*>V❖ VV^VvvVVVV^^Vv VVVVTV .-tvtwv, • • • • ' - News of the Week from Rosman MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent | Misses Beatrice Sisk and Ruth | Burt who attended school at W. C iT. C. Cullowhee, last week return Ged home Saturday afternoon. j1 Robert Leathers of CCC camp ' at Barnardsville will arrive Thurs [ day to spend Christmas with his [ parents Mr and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. : Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns and baby and Mr. and Mrs. A .D. [ Rogers accompanied Mrs. Emma . Rogers, mother of Mr. Rogers, to her home near Salem, the iatter ! part of the week. Mrs. Maggie Patterson, John Pat terson and G. Elbertson of Salem, pent several days last week as gue>ts of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rog ers. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stover, Misses Maxie and Hazel Moore and Avery /Moore were visitors to CCC camp in the Gloucester section Sunday. Miss Eula Mae Morris was a din ner guest of Miss Mary Waidrop at Cherry field Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Freeman Wright end sen Earl of Mars Hill will ar 11 ivo Tuesday to spend Christmas /holidays as guests of Mr. and Mrs. i E. D. Gillespie near Brevard, j Clifford Gillespie visited friends at Lake Toxaway Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Green visited Mrs. M. G. Duncan Sunday. M iss Lula Manly, who is em ! ployed in Brevard spent the past | week at the home of her parents . Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manly | Miss Ethel Manly, Miss Rosa McLean, Effie Owen and Pauline J Moore and Bert McLean were shop ping in Brevard Saturday. E. A. Glazener and W. T. Whit mire were Sunday guests of Mr. anj Mrs. J. W. Glazener. ' Mrs. M. N. Raines left Sunday for Walhalla, to spend Christmas vaca tion with her sister Mrs. C. Miles and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mickler Lusk and daughter Nelle Jean visited rela-, tives at Six Mile, Tuesday Mrs. Thomas Morrison, and Mi*? Mary Petit were shopping in Bre-j vard Monday. Miss Beatrce Sisk and Miss Olga I i Fcrtenbervy were shopping in Hen*. Idersonville Monday night. | Mrs. A. J. Manly and Mrs. J. E. , Burt were Sunday guests of Mr.' (and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. Miss Roma Oglesby of Greenville, is spending Christmas holidays as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Coy WhiG mire. !_ Martin County sweet potato growers have 65,000 bushels of cured, sweets in storage for sale this win ter and next spring. Dewitt Gillespie of HenJerson villo spent Sunday night as guest of Rev. J. N. Hall and mother Mrs. Elizabeth Hall. Mrs. Charlie Gravely of the East Fork section visited Mrs Elizabeth Hail Friday. Miss Elizabeth Sitton, and Miss Nelson of Brevard were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI Bryson Wednesday night. Miss Ruth Bryson of Selice, spent a couple of days last week as guest of her aunt Mrs. Al Bryson. Misses Irene Pharr, La Verne Whitmire, and Elsie White students of W. C. T. C., arriveed home Wed-j nedsay to spend Christmas holidays j with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs.W. L. Harmon, Mrs. 1,. V. Sigmon and Mrs. W. R, Lewis wore shenping in Asheville Monday. Mr-. John Jackson of Knka spent the week-end with her parents Mr.; and Mrs. N S. Galloway. Mrs. L. M. Glazener is quite ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. A.; M. Paxton. Mrs. Wade Gurren and daughter Miss Dora and son Forrest, of A-hivillc were visitors of Mrs. L.1 M. Glazener at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. A. M. Paxton Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. Jack Fisher ant children. Miss Belie Fisher and L. R. Fisher were visitors to Six Mile S. C.. Sunday. J. W. Glazener of Granite Fulls, spent the week-end with his family here. A. M. White Jr. was or dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. *V. Glazener Sunday. Mrs. J. Z. Stroup and son lorn; were visitors to Hendersonville and; East. Flat Rock Sunday. D. I.. Glazener of Walletts spent tho week-end with his family here. Miss Louise Glazener, a student of Asheville Normal will arrive home tlie latter part of the week to spend Christinas vacation with, her patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. fluvrniM ' Miss Frances Henderson an"( .James Buister of Ware Shoals. S.. C„ Miss Bernice Henderson of Bre vard were week-end guests of Mr.l