News of the Week from Rosman MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent j||||| ....... - ..... ......... ... 1 * X. AAAAA - " w rTTTTTTWW' " - - --- Henry Kilter of Newberry, 3. C. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M Pharr, Tuesday night. Charles Ghuener, Walter Reece Jr, and Miss Thelma Galloway made a trip to Canton Friday to accompany Mi3?es Ruth Lowe ana Ola Holland to Rosman to spend the week-end as guests of Miss Galloway. Mrs. Claud Hutchinson of Green ville, is spending several days as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway. Rev. J. E. Burt spent Saturday at Quebec as guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson, filling his regular appointment at Oak Grove church Sunday morning and Sunday night filling his regiilai appointment at lilady Branch church. He spent Sun day night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Tinsley.' Miss Ruth Burt spent Thursday as guest of Mrs. H. G. Stophel. Misses Olga Fortenberry and Bea trice Sisk and Mrs. L. M. Watkins were shopping in Asheville Thurs day. Miss Celia Jane Shuford of Bre vard spent Friday night as guest of Misses Beatrice Sisk and Olga Fortenberry. “Grandpa” Bart spent Sunday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sisk. Miss Annie Bryson spent, Friday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bryson. „ - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore a son, Gerald Austin, on January Flth. Mr. ami Mrs. tivin isuney aim baby were guest? of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barrett Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zachary o.i Asheville spent Tuesday as guests of | the hitler's parents Mr. and Mrs.| I,. M. Watkins. . I Claud Simps. > and son ot Grten- j ville and Mr. Gunthorpe of Char-1 lotto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall at Quelree. Miss Vera McCall of Quebec i> visiting Mrs. Lloyd Bryson lor a ,eMis*yL»*nnie Manly returned to 1 “saw&'safls. 1 Vli 'l l.ulaaIM»nly. who has boeh convoyed in Brevard spent last week at hci home here. .. A. M. Moore visited the family of Mr? M. N. M'ove Sunday. Mr. and Mr? Clifford Stover and daughter Geneva were Sunday guesU of Mr. ami Mrs D. L. Glazener. Mrs Ruth Whitmire spent the week-end as guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall at Q“m£‘Julia Jordan spent the week end in Brevard as guest of her cousin Mrs. Janies Passmore. "Tommie Reynold* of the Hfettu-k section was a business jicfi1 Saturday. Mrs. Leo Wwvrieaifci chilch^Rverc guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clemmons Gavren Sunday. Miss Ruth Jordan is spending this week in Asheville visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Moore and daughter Ruby and A. M. Paxton Jr., were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. M. N. Moore Sunday night. AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE “Lucky Larrigan,” featuring Rex Bell will be shown at Clemson Thea tre Fridav and Saturday of this week. The picture is brimful of ac tion. thi ills ami comedy, depicting the western rustlers outwitted by the hard-riding easterner. The advenurt - of a fugitive hunt ed from city to city in a thrilling man hunt offers Robert Montgom ery one of his most exciting screen i'ol6s in “b ujpuve Lover.", which will appear Monday and Tuesday otj next week. Lovely Madge Evans i plays opposite the popular star. Most of 'the action of this picture occurs| aboard a transcontinental bus. In addition to authentic scenes shot from a great Greyhound bus as it actually sped from New York to Hol lywood, the audience will also see what is said t be. the most daring prison break ar.d thrilling man-hunt ever screened. t Miss Maxie Moore spent Thurs day night as guest of Misses Ann< and Haiei Moore. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Whit mire, a son on January 8th at Fay etteville. Mrs. Whitmire was fcefori her marriage Miss Marie Allison daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A1 lison of the Cherryfield section. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Allen ant Mrs. Jesse Allen of Hendersonvill< were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs A. M. Paxton. j Mr. and Mrs. J. Colie Owen anc j family spent Sunday in Gdoucestei j visiting relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and ' daughters Ruth and Velma attend !-d a birthday dinner at Jocassee Sun I day. j Mr and Mrs VV. u. Harmon lefi 'Thursday for Fayetteville to visit R*'v. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson. It will : I,, recalled that Vera, small daugh : ter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson receiv |ed severe burns the 4th of November I ar.d is still a patient in a hosptial at Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Roberts of Candler were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens. They were accompanied home by Miss Frances Edens who will spend several weeks visiting. Claud Henley of Hayesville was a visittr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \\ . 