LPISGAH FOREST NEWS Rev. S. F. TiptonTof former pastor of the loc»l Bapttrt church visited old friends in thi section during the weekend, and preached an interesting sermon at the church Sunday evening. Mrs. Curtis Greg and. chUdwn ol Mt. Underwood are v.siOng her mother, Mrs. W. H. Scnteu. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peek announce the birth of a son on Jan- ‘3tn. W. D. Henson of Forest City was a recent visitor of hts sister, Mrs. Annie Cain, and his daughter, Miss Katherine Henscn. Mrs. Hazel is visiting relatives in Ohio. Dick Zachary of Atlanta, Ga., was in this section Friday. Mrs D. W. Hollingsworth and daughter, Ella, had as their week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson, of Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolf and chil dren and Curtis Young enjoyed a trip to the Pink Beds Sunday. Born to Mr. ar.d Mrs; Reid Stamey, a daughter, January 27. Will Scarcer visited Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Crane at Etowah Friday. The latter, have been suffering from measles. Mr. anil Mi.-. Jack Arrington have moved in tin- R. I- Capps house lecently vacated by Ervin Mullenax aud family. Mrs. Bob Patton has been ill but is improving. Miss Annie .lean, anil Messrs W. I). and R. L. Gash and Miss Maggie Denver enjoyed a trip to “Grey Log" near Caesar's Head Sunday. BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. A<ia Reed) Dr. Carpenter visited Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Jones Sunday. Mrs. James Maxwell called on Mrs. J lin Reed one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Laughter have moved into our community. They are occupying a cottage on Rivermont Farm. * Otho Scott calk'd on Mr. and Mrs. Scott and epOrt* the children have measles. . Robert Orr is on the sick list, al so Mrs. Orr is very ill, and their daughter Mrs. Turley Justus is spending sometime with them. j Mr;'. A. C. Rickman spent Sun-, day aft rnoon with her mother Mrs.i J. E. Powell. ' Mrs. J. E. Talley is on the sick list. . . . Mrs. Van Bee*, who is in very bad health, is spending sometime at the homo of her father Lee Moody. Little Louis Nesbit was very ill week. Frank Hays and daughter Maymie were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Powell Sunday afternoon. Claud Rickman visited Leonard baMesbit recently. , , ^^J. E. Powell made a business trip to Asheville Saturday. Misses Genova Justus and Sarah Nesbit were supper guests of Mrs. A. C. Rickman Sunday TligiBr Misses Ernestine and Doris Rahn CATALOG & Guide Our fclg. Illustrated 1934 Catalog »f Seeds, Plants, etc., with tB* atructlons for successful Garden ing and Farming, now ready. Id pages of useful tuformatton. ro be sure you gee a copy, send as your name and address on a poa tal card Immediately. • ASHEVILLE SEED CO. Consolidated With EARLE SEED CO. ho N. Leilugton Are. Asheville, N. C. OAKLAND NEWS (By Mr*. Lee F. Norton) T. B. Reid was a ealler at the home of Mr. and Mrs Dan Reid Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid recently I visited Mrs. R. J. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKinney in their home3 at Lake Toxaway. Mrs. George Alexander visited her daughter, Mrs. Hovie Chappell, Friday. Fred Nicholson of Rosman visit ed his mother Mrs. Maggie Nicholson Thursday. Mrs. S. E. Alexander was guest f her sister- Mrs. L. M. Glazener at ter home in Rosman one day last veek, and reports her sister to be uite ill. Mrs. Frank Fisher visited her . >arents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chap ' nan at their home near Edisto one | lay last week. j Mrs. W. F. McCall called on Mrs. j A. Reid Thursday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders and * 'tt!e son Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. I 'V. F. McCall were in Brevard Sat ! ttvday evening. Cecil was quite ill . "-<! thev tock him to the doctor’s! ; office. We are glad to report him I |much improved. W. \t re indeed sorry to learn! I hat it was necessary to carry our • I M friend I. S. Fisher to the hos-j i pital Sunday. We haven’t learned | ; he particulars of his trouble but: ’ new he had been in poor health for j j 'mne ^ime. We were made sad when we learn-1 'd of the death of Mr. Barclay, son- , •i-law of Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. C. Wike.