Week torn Rosman WHITMIRE, Correspondent . .. . • r> ..u.. Mr. and: M*». G P. Morgan MW son Buddi* and da ugh to i Elizabet. visited MM. Eli -Huggir.? Sunday. W. R. Uwis made a business trip to Pickens Monday. Mrs. Huggins is reported very ill at her home in the Cherryfield sec tion. Lud Howerton left Sunday for hi3 home at Greensboro. Mr. Hower ton h»s been connected with state highway commission stationed in Rosnian fur several weeks. Miss Mary Gillespie spent Satui day night us guest of her eon-ins, Misses Edith and Rachel Gravely. Homer Parham, of Hayesviile spent the week-end at Rosnian hotel visit ing friends. Miss Helen Sunimey spent the week end a; guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sumniey. Tho Rosnian quartet sang at a revival service at Tryon Thursday night. The quartet is composed of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1- Hannon Mrs. L. V. Sigmon and Mrs. W. R. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stover and daughter Guynm of Pennsylvania spent Saturday night as guest ot Mr. and Mrs. l>. I.. Olazeiwr. Mrs. Gua King of East Fork, Mrs. Oliva Gallovav and Julius Gallo wav ot Wolf Mtm were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ran dolph JTMRtay. ...... ... Mrs. I. M. Bowen ot A oh Mtn. visited her daughter Mrs. Ethe Curie* in Brevard Urn past week. A group of Rosman citizens of about 25 or :i0 attended eburch ser vices at Slat, r, S. C.. Sunday night The Rev Carl Cox preaching. F Dr L. B. Hayes of Waynesvihe, was ;■ dinner guest oi Mr. and Mrs,. R. T. Kinvzey Sunday night. Mi-. Ruth Burt left Monday tor; W C T. C- Cullowhee to take short icourse in teachers work.1 She was accompanied fc> hei father Rev. J- F- Burt and brother Ralph Bort. . _ .1 A. Hurl sniem, o. ' -■ ;i.,u _ ...urdr.y to spend severitl days ;\s guest of his son Rev. J. E, Bui. and Mrs. Burt. . Misses Helen and Montaree (.al lowin' left Thursday for Frost Proof l.trridn where they will spend till ' 'mvs. Frank Fisher and children of t.ake Toxav.ay spent the week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Le.1 R Fisher. . Mr. and Mrs. d. A. Glazener an 1 children of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. W. Glazener and children. . , , Burn to Mr. and Mrs. John Kil patrick a son. Saturday Dec. 9th. Mrs. Kilpatrick was before her mar riage Miss Mildred Edens daughter ot Mr. ami Mvs. W. H. Edens of Rosman. , ,. . . . W. R.. Lewis moved his store last week to the building recently vaca ted bv J. W. Glazener and company. Me. and Mrs. Bill McJunkm and children spent the week-end in Bre vard as guests o: Mr. and Mis. Bert McJunkin. Gideon Miller of Quebec was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener Monday. Roe Rice of Kannapolis spent the week with Mrs. Rice at their home here. i Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hendevson of Grav Court, S. C„ Miss Bernice Henderson of Brevard were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C Sununeral. _ .. Dv. Joe S. Osborne and Ruffin Wilkins attended the air show tn Asheville Sunday. At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88. 159. 250 Night Phones, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. til & 119 \V. Main St MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers .tin BURY FIELD GROUP [HOLD SOCIAL 1 The B. V. P. U. of Mt. Moriar ! Cheiryfleid held a soeial Tuesday I night at the home of Miss Margaret Waldrop of the Selien section. There were about thirty members present Miss Susie Jordan is president oi this organization. GaiitfJ? were play ed and refreshments served. i EPWORTH LEAGUE I TARTY ENJOYED i Members of the Epworth League of the M. E. church held a social in j the parlors of the church Friday night. Games and contests were en tjoved, after which refreshments of | sandwiches, hot chocolate and cookies ; were served. 