11. Edens Sunday. Walter Whitmire and W. J. Moore were business visitors to Brevard Monday. „ _ „ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway ami >on Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Staton visited the formers son Weldon, who is critically ill at Ote.n hospital in Asheville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway are moving this week from the Dr Wilkerson house on the corner to the Whitmire apartment over the Whit mire Barber shop. , Mr and Mrs. Walter Lowe and childen of Canton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gal KAMrs. Paul Rogers, who has been ill for a number of weeks is sligh > io,proved. Mrs Walter ReCce and von Forrest and daughter Wilda and Mi.-s Ruth Rice were Brevaid visi t0M«-f Tom Gillespie and son Mel syfe sririK1-. ° Mr anT Mrs. Leon McCall and son of Pickens were week^dgues of Mr and Mrs. Frank McCall at night as guest of Mr. and Mis. L. U'M^s.ndFvank Rans and r.on F. A. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R-, Mahoney, Monday. Preek 'a,T! „il.t .jmnt rf hi* “d *“* ill ai his home near Rosman with] VM,k'and Mrs. Eugene Morrison had ss iheir guests Mr. and Mrs Wesley Canncn of Stater, S. C., Saturdaj '"Mrs. Clarence McCall and sister Mildred of the Gloucester swt.on were Rosman visitors the first oi rk Mrs ^T. V. Smith visited Mr. and Mis W. F. Daniels Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldndge and sons Roy and Douglas were Sunday guests of Mrs. H. N. Blake at b<!Douglas Eldridge and Inez Oates were visitors to Brevard Sunday. Mrs. James T. Bales left Mon day for Hinton Lodge in Brevard where she will undergo treatment. Austin Hogsed was a dinner guest of Mr and Mrs. Lee R Fisher Sun day. I .blow . . . doggone it. . . BLOW! fVJTSIDE. . . ol’ man Winter \J blowing his icy breath against ■i window panes. INSIDE.... Jim laughing.... sung and warm . . . .all because ou had the fore sight to fill your <ins with our COAL that burns up coi pletely and gives you most he units per $ BROMrlEI D i Mr. and Mrs. John Chastain and > daughter Ruth of Pickens ware Sun day guests of Mr, and Mrs. lee R. . Fisher. Rev. J. N. Hall and Robert >1 Gravely were business vistiors to , J Waynesville Monday. ■] Mrs. Claud Glazener underwent a [ minor operation Saturday and is 'recovering nicely. Miss Pauline Leathers ha3 accept ed a position as librarian at Rosman school. LADIES AID SOCIETY FORMED A ladies aid society was organized it the home of Rey. and Mrs. J. E. Burt Tuesday evening. Officers elected were as follows: President, j Mrs. Roe Rice; vice president, Pau I line Leathers; secretary-treasurer, j Mrs. L. M. Watkins. I The organization medts twice monthly and will meet next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. E. A. Glazener. All new members are wel ' come. SINGING ENJOYED SUNDAY AFTERNOON Miss Pauline Leathers entertained witli a singing at the home of her : parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.- Lealh ' ers, S unday Afternoon. Guests pres I ent were: Mrs. Allen Si3k, Rick Manly, Lawrence Whitmire, Ralph and Emma Jane McLean, Ralph Burt, Ruth and Pauline Moore, Ruth Burt, Beatrice Sisk and Ethel Man ly. » TO PREACH AT ZION Announcement is made by the Rev. J. E. Burt that he will preach at i Zion Baptist church Sunday morn ing at eleven o’clock, and Sunday evening at 7:!>0 at Mt. Moriah Cal vert. CARD' OF THAXKS \ wish to publicly express my thanks for the thoughtfulness of the, good people cf Oak Grove church j for their liberal “pounding” given1 me recently. Also, to thp good peo-j pie of Mt. Moriah Calvert and Glady I Branch my deep appreciation for their buying a tag for my car. Rev J. E. Burt i-—— In Memory Of Nancy Elizabeth Galloway A wave of sadness dimmed the] festive mirth in many hearts onj Christmas Eve because of the tragic > death of Nancy Elizabeth, love'.y lit tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Galloway of Durham, N. C. Nancy was being brought by her j parents'and uncle to Brevard to, spend the holidays with her grand parents when a serious car accident | cn the way end^. Having attended the Brevard] school for a brief period during last wear’s term, Nancy was much be-j jioved by teachers and school mates,] ’as well as others who were attract-j ed by her winsomeness of manner) and childish grace. We deeply sympathize with the parents and grandparents in their sorrow, yet ’tis a sweet thought that she joined her Savior as a precious birthday gift. , Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hartsell, pastor of the Bre vard Baptist church. Pall bearers were Roy Nelson, Knox DeLong, Carl Bosse and W. L. Smith. , The flower bearers were Nancy s little class mates, Kathleen Simp son, Virginia Aiken, Paula May Smatliers Mary Price, Harold Hart sell and Fred Glazener. A beautiful memory of Nancy will long live in the hearts of her Bre vard friends. Dear child, we miss your sunny face, Your laughter, gay and sweet, But this rare thought subdues the sting. Again some day we’ll meet. Mary H. Mills. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust executed by Sarah C. North (single) dated the 15th day of January, 1929. and recorded in Book 27 Sec. No. 2, Page 15, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, Jefferson E. ; Owens, Substituted Trustee, will, at Neon on MONDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1934 at the Court House Door of Tran sylvania County in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to-wit: Lying in the Town of Brevard, Transylvania, County, N. C., on the Southwest side of Probart Avenue, described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the Southwest margin of Probart Avenue 20 feet West of the Northeast cor ner of the center tract, and runs with the Southwest margin of Pro bart Avenue North 59 degs. West j 100 feet to a stake; thence South 31 I degs. West 100 feet to a stake; ! thence South 59 degs. East 100 feet to a stake; thence North 31 degs. East 100 feet to the BEGINNING. And being the lot on which is locat d the residence of Sarah C. North. This sale is made on account of default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust. A five percent (5%) tash de posit will be required of the high est bidder at the sale. This the 18th. day of December. 1933. JEFFERSON E. OWENS, rt:n~Ti.TrT*i» 7it*.rsT«~. (Loan No. 2745) , D 28-J 4-11-181 i QUEBEC NEWS J (Lucille Henderson) Mr. and Mrs. Locnie Ban the r end jh’idrcn were visitors in Six Mile: S. C., last Sunday. Jason McCall was a dinner guest of John H, Reid Sunday. Mrs John Rufty and Mrs. Mitch Neely of Brevard visited Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Sunday afternoon. Talmage Brook* spent Wednes day night with 'Oscur Henderson. Lensy Sanders of Lake Toxaway spent Friday night with Cecil Whit mire. Raymon Fisher is quite ill this week. Misses Frances and Vera McCall visited Mrs. B. T. Whtiir.ire Wed nesday. Misses Ida and Annie Whitmire spent Thursday night with Helen Banther. Glenn lteid spent the past week end in Brevard. James Henderson made a trip to Enka last week. Another visitor arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore last Saturday night. It’s a boy— Gerald Austin. Mrs. J. W. Jones of Etowah is spending a few days in this com munity. Miss Carrie Owen is spending several day3 with Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Owen of Lake Toxav/ay. B. T. Whitmire was a visitor in Asheville last Sunday. Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman spent Saturday night with T. C-. Hender son. Oscar Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Fisher and children, Miss Nel lie Thomas, Odes Fisher and Er nest Fisher spent the week-end in Easley, South Carolina. i Mrs. R. T. Fisher was a Bre vard visitor last week. Mrs. Elbert Whitmire is very ill] at her heme. j Mrs. Alfred Owen and Mrs. Mary! Jrnes spent Saturday night with Mrs. Flevd Jones. EUie McCall spent Thursday night with Marvin Banther. Mrs. Anderson Smith called on Min. Gene Moore Saturday. . Charles McCall spent Sunday with Truman Henderson. Mrs. C. K. Osborne, Mrs. Ecu L. Sims and Mrs. Ralph Osborne and daughter, Ruth, of Brevard visited Mrs. T. C. Henderson Sunday after Miss Agnes Miller of Lake Toxa way spent one day last week wit.i Miss Beulah Reid. Virgil McCall was a Lake loxa wav visitor last Sunday. Rev. J. E. Burt was a dinner guest in the home of M. 0. McCai. Sunday , , ~ t Mrs. C. Wr Henderson spent Sat urday with Mrs. Gene Moore. Charles Reid spent Sunday with Lee Reid. , _ . . Medford Chapman and Paul Fish pH - -----■szamnex er were visitor* in Brevard Satur day evening. Mrs. Less Laving «u a dinner guest oi Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Thurs day, Mrs. Henry Chapman and ion J. B. were visitors in the home of Mr. und, Mrs. J. H. Reid Sunday. Woodrow Fisher visited Ids grand father, Gideon Miller last, Saturday, Mrs. M. 0. Me Gal, and Miss Vera McCall visited Mrs. C. A. Brooks one day last week. Rev. J. S. Burt filled his regular appointment at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday. His sermon was in structive, inspiring and thought pro voking, preached from the text, Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, wo may be ac cepted of him (2 Cor. 6:9) The sub ject of his sermcn was, "Living for Jesus this year." GLOUCESTER NEWS (Pearl Price) Mr. and Mrs. Colan Anderson of Piedmont, S. C., spent the week-end with Mrs. Andersen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will J. McCall. Cr.rsie and Ingomar McCall spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price. Ruth Hall visaed Bessie McCall Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCall and Mr. and Mrs. A. C Price \ycre Bre vard visitors Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Overton Kitchen and daughter Mabel were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kitchen. Mrs. Corsie Brown was Thurs day night guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kitchen. Matt Parker visited Mr. and Mrs. Vance Galloway Thursday. If sent by ship it’s a cargo, if sent by car it’s a shipment. “Who would be a man must be a non-conformist.’’