Rrmrd Efeanentary Honor Roll GRADE ONE-A Honor Roll—Blanch Ray, Wilma Morrison, Marguerite Scruggs, Viv ian Smith, Kol ie Tinsley, George t O'.pSoll Attendance—Louige Allison, Ruth l.reave, Frances Hendricks, Dorothy .,.*n Loftie, Nancy Ann Nicholson, . nwtina Parker, Blanch Ray, Mar guerice .Scruggs, Vivian Smith, Mol: lie Tinsley, Tye Morris, ^ildreo Tinslev, John Allison, Joe bmve.y, Donghr Brown, Kenneth VVya.t, Ouch v Whitmire. , John Wavers Franklin Sprouse, Spalding McIn tosh. 1 GRADE ONE-B ; Honor Roll—Norma Baynard,, Aretta Pruitt, Ernest Lance. j Attendance Hattie Sue Aiken,. Nv mw Baynard, Beatrice Hall Lo-, ten Warren, Ernest l^nce^ Chailes ( Meath Jr., Edward McCall ••v., bot-^ by Norwood, Roland Owens. GRADE TWO-A Honor Roll—.Jimmie Kanipo, Ray Smipscn, Bradley Wyatt, Christine Ccl;mar.. Cecil C-ren, Nell Calta mote, Martha Jean Haidiu, Ruth Os borne. Melba Sii.iard, Jeanette Jns j,.y, lb i is Wilson, Margaret Zacli Vtitnd'i nee—Cuvey Aiken, Chas. CrttreU, Van Bryson, Harold C.ar if-., James Grant, Leon Mann, lay i(v Norton, Lawrence Ray, Roy Si. i u. Christine Coleman, Cecil Nell Gallamore, Martha Jean Roberta Head, Melba Sm im.l Doris Wilson, GRADE TWO-B li, nor Roll Wintzel Tinsley. Ned Whitmire. Jack Zachary, Vesta Mae Anders. Ethel Snels.'n, Ome Mae Bavnard. „ , „„ Attendance — Eugene Bi-acken, Roy B ks, Robert Clark, Ellison MeCru. . William Sizemore. Jack Zacluuj. Hazel Mae Hale, Helen Mullonax. Frankie Mason, Bubj l>c:u.-"i. Ethel Snelson, Ruth Zach „,y, 0’iio Mae Baynard. Leraine ,u,KU' GRADE THREE-A Honor Roll—Jack J,',l.al}'ti Dur Scrugg-. Anne Banks, Elizabeth Bur lingame. Emily Carcri, Margaret Gal 1, way Frankie Moore. Mary Mae “HBU* Harold McCrary. BU! Kilpatrick, Bill Morris, Anne Bunks Elizabeth Burlingame, F.mily Care a Chloi a Keaton, Frankie Moore, Mary Mae Sizemore, Audry Luthcr. GRADE THREE-B Honor Roll—Betty Jane Bracken , ,-s. — PPI^ilTmoGarren, Mary Alice; Tinstev, Jack Huggins, Earl Lance, Ephraim Neill, Jane Orr. j GRADE FOUR-B ! Honor Roll — Clarence Presley, Harrell Bagwell, Reba Ball. j Attendance — Harrell Bagwell, Boyce Bracken, Morris Cantrell,1 William Owcnsby, John Lee Whit-j mire. Kenneth King, Paul Johnston,1 Bonnie Glazener, Betty McCall Lu-( :ile Sneison Mildred Sprouse, ChrH tiue Tinsley, Ruby Waters. GRADE FIVE-A . Honor Roll—Mary Louise Whit-j in Ire, Kathleen Wilson, Juno Fen wick, Alice Petit, Lois Moore, Odell | McCall, Mary Jane Brown, Virginia Aiken, Bobby Huggins. N. A. Mil ler Jr. Attendance—Virginia Aiken, Mnry Jane Brown, Fatsy Grin showe Helen Grogan, Jeane Hayes, Lois Alice Petit, Katheryne Powel!, Kath cen Wilson, Lois Wilson, June Fen wick, Lester Brown, Wintford Can .roll. Henry Case, James Galloway, Bobby Huggins, Robert Jackson, N, Miller Jr., Murp'n Shipman, 7tank Smith. GRADE FIYE-B Honor Roll—Lessie Mac Eubanks, Ciaia Holden, Olive Belle oer.ks, Evelyn Myers, Uies Bryson, btan cy Smith. , . . Attendance—Lessie Mae Eubanks, Maude Gallamore, Myrtle Hale-. Clara Holden, Rose Martain, Bea ice Shipman, Mack Aiken. Ulas Bryson. !vy Canticll, Jack Dermid, - arenc'e Garren. Frank Garren, L-onavd Simpson, Charles linsley. GRADE SIX-A Honor Roll — Jeanette Austin, Helen Fullbright, Edna Fulton, \ndleton Banks, Tom Galloway, Ed .vo.nl Glazcner, Lewis Earl JacM | mu, Paul Jones, John Walkci, Kail A Attendance — Margaret Aiken, lcanctte Austin, Helen nances Gillespie, Fannie Kihian, Heatsie Moore, Euna Leigh Moore, ".arise McCrary, Pendleton Banks, > a\ Bowen. Edward Glazcner, Kewis Earl Jackson, Paul Jones, FewLyda, Jack Robinson John A’alker, James Wood, Karl W ngh . GRADE SIX-B Honor Roll—Oscar Bryson, Editli Attendance — Edward Ashworth, Agnew Campbell Charlie Clayton, Hubert Grant, Clarence Gravely, Fred Morris, Hale Smiaul, Paul Simpion, John Shipman, Ted Whit mire! Lucille Garun Dorothy Heath, Emma Trent, Juanita Ward, tfiuia Ward. GRADE SEVEN-A Honor Roll- Ruth Case. Gwendo % n Morgan, Annie Nelil, Maitna Kate Moore, Mary Heleni innitft Freeman, Emma Lou Lotus .i‘”£toBsrhoiiv.*nc'orr ,r. — — Henry Carland, RaynioIW^II^ Hazel Michael, Flora Mae Pittman, Gerald Wilson. Attendance—Lucile Gravely, Mary Hollar, Errie Mae Mason, Christine Miller, Martha Bryson, Etta Mae McGaha, Flora Mae Pittman, St, Clair Austin, Jack Gravely, Harry Lee Hogsed, Charles Pickelsimer, Henry Carland, Clinton Morris, El dved Burns. To Our Customers WE DO OUR PART We find, that due to increased costs of feed and op erating expenses which have nearly doubled within the past six months, that is absolutely necessary that we make some adjustment in our Milk Prices. New Prices EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1st Qts. Sweet Milk.12|c Pts. Sweet Milk.07c | Qts. Sweet Milk.04c Qts. Buttermilk.06c We Sell Grade “A” Raw Milk For the protection of ycur family, milk must be handled in the most sanitary way and properly iced from eow to consumer. Our Dairies are regularly inspected under the State Board of Health, insuring the ctnsumer absoloute health protection. SUNNYSIDE DAIRY The GJazener Boys EASTVIEW FARM DAIRY The Osbornes I Sorvwj Brevard With PURE Dairy Products I GLANCING I; | B-ACK AT ::i I BREVARD \\i Taken from tho flies of The (I J Sylvan Valley News, beginning 11 J J895. through the courtesy of I! Mrs. W. B. F. Wright. (From tho file of Dec. 8, 1887) , L. M. Bumgarriner, ar. engineer or. the Southern railroad and a brother- , in-lav/ of J. 0. Demid and M. A. J Cooper of Brevard, was shot near j, Arden last week, and died at hi* home in Asheville on Sunday eve ning last. “Aus" Lambert, the mar- ' de'-er, has been declared an outlaw by Judge Ewart and can be arrested by any one dead or alive. We are infc rmed that a reward cf $900 is offered fox- his arrest—$600 by the Southern railroad and $400 by the governor. A posse is following him and it is not thought he can long evade capture. A private letter informs us tnai Miss Mattie Williams and Win. M.l Henry were married at the home of j !he bride at Dacusville, S. C., on] Tuesday, November 23. Rev. T. C. Hcltzelaw officiated. Mr. Henry is so well known to our people as one: jf the most substantial and influen tial young men in this .community, ( ihat any words of praise from us would be superfluous. He has been' prominently before the public foi . ■veral years, first as a teacher in | our pubiic schools and afterwards in ho employ of the government as] storekeeper and gauger. His sterling i integrity, modesty and ability pres-j age for him a wide field of useful-! ness and counsels for the public good. His name was prominently! mentioned last year as a candidate far register of deeds on the Demo cratic ticket, and we predict that he will vet be called on by nis party to fill places of honor and responsibili ty i.i the county. The bride is a stranger to Brevard people, but is described as u beautiful and accomp lished daughter of the Pa'mett state, whose winning ways will make her friends in any community. May