QUEBEC NEWS l Lucille.. Henderson) Mrs. Hinkle Bcwie spent Wed nesday night with Miss Lillian Dod i in. GarlHrtd Jones, wiio has been : [.ending several days with relative* . i this community, returned to his ; 'me av Etowah last Friday. Rebecca, Betty Gear, and Tommy Smith spent one right last week with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. limner McCall. Robert Fisher was a caller at the home pc Jule Anders Inst Saturday. Miss Aima Chapped -spent 'lues day night with Mrs. Cad Whitrnure. Claude Owen spent Wednesday night with Medford Chapman. Miss Gu-sic Whitmire visited Miss Rebecca Smith on Monday afternoon of >n»i week. James Henderson spent one night last week with Roy Robinson. Mr and Mrs Willie Reid were visi tors in Kosman on Wednesday of last "\mi- Inez McCall and daughter Molly celled on Mrs. M. O. McCall one day last week. K. K. Miller was a business sailer at the home of C. A Brooks last Friday afternoon. James Henderson and Cecil Rob ins, n were visitors in Selina last Su ’ay afternoon. i s Carrie Owen was a guest in the me of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ov of Lake Torn way several days Iasi . eek. end Mrs. ClauUe bimpson ami their son Jack spent the weeh cn,! at their “summer home” here. Mrs. Rufus Owen and daughter Junit called oil Mis. Ddpha McCull last Thursday. i iK.nin Rant nor spent Wednesday tiighi with John Robinson. Mi- Myitc Lee Fisher and Vu' uie Ti nas spent Sunday night with Mrs. Ol II Fisher. p.iul Ki ller and Ocar Henderson wei i l:<' Toxaway visitors on bat urd.v f last week. ! nie Banther spent Wednesday nltrV >vitih Millie Fisher. \; |.ena Loving was a Brevard vi-ii. I .st Friday. y s .!; :t McCall called os f, f i i: in Gloucester one day Iasi "1R. r. Fisher, Jr., visited his ...aii..ii'.-ilvr Gideon Miller, on Mon day of last week. Claude Owen called on Prof. M. |>. llM-din one day last week. Medfotd Chapman spent Sunday utu*i m>< n with M. 0 .McCall. Jr. John Robinson and son Mack spent a wiuK Sunday with Henry Chap* Mi . Henry Alexander and Mrs. We“t Reid were visitors in toe h, me of Mr-. Cecil Whitmire Mon day of lust week. d . . I | 1 Jorefta M-uAe* day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mi- C. W. Henderson. Anliur Mulinax of Easley spent Surdav with Harold Reid. Viigil McCall spent Sunday witn Rov Robins' ll. (hodun Hardin i- spending some time wish hh> father, Prct M. D. Hal dill, who has be n seriously nl but i- now convalescing; Mrs B. T. Whitmire called on ill's ,\\, i • Reid Friday afternoon. M, ;■ pil Mrs. Homer McCall anJ *oii, dames, Brodus and Homer Nel son ip in Saturday night with Mr. and \li ;. Anderson Smith. Opal Itodgin spent Saturday mghi with bor aunt Mrs, Bill Fisher ol Lain- T xaway. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire visited Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall Saturday evening. Mi*-c- Alva Fisher and Lora Belli Mill, i visited Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller on Wednesday of last week Mi Clarence Owen and baby Josephine of Lake Toxaway spent Tu,-do ' with Mrs. Rufus Ow-cn. ju,„ii McCall mad-' a business trip to Jai l -> n county V esday of last O-cai Whitmire r Odell Fisher *l> ut la<t Sunday i” ' i Icy. \ Mildred McCall Tuesday CARBON PAPER—t! kind that !ast> ami refuses to • ut all over 111 - offwhen handled .at less limn yon pay for cheap grades, lhc Time' ' ffice. NOTICE OF 1 LYD SALE IJ'i TRl STEF. B.\ virtue of the power given in ;l cutain deed of trust executed by A. I. McCrary and wife Nancy Mc Crary to the undersigned trustee to secure certain ind-lltcdncss mention (l therein which deed of trust is dated 20 day cf March 1933 aud registered in book 28 at page 231 of deed' of trust records of Tran sylvania County and said indebted ness mentioned having !> c one due and default having been made in the payment and the notice as required in‘said deed cf trust having been given to the makers of-said note and deed of trust to make good the pay ment and default nut having been made good and the holder cf said note having demanded that th ? lands described in said deed of trust be -old to satisfy the said indebtedness and the cost of sale. I will sell to the highest bidder for oash at the court house door in the town of Brevard N. C., on FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1933 at 12 o’clock M. all that land de ,-eribed in a deed from Lmh Mc Crary to A. I- McCrary and wife Nancy McOrarv by deed detod the 211 day of May 1921, containing 6o acres amt fcing all of lots N°3 2 3 and 4 of the division of the R. E. ilun" estate, recorded in the of fice of the register of dedds for Transylvania County in Book 44 a; page 91 of the deed records for said County to which record reference is herebv made fur a full and complet description of th land hereby con-j This 20 day of Nov. 1933. T. C. GALLOWAY Trust?? .. Nov, 