> 'Vo sincerly sympathize with his, i 'prints and the widow and her fam-1 i IV. We had the pleasure oi a snort visit Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Kitch "ii of Horse Shoe and Mrs. N. E. Posey of Mills River. W. F. McCall left Sunday for v!ovidu. He was called back to his ■Id position on the railroad after a ’■iy-otf of nearly three years. Mrs. McCall accompanied her husband as j fur as Hendersonville. I Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker of| \rden were wesk-end guests of ♦heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. R<Mrs. Mabel Lee of Lake Toxaway I spent Saturday night with her sis ter, Mrs. Jess Breedlove at the home of Fred McNeely. Miss Nellie Thomas and Miss Jes sie Fisher of Reids Siding visited 'liends in this section Sunday. Miss Ruby Whitmire, a teacher at Lake Toxaway, spent one night last week with one cf her little pupil , Kile Galloway. , Mr. and Mrs. Mack Collins and Mrs. Fred Nicholson of Rosman visited Mrs. Maggie Nicholson Sun laoug Galloway spent one night last1 week with his sister, Mrs. Mary | Burgess and family. _, | Buren Fowler of horse Shee and,, Chris Dillard of Mills River made a, I hort call nr Mrs. Mary Burges* i nc morri f last week. i* E A. Reid celebrated his bmhuoj* Sundav and had as guests, Mr. and I Misses Flora and Bess, and Miss Cora Wilson of Brevard, and his I father T. B. Reid. The occasion was ! reported to be very enjoyable The party was a surprise for Mr. Reid. Icalled on Mrs. C. Laughter Sunday. Edna Rickman visited Lettie Nes |b,MrTCRaynel Morgan of Hender sonville was visiting relatives here |Sufi£w. K. Duncan is ill. I Colds and sore throat are ve y [prevalent in our community. 1 The worst evil of wars ia «« moral laxity that always follows them. Like parent .like progeny. We ••retaxis in which all our ancestors ride. _____ “Every guilty deed holds in (it >elf the seeds of retribution. LongfeU^^ ) Crush and dissolve S Bayer ■ Aspirin Tablets in half a glass o' ureter. ^) O GARGLE thoroughly — s>A\ X throw your head way back, £? ? allowing a little to trickle down < ( / your throat X 3 Repeat gargle and do not H rinse mouth, allow gargle to remain on membranes of the H throat for prolonged effect. Remember: Only Medicine Helps Sore Throat Modern medical science now throws in entirely new light on sore throat. A way that eases the pain, rawness and irritation in as little as two or three minutes' It requires medicine—like BAYER ASPIRIN- to do these things I That is why throat special k ists throughout America are pre-’ j scribing this BAYER gargle in place of old-time ways. t Be careful, however, that you get real BAYER Aspirin for this pur pose. For they dissolve completely enough to gnrgle --,l1— irritating particles. Miss Letota Randolph was a busi ness visitor to Asheville Saturday. Mrs. S. E. Whitmire spent a couple of days as guest of her daugh ter Mrs. E. A. Glasener. Misses Irene Pharr, Elsie White and LaVerno Whitmire, students of W. C. T. C. Cullowhee spent the week-end with their parents here. Mrs. James Raxtcr of Brevard ia spending several days as guest of her daughter Mrs. R. S. Winches ter. Mrs. Sarah Galloway was a Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fisher. Mrs. Jack Fisher and two chil dren, Mrs. A. W. Bruner, Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr. and daughter, Lucille, were visitors to Brevard Saturday night and visited Mrs. ■James T. Bales at Hinton Lodge. Rev. Carl Cox and West Cannon were dinner guests, of Mrs. Sarah Galloway Saturday night. A. W. Bruner has aceepted a position with Gennett Lumber com pany, at Robbinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher at Lake Toxaway Sunday. Miss Ruth Jordan returned home Saturday after spending the past two weeks in Asheville visiting friends. L. R. Chapman moved last week from Calvert to his house here near the school building. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway moved to the house just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Chapman.» M>-. and Mrs. Koy Chapman oi Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I,. R. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Galloway and daughter Marie were Sunday guests! of the former’s mother Mrs. Anne Galloway of the East Fork section. W. M. Galloway of the East Fork section was a business visitor j to Rosman Monday. Miss Eva Pharr suffered a very painful injury Sunday by closing a car door on her linger. I Miss Faye Glazener and Miss Lena Stewart visited the formers sister Miss Louise Glazfener, a student at the Asheville Normal Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Searcey and children of Easley, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Bruner and two cnil dren spent Sunday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fisher. Mrs. Wade Garren and son For rest of Asheville, Mrs. Ella Lock man of Lockhart S. C., Mr. and, Mrs. Flynn Allen, Mrs. Jess Allen of Hendersonville were .Sunday ' ~7B Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ga noway and children accompanied Miss Kath leen Batson to the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. L. Batson at Pickens, Sunday.' Miss Hilda Galloway spent Sun day as guest of Miss Odell Aiken at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. Mrs. M. G. Duncan and son Rus sell, and Mrs. Pick Whitmire visit ed Mrs. Winston Ashworth in Bre vard Sunday. The latter has been quite ill but is improving. Walter Reece Jr. spent Sunday night as guest, of Charles Glazener. • Russell I)uncari and Winston Ash worth of Brevard were business visi I tors to Asheville Saturday, j Mrs. B. E. Smith of Lake Tox* way is spending ssventl days as guest of her sister Mrs. .fdSiii Clarko. Homer Clark returned home Sat urday after spending the past week visiting relatives at Pickens, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Singletary. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brittian Sunday. Miss Faye Glazener and Miss Lena [ Stewart of Six Mile, spent the week-end as guests of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glaze ner, ,. } Miss Hazel Moore spent Sunday as guest of Miss Lila Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stover and daughter Guyma spent the week end pi Brevard as guests of the for mer’s sister, Mrs. Jesse A. Gallo way. Miss Tommie Reynolds of East Fork spent Thursday night as guest of Miss Hazel Moore. Mrs. M. N. Moore and daughter Miss Mazie spent Sunday as guests of Sir. and Mrs. M. A. Moore. Evon, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coats Cassell, who has been ill for several weeks, is slightly im proved. J. s. wiifis spent tne past weeK in Pickens visiting his, sister Mr3. S. M. Bible. Henry Chapman of Quebec was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilds Sunday. Miss Nellie Wilds spent the week end in Gloucester as guest of Miss Hattie Lee McCall. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woodard and children were visitors to the CCC camp in Gloucester Sunday. Rev. J. N. Hall and mother were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White Sunday. . , Mrs. R. A. Colling and daughter Miss Elia Mae, are quite ill with flu. , „ , Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker of Highlands, passed through Rosman Saturday enroute to Connestee to visit relatives. . _ . Misses Annie Whitmire and Robert Whitmire were dinner guests of Martha and Margaret Whitmire Sunday. The occasion was the twins geventh birthday anniversary. Mrs. J. F. Morgan and daughter Mary were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitmire Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Eldridge, J. W. _ El dridge and son Carl were business and Mrs. Eugene They were acompanied home hy Wilma and J. D. Morrison. Mrs. J. M. Bowen, Mrs. E. D. Randolph and Miss Leota Randolph and Broadus Duncan attended fun eral services for Mrs. Palestine Bryson at Cullowhee Wednesday. Mrs. Gus King of East Pork was a dinner guest of Mrs. E. D. Ran Idolph Friday. I Rev. Carl Cox and West Cannon i of Slater, S. C.. opent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. I Randolph. Mrs.^8ae Gtdce^of lUad^nnviUt Mrs. Home Morrison of Brvrajei underwent an operation at Iiyd*y 'Memorial hospital in Brevard ThUtt (day and is recovering nicely. Mrs. Morrison is a former Rosman real* ^Herman Cook of We&verrilie, S. G\. spent the week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Glasener. Mr. and Mrs. Leitoy Bauknight and two children of Columbia, S. C. were week-end guests of the for mer’s sister Mrs. Craig Whitmire; Chief of Police W. M. Stroup and family moved last week from cnurch street to the Bagwell house on Main street. Rev. A. J. Manly will oc cupy the house just vacated by Mr. ■ and Mrs. Stroup. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson and children of Liberty, were Sunday 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. jThemas. Mies Minnie Paxton of Hender sonville .visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kill Paxton, Sunaay. Thomas Paxton, who has been j making his home at Forest City, re turned to the home of his parents i Mr. and Mrs. Hill Paxton, Sunday. Weldon Galloway, who has been critically ill at Oteen hospital for several weeks is thought to be slight ly improved. PARTY CELEBRATES, BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Ore of the most enjoyable social events of the season was the party given by Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wat kins Thursday evening, honoring their sen Girtha’s 23rd birthday an niversary . Games and contests were enjoyed. Mr. Watkins was the recipient of many birthday remembrance*. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and punch were served. Mrs. J. B. Rogers and Mrs. Robert Zachary of Ashheville assisted their mother with the refreshments. Guests present included: Girtha Watkins, Charles Glaze oer, Wash, Coy and Roy Fisher, Ralph Burt, James White, Claud and T on Stroup, Austin Hogsed, Douglas Kl dridge, Walter Reece Jr., Era Pharr Elizabeth White, Ruth Burt, Virginia Oats, Helen Henderson, Olga Fortenberry, Beatrice Sisk. Rnth Whitmire Betty Nelson, Kath leen Batson. LADIES AID MEETS WITH MRS. OLAZENER The Ladies Aid society of Zion Baptist church met at tne home_ of -jiftiiiM WEINER ROAST ™ ENJOYABLE EVENT A weiner roast was held in the East Fork section Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie, which was thoroughly en joyed by the large number of gueste present. Guests present were: Edwin, Nur iman, Mary and Ann Singletarry, {Russell, Annie, Ralph, Jack and {Mary Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde =»==—-.-—=■ Brown, Bessie Glazener, Edith Clark, Anne and Hazel Moore, Ralph Gal loway, Rachel, Edith and Robert Gravely and Betty Nelson. SUNDAY SCHOOLcIaSS ENJOYS MOTOR TRIP MisB Maggie Bello Green took members of her Sunday school class on an outing Sunday afternoon, the party motoring to COC camp in the Gloucester section. Those enjoying the trip with Miss Green were: Robert Oate Jr,, Roy Eloridge, D. R. Winchester Jr., Laura Pharr, Inez Oats, Dovfe White, Margaret White, Carolyn Kiwsey, Ruby Glazener. RAINES-DODSON Miss Myrtle Dodson and Mr. James Raines, both of Rosman, were mar ried in Pickens, Saturday, January 27. The wedding was a complete surprise to their friends here. Mrs. Raines is the daughter of Mrs. John Dodson and the late Mr. Dodson. Mr. Raines is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Raines. Mr. and Mrs. Raines both received their edu cation in the Rosman schools. CARBON PAPER—the kind that lasts and refuses to emut au over the office when handled..... .at lea# than you pay for cheap grades. The Times office. i—i i — "■ '’~r“ Any Hour |g ' or Might °°*E FIRESTONE BATTERIES No finer battery has ever been sold than the Firestone—and in price it is remarkably low for the perfor mance—only $540 jgaa and your old ^Eg^ffim^B^B battery ffijHgSfaQBflBIW —these new Chevrolets are cerreal automobiles—the finest low priced car in the field—but they are no bet ter than the service we give—we've kept pace with the best in the field and now we are right there—not a step behind, right abreast of all the developments in the automobile world. If you want to prove what good service really is, drop in and let us take care of your needs—whatever they are, we are equipped and always at your service. _ MASTERPIECE—A CAR THAT IS DISTINCTIVELY NEW I AND MODERN —VIBRANT WITH SPEED—ULTRA- I MODERN IN DESIGN AND BUILT TO ENDURE—A I CAR SUCH AS ONLY CHEVROLET CAN BUILD. .„ .... ■ .- . . i_ firesione TIRES ARE REAL TIRES FIRESTONE Courier Type — 4.40x21 FIRESTONE Courier £C Type — 4.75x19_ PLAY SAFE Let us put Anti-freeze in your radia tor—no need to take a chance on hav ing your radiator freeze—repairs are quite costly. ~~~ COME IN AND SEE IT! Let us tell you all about it and demon strate it to you. AUTO REPAIRING —by experts. We have the equipment and trained mechanics and service men. Our prices are right. Phones 290- 291

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