R NEWS (Mis. E. H. Mackey) — . --• Mr. uk1 Mrs. W. M. George had as their guests Sunday their daughter. Mary Georg? of Spartanburg, Mr and Mrs. Fb-UUng George and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hender son of Pelam. S. C. Mrs. Tom Fisher wa=j called to ‘ Sylvu mat week op account of th-j serious illness of her sister, Mrs. I King Mrs. M. I- Hamilton entertain'd Sunday in honor cf Mr. Hamilton 8l»t birthday anniv.rsary at th.-.i home here. A lnrg> number of vela-i • fives and friends were present to en joy the occasion with Mr. and Mrs.I Hamilton Mrs. Mack Compton of Grecnvi” •] visited hoi brother, l’. y Patttrser ; last week. Mrs. K. H. Mackey is vi'.itins friends and relatives in Greenv.l several days this week. Bode Burt ess of Canton i* visiting his daughter, Mrs. G. Merrill this week. The W\ M. S. of Little River Ba,< tist church will hold its regular meeting tins afternoon (Thursday) at the horn.' of Mr-'. M. M. McCal1 All members are urg <1 to he present, j Mr. mid Mrs. Harley Merrill hadj as their guests Sunday, Mr. George Kitchen of Greenville and Mr, Alien| \\ t and children (f Spartanburg. ; V’u.:c who horde wealth are noti w , than those who try to do so.| " " --~l Why Hospitals Use a Liquid Laxative - i I In. , Auh auit doctors have alw.r . used liquid laxatives. And the public is fast reluming to laxatives in liquid i farm. I )>• you know the reasons'.’ 'i he do-c uf a liquid laxative can a • me nicd. 1'lie action cun thus d-‘ : rer :l: vd to suit individual need P ! f,g: i,. ,-ii habit: you need not take i 1 ■ d 1 ’«• dose’’ a day or two later Vo,- iinil a mild liquid laxative irritate j the l.idiieui. f 'I lie right dose of a liquid laxa'r •• brings a perfect movement, and ther** isSio discomfort at the time, or after /’The wrong cathartic may often do barm than good. properly prepared liquid laxative Itic Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin v safe relief from constipation II aeiitly he|ps the average person’s iii\ve;- Pack to regularity. Dr. Cald —tor-— j jj FARM PRODUCTS j JCoJ'u. bu.66c j i 'W^avy Hens, lb- ... .09c • i IPfcht Hens. 11).07c j ] Kkj?S, dozen . .20c j . .....: , B. & B. ! ! Feed & Seed Co. I I 9 j f Brevard ODD---BUT TRUE ■C A AMtRtCftN PEOPLE SHOW UTTlE INTEREST IN GETTING THEIR NhMES IN THE 'SOCIAL REGISTER - A NUMBER OF CITIES HNME DROPPED — 'TtoEfcE MU tO 000 OCO 6Q0A«* MILES os Wt&XPLOW;® AMft IN TUE VWORLO . LIFE OF CANDIDA' NOT BED OF R( E? With people’s‘mind turning toward things political, the following ar ticle was brought in by 0. M. Sini L'ldt, which tells a “true story” of lu w one man spent his time can casing: -LOST FOUR MONTHS and 2d ilays canvassing, lost 1,360 hours of sleep thinking about the election, Imt 10 acre; of corn and a whole let 01 sweet potatoes, lost two front teeth and a whole lot of hair in personal encounter with an oppon , nt: donated on<* beef, four ahoats ..nd five sheep to barbecues; gave uwav two pairs of suspenders, five calico dresses, five dolls and 13 baby rattles kissed 126 babies, kind led 14 kitchen fires; put up eight toves; cut 14 cord of wood; carried 24 buckets of water; gathered J wngv.n loads of cc-rn; pulleu 47(1 i—”... nf foddg^ WHll<(,<l 4’0<-iC Should Advertise: Want a clerk, Want a partner. Want a situation Want to sell a farm Want to sell sheep, cattle Want to sell groceries, drugs Want to sell dry goods, carpets Want to sell clothing, hats, caps Want to find customers for buying ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES Advertising will gain you customers Advertising keeps old customers, Advertising makes success easy, Advertising begets confidence Advertising means business Advertising shows energy Advertise and succeed Advertise judiciously Advertise or bust Advertise weekly Advertise now And all the • liffeSrv *t': •„ hBBbP999kSfR ill.III! . I Ml.ll.ll.ll.. II. .II..M..I.H...MM. t. Ml.. : \ \ VEGET z - « Vegetables in a variety from which no favorite of | yours is ever missing. If it's on the market, we have it. I Fresh, tasty and delightful. AND—at prices you can j afford. : i i Large Celery, stalk 10c Tomatoes, lb ... 10c New Cabbage, lb 04c Wgjjjj | -. Lettuce, 2 heads 15c We Deliver MULL'S BLUE FRONT GROCER Broadway Phewe 201 also j„ .... ........... ..... ..n..mm.«ii..'.iw.g. IT D. C. MEETING WILL FEATURE SIDNEY LANIER Regular meeting «f the U. D. C. will be held at the library Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, according to announcement of the president, Mrs. 0. L Erwin. An interesting feature of the mest-( ing will be a Sidney Lanier program and Southern songs. All members | are urged to be present. Mrs. W. W. Martin Many people of the .county will be learn with regret of the death of. Mrs. W. W. Martin of Greensboro.1 Mrs. Martin was active in organiz ing the several P.T.A. groups here last fall and made a number of friends in the county. ! VISITS IS SPARTASBURG Mrs Guthrie Kilpatrick and son, Billy were week-end guests in Spart anburg « - - ENLISTMENT MADE EASIER PPoffice. ^^^^^umeptance of high school ! graduates for general service will continue at the Marine office, Post Office building, Savannah, Ga., dur ing the month of February. A limited number of boys between the ages of, 17 and 18 who have- completed the eighth grade will also be accepted to learn the drum and trumpet. 1 A Marino has plenty of time for rending, recreation, sports and self improvement. He has an equal chance to build up his body with athletics, or to improve his mind with study His chief pride is in his efficiency as a military man. Applications will be mailed from the Savannah office upon request to young men of this -ection whe desire service with the U. S. Marines. NEW PAMPHLET GUT j FROM STATE COT LEGE - Detailed outline of a program' for agricultural recovery in keeping with Governor Ehringhaus’ “plan and prosper" campaign has just been prepared by Charles A. Sheffield, assistant extension service director at N. C State College. Mr. Sheffield has made a study of the crop acreage and livestock needs of North Carolina, and his findings have been set forth in a special cir cular just issued by the extension service. . There is still a definite need for more wheat, corn, oats, garden truck, meat, and dairy products than is now being produced -within the Slate, he said. North Carolinians cannot be self-sufficient until they supply their own needs with foods produced at home whenever possible. The AAA program of reducing j ’lie production of basic commodi ties will leave 600,000 North Caro lina acres free for the production! f food and feed erfos for home con-; sumption. Mr, Sheffield said, and nrw is the logical time for farmers to begin the production of these "eed and food crops. Another important matter, he said, that of Increasing the State’s live-, atock population and of giving more! houghi to the efficiency of farmers, -o that their incomes won’t all be •i ed up in defraying the cost of ‘arm operation. A farmer barely breaking even, or I losing