uaHLIA club melting STUDIES PLANT FAULTS Diseases of dahlias and remedies was topic of discussion at the reg ular monthly meeting of the Tran ■ sylvania Dahlia ciub held at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ash worth Tuesday evening, with Pro fessor Julian Glazener giving some pointers on this subject. Soil testing for adaptability of different varieties wii) be taken up at the February meeting. U S Income Decreases Washington—The national income dropped from $81,000,000,000 in 1929 to 849,000,000,000 in 1932, a de cline of 40 per cent. Why Liquid Laxatives are Back in Favor The public is fast returning to the use of liquid laxatives. People have learned that the properly prepared liquid laxative will bring a perfect movement without any discomfort at the time, or after. The dose of a liquid laxative can be varied to suit the needs of the individual. The action can thus be regulated. A child is easily given ' nc right dose. And mild liquid laxatives do not irritate the kidneys. Doctors are generally agreed that senna is the best laxative for every body. Senna is a natural laxative. It does not drain the system like the cathartics that leave you so thirsty. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a liquid laxative which relies on senna for its laxative action. It has the average person’s towels as regular as clockwork in a few weeks' time. You can always get Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin at any drugstore, ready for use. Member N. R. A. NOTICE OF SALE * Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed in Trust executed on the 2nd dav of June 1926 by Ralph Fisher to E. M. Whit mire, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust i duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in Book 20 at ■e 202 and indexed in said office Jo which said index and record Ifcoc is hereby made and the Kpart hereof tor the pur Option, and whereas, E. is now dead and W. E. en duly appointed sub eior saw iv. iu. wnn ®tlerk of the Superior jSftvania County, N. Bihaving been made Si. ith pvindu&^iuiL WfFmand ■flTe payment ler or said notes, notices having been duly given, the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday 10th day of February 1934 at 12:00 o’clock M. offer for sale at Public Auction and sell to the highest bidder, FOR CASH, at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Caro lina, the following pieces, parcels or lots of land, and all interest therein, ns described and set out in said Deed in Trust, said land being more par ticularly described as follows: Being the same land described in a certain Deed in Trust dated the 2nd day of June 1926 from Ralph Fisher to E. M. Whitmire, Trustee for the use ami benefit of Cyrus Chapman and wife, Malinda Chap man and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book No. 20 at page 202 et seq., to which said record reference is hereby made am) same made a part hereof for the purpose of description. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, in terest, cost and expenses of said sale. This the 5th day of Jan. 1934. W. E. BP-EESE, Substitute Trustee. Jan. 11-18-25 Feb. 1 4tp ~PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION LONG DISTANCE HAULING Moving We are equipped to give | you the best in Moving I afid Transfer service. Every Load Insured We pack right and give absolute weather protection CHARLIE McCRARY y at McCRARY AUTO CO Telephone 290 WANT ADS j ROOM A. BOARD — to unen cumbered white woman for help with housework. Leave your name and home address at Times Office.. :__ __' ; FOR SALE—Good chewing nnd smoking tobacco-15 and 20 cents per pound. Jots Grooms, coun try Club road. Jli 3tp MOVING AND GENERAL HAUL• | ing — Blockwood, stovewood and I dry> kindling, sand and gravel. Reas j enable rates —cash to all. Phone 118. ! Siniard Transfer Co. Brevard. Ip FURS WANTED-Prices are up... Joe Bryson will be at the A & P store Saturday morning....I will be there Saturday afternoons. Furs may be left at any time and check will be mailed out promptly, or cal! at my residence day or night. L. P. Wilson, oldest established fur buy er in the county. WANTED DOG WOOD—Will pay $15.00 per cord. Specifications for cutting dogwood logs—not less than 1 1-2 inches at the small end of log. To be sawn in billets or^ short pieces that will measure 18, 36 or 54 inches in length. These short logs to be 85 per cent clear of de fects, and we mean by defeots—red heart, knots, both large and small, bird pecks, etc., that can be seen with the eye on the outside of the tree. A log that is hollow could not b? used unless there was 2 1-2 inches of solid tree between the hollow and the bark. H. S. TOWNSEND At Cantrell Black Smith shop Brevard, N. C. WANTED — Your Shoe Repairing j We are equipped to do first class shoe repair work. Ladies soles and j heels 75 cents. Men’s soles and rubber heels $1.00. Brevard Shoe Shop, T. E. Waters, owner—News Arcade. Jan 1 tfc TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—guaran tee d regular Underwood-Fisher made same you pay 75c for else where—only 60 cents, 2 for $1.00. The Times office. L /Iff,G E HOUSE FOR RENT— In North Brevard. Cheap. Modern conveniences. Three acres of land, good garden, fruits, grapes, cow pasture. Joe Johnson, Brevard, N. C. FOR RENT—A two room upstairs apartment, conveniently furnished. See Mrs. A. N. Hinton for further information. ltc PIANO FOR SALE—Good condi tion; reasonable price and reas onable terms. Mrs. C. L. Newland, North Brevard. 25 FOR SALE—Pliilco radio in extra good condition—practically now. S14.00 cash, Mrs. C. E. Orr, East] Main street, Brevard. Itp bulldog, ears and tail cut dose. Strayed or was stolen from my home on East Fork just before Christ mas. $20 reward if returned to me. Boyce Whitmire, East Fork section, Brevard, R-l. Itp _:-—-.