"A SKATER WEEPS HEAITHY NERVES" Society News and Club Activities '___ \L.». HOMEMAKERS CLASS MEETS WITH MRS. L. E. BAGWELL Regular meeting of the Homo makers class of the Baptist churel * net Tuesday afternoon at the hom< i Sirs. L. E. Bagwell. The preside nr, Mrs. S. W. Raai f.ud, was in charge cf the meeting Mrs. H. E. Erwin gave the Scrip ture reading, and the opening pray or was by Mis. Paul Hartselj. Mrs. 0. S. Osbome was elected fourth vie president. It was voted to send Christmas baskets io several sick families in the community. A ■ >eal duet by Mrs. Hartsell and M-s. Erwin was much enjoyed. .. XNOUXl 'EM EX T OF A I'PROACttiNG MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Collins an ti 'unce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Leota Oneida i )lli*is. to Mr. Lonnie Howard Doughty. The ceremony will take place in Asheville, Sunday. Decem ber 24. rwo ARRIVALS ACL ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Lem Brooks an i nine.' tlic birth of a son, Robert t. , on Sunday, December 17. Mr. and .Mrs. Tom Bryson an unce the birth of a daughter, Dor i 'iiy .I.nn, on Tu sday, December i i*. Mrs B'ooks is a sister cf Mr. Brvs >n. and both babies Were born the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, ;>s Oakdale street. TUAXK& MOTHERS TOR (OOPERATIOS Members oi' the local chapter oi toe Eastern Star, wish t> thank the mi’lu t - of tin children taking part in the Tom Thumb wedding for their hearty <% operation in making a suc . sS o the recent event. The chapter members also express their appreciation to the eight lad ms of the town taking part in the weddirg dre>< review held in con necti n with tire children’s feature. And to ail others who helped in any . the evening’s entertainmenr they express their thanks. GIRL SCOUTS HAVE RECUI AH MEETISG The Girl Scouts of Troop 2 held then i* gulnr weekly meeting at the Brevard high school building Tues day afternoon. , After having formation, the differ ent patrols met in corners. Then business was discussed, and a Christ mas party planned. Games were played until time to adjourn. / —Doia Aiken, Sr out Seribt METHODIST LADIES TO HAVE CHRISTMAS SALE Ladies of the Methodist church will have a Christmas food sale Sat urday of this week at Loftis’ market on Main street. Foods of all kinds suitable for Sunday or Christmas dinner will be • oi sale, beginning’at 10 o’clock and continuing through the day. T. E L. CLASS WILL HAVE SALK SATURDAY Members of the T. E. L. class M the Baptist church will hold a Christmas food sale Saturday, De cember 2d. at the former Houston store building adjoining the R. H. Plummer store. Salads, cakes, pies, candy and other eatables will be on sale, be ginning at to o’clock. Doctors Give Creosote For Dangerous Coughs n.jin M-ar- our b»st doctors have , ... in some form ‘for . ...J,.. ...Ids and bronchitis, knowim! how . rons ii i, to let them iiang on. 'r omnldoii ivilli freosotc and six rth. c important medicinal elements, quick . " I . il'-. lively stops all coughs and color i t'vrwise might lead to serious trout' . . .vision is powerful in the treatment ti! c ldi and coughs, y.-t it is absolutely i ant and CJiy to take. V. .• i ■ an:.• ■ Creomul 1 , ‘ }c mdhey ii voir are ,. . , kir.a Creomulsion us - ccugli or cold^thut \.,.av- krtp Creomulsion on a I ioi iiistanl use, ' (uuv.) | EASTERN STAR HAS • WHITE CHRISTMAS A White Christmas was observed it the Eastern Star meeting Tuesday night, food and canned goods being placed on .he Christmas tree for I needy local families and handker | chiefs for a member of the Eastern : Star Home at Greensboro, whom the ' lecal chapter is sponsoring. ! A gift was also on the Christmas tree for each member from another member whose name war. drawn. Re fieshments wffre served during the vtr.ing. IIOBUY SIMPSON HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Bobby Simpson celebrated his 5th {birthday anniversary by entertain' ing a number cf little friends at a party Saturday aftevnoon. The home was decorate! with i Christmas bells and holly, a color ' theme of red ami green being used II hr< ughout the party. ! After playing games and the open ing of lovely gifts by the littie host, jtiie guests were invited into the din ing room which was softly lighted with colored candles. From a dec orated rable, centered with the birth [ day cake, on which were five light i d candles. refreshments were served hv Bobby’s mother Mrs. George . Simpson. Among tho-e invited were: Chai | Kent Hart sell, Perry Hamlin, Bay Simp-on, Bruce Glazener, Dovo ithy Gay Rockwood. Mary Jane Claike, Nancy Carol Kilpatrick, La lete Simpson. Ruth Osborne, Bobbie Wares, George Simpson Jr SC UPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY IS ENJOYED Mis. W. II. Duckworth gave a surprise birthday party Wednesday evening, December Id, at her home, hi noring her son, Harold, on the ceasion of his 18th birthday an i niver-ary. Enjoyable games were played dui ing the evening and refreshments served to the sixteen boys and gilds present. Those enjoying the evening wove: | Elizabeth McCoy, Rachejf Orv. Nell |and Grace Duckworth, Charlotte ! Patton, Katherine English, Willie I Kate Waters, Mabel McNeely. Ed | Hampton, Edward Clayton, Edgar Gottis. Mack Allison, Langdon Eng lish. Dick