mouev, will in most cases aicr a profit from the same amount j commodities if he eliminates all •- aste by careful planning to meet bo tv'w situation. Tli3 pamphlet may be obtained bee by citizens of North Carolina upon application to the agricultu •>1 editor at State College in Ral eigh. , MANY CHILDREN ON PISCAH HONOR ROLL ___ Pupils of Second and Third Grades Make Record In Scholastic Work HONOR ROLL First Grade — Frances Walker, Betty Roller, Marguerite Frady, Mary Ann Daniels, Jack Mackey, Helen Pressley. PERFECT ATTENDANCE First Grade — Frances Walker Helen Pressley, Mary Ann Daniels Henry Curto, Gaden Galloway, Clyde Galloway. HONOR ROLL Second and Third Grades—Ned Barnett, Victor Hollingsworth, Bris <•1.0 Norris. Robert Owen, Klizabetl Allison, Helen Ray, Franklin Camp field, Bill Galloway, Annie May Cooper, Delner Parker, Miriam Poor Nora Lee Rhodes, Christine Senlell Ellen Senlell, Mattie Sheppherd. tearless Edmundson, Victor Hollings worth, Ervin A, Mulen< x, Briscoe Norris, John Norris, Frank Jackson Patton, Frank Parris, Robert Owen Elizabeth Allison, Lucille Markban Helen Ray, Fae Sentell. HONOR ROLL Fourth Grade—Bob T. Gash, A)vs Sentell, Edwin Cheek. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Fourth Grade—Paul Benfield, Ed win Cheek, L. V. Corn. Debois Ed nntr.dson, lie,•shell Galloway, Bol T. Ga-li. Billie Lyday. Dixon Lyday Alva Sentell, Ralph Sentell, Fraziei Sentell, Thelma Daniels, Billie Jean Duncan, Inez Edmundson, Bennie Galloway, Myrtle Norris, Otcllie Parris, Catherine Raines. HONOR ROLL Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Grades— Eli Allison, Rose Wolf, Bonnie For tune, Mildred Cheek. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Fifth," Sixth and Seventh Grades— Sid Barnett, A. J7 Parker, Ell Alli son, Willie Cody, Christina Gallo way, Elsie Marcum, Christine Mule nex. Edna Nicholson, Zella Mae Orr, Mary Parris. Rt\y Benfield, Veora Mulenex, Annie Sentell, Ruth Dun car,, Bolen Daniels, Carmen Curto, Rose Wolf, Martha Albert, Herman Hollingsworth, Harry Sentell, Joyce Sentell, Edgar Meecc, Delphine Gal loway, Bonnie Fortune, Carrie Ray, Eugenia Holden, Louise Mulenex, Mildred Cheek, David Barton, Ed ward Curto, Billy McCall, Eva Sen tell. Smalm Charlie Says w “Bet it'd be might/ interestin' t’ one o| the members o’ th’ ‘old barber shop debatin' club’t’ listen in on the talk in a beauty parlor — _— ’AltBON PAPER—tho kind tha lasts and refuses to smut all ove ie office when handled.at les 'ian you pay for cheap grade*. Th t’imes office. .- v m . v'?:» MOVING AND GEN£M£JMt& rules- -cash to LifiSiJm iiniard Transfer Co. Brevard. ip! Plants For Sale: CABBAGE plants. Charleston, Jersey. Succession and Copenhagen Market. ONION plant*, White and Yellow Bermuda, all 19s per IOOC—6000 lots 60c per 10nft Send remittance for prompt dent. DORRIS PLANT CO., Va ta, Ga. F'i WANTED— Your “ 1 Wc are equipped to do ftrst c I shoe repair work. Ladies soles j heels 76 cents. Men's soles and rubber heels $1.00. Brevard Shoe Shop, T. E, Waters, owner—Nem Arcade. Jnn 1 tfc ' ! IYPE WRITER RIBE ON 3—gu a ran* I teed regular Underwood-Fiahor 1 made same you pay 75c for else- J where—only 60 cents, 2 for fl.OO.; The Times office. $ ( -- PIANO FOR SAUE—Good condl-! tion; reasonable price and reas-j onablo terras. Mrs. C. L. Newljmd, North Brevard. 