and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral at,, and Mrs. 1). L. Giazener and; daughter Ruby and sons Charles; and Thomas were shopping in Bre vard Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stover and. daughter Guyma wore guests ol Mrs. D. L. English Thursday. | “Aunt Catherine” Lyday, who has bten verv ill is slightly improved | Mrs A. D. Rogers and daughter [ ivirs. Eddie Towns visited Mrs. E , *1). Randolph Sunday. ! Mr and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral spent; Sunday at Spartanburg visiting^ *'Von'White of Gastonia arrived! Saturday to spend Christmas hole) da vs with his family here. • Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bales and son Jimmy and daughter Jean and Miss Bell Fisher were shopping <" Asheville Friday . Miss Favo Giazener. who is teach ing in South Carolina will arrive, the latter part of the week to spend Christmas holidays with her parent, j Mr and Mrs E A Giazener , Mr1- Cov Whitmire, Miss Ethel. Whitmire. Ralph Whitmire and: Craig Whitmire were business visi-| tors to Greenville Thursday. Mrs Craig Whitmire and daughter Nelle accompanied the party to Easley visiting hi r brother L. M. Bauk ” g\Ir. and Mrs. Oliver Galloway and children visited relatives in Gloucester Sunday. .. .. . Glenn Galloway visited Houaid Galloway in Gloucester Sunaay. masonic meeting FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 O’CLOCK All members are urged to he present C. K. Osborne, W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. ---- ■ ■ -1 J Why Liquid Laxatives are Back in Favor — The public is fust returning to the use of liquid laxatives. People have learned that the properly prepared liquid laxative will bring a perfect movement without any discomfort at the time, or after. The dose of a liquid laxative can be varied to suit the needs of the individual. The action can thus be regulated. A child is easily given the right dose. And mild liquid laxatives do not irritate the kidneys. Doctors are generally agreed that senna is the best laxative for every body. Senna is a natural laxative It does not drain the system like the cathartics that leave you so thirsty. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a liquid laxative which relies on senna for its laxative action It has the average person’s bowels 33 regular as clockwork in a few weeks' time. You can always get Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin at any drugstore, ready for use. Member N. R. A. CHRISTMAS TREE PROGRAM SATURDAY [ A Christmas tree program will b< given at Zion Baptist church Sat urday night at 7:30 o’clock by th< Sunday School assisted by the B. Y P. U. members. Committee ir charge are Misges Emma Jane Mc Lean, Pauline Leathers. Emma Lee Gallowty. Each of the Sunday School classes will take part on the pro gram. Members of the Card class, Mrs. V. Winchester, teacher, who will take part are — John Smith, ocen:; Santa’s Helpers by six boys; 'htistmas Dells by the girls; Nell lean Lusk, poem The Junior class with Mrs. J. B. Rogers as teacher, will give the allowing — Inez Summey, poem; Ruth Lewis and Eva Israel, song; Ksta Honeycutt, reading; song by the class; Albert Israel, poem. Intermediate class, Miss Pauline Leathers, teacher, will give the fol lowing—“Christmas Dream,” with the following taking part: Ella Mae Collins, Helen Summey, Hilda Gal lowav, Howard Recce. Victor Sig n.cn, J. E. Burt, J. L. Nicholson, Clyde Rice. Song by the class. Christmas carols will be sung by th? B. Y, P. U. with a large group of the young people taking part. A special, invitation to ail the oeople of the community is extended In- the committee in charge. LOCKMA N-STE \\ A R T Mr. nd Mrs. John S. Lockman announce the marriage of theH daughter Thelma to Mr. Bannie D. Stewart j Thursday, the thirtieth of November Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-three Washington, D. C. at Home Georgetown. S. C January 4, 1934. Mrs Stewart is a grandmee on Mrs L M. Glazener of Bosnian! a mi has visited here a number of times. Her home is Lockhart, S. ta. j MISS MYRTLE RAINS IS TU \ BRIDE OF HOWARD VOLRATH I A prettv home wedding watsj solemized Saturday afternoon at four o’clock when Miss Myrtle Rains, Ides-t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S'. Rains became the bride of Mr.j Howard Volrath, with Rev. J. E.