* Social and I ersonal News of Interest to Brevard i OPEN UOUSbIeNJOTA BLF. Ifr SOCIAL EVENT OF WEEK Celebrating the beginning of the fifth year of their pastorate in the Brevard Baptist church. Rev. ar.a Mrs 1‘aul Hartsell held open house at the pastor! uni Fiiday afternoon : nd evening of last week, entertain ing members of their church and other friends oi the community. A colorful array of spring flowers and blooming plants, in harmonizing shades was used in the decorations, carrying out a pretty color sc.ieme and r.ddiug to the pleasures of the occasion. Mr and Mr- Hartsell received the guests in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma- Dedsworth welcom ed the guests at the door in the at *> ternoon, while Mr. and Mrs. Julian tilazeiier were on the welcome com A.nittee in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. * Knox DeLong conducted the guests to the registry room, where Mrs. I>. F. Moore had charge of the registra tion book. Alvin Moore added much to the entertainment features with several piano and voca -elections rendered driving the uftevnoon and evening. In the dining r< nt, Mrs. Roy Long pdmvd tea, Imtb afternoon and eve ning, Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mrs Ralph Ramsey l-ouring coffee. As ting with the serving were Misses Pauline Hartsell Anita Galloway and Ora Holt Long. Others assisting with the refreshments were Misses Rost and Annie Shipman, Mrs. W. H. Duckworth and Mis. W. W. Pruette A largo number of friends oi the popular pastor and his _ equally a_s popular wife called during the at ternoon and evening reception hours. D. .J. R. TO MTE'T MO.XDAY AFTERNOON The February meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion v 'll be held next Monday after noon ; ; I!: 15 oV’ock at the home oi Mrs. J. M. Allison. All members are, >irged lo be present. < [III.DDES CONFEDERACY TO MEET SATURDAY • Members of the Children of the < \«nfederaey wil meet Saturday a ; term, u at 2 o’ciock at the home ot •Mack and Elizabeth Allison, accord-, ing to announcement of the leader, Miss Annio Jean Gash. 666 Li,,"id. T«{•■•'»• N"lvc. Nose Drop* J Checks Malaria 3 days, Colds first j day, Headaches Neuralgia in ->• j minutes. # 1 Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known | » May We Serve You? We have been in the market and grocery business for years and have but one thought— •j that of giving our customers the kind of service they want * We Appreciate \ our Trade ; and it will be mutually benen ciul to both i: you buy * MEATS GROCERIES the CITY MARKET Phone 47 — We Deliver S. F. ALLISOX. Prop. -- your washing “for LESS” . . . Our Work Is Sure to Please A First Class :: LAUNDRY :: V's returned i l hoc t •.-..udiess of weather. Spotless, t ean, Fr-sh and Sanitary. Hough Dry—j lb.08c Wet Wash—per lb .08c Pam. Wash Finished Flat Work—per (!>.08c Wearii.,: App?. %—per lb. .10 - Brevar j Steam Laundry Phone 44 — J ,ur- y—Coal—Ice-Brevard MARRIAGE IN FLORIDA OF INTEREST HERE Of interest to her many friends in Brevard is the marriage of Miss Genevieve McKinlay, daughter of Mr. John R. McKinlay, of -Jackson ville, Fla., to Mr. Chandler William King, also of Jacksonville. The cere I mcnv was performed by the Rev. F. j C. McConnell, pastor of the First . Baptist church, Tuesday evening, January 23 The bride has always made Jack ouville her home. She attended the Jacksonville schools and is a gradu ate of the Riverside Hospital Train ng school for nurses. She made many friends in Brevard while on 101 occasional visits here with her lunt, Mrs. A. W. Barnette. Mr. King is owner of the Murray Hill Dry Cleaning company ctf Jack ouville. CAROLYN KILPATRICK HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Mv?. G C. Kilpatrick entertain-j ■ I at her home in Forest Hills i Thursday evening in honor of the, fifteenth birthday anniversary of; her daughter, Carolyn. Mrs. Kil-j Patrick was assisted in entertaining by her daughter, Mrs. Carroll Kil-, Patrick. ! The Valentine motif was prettily j i-urried out in the decorations and j in the* Valentine favors. Various games and contests were played, andj refreshments served during the eve-, r>i rg. Many lovely birthday remem btances were received by the boivree. About twenty-five of the younger vt were prcsent^_to enjoy the pleas ure-! of the occasion. / V TERES TING PROGRAM A T T. D. C. MEETING An interesting program featured the regular meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held Saturday afternoon at the library. The program on Sidney Lanier ul General Stuart was in charge ,.f Mrs. Koy Long and Mrs. Frank Jenkins, the former telling interest ing facts in the life of Lanier and i a.ling some of his poems, while