25'; - j FURS WANTED ' Bring all your raw furs to Miller &! Compton at the B. & B. Feed A Seed l Co. next Saturday, and get the bfctti price of the season. One dollar] premium paid for the best handled, pelt brought us this week and fifty cent' for the second best. ltc. ■---—i WANTED—More people to use the Want Ads. Over 1600 families j read your message in this column] each week. dh, -i FOR SALE— WHITE PINE and! j SPRUCE PINE (Hemlock) trees,I i all sizes, both field and nursery grown, in any quantity from 1 to a ] truck load. J. M. Clark, Penrose, N. C. One mile from Penrose on Little River road. J25 2tp ~ pay your "Subscription fTF i~~1 '~1 --- FOB SALE—bond yw m heifers and steer*--beef typ*, AJ. so on* eow with <Ur4y^^i|M»'^' ane wood saw <at jKtni" good truck, HueV.elwrry tngiae, five hone pow er, in good ceaiition.- W. A. Alli son, Brevard, bA. ltc FOB SALK--Good chewing and smoking tob*«o... .16 und 20 cents per pc usd. Joe Grooms, coun try Club road. ell 3tp ummw I s. F. ALL!SOS, Prop. I ,1 I D. R. Bryson R-3 Pisgah Mills, Brevard J- S. Wilds, Rosman 11 ._S. I.ottis, Brevard Church Morris, R-3 L H. Moore, Penrose L. P. Beck, Asheville Jas A. King, N. J. Ed Duclos, Texas A. K. Orr, Asheville W, R. Lewis, Rosman A. P. Bell, Rosman Henry Queen, R-l Nathan Morris, Ky. John F. Henry, Ky. Floyd Gash, Lenoir C. E. Lance, R-l Jim Alexander, R-2 ! Eck Simms, Brevard J. K. Mills, Brevard R. J. Orr, Brevard W. M. Cloud, Brevard C. E, Wilson, Idaho O. L- Erwin, Brevard Joe Curto, R-2 i A. r. BOggs K-Z 0. N. Siniard, R-2 F. L. DeVane, Conn J. H. Gravely, R-l Frank Scruggs, R-3 Ed Hollingsworth, Ga. E. H- Webb, Brevard B. F. Beasley, Brevard J. M. Allison, Ala. R. V Merrill, Fla. R. E. Williams, Cal. E. C. Merrill, Cal. D. F. Merrill, Easley j L. R. Scruggs, R-3 D. L. English, Brevard ' J. H. Baxter, R-l Pat Allison, R-l Ernest Tilson, Brevard Jackson Holden, R-2 Sam Orr, R-2 S. R. Morgan, Etowah A. M. Case, Brevard S. A. Morgan, Etowah L. E. Bagwell, Brevard J. M. Allison, Brevard W. P. Allison. Brevard Dr. T. F- Marr, Brevard M. B. Bagwell, Brevard T. L. Snelson, Brevard Mabel Sharpe, Brevard 1 Mrs- Florence Orr, Brevard I Mrs. George Simpson, Brevard 1 Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Brevard i Mrs. R. H. Zachary, Brevard Mrs. M- Shackleford, P. Forest M. W. Galloway, Brevard .Miss Margaret Brcese, Fla. |F. L. Wilson, Pisgah Forest Launa Clayton,‘Brevard ! Clyde Ashworth, Brevard Rev. R\ L. Alexander, Lumber ton, N. C. E. R. Eehard, Taylorsville Webb Hollingsworth, P, Forest Mrs. M- S. MeKelvey, R-l Clarence Norton, Oakland 'Carl Queen, Balsam Grove Mrs- L. E. Lewis, Raleigh Corrie Ashley, Hendersonville Miss Carrie Duckworth, Ral eigh Miss Janie Hume, Asheville Mrs. Robert Kirksey, Pickens Mrs, W. H. Davis, Greenville Henry W. Marshall,-Durham Edmund C/Breese, Wisconsin Mrs. Mamie Fisher Galloway, Rosman W. D. Lance, Cross Anchor May Jenkins, New York S. R. Sharpe, Lexington, N. C. Miss Elise Walker, Brevard John F. Norris, Clinton, S. C. John Paul Lucas, Charlotte J. B. Perry, Pisgah Forest ! Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, N. Y. Ralph Chapman, Rosman T. F. Brewer, Manning, S. C. | Mrs. Nath Galloway, Rosman Mrs. T. H. Shipman, Brevard Mrs Dan Glazener, Rosman Henrv Garren, Brevard Mrs. Ina Aliison, Brevard Rev. John Seagle, Charleston W A. Lyday, Pisgah Forest Ernest Lyday, Pisgah Forest '*7?.. Perry Hmkle, Oakland j. W. Nicholson, Pisgah Forest Mi*. T. B. Crary, Brevard L. R. McCall, Currie, N. C. R. S. Winchester, Rosman Mrs. C. M. Cooke, Florence^ / Mrs. A. B. Miehasl, Fla. j. S. Brorafield, Brevard gt, P. H. Galloway, Brevard j

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