thpv anther the sweets of lite with out' its bitter—the roses without the thorns—is the sincere wish of the News. The little child of David S. Haw kin? is quite ill-threatened with pneumonia. , W I Trantham has secured the There will be a union Christmas , tree at the court house Saturday night .December 25th. Everybody i invited to attend. Committee on ar rangement, Ladies — Mrs. Hattie, Lankford, Mrs Wade Mills, Sophie Young, Sophie Hampton, Ida ana Rose Shipman, Mamie Cooper, Agnes Wood, Rena Nichols, Lela Pickelsi NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by Deed of Trust executed by W. H. Harris and wife, Ethel E. Harris and E. D. Reynolds and wife, Hattie Reynolds dated the 15th day of October, -1927, and re corded in Book 22. Page 296, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, V. S. Bryant, Substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o’clock Noon on • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 at the Court House Door of Tran-! sylvania County in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol- j lowing land, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Brevard, County of i Transylvania, State of North Caro-1 lina, and more particularly describ-j ed as follows: I BEGINNING at a stake on the South side of Main Street, the cen-j ter of a party wall, said stake stand ing N. 64 West 123 feet 6 inches j from the point of intersection of the South margin of Main Street with the West margin of Caldwell Street, and runs thence with the said South margin cf Main Street, N. 64 West 41 feet and six inches to a stake,, the center of another party wall; thence with the center line of said party wall, South 26 West 132 feet to a stake; thence South 64 East 41 feet 6 inches to a stake; thence North 20 East with the center line of a party wall 1S2 feet to the point of beginning. . And being all of that certain lot of land described in deed from Bre vard Banking Company to W. II. Harris and wife, and E. D. Reynolds and wife, dated the 28th day of Ap ril, 1924, and recorded in Book 49, j Page 22 of the Records of Deeds for ! Transylvania County, North Caro- j lina. This sale is made or. account ot i default in payment of the indebted- ; ne's secured by said Deed of Trust, j and is subject to all taxes and as- \ sessments against said property j whether now due or to become due. j A five peieent (5%) cash deposit : will be required of the highest bid- j lor at the sale. f This the 5th dav of January, l 1934. j V. S. BRYANT, : Substituted Trustee • Jan. 11-18-25 Feb. 1-8. ■ ffif OUR WANT ADS e 1 •|JI. ■ > L*r, Seulah McMinn, Marie and! «rie Waiker, Niue Duckworth and! Ie«ie Hadden. Gentlemec'—Messrs 1 •mo and De* Young, Joe Osborne,; toscoe Nicholson, Clyde Duckworth, ■ i. Ji. Smith, Ed English, Welch | iallorray, John McMinn, Gny Mor-j is, Nat McMinn, A. E. Enpiand,] ames Trantham, C. C. Duckworth,1 !. C. Yon cue. — ... — The hearts of Mr. ar.d Mr*. John •owell were made glad last week by visit from their two sons, Walter ,nd Ernest from Buncombe. A change in the II & B railroad; chedule is aimounced to go into, iffect next Sunday. This will give' risitors a change to see the town byi laylight withoit stopping here but. me night. This! snould make the 1 rummers happAas they can see our| Merchants without missing a train, i special train eJme up Tuesday atj loon to take 5k<4 a load of drum-; ners who had cbirtered its services] he night previoil There doesn’t,