ROSMAN PERSONAL | Mrs. M. B. Owen was a guest oi Mrs. Char'.i? Greene Sunday. Miss Helen Summey spent Sunday i ; guest Mies Hilda Galloway. Misses Ellen and Christine Mor j ;n ,| Sunday as guests of Alisa i i love. ^ Miss Lula Cassell and Miss C-aro-, l ii (jurren spent. Sunday as guests vV Mis? Sylvia Hoggins. ! Bill ir.dgv spent Sunday night as (lie t of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Key-’ no'.ds ; t East Fork. Barne’. and Gentry Wilds cf New-| V(Ut. Ten u, pent Tuesday night as of their uncle and aunt Mr. end Mrs. J. S. Wilds. Mrs. Charlie Green, Mrs. M. B. Ow n and daughter Lela Bosse, were visitor/ at the h me of Mrs. J. S. Wilds the first of the week. Deck Gillespie cf Telleco Piams, Tcun., spent the week-end as guest of his parents Mr. ami Mrs. B. A. Gillespie at East. Fork John Ca sell ami sens Ben ana Jack Aiken of Easley, T. E. Mas ter* were Sunday guests ct Mrs. r. T. Master* at East, Fork. Mist- 11 dty Nelson and Ruth Jordan sneMt the week-end as guests r,f Miss Ann Singletary. Rot. nml Mrs. J. K. Burt and (lac. hie*' Margaret Hope, sons, J. E. an ' loo wove dinner guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Homer Israel Sunday. X Jack Fisher and two chil di .tivned heme Sunday having sii, a the pa*t week visiting the {,,!;• r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. l!. :' wan at Sylvn. i,. :.h." Muplv, Kennith McCall, Kot< «-f J o'fther. Arvil Long of Bar NOTICE < ;• SALK OF LAND U’‘ :;ml by virtue of the au thorite ' ferred bv Deed of Trust t.v.v: icd by W. It. Harris and wife, Ethel E. Harris and E. D. Reynolds and wife. Hattie Reynolds dated the loth da. of October, 1927, and re cord-' 1 Hook 22, Page 296, in the ,»fri, (< o the Register of Deeds for Transvh ania County, \. S. Bryant, Substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock N’ooo on SAT I RDM, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 at tin i u,i House Door of Tran . ' amity in Brevard, North Carotin . -ell at public auction for vash i i he highest bidder, the fol lowing laud, to-wit: AH that certain piece, parcel or lot (•;' ' nd. situate, lying and being in t He t wn of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Caro lina. ei’d more particularly describ ed :> follows: BEGINNING at. a -'take on the South ido of Main Street, the een ter of parte wall, said stake stand ing \ 6! West 123 feet 6 inches from Mio po’P.t of intersection of the Sou It gin of Main Street with the West margin of Caldwell Street, and ere- thence wit?r the with ti’..- if1' )B| a" party wall 132 feet to the point of beginning. . And living all of that certain lot of land described in deed from Bre vard Banking Company to W. H. Hai'ti- m:d wife, and E. D. Reynolds and wife, dated the 28th day cf Ap ril. 1921, and recorded in Book 39, Pag" 22 of the Records of Deeds for Transylvania County, North Caro lina. This sale i.- made on account ol default, in payment of the indebted* ne-s secured by said Deed of Trust, and is subject to all taxes and as sessments against said property whether row due or to become due. A lie percent ) cash deposit will lxi required of the highest bid ___ PFV j.'e. bvrt to CONDUCT REVIVAL Rev. J. E. Burt, pastor of Zior. -——.——*-1 . .Complete stock of nationally advertised and local brand pro ducts.'. .. and VEGETABLES Bought fresh and new from the best markets in such quantities that j we can offer you a fair price.... I and MEATS-West ern and home killed meats. Broadway* ' Also Main _L-wu-l—I———^ ! aptisc church, will conduct revival rvices at Cashiers Valley Baptist -urch beginning Friday, February 9th. The Rev. Mr. Burt will fill his' egular appointment at G 1 a d y I Branch church near Brevard at 7:30 o’clock at night, due to a business conference but will have a ubstitute r.t Oak Grove Quebec untlay morning at 11 o’clcck. •■IKS ROBT. EDENS DIES JN SOUTH CAROLINA Mrs. Robert Edens died at her j home near Six Mile, S. C., Wednes !uy, January 31- Funeral services were held at Smith chapel near Six Mile on the Thursday following. Surviving relative's are 'he hus a n ! th ’ Mlo no- ch'ldrer., Al James, Tom, Ada, Lizzie and Esther. Allen 'is a former Rosman resi dent and will be well remembered here. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS RY PUBLICATION North Carolina-, Tm ns a I ra n ia- C ou lit y. Gdna Pauline Davis Grover, vs Clarence William Grover The defendant Clarence William Grover, will take notice that an ac tion, entitled as above, has been ■ommeneui in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute di vorce from the defendant, Clarence William Grover, on the grounds of separation for more than two years; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, at the court House in Rre vard, North Carolina, within thirty lays after the completion of this summons by publication, and answer >r demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief saked for in her complaint. This the 20th day of Jail. 1034. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court, dtp F. 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Transylvania County. L J. Whitmire, Jr. vs Marie Quinn Whitmire. The defendant, Marie Quinn Whit mire, will take notice that an ac tion, entitled as above, lias been com menced in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, for the pur pose of obtaining ar. absolute divorce from the defendant, Marie Quinn Whitmire, on the grounds of separa tion for more than two years; and the defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Transylvania Coun ty, at the Court House in, Brevard, JS. Completion of this summons by pub lication, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief asked for in his com plaint. This the 26th day of Jan. 193-1. OTTO ALEXANDER Clerk Superior Court F 1-8-15-22 pd. EXECUTION SALE OF LAND By virtue of an execution to me directed, issued by the Cierk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County (pursuant to a judgment in favor of Commercial Credit Cotfi pany, plaintiff, and against T. II. Case and others, defendants, render ed July 12th, 1926, and docketed in Transylvania County on July 15th 1920, in Judgment Docket L, at page 524) on Monday the 19th day of February 1934, at the Court House door, at 12 o’clock boon, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, I will sell the undivided one fourth interest of T. II. Case in and to the lands conveyed by L. P. Gentry and wife to IT. I?. Patton, U. Y. Neel, C. P. White and T. II. Case, by deed dated November 17th 1925, and recorded in Book 52, at page 271 of the deed records of Transylvania County, which land is described as follows: First Tract: Beginning on a Black Gum in or near the line of the Gov ernment lands, and runs South 20, poles to a stake at or near the Milk-Sick Branch, the southwest; corner of a three-acre tract; thence with the line of said 3-acre tract, j North 71 East 37 1-2 poles to a stake; thence North 82 East 11 poles te a stake; thence, North 77 East 15 poles to a stake in the. Milk-Sick Branch; thence North 62 East 31, poles; North 85 East 7 1-2 poles to a stake at the mouth of aid branch at Lambs Creek; thence up and with the creek. North 40 West, 41 poles to a stake at the fork if the creek; thence up the right hand prong, North 5 East 6 1-2 poles to a stake in the road; thence ivith the road, South 88 deg. 15 nin. west 21 poles to a stake in the north bank of the road; thence North i d.g. 15 min. West 5 poles and 15 links to a gate post; thence North 10 deg. 45 min.West 45 poles and 14 ink- to a Spanish Oak Stump in the r;overnment line; thence, with the Government line South 78 poles to the Beginning. Second Tract. Beginning on a Black Pine in the Government line ,n a ridge, and runs South 25 West 16 pules to a stake in the ford of a -.ranch: thence South 88 deg. 15 aiii West 21 poles to a stake in the so th hank of the road; thence North G deg. 15 min. West 5 poles ipd 15 links to a gate post; thence ; th GO deg. and 45 min. west 45 and 14 links to a Spanish Oak tv o in the Government line; <•0, with the Government line, *••:!» 