NINTH GRADE LEADS , MONTH HONOR ROLL ^ ROSMAN, Jan. 17—The ninth grade of Rosman high school carriea off honor roll credits for the fourth month of school with . eight P un making thu coveted grades, leao g the eleventh grade by one. T making honor roll were: Eighth Grade Honor Roll - J. R. Rr2ed’°'re Qutnton Crane, Lucy Galloway, Bar )>ara Henderson, Hard Mcor*\ Perfect Attendance — Lawrence Banther, J U. Breedlove, Charles Clark, Frank Chappell. Quinton Crane, Craig Fisher, Alfred Cue • pie, Tom Gtsamer. , Ruile.11 Walter Green, Woodrow Masters. J. It, Me Call, -T. C. Parsons, Robert Randolph, Howard Reese, Tom Rog ers, Auburn Waldrop, Archil. WMt mire, Lamar ^hitmfc, Whitmire, Herbert .Woodtrd, Do i -mmmrmm ■ - on which you always save a penny or two . . BEST the market offers in fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Nationally adver tised products—For Less. SPECIAL FOR Friday and Saturday Only FLOUR (Money saver) 12 lb. Bag.! 49f i | 21 lb. Bag.... 39. \_J* _ . - relt*vy, large buncn. . iuc Turnips, 3 large bunches . 25c Tomatoes, 3 lbs. 25c Lettuce. 08c Spinach, 3 lb. 25c WE DELIVER MUITS BLUE FRONT GROCERY Broadway Phone 201 Also Main St. FORmFrESHIENT] CALLED IN DEATH ■, S. C., Jan. 11— Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Patterson Senteil, resident of this city during the past S? years, whose • death occurred at the -family resi dence, were held this afternoon. The services were conducted by the Rev. J. E. Willis and the Rev. L. H. Mil ler and the interment was made in the family plot in Graceland ceme tery. The death of Mrs. Senteil follow ed one week of illness, and came as a «hock to her many friends here. She was a native of Henderson coun ty N C. and prior to locating in thU ritv, the family resided at. Ken lersonvile, Mrs* Senteil was 65 years >f age. She was a faithful ar.d consecrat ed member of the Brandon Baptist church where she took an active Part in the work serving at the time of becoming ill as ihc teac.rer >f the Mothers* Class in the Sunday CMrs. Senteil is survived by her husband, It J. Senteil, and by the following sons and daughters: F. u Senteil. of Westminister. S•' j Cc U.U1IU IIINMMI 1 Ca; sell, Clarence Chappell, Charles Gallowav, Ray Hinkle, Fred Israel, Charles' Nelson, Augusta Norris, Hall Owen. Lewis Summey, \ wtor Sigmon, Odell Aiken, Mae Cash, El la Mae Collins, Thelma Galloway, Mildred Galloway, Mary Gillespie, Opalir. Green, Ruth Green Alta Hinkle. Ella Mae Masters, Pauline Moore. Alta McCall. Eleventh Grade Honor roll—Bruce Reid, Earl White, E. J. Whitmire, Lila Gilles pie. Mildred Hondeison, Fannie Mor gan. Ophelia White. Attendance — Douglas Eldridge, Howard Galloway, Clinton Green, Jack Gillespie, Oscar McCall, Allen White. Earl White.. E. J. Whitimre, Paul Whitmire, Edith Clarke, Mil dred Henderson, Ethel Manley, Reba McCall, Anne Moore, Fannie Mor gan, Inez Owen, Lela Bess Owen, Bernice Reid. Ophelia White First banquet feature, turkey stuffed with sage; last feature, sages stuffed with turkey. Small in size but powerful in performance, giving finer tone and greater range than is posssble in ordi nary receivers this size. All the best features in a small radio. FAQV Small down payments Liiiij I lEiA ilj Balance on easy terms R.F. Tharp Plumbing and Electrical Broad Stre • — Phone 224 — Brevard YE EDITOR CHANGES DIME FOR YOUNGSTER AND GETS “MA—ZUMA* “Mister Douglas would you changi a dime for me” said an eight or r»in4 year old youngs tar early Sunday night, and having stayed away iron church there happened <0- be ilvi pennies and a nickel ir. the worr vest pocket of ye scribe, so why nol accommodate the youngster. What did ne want change 'or' Well if you had been raised bacs on the