- ■■ — ! WANTED—More people to use the Want Ads. Over 1800 families read your message in this column each week. dh FOR SALE— WHIITE PINE and SPRUCE PINE (Hemlock) trees, all sizes, both field and nursery grown, in any quantity from 1 to a truck load. J. M. Clark, Penrose, N. C. One mile from Penrose on Little River road. >125 2tp Whirl At The World Cigarette Truck Held Up j Richmond, Va,—Hi j acker, operat ing on the Petersburg highway be-] low Richmond Friday seized a $25, 000 cargo of cigarettes en route to Baltimore from Winston-Salem uftor stopping the truck and removing and blindfolding the drivers. One shot was fired into the truck during the holdup. MondieUi New Cuban Fretidciit j Havana—Carlos Mel’dieta, 60 year old veteran of nearly four decades of political battling, received the presi dency cf Cube Friday after-Carlos Hevia, who ruled the country a few hours, resigned. .4 Valuable Turkey Sothebridge, Mass.—Dona Gaudet te found a child’s bracelet, set with several small stones, in the gizzard ox ? turkey he bought for New Year’s. Simmons Out For Congress Raleigh—Considerable interest is being developed in eastern North Carolina especially and in the third congressional district particularly over the suggestion that former Senator F. M. Simmons may oppose Congressman Charles L. Abernathy; for the seat in congress in the pri-| mary this spring. Byrd Returns ‘'Home" Little America, Antarctica—Rear i Admiral Richard E. Byrd returned! to his “home” here Thursday withj members of his second Anarctic ex-i pedition. after a three-months’ cruise from Boston. “Everything is just like we left it four years ago, Bvrd reported. — Vcts To Get Raise Washington—A rise will be given | 288,000 disabled ex-serviec men. The I raise will average around 10 per cent and will go into effect immed iately. President Roosevelt said that; this was the raise that he had promised them. In effect' is; “Liberalization ot eligibility rules for hospital treat ment in non-service connected case? so as to provide such treatment to veterans suffering with non-service diseases requiring emergency or ex tensive medical and surgical card, who arc unable to pay for same. R. F. C. Loans Deng Paul Memphis, Tenn.—Harvey Couch, of the Reconstruction Finance Corpora tion, said here Friday that Ameri can business has improved to the ex tent that RFC loans are being re paid at the rate of $1,000,000 per dav and that applications for loans totalling $333,000,000 have been withdrawn. Returns Missing Papers Washington— Former Postmaster General Walter F. Brown returned to the postoffice department Fri day a file of official correspondences regarding air mail contracts which he said he had found unexpectedly among his personal papers were be ‘*VIii i? h— been Jost or destrjgfc ed for several days. Bank Robbers Surrender Quincy, 111.—Five men who al legedly robbed the State . bank of Girard cf between $2,000 and $5,000 marched out to surrender after a spirited gun battle with a huge po'-se that trapped them in a woods near Basco, 111., Friday. Be Priest To Introduce Bill Washington — Representative De Priest of Illinois, the only negro in congress, said Wednesday that he would intoduce a privileged resolu tion Thursday to force a vote on whether negroes may eat in the, house public restaurant. N. C. Auto Accidents increase . J Raleigh—Auto uccident fatalities increased from 474 in ii)32 to 362 in 1833, an increase of 178. Three persons out of every hundred of the 3,009 deaths reported during 1933 were killed in automobile accidents. Cuba Recognized Havana—The American recogni tion ef Cuba Tuesday was heraided !ss the er.d of six months or revolu tion and strife in the little republic. entEverythinjr seems to nave drifted back to normal since President Car los Mcindiota took charge of the 'country. j War Clouds Rising In Far East Pari.'—A storm “is growing , over the Far East and it closely connected with Berlin,” Henry Berenger, pres ident of the foreign affairs commit tee of the French senate, said Tues day in a newspaper article. “What is happening in -Japan, China, Russia, and the United States,” he wrote, “has certain con nections with what is happening in Germany and eastern Europe." INKmCE OF SALE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Under and by virtue of a deed in trust executed by Donia Galloway and M. W. Galloway and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 28 at page 76 to the undersigned trustee on the 3rd day of January 1930, l, will on Monday the 5th day of Feb ruary 1934 at 12 o’clock M. offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., the following described property: All those two tracts of land de scribed in a deed executed by Roy Lamance et ux to Donia Galloway on the 27th day of January 1926, and registered in Book 66 at page 326 et seq. of the records of Tran sylvania County, N. C., and refer ence is made unto said book and page for a particular description of the lands herewith sold. < ; This sale is held after due de mand having been made for payment of the note secured and after th” maker has defaulted in payment of same and after due notice, as re-, quired by law. The same is sold sub- j ject to taxes. This the 8 day of January 1934. j RALPH FISHER, Trustee Jan 11-18-25 Feb. 1 TTIllHIIIIIIIMIUMMUUHCHUMHimiHllinMMtlMlltMIKIIMMIf _ I We Are Paying jj | C-A-S-H | —for— FARM PRODUCTS S ftsKn&r:. I Heavy Hens, lb. I Light Hens, lb. . | Eggs dozen.18c \ i B. & B. | | Feed & Seed Co. j Brevard k House ? Frocks •in gay \ prints BECOMING cheerful modes that you’ll surely fall in love with. Wide selection models and colors. . .Real ly smart in every detail. Vat Dyed.Guaranteed colors. Sizes 16 to 44. A lucky purchase makes it possible to offer at only • 97c Childrens Spring WASH FROCKS All new Spring Styles-and how proud she’ll be. . . .how cute. . . .and they’re serviceable too, all guaran teed fast colors. 59c to 97c All sizes, long and short sleeves | but our prices not aJeaneo . Now is time to make your new curtains and draperies.before Spring House cleaning. We have new supply of cur- ' tain material and cretonne—at 10c *■"> 15c I; per yard ! from our fast colored prints and I trim them with permanent finish ' organdie ruffling at p