| Burt officiating. Mrs. Volrath received her educa tion in the Rosman schools while] I he groom is originally from South, Carolina having been employed by] the Toxsway Tanning Co. here lor several months. After the wedding ceremony the parents of the bride served a wed ling supper to a large number of relatives and friends immediately following which the newlyweds left for a brief wedding trip to the for mer home of the groom in Walhalla. South Carolina. MISS ROGERS CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rogers enter tained with a party at their homo' near the school building Tuesday af ternoon, honoring their eldest daugh ter, Myrtle, upon her eleventh birth lav anniversary. Games were played and refresh ments cf candy, cake and hot choco late were served. Guests present for the occasion] were: Myrtle Rogers, Ruth Rice, Ruth Lewis Boice White, A P. Bell. Jr.. Velma Lewis, Elizabeth Whitmire, Henry Whitmire, Marga ret Hope Burt, Joe Burt, Wilda Reece, Hazel and t irgil Barrett, Juanita Towns, and Reba Rogers. ROSMAN METHODISTS TO HAVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A Christmas tree program will be held at Rosman Methodist church Christmas eve at 7:30 o’clock. The program is being drected bv Miss Maggie Belle Green and Miss Elizabeth White, and is being given jointly by the Epworth league and the Sunday School department. * r tm: TT..~o^«r, V»ac Vioon »U l LIU quite ill for several weeks remains :n about the same condition. Ralph Eldridge, a student of Weaver college, arived home Satur day to spend Christmas holidays with his parents, P. v. and Mrs. J. C. Eldridge. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woodard and children were Sunday guests of Mrs. Woodard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid at Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edney and baby were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gant. Mrs. J. S. Wilds, who underwent a very serious operation at Lyday Memorial hospital in Brevard is re covering nicelv and expects to re turn tr her home here the latter part of the week. Mrs. Charlotte Chapman Linsey, whc underwent an operation at Ly day Memorial hospital last week if recovering nicely. Miss Josephine Mull cf Brevarc spent Monday as guest of Miss Ella Mae Collins. Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Winchester i and sons. B. H. and Stanley, were Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mrs. J ! W. Wine hosier at Piemens. ! Mrs. W. II. Edens visited hei daughter Mrs. John Kilpatrick, ir Brevard Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis anc laughter Ruth and Velma visitec relatives at Joeassee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eastep 01 Franklin, have taken rooms at th< home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. While Mr. Eastep is Connected with th* R. B. Tyler Company. Mr. and Mrs. Flvn Allen anc Mrs. Allen of Hendersonville. wen •hiper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A M. Paxton Sunday. " PLEASANT GROVE ~ (By W. H. Gray) Rev'. J. F. Scott of Little ■■ River was a Sunday guest of E. Hamilton. Rev. T. C. Hollzclaw of Hender sonville filled his appointment here Sunday. It was a good sermon, his text being, “The times toll us when shall these things be.” Pleasant Grove had many visitors ■ Sunday. Among them was Floyd | Nicholson and Mr. Adcock of Boyl ! stor.. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Orr c-f near I Brevard attended church here Sun day: ' W. H. Gray had «s his dinner guests Sunday Rev. T. C. Hcitxclaw and Rev. Mingus Hamilton of Pleas-( and Grove, Avery Justus; of Bian tyre and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orr of, Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Orr of Hen-: dersonville were Sunday guests of] E. Hamilton. i Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall of Hen- j dersonville were Sunday dinner guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. j and Mrs. W. W. Orr. Phydell Orr of Hendersonville] spent Sunday at home with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Orr. Mrs. Lee Shook of Stanley re turned home Sunday after spending a few days with her parents here Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamilton. ! Mr. and Mrs. Turley Justus of Blantyre visited the former’s sister Sunday, Mrs. E. Hamilton. Aldon Drake and Holland Talley ysitid Dewey Hamilton Sunday. Jim Morgan of Hendersonville was r4SLADE CREEK NEWS •“ The^ health of our community Eefltnt'#' be very good at this writ-, ing. Miss Lottie Eubanks of near Brevard, spent the past week-end with her cousin, Evie Reece. Mrs, J. M. Hoiden, of Penrose, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. 