Aiken, Bob Kellar. John 1 Pickclsimer, Harold Duckworth i Mrs. George. Simpson, George Jr. ' and Bobby Simpson left Wednesday for Columbia and Patrick, S. C., where they will spend the holidays | with relatives. Harry Jones and Charles Jones '.ir., of Asheville, are spending the holidays with their grandmother, 'Mrs. A. W. Barnette. Duncan MacDougald Jr. has re turned from Princeton university to ' »Dend the Christmas vacation with : his parents. Mrs. J. L. Aiken, of Ocala, Fla , I is spending the holidays with her | mother, Mrs, Jane Allison. Miss Lena Allison has returned from W. C. T. C., Cuilowhee, to spend the Christmas vacation with her sister, Mrs. M. M. Feaster, and family. LAY SERVICE HELD j AT BAPTIST CHURCH A unique and interesting service was held at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, featuring annual enroll ment. Talks on the subject were made by several men of the church, the service proving a helpful one. A. B. Galloway spoke on the gen eral theme of enrollment, telling of the past progress made and things to be accomplished in the future. Julian A. Glazener spoke on coopera tion in enrollment, and Ralph H. Ramsey spoke on the theme of Chrstian stewardship, emphasizing the general principles of steward ship and the stewardship of money. At the prayer meeting Wednesday night, an interesting program was presented by the intermediate B. Y. Let Us Fill Your Coal Scuttles with Good, Long'Burning Coal US When you buy eoal i'rcm us you buy the most heat, the u? least ash. ami more heat units. . . . AT FAIR PRICES. Let Us Help You Have A Merry Christmas by rilling your bin with our good coal, thus insuring warmth and choir during the holidays. Give us a call, we’ll deliver promptly. Purity Products Co. PHONE 241 Tune in on WLW every Thursday night at 7:45 ^ anti hear the “Southern Blackbirds’’ CAPT. T. T. PATTON INJURED WEDNESDAY i _ I Capt. T. T. Patton Pisg-ah Forest was slightly injured Wednes day morning when the horse he was riding, swerved suddenly as he en tered a stream and threw Mr. Pat ton into the eold water Willie Jone:? was near the scene and helped Capt. Patton from the i Ivor before there was any danger 1 of drowning and rushed him tu his h me where be is resting. It is net believed that, pneumonia wili de velop despite the exposure. The only actual injury to Capt. Patton was a bruise about the forehead. Sam Gilliam KOSMAN, Dee. 20—Sam Gilliam, age 77, of Henderson county, died at hi home Friday following a brief illness, death being due to pneu monia. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at King’s cemetery in Henderson county. Surviving relatives are the widow and the following children: Mrp. Gus King'. Koaman Tom, Roy, James and Mrs. Leo Tiller of Hen derson., county; Yancey, of Virginia i and Hugh of South Carolina. CLUB ORGANIZED BY YOUNG MEN OF TOWN A long-fdt need in the immediate Brevard section, that of a club for young- men, is being filled by organi zation of the “Nite Owls," with headquarters in the large room over Smith’s Barber shop on Main street. The club is headed by Milton So lars. as president, and group of rep resentative tx>ys and young men of (the community forming the cabinet. A membership of sixteen has »I | ready been signed up, and other ap i plications are pending regular meet ting on Thursday night of this week, i The young men plan to have a [library, radio, musical instruments, ping-pong, checkers, caroms, and I other games for whiling away the long winter hours in a setting that is conducive to better friendships and ar atmosphere that is entirely young-mannish i n every respect. Rigid membership rules are _ to be enforced, judging from the by-laws f the club that have been adopted and the fines for breach of rules.I The place has been partly furnish ed by the beys, with other furnish ings expected to be placed during the week. .Mope I’ll be seein’ you all I NEVER KNEW HOW GOOD A B CIGARETTE COULD TASTE « UNTIL I CHANGED TO CAMELS " I NOTICE THEY NEVER GET A ON MV N6RVES.NO MATTER.JP NOW MANY I SMOKE. IttwL -“there ..there. Don't rub your Si eyes. It’s me. . h SANTA alright * . .alright. And f tij.lrl«d pink to ick on die SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 3:00 P. M. TO BE HELD AT COUNTY COURT HOUSE PREMIUMS TO BE GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY-Bring All Your TickeU ■ Cedar Chest, value. $32.50 Small Dining Room Server, value.$11.50 Large Dining Room Server, value.$13.00 1 Floor Lamp, value . $ 5.50 1 Floor Lamp, value. $ 6.00 1 Fireside Bench, value.$ 6.50 1 Footstool, value. ... $ 2.50 1 Footstool, value .$ 2.25 What-not, value.$ 7.50 WE take this opportunity to thank our many friends in Brevard and Transylvania County for the splendid business we have enjoyed during this sale and the past year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Weu> Year R. H.PL MER & COT Broad Street BREVARD, N. C. |, v C- -- 11 ■ - . ■ -—----‘J---== CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS MOer (jeTwi y&ur1Uw&..flUt>*r'Ure ucurjatfc rtikiiuu w tuui —even ycur wife. Whether, it’s marriage or busi-, irc-sf. patience is the first rule of success. " yyo are juugtu wnat we uo, and not by what we claim we do. Most of what (joes into the file® might better go into the waste basket.