MISS RIGGERS IS URWE ' OF MR. E. K. DELOSG A wedding of interest to 8 larg' circle of friends was that o* Mtf' Mary Frances Bigger-", o* Ridge crest, and Mr. Edward Knox De Long, of Brevard. The eeremonj took place at the home of the bndi in Ridgecrest Wednesday, Decembei 27, at high noon, with the fiev. Paul Kartsell, of Brevard, officiating. Ef fective decorations of evergreen) and poinsettias were used through out the lower floor of the come. Preceding the ceremony, music was rendered by Mi-s Martha Sinclait Riggers, sister of the bride, Mrs. Preston C. String tied, ox Mars Hill, and Mr. W. G. Biggers. The num bers were: “A1! For You,” by Ber trand Brown. "L iebestraum,” by Lizw, and ‘‘Constancy,” oy Weber. To the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, the bride entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. Garri son Biggers, by whom she was giver, in marriage. She was gowned in navy blue with accessories to match. She wi re a shoulder corsage of or . bids ar.d lilies the valley. During the ceremony, " ro A Wild Rose. by dacDow.il. was softly played, and the marriage hymn, “O Perfect Love" by Barnhv, was sung by Mis. Stringfield. Mr- D'-Lonp - the third daughter . f the late Mi- ar.d Mrs. A. W. Big ■joi». of Monro Bhc was educated at Mar- Hill college, and at Meredith college, Raleigh, and for the two veins f- Rowing her graduation was field wcvetarv of the western d» .-.flon of the Rap-i-t Yeung Peoples union of North Carolina. For sev eral year- she has boon teacher c-T English in tli high school at Bre vard. Mr. Delong is the son of Mrs. Kate DoLong. of Brevard, and is “opnecte-l with the Southern Public Dtiliti- - company here. The eeu;ne will n ke their home in Brevard. Brevard guests attending the mar riage were:Mrs. DeLong, mother of the groom, the Rev. and Mrs. Paul HartscR. Mrs. E. R. Boase, and Messrs, Kail and Raoul Bosse aim Miss Marie Galloway. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust executed by Sarah C. North (singlet dated ih • tf'th day of vJanuary, 1929. .end recorded in Bock 27 Sec. m-i •>' ['axe IS. and recorded in the office of f I', ttbtei of Heeds for i ns-, .'.i O -a t\ • Jefferson E. <• v, r, S t '.<■'! i'l istee, will, at dcM'At JAM \KV 22nd, 1934_ i he ('. II ' 11 '°r tfefi ss'ivaiihi ’ 1 ' Cav lira. -.• I at vubh n£S cash io ttii- higher biudfl !■ win If land to-vit: Lyine in the 1 >■.%•»' mt| Ti jiikvK a' .j. t ltv, S, Cl Si uthw- - -ide . • I’i ■■■•'■art mvenoe, •scribed a- follows BEGINNING tu -take on the - uithvvi~t margin • E'robart Avenue ft.,.? West <■! r Northeast cor* r tin route tra-t and run? , *1, : |. Sou I .* gin of Pro :,art Av>u iv v- -"h degs. West 100 fee' to i >a •* : thence South 31 f.azs. West id' e,t to a stase: thence South f»v Hast 100 tec l> u stake; '.icua North 31 deg?. >;a«t 100 to - l EGINNING. And being tin "• which is locat t.,i T.lu* iin*id I' i *• * Surah C. North. This -all is mad, on account of default in vajineiu of the indebted tte?s securer, by -aid deed of trust, A five jM'iccnt *o' 1 cash de posit will it- required of the high ,<t bid,hr nl the sale. This tin 18th, day of December. 1938. .1 EPPERSON E. OWENS, .SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE (f.otnt No. -715) D 28-J 4-11-13 TRY OUR WANT ADS I MRS. JEROME HOSTESS (TO MATHATASIAN CIVS Mrs. Jerry Jerome was hostess to I: the Mathatasian club Thursday aft ernoon at her home on East Main , street. The program of the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. C. L. Newland, giv ing an interesting discussion, of Greek Mythology. The meeting was f in charge of the president, Mrs. Pat i Kimzey. ! After refreshments served by (the hostess the c’ub adjourned to I meet on January 11 at the home of (Mrs. Anthony Tvantham. i JOINT HOSTESSES AT , ENJOY ABLE DANCE Miss Winifred Nicholson and Mias If raise Gillespie were joint .hostesses (at a dance Wednesday evening of I |vst week, entertaining at the home 1 m Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wike, on East ' Main street. A large number of young people were present to enjoy the hospitali ty cf the two