23 -30 Dec 7 -14—21 night of last week with Mrs. Leroy McCall. Mrs. Lesa Loving hfui a "wood ihcpping" on. Thursday of last week. Abe tit thirty people were present, • md enough fire wood and stove ■ wood was cut to last her during the ,winter. • Little Jauicc Whitmire is on the • ick list this week. 1 John Rent assisted his son Mock n killing a fine hog last Thursduy j ’ corning. i Mrs. Elbert Whitmire called o.» j 1 Mrs. Clyde McCall Saturday after-1 -eon. \ Miss Beulah Reid spent Sunday •j vith Mrs. M. O. McCall. Mrs. Dillie Fisher gave her daugh-1 I ere. Dorene, a birth day party lur.t '1 ; unday celebrating her twelfth 1 irthday. Those present were Vear j| eary Fisher, Irene Owen,: Virgie i I'homas, Myrtle Fisher, M. C. . ' isber. Jim, the faithful liorse of Henry ' ?hapman, died Saturday night be-! we n 12 and 4 o’clock nnd was I buried “up in the field’’ Sunday o: rning. r Rev. J. E. Burt filled his regular I ppointment at Oak Grove Bap | tist church iast Sunday morning. . I nis? -sermon was an inspiring one on ,, the Conception and Birth of Jesus, I I Messrs T. E. Brown and Floyd] ’ Brown spent Saturday visiting ( Tiond- and relatives in Jackson j , -minty. ' | Several folks from Balsam Grovei • iicere in Brevard Saturday' on bjst 'OSS. ( Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McCall and r! ihildiah spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Arch Galloway and family Mre. Henson McCall called on . i -I---. Doc McCall recently. I Cbailie Buckner went, to Hcnder ,! inv.lie cue day last week on l)Usi . i ness. Miss Ruth Morgan, who is teaeh r! 'ng -ehcol here'spent the week-end , vi’th lum parents. Mr. and Mrs. I j'umk' Morgan at Cherryfield. Raymond Hog sod-and son Lesley., i! called at the homo-of Harry McCall jin-day morning. Miss Viola Galloway, who has s on employed at Mills River, re .1 turned home to spend some time l-iith her patents, Mr. and Mrs Fillmore Galloway of this place. Raymond Hc.gseed of the Macc • dooia section was Sunday dinner ; guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Me t: Call. . i Alr.ey McCall called on Mr. and I Mis. Doc McCall of this place Sun ■ lay. j Mrs. Frank Morgan visited Mrs. \u-h Galloway Sunday afternoon, j Clarence Galloway, who is employ* t (1 in the CCC camp in Tennessee j spent a few days last week with his | mother Mrs. R P. Galloway, t OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) j Being absent last week a good pare of the tirtie kept nu from getthtg very much news pertaining to our community affairs, so would like to use our space to express our opinion. There were several things in our paper last week that we heartily en dorsed, especially what our editor said ub-’lit the citizens having to co operate with the officers if we hope to nut down lawlessness. We think also* it Wohld be well for the citizens of Brevard to wake up and take the k ad and then maybe their country neighbors would have courage tc follow. We were talking with a man' recently from Jackson county who jives to point out the shortcomings of the church and Sunday school work. He said lots of the so-called Christians used the church and Sun day school to carry en their boot legging trade. He said he met a man on his wav from Sunday school and asked him if be knew where he could get a gallon. The man told him if he had stopped at his Infuse and asked his wife she would have bt him have it. but he hftd a pint in iiis pocket if that would do him any good. He did net say whether he got the pint or not but l guess he did. The same man said another fel low who testified in an experience meeting had a pint in h’s uvorccat pocket, mid as "oon as they got out f the church he took him around the corner and gave him a drink. Both men were church members, Can oiu wonder that sinners can’t see any good in church membership. We greotv enjoyed C. W. Hen derson’s letter in last week’s paper. It expressed our sentiment much bet ter than we could have done it. We ue proud to be a citizen of North Carolina, even if we are cursed with the blockader and bootlegger, am. we will be cursed with them as long as folks buy and drink the stuff. We are actually sorry for any one who is cursed with a desire to drink. Tin- little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey- Bryson was badly burn td a few dais ago. Wo are glad to rAji-Vt she -is getting better. • Mr?. W. W. Reid was painfully hurt recently and came near develop ing blood poisoning, she said, but ir almost .well again. Miss Rvon Sanders, who has <n. ployment in Brevard, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Alexander of Cashiers and Mrs. Henry Alexander of Crimshaw were calling oft frienils here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodfin Miller an.l son Charles and little daughter Mar tha Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Revis and Mrs. S. F,. Alexander visited Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Reid Sunday. W. W. Reid called Sunday after noon on his father ar.d sister, T. B. PLEASANT GROVE (By w- ft Gray> Mrs. J. H. Drake and son Aido-i \Vcre Hendersonville visiters " Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orr of Hendci sonville visited W. H. Gray Sunday afternoon. Mrs.'Richard Hamilton has re turned home from Stanley, bring ing her daughter and granddaugh ter e with her to spend Christmas. Rev. "E. Cl. Blythe had as his din ner guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E, Gray and Mr?. Tom. Cantrell.