Mrs. Jenkins told something of the life of Stuart. Old Confederate mgs, led by Mrs. J. M. Allison, v.vre rung by the members, adding to the enjoyment of the meeting. The business session was presided „vtr by the president, Mrs. 0. L. Erwin. MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN REGULAR MEETING Regular meeting of the Women’s Missionary society of the Methodist church was held Thursday after tax n in the ladies’ parlor. Reports were given from the three circle representatives present, and other business of the society con i' 'ted by the president, Mrs. Oliver, I hr _ . I Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. j f'ordia King, basing her remarks on ( the life of Samuel, and also singing i do appropriate to the topic. An! interesting program on "World Fcl-, lowship Among Children” was led by Mrs. C. B West. INTERESTING PROGRAM AT MUSIC LOVERS CLUB A most interesting program was, given by Miss Eva Call and Mm.| Charles Moore Monday evening at ( Cue February meeting of the Music Lovers’ club held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Jones, who was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. J. B. Pick eUimer. Following was the program ren dered: Paper, "Beauty in Music,” by Mrs. Charles Moore; piano solos, Frantasia in D Minor, Moaart, and Seguedilla, Albeniz, by Miss Rhuemma Bcddingfield; vocal solos, Cairn as the Night, Bohm, and Home >r the Range, Perry, by A. M. White Jr., accompanied by Miss Eva Call; piano solo, Valse in F Minor, Chopin. A. M. White Jr. Routine business and other matters pertaining to the club were transact ed by the president, Mrs. Knox Dc Long. One new member, Mrs. Claude West, was welcomed into the club. Following the program the host esses served a delicious salad course, i after which the club adjourned. MRS. MILLER HOSTESS TO CIRCLE NO. Ill Mrs. Fred Miller wss hostess to 1 the members cf Circle No. 8 Thurs | day afternorm at her home. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. J. W. ISmiih, the meeting was in charge of 1 Mrs. Miller. The program on “The Christian Hume” was conducted by Mrs. H. L. Wilson. A short social feature concluded the meeting. BOOK REVIEW FEATURES WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETING A review of Bess Streeter Ald rich’s book, “Miss Bishop,” given by Mrs. Roy Long, .featured the pro gram of the regular meeting of the Wednesday book club, held Wednes-j day afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Ethel McMinn. Mrs. Robert Kimzey was hostess of the occasion, entertaining at the home of Mrs. McMinn. Mrs. G. B. Lynch was named sub sttiute member for Mrs. H. N. Car rier, and Mrs. A. H. Harris substi tuting for Mrs. Carrier on the Girl Scout committee. The business of the dub was transacted in charge rtf tiu vice president, Mrs. R W. Everett. After a pleasant social half-hour the club adjourned to meet next with Mrs. A. H. Harris, who will also be program leader. CIRCLE NO. I MEETS WITH MRS. MILLER Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church held its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the heme of Mrs. T. G. Miller. The Bible lesson was in charge of' Miss Mamie Lyday. and an interest ing discussion of the Home led by j Mrs. Frank Patten. The business | session was conducted by the chair man, Mrs. Boyce Walker. A social hour and refreshments followed the business meeting. CIVIC CLUB STUDIES FEDERAL PROJECTS I At the February meeting of the Women’s Civic club held Monday afternoon at the library, the main feature was a study of the various federal projects, the discussion led by Mrs. Oliver Orr, chairman of the American Citizenship committee. Mrs Orr’s discussion dealt prin cipally with the NRA, telling some thing of its origin, purposes aims and effects nationally and Sthei wisc. Mrs. Orr also discussed the CWA PWA TV A and other ac tivities for ’national recovery now undertaken by the federal govern ment, and something of their woik •k carried on locally. Mis. C. » i West gave a brief review of a radio j broadcast touching on these various projects, and of womans pait m the .rec?7i5 ffogr£";...°^ whU proved both interesting and inform? U The president, Miss Forence Kern, named the following committee chair men for the ensuing years wore American Citizenship, Mrs. Oil.