popular hosterscs of tne occasion. ENJOYABLE DANCE AT ROCK BROOK Outstanding among the enjoyable Yiih’tide social functions of the ! young people of the community was 'the dance given Friday night by M . and Mrs. H. N. Carrier at Rock brock, honoring their son, Henry Carrier who was heme from college for the holidays. i A square dance in the camp lodge uith Fisher string band featured the evening’s entertainment until midnight, when ‘the large number of vi ung people re-assembled in the Currier homo where refreshments wire served and dancing by radio ■. us enjoyed until the early hours of the morning. i 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE PARTY < Members of the Sunday school la.-s of Mrs. J. B.- Piekelsimer, of the Methodist church, spent a pleas "iit evening Wednesday of last week, when a Christmas party was held at the home of one of the members, Miss Celia Shuford. Games wt?re playcjl and music en-1 joyed during the evening. A do-, lightful feature was tiie exchange of Christmas presents among those ( present . , . , , Hot chocolate, sandwiches and cookies were served to the twelve or ( mere young ladies and their teacher picsent. MUSIC LOVERS CLUB TO MEET MONDAY EVENING The Music Lovers’ club will hold their regular meeting next _ Monday Wd^fflS^aryto Miss pouise Bar clay, of Greensburg, Pa.,‘ who will arrive today to be the guest of Mis» Fetzer for a few days. I Miss Fetzer and Miss Barclay will both leave on Monday for Florida where they will splend several ^ months. YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY HOLIDAY PARTY A holiday party which was great-, ly enjoyed by a number of the younger set was that given by Miss Dora Aiken Thursday evening of last week at her home on Depot street. I A delightful time was reported by the young people in attendance. Re fn'shments were served during the i veiling. ARRIVAL OF SON TO DR. AND MRS. CUNNINGHAM Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Cunningham,; of Lyday Memorial hospital, an- j nounoe the arrival of a son at the f hospital on Monday afternoon, Jan uary 1st. i The little fellow has been named Charles E. Jr. 1 Crush and dissolve 3 Bayer Aspirin Tablets in half a gles* of water. ) GARGLE thoroughly — S / throw your head W'y back, J allowing a little to trickle down /: our throat. / / 3 Repeat gargle and do not M rinse mouth, allow gargle to remain on membranes ol the W throat for prolonged effect. \ Remember: Only Medicine Helps Sore Threat Modern medical science now throws an entirely new light on sore throat. A way that eases the pain, rawness and irritation in as little as two or three minutest • It requires medicine—like BAYER ASPIRIN-to do these things! That is why throat special ists throughout America are pre scribing this BAYER gargle in place of cid-lime ways. Be careful, however, that you set real BAYER Aspirin for this pur pose. For they dissolve completely enough to gargle without leaving rag particles. ■ W_ U. D. c. TO HAVE ME OF IMPORTANCE SAT An important moetipp * led Daughters of the C called by the president, I Erwin, for Saturday afterno thsi week at tho U, D. C. at 3:30 o’clock. It is urged that all members o: the chapter make an especial ertorl to attend this meeting Saturday a* ternoon to assist in tiH> transact of important business matters, CIVIC CLUB MEETING POSTPONED ONE MOL TH Regular meeting of the Women'! Civic club, which was to have been held the first Monday in January, |198 been postponed until the fiwt Monday in February, according be announcement cf the preeident, MW Florence Kern. — BIRTH ('F DAUGHTER OF INTEREST HERE Of interest to many friends lieie i.s announcement of the birth cf a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hampton, at. Charlotte hospital, in Charlotte, on Mondaj, December iS Mr. Hampton is the son of T. H. Hampton, of Brevard. DANCE IN CLUB ROOMS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR A delightful social affair of the holiday season was the dance given Saturday night at. the Mite Owl club" rooms by Miss Jean English an Miss Ruth Perry, as jrint hostesses < f the evening. The