0. D. Recce. Bom to Mr. and Mrs, Otho Scott, a sore, on December G. Martha Albert, of Pisgah Forest,' soent Friday afternoon with Rose Wolfe. Mrs. J. A. Reece has been on the glcic list. Mrs. J. M. Holden and Lottie Eubanks, of near Brevard, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. D. W. Hollingsworth. one of Pleasant Grove’s visitors Sunday. j E. Hamilton was Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch of Pen-j rose were Pleasant Grove visitors Sunday. Walter Banks of Mt. Underwood was in our section Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Justus visited] the former’s sister at Little River Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Scott. 0. W. Sen tell of Mt. Underwood and 0. S. Gray of Urn place are putting up a grist mill in Pleasant Grove. | Miss Daisy and Marjorie Hamil- . ton visited Mrs. Clarence Wright Sunday. - to “Avoid Colds” . . . drink Build up “physical resistance’— your Health-by drinking Sunny side pure Milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. [ Merry Christmas 1 Baai1 l To All Our Customers and Friends f The year 1933 ha3 been a very pleasant one for us-we have enjoyed our dealings f with you, and trust that we shall have the pleasure of your continued patronage. \ SUNNYSIDE DAIRY jj PAUL GLAZENER WALTER GLAZENER __ _ _ _ ... ^ MERRY CHRISTMAS To .... mil. - . .... .— — -- | DURING THIS YEAR WE HAVE PAID MORE THAN $45,000 IN CASH To the People of This County for Produce, Chickens and Poultry We Buy From The Farmer His Produce It would be an “eye-opener” to some people of this section to know just how many carloads, even trainloads, of potatoes, produce, poultry and eggs that we have bought from the good farmers of Tran sylvania county. Year in and year out our place has been a. Cash Market for much that has been grown in this county, and we have shipped it to other sections, bringing in new money in somewhat larg er quantity when the sum total is considered. The farmers and poultrymen have co-operated with U3 in every good way, and we have made every effort, in turn, to bring to the farmers of this county every cent of money that could be obtained for the re-sale of their products. We Sell To The Farmer His Feed and Seed Nothing is more interesting to us than the continuous game of Agriculture. At planting time we glory in providing the proper seed that the farmer is to plant in Old Mother Earth. Tun® passes, and when the harvest days roll around we buy from the . f.rnier hss sur plus crop that grew from the Seed that he had purchased from us at planting time. Or it may be that the farmer has brought in a load of chickens tc sell to us, or a crate of eggs. If so, we think back to the time when vve sold him the proper feed to start the chicks off in their growth, or the laying mash to make them lay. Whichever it u, the interest is there, for we f eel that, we had a part in the process all the way through. THE FARMER WHO USES PURINA FEED FROM THE Cl.ECK ER BOARD BAG is the successful man or woman. HEAVY GROCERIES Handling of Heavy and Staple Groceries has become one of the most important de partments in our business. Buying grain from farmers here, shipping to other sec tions, soon resulted in giving us connections for buying Flour, etc., direct, at prices that we could, in turn, sell to the people at lower prices.' The same principle worked as to cured meats. Then we added coffee, sugar, and many ether articles4 selling at prices that appealed to those who like to save ev ery penny they can. EVERYBODY CAN SAVE MONEY By Doing the Bulk of Their Trading Here We buy in large quantities, whether it be Flour, Groceries, Feeds, Seeds, Hay, Fertilizer—and sell at prices you can afford. UP-TO-DATE CORN & FEED MILLS Ready at all times to serve you. We operate two corn mills and a Hammer Mill. The Corn Mills do custom grinding and manufacture meal to be shipped. The Hammer Mill grinds most anything, including Shelled Corn, Ear Corn, Unshuck ed Corn, Rye and other grains into feed for your stock. Give Our Mill a Trial and Be Satisfied gjsgasgwai “The Store with the Checkerboard Si At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE H and OSBORNE ra Undertakers Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phone3, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers What About Paying Up ?

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