5 East 12 poles to an iron and y; r-i Oak post in the government r ■ thence with the Government ine, South 86 East 70 poles to the MANY SHJCA PUPILS ON THE HONOR ROLL Twenty-seven pupils of' Selicn school made the honor roll during January, according to Professor Ruf fin V/ilkins and Miss Marion Hen derson, teachers of the school. The following making the honors requir ed: Honor Roll First grade — William Bentley, Bruee McGaha, Russell Huggins, Muaue Barton, Bruce Tinsiey, J. Galloway, Roy Barton, James Bar ton. Second grade—Acie Waldrop. Third—J. L. Bryson, Frank Bar ton, Nell Wilson, C. D. McCall. Fourth grade—Grace Mull Char les Barton, Reba Wilson, Garner Galloway, Harold Norris, Clyde Sum mey, Leroy Tinsley, Ross Wilson. Fifth grade—D. C. Barton, Harry Blake, Van Huggins, Jro Tinsiey. Sixth grade—Nell Lance, Mac Wilson, Mildred Wilson, Gcrtha Gal loway, Craig Sharpe. Perfect Attendance Roy Barton, Brisco McGaha, j Brute McGaha, Junior Summey, Bruce Tinsley, Marie Barton, Caro-1 line Bryson, Maggie Bryson, Clar-i once Summey, Ocie Waldrop, Frank! Barton. J. L. Bryson, Curtis Lance,, C. it. McCall, Robert McGaha, Nell Wilson, Grace Mull, Reba Wilson,] Charles Baiton, Lc-ruy Tinsley, Ross, Wilson, Reba Barton, D. C. Barton,! Harry Blake, Van Huggins, Joe F’ein Tinsley, Nell Lance, Mac; Wilson. Arthur Barton, Craig: Sharpe, Gould Tinsley, L. C. Wil son. INCOME TAX MAN TO BE HERE ON FEBRUARY 16 In *rder to help taxpayers in filing their federal income tax re turns, a representative of the U. S. Internal Revenue department will be in Brevard on February 16. A notice issued by the treasury department asks those who have re ceived blanks on which to file re turns take these with them to the office on those dates, if they wish federal assistance in making their report. Kills Hob a San Juan Capistrano, Cal.—De-1 daring he mistook 15-months-olil Naomi Rollinsor* for 1i (loll lying on the track, the engineer of a south bound Santa Fe train told author*-; ties he allowed his train to pass over and kill the child. The old Jew was right; there is tion of law. 1 Beginning, containing 11.90 acres j more or loss. Being the samp ,)ioper-| ty conveyed to Clyde Case by II. L. Souther and wife by deed dated Feb. 2,‘|rd 1914, and recorded in Book 29, nag*. 3S9 cf the records of deeds for Sale made to satisfy said judg ment, and costs and expenses of sale. This January 15th 1934. T. S. WOOD Sheriff. .. ■ - * a WAiTpDM MOVING AND GENERAL HAUL ING — Block wood, stovcwood and dry kindling, sand and gravel. Reas onable rates—cash to ail. Phone 118. Siniard Transfer Co. Brevard. Ip FOR SALE—Two pair mules and one fresh milk cow. H. L. Alli son, Brevard, R-l. ltp Plants For Sale: CABBAGE plants, Charleston, Jersey, Succession and Copenhagen Market. ONION plants, White and Yellow Bermuda, all 7tic per 1000—6000 lots 00c per 1000. Send remittance for prompt ship ment. DORRIS PLANT CO., Valdos ta, Ga. . H F-l dtp WANTED — Your Shoe Repairing i We are equipped to do first class1 shoe repair work. Ladies soles and | heels 76 cents. Men'3 soles and rubber heels. $1.00. Brevard Shoe; Shop, T. E. Waters, owner—News, Arcade. .Jan 1 t.fc ] -:-i WANTED TO EXCHANGE—Two Plymouth Rock roosters, Park strain, for two other good Plymouth Rock roosters. E. H. Jones, Brevard, R-2. ltp FOR SALE—McCormick Deering two horse riding cultivator. In good shape—$50. E. R. Galloway, Ros man. ltp TY PEWRITER RIBBONS— guaran-' teed regular Underwood-Fisher | made same you pay 75o for else where—only GO cents, 2 for $1.00. The Times office. ■I ~i7 ii i i ■rr~-~~~ " ' NOTICE OF SALE 1 T h e undersign*} Liqv&la&igf Agent will offer for sale to the highest bidder FOR CASH, at the front door «f the Brevard Banking Company Building on SATURDAY, FEB. 17th, 1834. at 10 o’clock A- ol., the following property belonging to Gurney 1. Hood. Commissioner cf Banns of N. C., Ez Re!., Brevard Banking 1 Company: One judgment, docketed against C. C. Ycngue, recorded In Book “N” at page 274 et aeq., of the judgment records of Tratisylvaia County, on which there is a bal ance due at this date in the prin cipal amount of $2450.37 and accrued interest at six per v