1 Guests present as follows; Eliza beth, Dovie, A. M., Margaret, Allpn, Tom and Ruby Glazener, Inez and Earl, and Ophelia White, Charles, Robert Oats Jr. and Ralph Burt. (Matrons assisting in refreshments and games were Mrs. J. E. White and Mrs, Elizabeth Hall. 1 'ERA JOHNSON SEVERELY BURNED Relatives in Rosman received a nusasge last week that Vera John s' n, daughter of Rev. and Mrs C. A. Johnson ox Fayetteville had revived severe burns. The accident occurred when little Miss Johnsons clothing caught on fire from a can dle in hei play house in the yard ,1 their Kerne. The burns were con-i lined principally to her body not teaching her face. It will be recall ed Mrs. Johnson who was before ner marriage Mias Beulah White visited here last summer. RALPH ELDRIDGE IX PLAY TOXICHT Ralph, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge a student of Weave i college Weavcrville was chosen from the Freshman class for a chnractei in a play to be given to night at Weavcrville. Yeung Mr. Eldridge also made the Glee Club and is making good in his college work. HOME EC CLASSES GIVE DRESS SHOW The H‘. me Economic class of Ros in an High school gave a dress show Friday morning, Dec. 8, displaying the dresses they made in class. The following program was car r i o d out; Devotionals, Gertrude Breed 11 ve ;types of dresses suitable for school, street and dinner were shown; “Importance of Dross,’- by Aileen Glazencr. SURPRISE PARTY IS EX JOYED T5vuc° Cassell was given a sur pure party on Friday night of last week by Miss Lila Johnson, the foi* lowing "guests being invited: Misses Lih, I.ois and Etta John son, Beatrice and Nell Lance; Inez and Rubv Dunn, and Mrs. Julia Ben son; Blake McCall, Frank MeCa.l Ii Lester and Stradley Morns, Reynolds McGaha, Everett Patter son. H mer Clarke was a business visi tor to Cullcwhee Monday. Flovie, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gant, is reported very ill at the home of her parents. Belan Davis and Miss Dixie Davis were business visitors to Asheville Saturday. A. M. Paxton Jr., Miss Marls Moore, Tom Stroup and Miss Ruth Morgan were Asheville visitors Sat urday. R. I.. Hogsed and son Austin were business visitors to Asheville Mon da; . - ... Ed Harbin and son Ted, Paul W! : c and Wilfod Galloway were . busines- visitors to Asheville Mon day. Mrs Mae Recce of Asheville spent Sunday as guest of Mrs. C. J. EI dridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and children of Asheville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White. Mrs. Robinson was before her mar ,:age Miss Lcla Besse Sloan, sister of Mrs. White. M. E. Summcy of Central, S. C., \\a- a business vl -i.or to Rosman the first of the v. k. Mr. ami Mrs. L II. Powell were ill:.,its 1* guests of ]U and Mrs. Fields 1' v.-. 11 Sunday. The occasion was bii .- 'iay anniversary cf Mr. Powell. . "and Mrs. Eddie Towns and ; ‘er Juanita, spent Saturday i .. - in Brevard as guests of Mr. end Mrs. ’ James Passmore. •■v.mndma” Rogers, who is visit ir- at the home of her son, A. D Rogers, has been quite ill but is inv p. ruing. Mr. and Mrs. James Passmore ami baby of Brevard were visitors at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Touts Tuesday night. Rev. J. N. Hall was a visitor al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitl Gillespie in Hendersonville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C >y Whitmire spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Love. LOST MY BEST CUSTOMERS THRU RATS WRITES J. ADAMS OF 427 MAIN St. TRENTON. N. J. Used to have the busiest Restaurant in town until news -nicul that the khehen was infested with rats. Lost a dot of my be customers until l tried best-ve:. Haven’t a pest m the p ace now All Restaurants should e.se BEST-YET its the new Red S(,ui'll „0wder that if put around in dark places will cause rats ! (^'disappear.1 Con.es in twos,,, to, size for the home 50c, G oz. size for the farm 75c. Sold and guaranteed by B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. PHONE 66 BREVARD, N. C. -MMHMUKnaBBnHBnHHn )******* ffW^T'PVTTTVVVTVVVTr it, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and I children, Mrs. I,ee R. Fisher, Mips [Belle Fisher, Wash Fisher, >Jimmy , Baits, Wilfred Galloway and daugh ters, Wanda and Augusta and Ted , i Harbin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway, Jr. ( Messrs Fall and Harold, well dril . lent with the state highway copunis Ision are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr, while they !are drilling a well for the state prison camp. , George Williams and Ralph El (1 ridge students of Weaver college, Wtaverville, spent the week-end as rucsts of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. El dr idge. Bill McGinns and daughter Oths Reeves of Gastonia were visitors at., the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.! Moot'e Saturday. They were ac-j compnnied home by Mrs. Moore who! will spend several days visiting her daughter Mrs. McGinns in Gastonia. | Mrs. J. S. Wilds, who underwent : an operation at Lyday Memorial j hospital in Brevard Friday >s ve I covering as well aa could be expect-1 ed. Mrs. A. J. Manly, Misses Rosa and ' Knima Jano McLean and Bert Mc-| Ltan were shopping in Asheville, Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Morgan; and daughters Misses Ruth' and Mary j i and son Harry were visitors at the .'home of Mr. and Mr?. Gaston Whit-j imire Sunday. Mrs. Gus King and children of the East Fork seotion spent Satur day night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Parsons. mmmmm Mr. family have moved to Pisgah For est. Chas. Nesbit was the guest Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. R. V'. Duncan. 1 Miss Belle Reed of Candler spent the v.-eek-end at hoi- home here. 1 Frank Drake spent a few .lays with friends here last week. ) Misj Sarah Nesbit spent Sunday •with Mrs. W. K, Duncan. Pink Fletcher, who har been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus, expected to re turn to Charlotte Saturday. , Claude Rickman was the Sunday guest of Raymond Reed. Lee Moody visited his son John Moody at Holly Springs last week, Turley Justus has built a new barn. ! Mrs. A. C. Rickman and children visited her father, J. E. Powell. Sun day. 1 There were preaching service? at Blentyre last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Especially good sermons were heard and appreciated. i Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Duncan and little daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Li\ther Hamilton of Little River the past week. Little Jewel Reed is able to be in school again after being iil the past week. ' | -.- 1 Polk county farmers who grew lespedeza this past summer are so pleased with results that a shortage r-f Beed is expected in the county this winter. Catwaba wheat growers who signed adjustment contracts are new receiving rental payments from j the Agricultural Adjustment Ad-1 ministration. 2 Drink full «lau of wife e Repeat treetncnt in hour*. 3 If throat te ion. crush « and dissolve a Baysr Aspirin Vablets in ■ halt gloss of wrier and gargle ac cording to directions In box. Almost instant Relief in this Way The simple method pictured abov is tae way doctors throughout th< world now treat colds. It is recognized ts the QUICK EST, safest, surest way to treat; coid. For it sill check an ordinary co'd almost as / Ask your doctor about ibis. And when you buy, see (bat you get the re a! BAYER Aspirin Tablet*, ! They dissolve almost instantly. And thus work almost instantly when you take them. And for a gargle, Genuine BAYER Aspirin Tablets dissolve so completely they leave no irritating par-Kj&o tides. Get a box or 19. ELECTRIC TOASTERS $3.50 ... WAFFLE IRON HEATING PADS $3.50 ■ ELECTRIC IRONS $3.50 • ■■■ THE MIXMASTER Universal Vacuum Cleaner _......i ELECTRIC HOT PLATE $4 to $8.75 Southern Public Utilities Company Night Phone 16 Main St. Brevard, N. C. Day Phone 116 Tune In On Our Radio Program~WBT 9:15 a.m. Wednesday