-r. Orr- American Home .Mrs T. C. Galloway; Civics. Mrs.Benl.h. un; Carden. Mrs. John MHXwci; "Silr'o t Erwin*. JSA-n Ihi community house JJl norted that after investigation witn CWA authorities it was the prospects for a recreation hall m connection with the community swim-, ming pool looked very lavorabie, its, erection depending on circumstances not yet certain. Thomas Hampton, who is employ ed on the TVA project in Tennessee, sncnt the week-end here with his family, including their recently ar rived little baby daughter, Martha Ann. CARD OF THANKS Words are inadequate to express our sincere thanks to one and all who so faithfully and patiently ministered to our dear husband and father. May the Giver of all good and perfect gifts reward each one abundantly who helped us in our loss and sorrow. Also for the beauti ful floral tributes. Mrs Thomas R. Duncan and Children. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by Deed of Trust executed by C. S. Osborne and wife, Ellen B. Osborne, and Mrs. M. M. Bishop, dated June 13, 1925, and re corded in Book 14 page 455, in the office of the Register cf Deeds fer Transylvania County, Laurence F. Leo. Substituted Trustee will, at twelve o’clock, Noon, on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1934 at the Courthouse Door of Transyl vania County in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction for -•ash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Situate in the. State of North Carolina, and in the County of Transylvania, and more particularly V.unded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, a corner of i No. 5, on the Mrs. E. Allison ”iv?, in the road, and runs South 1 1-2 deg. West C poles and 2 links a stake, a corner of Lot No. 7; ’hen S uth #7 deg. East 22Vi poles a stake in the W. K. Osborne line; then North 2 1-2 deg. East •> ■ .ies end 2 links to a stone, corner of ot No. 5; then North 87 deg. West : ’ polos to the BEGINNING, ontnning 85-100 of an acre, and be g Lot No. 0 of the W. K. Osborne t-d'vision, as made by A. L. ’ardin. This rale made on account of de alt in payment of the iudebtod •■■■. secured by said Deed of Trust, "his th-» 13th day rf January, 1934. LAURENCE F. I EE, Substituted Trustee. 'Jan. 18-25 Feb 1-8 LIVINGSTON CIRCLE TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON Tlv> Livingston circle of the Bap tist church will meet Tuesday efter ”«on at 3 o’clock »t the home of Mr3. W. 3. Brice. Important matters arc to be trans acted and all members are request ed to be present. ANXILIARY AND GUILD TO MEET THIS AFTERNOON February meeting o fthe Auxiliary and Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at the homo of Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, according, to an nouncement of the president, Mrs. David Ward. This is a postponed meeting from last week due to the inclement weather on the regular ‘meeting date. FOOD SALE TO BE HELD SATURDAY A food rale will be held Saturday of this week in the vacant room ad joining Pickelsimer’s Drug store on Main street, given by Indies of the Methodist church. Cakes, pies, candies, chickens and other foods will he on sale begin ning at 10 o’clock in the morning. SELICA NEWS (By Ward 3reedlove) We arc- glad to see the larger part of our community getting set tled down to their home tasks as it there never had been any relief jobs. We feel that this work as great as it has been has hindered more folks than any other one tiling, as so many hav eforsaken their seven ty-five cents and one dollar jobs and idled their time away waiting for the two-thirty, which has prof ited them nothing. Rev. C. C. Reece preached a splen did .sermon here Sunday. Rev. Sherman Pearson will preach at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton next Sunday afternoon at 2:110 o'clock. J. Wade Dickson will give a lec ture for the Seliea union Sunday school next Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour. We are very proud of the Dickson family as they nave been such an uplift for community and church life. _ Miss Lela Barton is home visiting her parents after an extended visit ini South Carolina. . , . C. R. Sharpe, who visited his mother in eastern North Carolina, returned home Friday evening. Mrs. Julia Fcwler has been very sick but is improving. Miss Inez Dunn is visiting rela tives at Enka. Lfc Miller of Lake Toxaway has been visiting his cousin Willie Dunn here. Jij-s. Harrison Stammey is con frhetr ft*- hcr-frnffe~ wr lerlous foot infection. George Stansel visited Robert Mc Kinna Sunday night. A number of our folks attended preaching at Cherryfielu church Sunday night and heard a wonder ful sermon on the Ten Virgins by Rev Rogers. We wish that more of sur folks would hear this powerful spcsikcr. — * We are pleased to learn that Carl Galloway and Lester Wilson of Oteen are doing nicely and we will have them back at their homes in a few weeks. ' Rev. and Mr?. Paui Hartnell ana ; children are spending a few day* i this week in Raleigh and Oxford, j Mrs. Charles Cunningham of ! Greenviile is visiting relatives here i for two weeks. I B. S. Robinson, and little Nell' 1 Brown, patients in Lyday Memorial 1 hospital, were both reported on Wed-1 nesday to be doing nicely. Mrs. J. '!?. Silvers!een returned1 Saturday from New York City, where she spent the past several months with her daughter, Miss' Adelaide, who is studying voice there' this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton and1 daughlc. Clu.lotte and Mrs. Ethel Harris spent Sunday in Weaverville' with Mis. Harris’ sister-in-law,! Mr3. W. D. Robinson, who is quite I ill. