• V. .. Local and Personal Items . . .. *• •> ^•>•>*•* Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Twiggs ar rived Friday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Twiggs’ father T. A. English at Davidson River. They aie now visiting Mr. Twiggs' parents at Spruce Pine and will leave artor the iirst of the year to spend the remainder of the winter in Honda. Mrs. AMn Owen was a business visitor in Hendersonville last week. . Mrs. J. C. C-allowey and 3on Ralph, Miss Rebu Kitchen and Donald Lee Mocre spent Saturday in Asheville. Mr?. Tom English has returned from a visit with her brother in Ulenville. Miss Elizabeth Mills and Mrs. Newt Poole motored to Asheville Monday. ,, . Turner Allison was able to leava. the Lyday Memorial hospital and has returned to his home, much im proved following his accident sev eral weeks ago. Mrs. Bert Freeman is able t > .» cut again after being quite 'll at her home for several week • Mrs. Carl McCrary saw the play “Tight Britches" in Hendersonville Saturday night. Miss Gladys English, who is em ployed in Durham, Miss Jean Eng lish, student at G. C. W. Greens boro, and Miss Elizabeth Kamscur, teacher at Angier, are spending their Christmas vacation with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English. Little Mary Frances Plummer, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plummer, has been quite ill the past week. Mrs. Boyce Walker and Mr. anJ Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr. and daughter Mrs. Fred Emmerson. of Ashev Saturday. iYirs. r rr ur^iiiuiviovn, vi --- villt*. is visiting her mother, Mn j j-;. Clayton. Mr. Emmersoo will join his wife here for the Christ* mas holiday*. Miss Eliza Henry, teacher in the Gastonia school, is home for the Christmas holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry. Mis* Dorothy Everett arrived last week from Winston-Salem, where she is attending Salem academy, to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Everett. Mrs. C. H. Easier and Mrs. Mac f.it land Shackelford, K Spartan burg, are holidays guests of their parent*, Mr. and Mis. T. E. Pat ton ji t Davidson River. Mark Orr, of Mars Hill college, Is| spending the Christmas vacation | v, it)* hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.l H. Orr. . . Miss Elizabeth Zachary, ot Salem| ei liege. Winston-Salem, is the holi-j day guest of her mother, Mrs. Beu lah Zachary. „ , .. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth, Frank and Robert Duckworth and1 Langdon English spent Tuesday in! Asheville. 1 Miss Ruth Perry returned Mon-: day from Maryville, Tenn., where i she attends Maryville college, and will spend the holidays hero with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Perry. ' NM I OF LAND SALE EY TRUSTEE By virtue of the power given in a certain deed of trust executed by I A. L. McCrary and wife Nancy Mc-( Crary to the undersigned trustee tc ( secure certain indebtedness mention d therein which deed of trust, is dated 20 day of March 1933 and registered in book 28 at page 234 of deed of trust records of Tran-1 sylvania County and said indebted- j ness mentioned having become due. and default having been made in the| pavment and the notice as required in said deed of trust having beet, given to the makers of said note and deed of trust to make good the pay ment and default not having been made good and the holder of said note having demanded that the lands described in said deed of trust be sold to satisfy the said indebtedness and the cost of sale. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard N. C., on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1933 at 12 o’clock M. all that land de scribed in a deed from Bum Mc Crary to A. L. McCrary and wife Nancy McCrary by deed dated the 23 day of May 1921, containing 6E acres and being all of lots Nos. 1— 2—3 and 4 of the division of the R. F. Hunt estate, recorded in the of fice of the register of deeds for Transylvania County in Book 44 at page 94 of the deed records for said County to which record reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of the land hereby con veyed. This 20 clay of Nov. 1933. T. C. GALLOWAY Trustee Nov, 23—30 Dec 7—14—21 Janies Lumley, of Wake Foret i college, is spending thu holidays with his untie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Orr Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Jeuks have moved from Prounrt street to the Picket-imer apartment on News Ar cade. Mrs. Eck Sims and son Lewis an 1 Mrs. Ralph Osborno were Asheville visitors. Monday. Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, daugh ter of Rad Ncholscn, is reported to be ouite ill at her home with pneu monia. Miss Celia Shuford was a Hendei • sonviile visitor Monday. Mist Eloise Lewis, teacher in the Tartoro city schools has arrived to spend the holidays here with her n • :her, Mrs. Ella Lewis. Mis. Verne Clement expects to leave Sunday to spend Christmas with her mother at Erwin, Term. Mrs. Joe Neely and Mrs. J. L. Salts were visitors in Greenville on Monday. , , , . , Misses Edna and Josephine Dick ey, of Johnson City, Tenn., will be Christmas guests of Mr. und Mrs. r. W. Jenks during the holidays. Miss Mary Louise Croushorn. stu dent at Weslvan college, Macon, Ga., is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn. Miss Eliza Nicholson, who has been in New York for some time, is in Brevard for the holidays with her father. Rad Nicholson 11. V. Smcdbevg returned Thurs day from Summit, N. J., where he was called several weeks ago on ac count cf the illness and death of his brother last week. Mrs. Beulah Zachary has return ed from an extended visit with her brother, L. B. Houston, and family in Greenville, S. C. Mrs. W. P. Raines returned last week frem Charleston, S. C., where sh-> underwent a major operation four weeks ago, and is now recuper ating nicely. , Miss Carrie McNeely, a teacher in the Hot Springs school, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mc N Mr.’ and Mrs. 0. Duclos and little daughter, Betty Jean, and Richard Enlo-\ were Asheville visitors Sat urday. ., , 1MISM'S n iiiuicu - Ruth Piekelsimer, students of Woav er college arrived last week to spend their two weeks’ vacation here with their parents. Mrs. A. B. Owen has taken th. p. ’itii n with the liquidating agency of the Brevard Banking company, left vacant by the transfer of Miss I auna Clavton to Rutherfordton. I.awrer.d Williams is spending a few days this week with his sister, Mbs Ethel Williams, in Goldsboro. The two will return the latter part of the week to spend the Christmas vacation with their parents. Rev. and Mrs. James M. Justice, of Hendersonville, were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gallo way. The Rev. Mr. Justice is a cousin of Mrs. Galloway. INTERESTING PROGRAM AT MAT HAT ASIAN CLUB An interesting i i rram on music composers of the I'it I, i 'he !9th century featured the m cuI.h meeting of the Mathatasian club held Thurs day afternoon at the home 01 Mm. Harold Norwood, who was hostess and program leadu- also. Mrs. Norwood'gave sketches 01 the life end works of outstanding composers of that time. Adding to the enjoyment and enlightenment of the program was the playing of several musical selections by Miss Lillian Jenkins and Prof. Alvin Moore, illustrating Mrs. Norwood’s discussion. In addition to the members present was one guest, Mrs. T. A. Berg. Routine business was in charge of the president, Mrs. Pat-Kimzey. The meeting adjourned until the second Thursday in January after delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. • » i if Anmncift in/vo. utyui iii. TO FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. Mrs. Cordia King was hostess to the Fortnightly club Thursday aft ernoon at the regular meeting, and also presided over the routine busi ness, as president of the club. Arrangements were made for the sale of Christmas seals by the differ ent members. It was voted to pur chase a book, “Birds of the South." which the club members would rea l and study during the year and do nate the book at the end of the year tr the Brevard high school library. The program of the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. L. K. Ratchford, who gave an interesting discussion FURS WANTED The oldest established fur buyer in this county wishes to announce that Fur Prices Have Advanced Joe Bryson wil! be at the A&P Stove each Saturday morning, = representing me—I will be at the store or. Saturday afternoons. I Furs may be left at the store anytime, with name on same. Check I will be mailed promptly. There will be someone at my rcFidenca day or night to give TOP PRICES FOR FURS L. Pc WILSON, Brevard. of travels in France, emphasizing in particular the annua! carnival ir N ice. Refreshments and decorations wen suggestive c-f the Christmas reason M;? King was assisted in entertain ing by Mrs. Z. \V. Nichols. 1 WEDDING DRESS REVIEW IS. UNIQUE AFFAIR. A wedding dress review, spon-oi ! id by the Eastern Star and held in . o', lection with 'he recent Tom Thumb wedding proved a highly en joyable and unique affair, featuring wadding dresses of long ugo as well ss (hose of more recent years. Six joung matrons of the town and two your.g girls formed the re view. wearing their cwn wedding unwn or ihosc of family connection* of former generations. Those taking pait in the review and the gown-, worn were: . Mrs. J. M. Allison, wearing the wedding dress if her grandmother in 1864, hand embroidered by a French nun of Charleston, S. C„ and the wedding veil of her great grand mother in 1829. , Mrs. Harry Clarke, wearing the wedding gown oi r. 1. daughter in 1834. Elizabeth Allison, wearing n dress worn by Mrs. W. E. Broese before the latter was 18 years old. Mrs. Ashe Macfie, wearing the wedding dress of Mrs. S. M. Macfie. Mrs. Goode Loftis .wearing the wedding gown of her mother and also her own wedding dress. Miss Mabel McNeely, the wedding dress of Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer. 