occasion \va> pronounced ar. enjoyable on.e by the large number of the younger set in attendance. The dance ended at midnight. GIRL SCOUTS HAVE REGULAR MEETING The Girl Scouts of Troop 2 01 the Brevard high school held their regular weekly meeting Tuesday af ternoon. After having formation the patrols met in corners and the roll was checked. A short business dis cussion was held and then game? were played until the close of tie meeting. ,, _ —Dora Aiken, Scribe OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) Well the old year is now a thing rf the past and the new year is here. May it bring many blessings with peace and prosperity, especial y to the citizens of Transylvania. For fear that selfishness will be ad ded to our ether mistakes we will ndi --nod wishes for peace Mrs. Guy Mntlw^S Billie ,Io and Mary and M Tioutman, spent the hola with relatives and friends? Guy Matheson of TroutnlJW Mr and Mrs Roam Mathuson ~ Chicago were guests for a few days la?t week of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCall, returning to Troutman Sat urday. Mrs. Guy Matheson and daughters returned home with them Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton entertained several of their little nephews and nieces with a beautiful lv decorated Christmas tree and a nice collection of toys for the little folks. We heard that Mrs Molts, sent a treat of fruits and candy Christmas to a few families in the Oakland sec tion We feel sure it was appreciated. So many of our friends and neigh bors think they are being selfishly neglected because they ere net put on a job at once. We are sorry but we have said all we know to say in their behalf. We still hope our needy women will get something to do by and by John Lyday was called to Rosman Friday on account of the serious ill ness of his brother Lawrence Lyday. J. B. Galloway of Glenville was calling on friends here last week. Mrs. Lee Nicholson and children of Rosman spent several days last week here with Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. T. B. Reid was on the sick list last week but is reported to be bet ter. _ ,, . Mr. and Mrs T. E. Reid and daughters Misses Fora and Bess of Brevard visited the former’s father T. B. Reid during the holidays. Mr. Buckner of Sapphire made a business trip to Brevard Friday. M'°s Evon Sanders spent the Christmas holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders, returning to Brevard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton and W. W. Reid were in Brevard Satur dav on business. John Norton of Whittier and . hi* cousin Miss Davis of Shelby were calling on friends and relatives here ln?t W66k. Ray Sanders returned to the CCO camp at Jellico Plain Tern. Friday after spending the holidays here. Mrs. S. E. Alexander called Satur day afternoon on Mrs. Mary Bur p6Mr. and Mrs. Burns Alexander vf Cashiers visited friends and rela tives here during the holidays. Mrs. Lillie Alexander and Mrs. Herbert Hall were Brevard visitors Saturday. _ ,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall w;»« in Brevard Saturday night looking for a little Christmas, they sata, »• it had missed them at Oakland. We juft, learned that Carter, lit tle =on of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Retd, was carried to Lyday Memorial hos pital last week for an operation. We hone he is getting along nicely. We are glad to report that Mim Alberta Burgess is recovering rap idly now from her serious illness Mrs. Garvin Ducker visited her parents, Mr. and Mra. E. D. Reid, during the Christmas holidays • \D. A. R. WILL MUST / NEXT MONDAY AFTERNOON . January meeting of the local chap ij ter Daughters of the American Revo (jlutlon will be hold Mcadey aflas tnoon January 8, at the home of Mr* fT. E. l’atton. Jr., in Plegah Forest. All members are requested to be present next Monday afternoon. _ AUXILIARY WILL MEET ; WITH MRS. J. M. ALLISON January meeting of the Auxiliary ’of St. Philips Episcopal church will ; be held Thursday afternoon of this vveek with Mrs. J. M. Allison. DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY DANCE A