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Martin and little daughter and Miss Hen rietta Bozeman, of Augusta, Gu, were Sunday guests here of Mrs. W. W. Babb at the Pierce-Moore hotel. Mr. Babb, who was called to Atlan ta last week on account of the death of his father, accompanied his friends to Brevard Sunday, return ing to Georgia with them for a few days before returning to his family here. Miss Jessie Elizabeth Whitmire,i returned the first of the week from I a week’s visit with relatives ar.d| friends in Greenville and Pickens. Mrs. James T. Bales, of Sylva, who has been a patient at Kin ton Lodge nursing homo for some time, is said to be improving. “Pug” Hinion and J. L. Loy, of Hendersonville, his boxing manager, have left fur West Palm Beach, Fia., and other points in Florida or. a boxing tour. They will be away for six weeks or more. Mrs. E. H. Mackey returned Tuesday from a week’s visit with relatives and friends in Greenville. Mrs. Dellaking Langley, of Travel ers Rest, S.C.. has returned to her home after spending some time with her father, P. S. King. Miss Launa Clayton who is em ployed in Rutherfordton spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Amanda Clayton. Mrs. A. H. King is reported quite ill at her home on the Cedar Mountain highway. Ernest Miller spent the week-end with friends at Chimney Rock. Miss Gladys Wood has returned from a visit of several days with friends in Asheville. Pendleton Banks, who has been quite ill at the home of his grand narents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pendle ton, is said to be improving and able to return to school. Russell Townsend, of Chicago, is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. S. Green wood, on Probart street Miss Myrtle Barnette has entered training for a nurse in the city hospital in Winston-Salem. -ml Mrs. l-*wl*nc| flalt WCfB Asheville visitors Thursday. Catarrh, Bronchial Colds Mrs. M. W. Poston of l 992 King St., Charleston. S, C., said: "I suffered with catarrh for years. Weak throat and bron chials caused many colds and a run-dawn and weakened system. I had net taken Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery long before my bronrhiaU and throat | itemed healthier, and colds were few. I New size, tablets SO cts., liquid $1.00. Ianje Size, tabs, or liquid, $1.JS. "Wo Do Our Part.” 'I The many lrk-nds of Felix Norton are glad to know that he is rapidly improving from his recent serious Illness. John and Guthrie Kilpatrick left Sunday to accept work on the TVA project irt Tennessee. Wprrior Corn has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Graham and little daughter, of Raeford, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie £atton and Miss Annie Mae Patton. Albert Lyday was a visitor in Charlotte Monday. Mrs. P. W. Jenks is quite ill at her home in the Picklesimer apart ment on News Arcade. -1 ? f i We Are Paying i 1 C-A-S-H ! j -for- j FARM PRODUCTS § Heavy Hens, lb.10c ) l Medium Hens .08c \ \ Light Hen|s .07c i \ Eggs, dozen .18c j \ Corn, bu.85c i £ iioiiHiiiHiiifUHitmiiiiiHiimtMiiiJHiiiiintHiiiiiiii z j Feed & deed to. ; Brevard 3 MMMimnMinu«iiiHn<nmiiiiMcin«iM«inimnii»iiiimiinpiy -z fcj. t. J. Il * * * » » i Take Care i °f ii ! YourStomacii 1 Z • > z < > f Poorly prepared food is ;; | your worst enemy, .caus- ;; t ing loss .of steep, lack of !• i. vim and'vigor and taking ;; away t h e stamina that ;; ;; you need now. Good Food : >■ Cookcddfogh*—ii. ;1 —is always found at our I! I •' place.... eat here — be ;; ;t healthy and happy. <• :; —the— | CANTEEN I i DOC GALLOWAY, Prop, j | You can SAVE every evening you'go "out ifVygu’ll turn "out that orie light you usually leave "on [NOTE.... a dark house w a welcome 1 sign to prowlers...As(Electric light > left on in the house is the cheap- | est bmglar insurance you can buy. J •e*e. In onr territory Electncii. 'is ridiculously cheap SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY a week if you keep the ELECTRIC CLEANER in the attic and use a bioom instead In our territory Electricity is ridiculously cheap/ SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY

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