'Mrs. Harry Sellers, wearing the wedding dress of her mother, Mrs. R. S. Pearce, and also her own wed ding dress. Mrs. Anthony Trantham, wearing her own wedding dress when married at her home in Oklahoma City in 1332 ERROR IS CORRECTED. An error in last week’s paper, is herewith corrected. Directors of the Tom Thumb Wedding were Miss Bill Aiken, Mrs. j. E. Rufty and Mrs. George Simp son. The music was ir. charge of Miss Eva Call. MISS BARNETTE HONORED AT TRAINING SCHOOL . At the week’s training school ni adult education held last week at Cullowbee, Miss Myrtle Barnette, one of Transylvania county’s repre sentatives in attendance, was given two official connections with the n c w 1 y organized association of teachers. , ,, . , Miss Barnette was named official representative of the Transylvania county delegation, and also was mad.* chan mat of the executive membet ship committee. Others from this county who took this special training course in the adult education movement at Cul lowhee last week were Rev. E. R. PISGAH FOREST NEWS ♦ A large crowd of ir„t;rested pi lrons attended the Christina pro-, gram presented at the local schot 1 Friday afternern, when the blow ing program was presented: Poem:) lend stories by the Primary group and a dramatization “The First Christina-” bv the grammar grad s. Lccra Parris and Mr. Jones of South Carolina were guests last ^Wednesday of the former’s grand mother, Mrs. Maggie Parris. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Plummer and. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barnet; motored to Burns rd'ville Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Fleet Galloway an.I Mi t Minnie Gall way were shop ping in Hendersonville Monday. Mr. an! Mrs. \V ,W. Pruett have as theii guest, Mr. Pruett’s daugh ter of Washington, D. C. The revival services which have li?en conducted at the locai Bap tist church for the past three weeks by the pastor Rev. Hilemon came to a close Saturday night Th? meeting proved to be quite sutcejv ful and those who professed faitn were baptized Sunday afternoon. i I). H. Orr wtts a Hendersonville visitor Monday. ;. Miss Faye McCai! of North Br«» vard was a recent guest of Mis* Mildred Lyday. i Mr. ami Mrs. Jess Owen and children of Brevard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Check. J Master Bob T. Gash motored to Asheville Saturday where he rep resented the local school in the Asheville Citizen-Times radio con test Master Gash, was presented a Mickv Mouse watch as a gift, and a Boy Scout knife in behalf of the school. The Clyde school won the radio given away. Friends in this section of Ira ('. Ken non will be sorry to hear of hi* recent accident in the Galloway Pearce Mill in Sumpter, S. C . where he is employed. Another em ployee allowed a beard to catch in the carriage causing Kennon to get his left collar bone broken, righi sh'ulder crusher! and his chest in jured. He is a former resident 01 this section. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cowan an-1 daughter, Martha were shopping u1 Asheville one day this week. The local school will elose Thors dav for the holidays end resume w rk again on New Year’s Day. We are wishing for the Editor and his force anil everyone else a very Merry Christmas. Pendleton. Miss Janie Gillespie, Lloyd Allison, Mis;» Beatrice Sisk, and Miss Ruth Burt. I Nint tv-one wheat farmers of Yadkin County icceived $2,248.80 in rental payments for land removed f;- ,n the production of wheat this fall. JTrettotit TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES and the entire line of Firestone products— these make excellent gifts for the motorist who knows values. If it comes from McCrary’s It’s bound to be good! tM i The word I "ftrestone | means a lot to the discriminating I motorist. No gift could be more ap propriate man a set oi Firestone tires—and we have them in every size and at the lowest price consistent with high quality. Come in and look them over and make your selection now. V > I I . B/*nr,Ki*:» | The word FIRESTONE has come to be | synonymous with quality in all pro {• ducts for the motorist. What, then, S could afford the motorist more com % plete satisfaction than one of these X 13-plate batteries t at only— V Ju . and your old battery A***,V4.*i.*.>w*++*+* LUKE RILEY SAYS THE RATS DIE BEFORE REACHING THE RIVER. Since moving near the river several years ago we've always used BEST-YET. We watched the viciaus water Rats nibbling at BEST-YET, outside the house. About 15 minutes later they darted off for the river to cool their burning stomachs, but died i beiuie reaching it. Kills rats and mice only. Wi! n:t hurt cut-, dogs or chickens, and there is no smell from the dead rut. BEST- * YET comrs in two sizes, 4 cz. size 50o; 6 oz. size ';3o. Sold and . guaranteed by B. and B. FEED and SEED CO. PHONE 66 Utl BREVARD, N. C. | ; OLD HATS i f MADE ' LIKE NEW ! ! Bring uh the old “lid-’ today , j or tomorrow and you’ll feel^J 1 proud of the way it looks J | when we return it. % ARE YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN ■i FOR THE HOLIDAYS * ‘ We've good equipment and experienced help—give us ) a ring—we’ll call for your Suit, Dress. Hat or Overcoat si md have, them back promptly, all FRESH a n ii :l ?LEAN lor Christmas. I DRY CLEANERS f C F. POOLE Phone 58 MRS. C. F. POOLE f For the Motorist's Christmas Tree McCrary Offers These Timely Suggestions A Accessories j that are both ornamental | and useful i Radios of high type—heaters that make the cold winter months more pleasant for jj the mot"i radiator caps of new and un- | list::'!