar Whitmire has returned home after having worked for several months on a steamer on the Great Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ower and daughter Doris spent Sunday and Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Slack Reid. W. B Henderson. Mrs. R. T. Fish r and children, Woodrow, Paul and Darlene were visitors in Easley, S. last Sunday. Paul Mullinax of Easley was a •i itor in the home of Mack Reid Sunday. B. T. Whitmire called on Ai led Owen for a social chat Sunday. Trumnn Henderson spent Sunday .ilh Chmlcs Reid. Mrs. Paul McCry and sister Mrs. Homer McCall visited Miss Patience doling Friday Grover Woodard of Rosman was visitor in the home of John H. ’.id one d«v last week. Mis. C W. Henderson, Mr. P.nd \! is Elvin Edney and baby Laura .,i>, i .m, find Mrs. W'ondfin Mr. ami Mr?. Mitch Neely ana Hr and Mrs John Rufty visited Ars. I.. E. Recce Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Ed London called n Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edncy Sun- : lav. , _ , Rev. .) E Burt, pastor of Oak m vc Baptist church, filled his reg ilar appointment hevr Sunday night. A fine program was given by the uni!, of the Quebec school op last ’liday afternoon. , Owners of ten poultry flocks in 'atawba County report their birds mid them an average return of $1. ! i each above feed throughout the iast year. Fifty herd of young Hereford and Shorthorn steers paid F. W. Von 'annon of Avery County ! *2 cents i pound more than other farmers c reived for scrub beef animals last veck. One hundied and eighty 4-11 club lumbers attended the four regular lub meetings held in Gaston County ast week. .. j A. M Bruner who has been cm iloycd on boat on the great lakes m :urned to his home hers Friday We’re Right There! ON THE ROAD ... AT YOUR GARAGE . AT OUR STATION ALWAYS on the job. . .whether you’re out of gas, in need of tire service. . . just call us at any time, day or night, fair weather or foul. We are prepared to help you at all times. Expert mechanics and service men whose only idea is to give you “service with a smile’’, A BOON TO THE MOTORIST COMPLETE ONE-STOP AUTO SERVICE j [firestone SENTINEL- TYPE 4.50x21 RATTIER ICS CAN’T BE BEAT—This new 13-plate d*p< AC HATTER V For Only— —and your old battery MgCRARY auto service CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE PHOAfES\ * Wrecker Service ( Nite 29/ •• Day or Night FIRESTONE COURIER TYPE 4.50x21 Fen' Yow Winter Needs Antifreeze for your radiator— chains for your tires that will make driving safe on slippery roads—glass for your car re placed by experts—oils for winter use to keep your motor functioning smoothly—every thing you need. WRECKER SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT —TELE PHONE 290 (day) or 291 (night) and we will be right there. Service you’ll like j GONNESTEE NEWS The Connestee correspondents wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Miss Margaret Gash was the Sun day dinner gue3t of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Verner That morning she at tended th: Presbyterian church service. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ilogsed enjoy i^l a week’s visit among their two daughters, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Holden, both of South Carolina. Fidelia Henderson Jr. writes from Hong Kong that the Brevard paper means a great deal to him. He says, "I am glad to know the paper will keep coming to me. Gee! I appreci ate that a lot. That is the best birthday present I could have re ceived from home. Withcut it I would be ior-t now that 1 am used to seeing it. every week. The majority of our community believe as our editor does—wc don’t want our homes and little farms covered with water. Where would we go? Where- could we live? Ilow could we profit by this im morsedom project? But what is one’s los® *is another’s gain we suppose, liven if thry paid us well for out homos, this is. the best sue:test place in the world to us to live; hen no amount of money can rc-J dace that which we want, want,] vani. j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hcgsed had j in enjoyable <l»y Sunday visiting Mr. I.eo Holden’s. Miss Mildred Whitmire is now i' me after upending some time at irr grandparents, the Henry’s in 3revard. There was an old time quilting ..Ivon n; the home of Mr. and Mrs. lake Raker for the recent bride. •Irs. Rimer Baker. Miss Margo rot Gash went to her n.me at Blantyro last Wednesday iftrrnoon for a short visit with her wonts, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gash. Mrs. Press Galloway and Mrs. i .Villiam Hogsed visited Mrs. Huston liazenei last Thursday. • rn............ L rOXAWAY (Mrs. H. D. Lee) \ Mrs. C. R. McNeely and little grandson, C. R. Jr., of Brevard were guests of MY. and Mrs. Walter McNeely Friday. J. W. Junes of Etowah visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones last week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter McKinna were recent visitors to Geenville, S. C. 1 Mrs. Lon O’Shieids and children spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McKin na. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jennings and daughter Miss Louise, of White, Ga., have moved to'th© C. J. I/ee house, formerly occupied by. Mr. and Mrs. I^)ii O’Shields, who moved recently to the Warren Fisher house. Mrs Cole Lee, who underwent an operation at Lyday Memorial hos uitnl in Brevard seve-.al days ago, i? improving. Mrs. Luther Owen rf Wolf Moun. tain is keeping house for her son-in law, Cole IiCe, and children while Mu. Lee is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allison of Brevard; visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Galloway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rogers are building a new home here. Frank Tinsley, who has been at tending school in Nashville, Tenn., • — • - for several months, has returnvd to the home of hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tinsley, Miss Dot Lee was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas .Sun day. Miss Gertrude Breedlove spent Sun day with Mist Lucy Galloway. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Old ham of Biltmore, a son, R. A. Jr., on Friday, November 24. Mrs. Old ham is the former Miss Augusta Lee | of this place Mrs. W. H. Arrowoed and daugh ter Miss Blanche were guests of Mr?. Charlie Owen Wednesday. Mrs. L. C. Case Jr., and Mr?. R. V. Jones visited Mrs. Leonard Thomas Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. H. D. Lee and Mrs. A. J. Lee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. .A Oldham in Biltmore Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Raines visited Mrs. Lewis Tinsley Tuesday. Ed Wilbanks of Asheville visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilbanks last week. IntsftTjPiT^yfwill Liquid, Tablets, Salve., Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Cold3 first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known I LOST MY BEST CUSTOMERS THRU RATS WRITES J. ADAMS OF 427 MAIN St. TRENTON. N. J. Used to have the busiest Restaurant in town until news spread that the kitchen was infested with rats. Lost a lot of my best customers until 1 tried BEFT-YET. Haven't a pest in the p ace now. All Restaurants should use best-yt/T it’s the new Red Squill powder that if put around in dark places will cause rats to disappear. Corner, in two sizes, 4 oz. size for tho home 50c. 6 oz. size /or the farm 75e. Sold and guaranteed by B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. PHONE 60 g BREVARD, N. C. . II llllll.'Ill I IIMIIIHimilimilMMtlllUllf 11*411 Among Asheville’s Better sho ; W' sflmil_ SILVER PLATE FLATWARE Guaranteed 25 years! 15c Each Piece Pali- design.. . .spoons, f'rks, steak knives, knives and butter spreads. 20% REDUCTION y-—» »T On all Wool FCEESI SUITS Ym^ DRESSES \ $ hop: V /Vanderbilt Place Biltmore Forest m a_| SPORTING GOODS The Perfect Gift Golf—Tennis—Riding Sportswear and Accessories COVINGTON Phone 5017 SPORT SHOP Everything for the discriminating sportsman 31 Haywood Phone 5017 SUEDE JACKETS l All the new colors and white, $6.95 up These make Ideal Xmas gifts 1 Collegiate mittens and gloves $1.00 | j 19 HAYWOOD STREET • "You’ll Know It When You See It" ■ After Thanksgiving Clearance | Our entire selection of Dresses at HALF-PRICE Nothing reserved—Our entire stock of sport and Dress coats at % Price 39 Haywood Street " — Read Frances Reynolds’ interesting column each week in THE TRANSYLVANIA. TIMES Q.. Thole’s a frock at JEAN’S that a lot of women are going to be un happy about if they miss being the first to see it. It has a shimmer ing metallic bodice with a graceful draped neck that drops into "a low cowl back, and a skirt cf red lame <aught with a rhinestone buckle that i breathlessly smart. Please take a look! JEAN'S is also show ing spi.it and street dresses with a hint of spring (already!) in lovely light shades. LOWEXBEIN’S get.- in more new clothes almost before I tan jot down data on the ones I saw the day be fore.. His newest shipment of street clothes (large women will find their sizes without trouble and with great satisfaction) are tailored in lines that forecast the spring styles. 1 was particularly charmed with his choice of day-time frocks that can hi worn for shopping, luncheon and afternoon bridge. His prices, by th& way, aro extremely reasonable. Of all the charming dinner dresses I have ever seen, one of the many that THE FOREST FROCK SHOP is showing is the most stun ning. This effect creation is of heavy black silk crepe with iong sleeves, a low graceful drop back and a straight neck line in the front. On the shoulder is a gleaming rhinestone and jade clip that matches the belt buckle. The skirt falls in clinging, straight lines with a little fullness at the bottom. To be the hit of the evening one need only wear this ultra smart gown. H U R S E Y ’ S is evidently des tined to be my financial downfall They don’t have just one thing I want, they have dozens: They have a desk set, for example, like I ve wanted for years. It's made cf leath er, with elegant Florentine scroll work. There’s a handsome set in Brass, too, and next to that one in copper that I cast longing eyes up on. HURSEY’S sample line of Rosenthal china, with its delicate flower pattern? and their display of Wedgewcod. Rockwood and Royal Doultcn will fill any housekeepers head with dream?. I can never get past BURGE’S and occasionally feel a Cinderella complex coming over me. What good looking shoes' they do have! Every style—every size and if you wanted glass slippers I have a feeling they would politely go and get them for you. There’s nothing sissy about them, either. You’ll find an exquisite pair of evening slippers for yourself and at the same time the clerk is fitting a pair of conservative, hand some English-cut shoes for friend hubby. LET ME DO YOUR SHOPPING. READ FRANCES REYNOLDS’ COLUMN each week in IMS Hi_Pi TOYLAND | Santa Claus has ! than you can im agine... see them ail. everything for boys and girls. Souvenir Santa Claus Baloons BH1HH I mm r~— HR I -—- j Beginning Monday DECEMBER 4th : One-third off on all silk and \ wool dresses and coats One lot — $12.95 Formerly $19.50 & $25 JEAN WEST “The Ladies Shop” j 58 Haywood Street ». [ Starting Wed Nov. 22nd, | Up to Thanksgiving We offer our annual Thanks* | giving Specials cn all short s lots of women’s and men s § shoes. $4.85 to $7.85 Edwin Burge, Inc. j "Your Shoe Man” 7 Haywood Street IlDiVIDUAL, Vouthful | Models for the Stylish 1 Stout. , j Lowenbeins | SMART SHOP 12 Church Street i WATCHES For Rverybody! Standard makes. . .favor- | ed styles—great values! Two examples! Official Elgin Boy Scout Watch. Only $17.75 Elgin White Gold-Filled Wrist Watch. Raised Gold Numerals. Beautiful! $25.00 iHURSEY & CO. 1 * JEWELERS Ret Ur? P»rk Aw. A.k»*UI» Mill .

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