delightful holiday social affair cf the past week was the dance given Wednesday evening by Misses Cornelia and Pauline Rotchford at their home on Turnpike Road. An enjoyable part of the evening’s entertainment wan the backward fea ture, the young lady guests esenrt ! iny the young gentlemen to the party instead of the customary man i ner. i Paul Hehachner, of Cnarlotte, • visited friends here over the week end. Mr. and Mr?. E. H. Webb were ! week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. i Robert Neill in Seneca, S. C. Miss Eleanor Trowbridge, ol' Wen ' verville, was gutst of her grand mother Mrs. Julia Trowbridge, sev-j 1 red days last week. Mark Orr and Robert Duckworth left Monday to resume their studies, [at Mars Hill college, after spending ; the holidays here with their parents. | Mr. ant.’ Mrs. C. B. West visited their daughter, Mrs. Leroy Whttenerj tnd Mr. Whitener in Hickory several I days last week. They were accom panied by choir son Kip, and Rev.1 J. H. West. Miss Dorothy Everett has return ed to Salem Academy after spending the Christinas vacation here with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. W. Everett. I Miss Carrie McNeely bar. returned to her teaching duties at Hot Springs, after spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brantley and son Bob, of Greenwood, S. C., spent several days the past week r. Bre vard with their son, C. 0. Brantley. Misses Winifred Nicholson and Ruth I’iekeisimer left Tuesday for Weavervillc to resume their school work at Weaver college, after their holiday vacation spent here with their parents. Mrs Wilson, of Caroleen, was a Christmas guest of her daughter-un law, Mrs H L Wilson Her little [grandson, Larry Million, returned giandmother to spend Miss Helen Morrow has accepted a position with the Walker Insurance company, taking the place left va cant by Miss Mary Allison, who has u secretarial position with Senator Bob Reynolds in Washington. Mr and Mrs. Guy Hamilton of Charlotte, are visiting relatives and friends ir. Brevard. Mrs. Wiliiam Cowan, Misses R< berta Bryant, Jack, Agnes and Jose phine Clayton and Harry Clayton motored to Asheville for the day Saturday. Many Brevard people attended Will Rogers midnight show in Ashe ville New Years eve and the mid night dance in Hendersonville. Weilt Duckworth, of the U. S. Navy ,stationed at Santiago, Calif., has been spending the holidays here with his mother, Mrs. Lottie Duck worth. . „ , , . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Douglas had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Marshall and son Henry and Tom O'Keliey, all of Ashe villc ' Mrs. J. M. Allison was guest of her sister, Mrs. Kirksey, in Pick ens. S. C.. several days last week. ' Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Breese re turned Sunday from Memphis, Tenn., where they visited their sons, Edwards Breese, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Breese Jr., during the ho!i t «ev. j. r. Marr na* t>eeuvfr r hi J at his home op Maple street, 1* reported to be improving. \ % Rev. and Mr?. C. C, BrinkmfclJ i motored to Asheville for the day S. Tuesday. Misr, Jane Hume expects to leave Friday for her homo in. Asheville, after visiting her niece, Mrs. J. M. Aliisrn, and family for the past two months. Walter Weilt of Asheville, wtt the holiday guest of hio sister, Mr* Lottie Duckworth. Felix Norton underwent a serious operation at Lyday Memorial hos pital Monday, but is reported to he improving. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tyser were called to their home in Jacksonville. Fla.. Thursday on account of the I death of Mr. Tyler’s brother, after i e pending the holidays with their daughter, Mr*. Roland Whitmire and family. Sfflfittlafl I Mrs. Ethel Harris returned h*“* ; last week from jlJtarlotte, w fhe spent Christmas with her d* ter, Mrs. Oliver Crary, and f ‘3V.* was nceomnanied fccnc.Ui_ | and Mrs. Crary and daughtej j Harrs, who spent the wedgjX j 'Mrs. Mamie Verdery M I her son, P. M. V«rdwgH jin Charlotte this weefel ■am——iwiii HM—mi——mm—

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