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs. Charlie Orr and son, Veu, and wife attended church here Sun day. Fred Talley of Penrose was If Pleasant Grove section Sunday. C S. Gray was in Hendersonville Monday of last weeek, trade day, but he said trading was the dullest h' had seen nn any trade day. Hog killing is the gc in Pleasant Grove now. Those who did not kit last week will fininsh the job thif week and all be ready for Christina'-, Dewey Hamilton made a businesf trip to Hendersonville Saturday. Our roads aie in fine shape now but Lee Hamilton says when they am wet and slick yoj can slide intc the side ditch for he tried that Sun day afternoon. Our former pastor. Rev. t. C Holt/claw will preach at Pleasant Grove next Sunday. Allen Woodfin of Boylston was u pleasant Grove Sunday. Catherine On spent Sunday after noon with Ethel Gray. Lyda Baynard of Blantyve was )r our section Friday. Reid and Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. Otto Alexander cf Brevard cailei on Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid Sunday afternoon. , „ ,, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall an, Mrs E. A. Reid were Sunday visitor! of Miss Alberta Burgess, who ii slightly improved, 'understand. It was announced Sunday that Rev Clyde McCall would preach el Lake Toxuway Baptist church no* Sunday, December i". Let’s giro bin a large congregation. lie is suppose to bring some special singers witr him. CARD OF THAXKS We wish to take this method o expr. srihg our many thanks to oui friends and neighbors for their act cf kindness and sympathy shown u: during the illness and death of oil' dear babv and brother. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Owen and family. Where Caswell County tabacci growers used the fertilizer mixture; recommended by the Extension Ser vice this past year, an increase it value cf about $50 an acre has beet secured, reports the county agent. Not so long ago practically all cigarettes were made by hand Now, Chesterfields are made by high-speed machines that turn out 750 cigarettes a minute, and the cigarettes are practically not touched by hand. T>Y the use of long steel ovens —drying machines of the most modern type—and by age ing the leaf tobacco for 30 months - like wine is aged— Chesterfield tobacco is milder and tastes better. Only pure cigarette paper— the best made—is used for Chester field. . ■ r And to make sure that every thing that goes into Cltesterfield is just right, expert cherilisfs test all materilds that are used in any way in the manufacture. Chesterfields are made and packed in clean, up-to-date fac tories, where the air is changed every 4Va minutes. The mois ture-proof package, wrapped in Du Pout’s No. 300 Cellophane —the best made—reaches you just as if you went by the fac tory door. In a letter to us, an emi nent scientist says: "Chesterfield Cigarettes are just as pure as the water you drink. ” mr Mmsy M Sto* e of Now is the time to t>uy for Christina-' . wiil find this store well equipped to servo you well whether it ha. toys for the children . ..or Et-tiiC practical, useful grift for the home. are a fow: Skates SlfJs (Flexible Flyer) Flexy Hacer Dolls Doll Busies Coaster Wagons Too* Chests Electric Toasters Shot Guns (ell guagea) Rifles (all calibres)T]; i Pocket Knives Hunting Knives Silverware N Electric Percolators Electric Waffle Irons 3 And ninny other useful mid practiced gift*... .Came \n Green's Ottis Green Hdw. Co. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ' il. W. Pack Square — Phone 1353 — Asheville Let Us Do Your JOB Printing POLL TAX STREET TAX NOV/ DUE . These item* of Town of Brevard Tax have been separated from the regular tax Collectors office, and I have been designated to collect the Pbll and Street Tax. Poll tax is $2 for each male person Sin BrevArd over 21 years and under 50—Street Tax over 21 and under 45 .. 'M, ‘ ?'Vt, ij&fi ■ Unless paid immediately I will Ixp .fprqtsd to levy on personal property and garnishee Wages, which will be embarrassing to both the tax pa^er and myself. Please see me at once about this matter. vThank you. B. H. FREEMAN, Chief Police TOWN OF BREVARD, N. C. - ■ - I -HP^ v-i ^

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