—Emerson. “There can be no conflict between skiiqnce arid religion.”—.Mussolini. Strong emotion, weaker thought. Modern wedding knots are slip knots. We strive to become what people expect cf us. Love is mother of virtues. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the will of the Democratic voters to be expressed in the June Primary, 1934. If nominated and elected, I promise to perform all duties connected with the office to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. NOAH C. MILLER, tfp Lake Toxaway. — ' ..“ Hi S3 M 1 jgfeai ^«vmrwi mbNfir ——, The outstanding. meeting this week will fee held Taesdny alA January the 20th at Asheville with Cm» No. J. State Manager B. B. Lewis, of Kinston and Clms. A. Minos, Kutf Consul of North Carolina will H the speakers. Other prominent Woodmen that will attend this meeting are Hugh Montieth, Sylva; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Keever, Hickory; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Royster, Rutherford ton and Mr. and Mrs. 0. P., Goforth, Kings Mountain. After program and refreshh'mento an old time square dance will b* held. The meeting will be in Odd Fellows Hall. Rosman Camp >To. 296 elected and installed officers on Tuesday night the 9th. A. M. White and the McLean brothers told us that they thought many1 of the former members would be able to reinstate this spring, provided work in the plants continues. Down at Marshall the members are going to have an oyster supper soon and take steps to reorganize their camp for this year’s work. We attended meeting at Hender sonville Thursday night and found the new officers there making plans for this years work. Friday night at Waynesville a few faithful members came through rain and snow to attend a called meeting. F. H. Leather-wood, the new secretary will do his part to get this 'Camp on its feet again. Saturday night the 13th Cashiers Camo held their social meeting which was ladies night. After talk ing and other features including fix ing the banjo strings an old time square dance was enjoyed by all, and that includes both young and old. . , Mr, and Mrs. Joe L. Wright know how to entertain their friend^ and guests. Mr. Wright is secretary of Camp and Mrs. Wright is a mem ber of Grove at Brevard and all their children are members of Ju venile Camp. BORN A DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Hale Siniard an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mol lie Ruth, on January 6th.__ 666 Iff Liquid, Tablett, Salve, Note Drape Checks Malaria in 3 days, Cpldafirtt day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Mott Speedy Remediet Known £ <2 fe: c V PRODUCTS ARE SETTING J THE PACE OF TODAY The exacting demands of *oday are met by ^ FIRESTONE in a manner that enables them to / keep just ahead—always the leader. If it’s a ^ Firestone Product you know it's good and we handle the entire line. Here'* A Battery™ That Stand* Up! A genuine FIRESTONE, with the guarantee that spells sat isfaction. We test your bat- JSgj^QgglJ^Hn tery FREE. ^BmShHES^I $5.40 ffiSgranH and your old battery mSmsSMtKKiSmB , For Every Auto Requirement The only Genuine ONE STOP Service in Transyl vania County Here Are A Few Of The Services McCrary Offers: Good Gulf Gas and Oil. Firestone Tires, Tubes, Batteries, etc.. Accessories — Including Heat ers, Automobile Radios, etc. Automobile Repairing by Experts. Wrecker Service, — Day and Night. Washing, Greasing, Pol ishing. Replacing of Broken Au to Glasses. Fender and Body Work. ETC. , --— llttitone TIRES need no introduction— They are known for their high quality and low cost per mile. Firestone Courier $0.60 type—4.40x21 J Firestone Courier $ J.65 type—4.75x19.. fl 32x6 10 ply Tires $22.95 600x20 6 ply Balloon $10.95 It is more economical, con venient and satisfying to buy every thing you need at one stop and not have to shop around. That is why Mc CRARY is THE Service Sta tion in the county. WASHING, POLISHING and GREASING AUTO We are equipped to give ex p e r t service on Washing, Polishing and Greasing. WRECKER SERVICE Our wrecker is always ready —just call 290 or 291 and we will do the rest. SPARK PLUGS The best plug on the market, yet no higher in p price than other brands. 9 ONLY r McCrary AUTO SERVICE “FIRESTONE ONE-STOP SERVICE" Day Phono 290 Night Phone 1 r"XvT 7 Ml III il ■HMIIMWIitHIIlll—IMIM Ml *il

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