farm where mospy was one of the very scarcest of Items to be seen year in anti year vf\t, you too, might have immediately (had visions of the time you had eyned a total of 45 cents and had I gotten the ] genial country postmaster to give I you forty-five bright pennies which made a large smokiu* tobacco sack (stylish 35 years fee as pocket books) practically fiy, and made you str aighten up an# whistle a new tune as the one gijlus on your ; trousers felt the tui of a heavy/ weight each time fou jumped a ditch or. the return tip iiome where you more than apt hid the bag be hind the big clock} in the living room. Anyway five pennes and a nickel were handed over hnd the “dime” placed by the younpter in the hand of ye scribe which was gloved at ! the moment. •‘Thank you—loU” arid off the young fellow' sean|ered to join two companions. Undel a street light the dime lookedlust a mite small and close inspectii led to the dis covery thnt a piAire cf John Pftul I Jones graced onelide of the “dime” and the other sje was artistically engraved with these appropriate words: “Mazumf-play money." Another suckI. and the thought brought forth ,-imile at the slick I wray the poor iitor’s money had I been frisked lira him. Policeman 1 Morris and an accommodating autoist ! joined in the ifagh a few moments I later and a qufc turn around the block brought t* trio to the would ; WANT ADS LOST—Blue andjvhite enamel pin I on gold, fraterijv SAE pin. Lost 'at Nite Owl Cfo room during . Christmas holiday! Reward for its j : return to The Tin^ office or Rev. '■ Harry Pern*_. . ; FOR SA'E~rn mar£ j breda I .UJUJUII U m an t_______-_-——»■ ROOM & BOARD — to unen cumbered tvhite woman for help with housework. Leave lyour name and home address j at Times Office.. . j j FOR SALE—Good chewing and • smoking tobacco.... 16 and 20 cents per pound, joe Grooms, coun-j I try Club road. Jit 3tp ^ I TYPEWRITER FOR RENT — By j' day, week or month. Reasonable , ! rates. Inquire at The Times office 1 or phone 7 or 189. nil ^ ; WASHING MACHINE FOR SALE —A-l condition. Slightly used . Will sell cheap for cash. Carolina j Hand Laundry, North Brevard, ti FURS WANTED—Prices are up... Joe Bryson will be at the A & P stove Saturday morning-1 win be there Saturday afternoons. Furs may be left at any time and check will be mailed out promptly, or call at my residence day or night. L. r. Wilson, oldest established fur buy er in the county. WANTED DOG WOOD—Will pay $15,OC per cord. Specifications for cutting dogwood logs—not less than 4 1-2 inches at the small enn of log. To be sawn in billets or short pieces that will measure 18, 3G of 54 inches in length. These short logs to be 85 per cent clear of de-; fects. ami we mean by defects—red heart, knots, both large and small, bird pecks, etc., that can be seen with the eye on the outside of the tree. A log that is hollow; could not bo used unless there was 2 1-2 inches of soliti tree between the hollow and the hark. //. S. TOWNSEND At Cantrell Black Smith shop Brevard, N, C. I WANTED — Your Shoe Repairing j We are equipped to do first class ■ -•hoe repair work. Ladies soles and | heels 75 cents. Men’s solos and. rubber heels $1.00. Brevard bhef Shop, T. E. Waters, owner—News Arcade. Jan - tie TYPEWRITER RIBBONS-guaran teed regular Underwood-Fisher mailo same you pay 75c for else where—only 60 cents, 2 for $1.00. The Times office. MOVING AND GENERAL HAUL ING - Blockwood, stovewood and try kindling, sand and gravel. Reas m'ablc rates —cash to all. Phone 118. Siniavd Transfer Co. Brevard. Ip j PIANO—We have a beautiful up right piano in this community hat will he returned to us. We will transfer this account to some re ponrible v ?rty, allowing all that has been pui I ■