Brevard Is Beautiful j! Here’s .just what can be seen by the discriminating motorist who en ters the "little gem among the hills in Transylvania county” if he en ters via the Hendersonville highway: Looking to the right as the crest of the little knoll is reached at the cross-street used as the entrance to the Brevard College grounds one can see a most magnificent earn, with its windows and doors rotten and looking just ready to fall down anti go boom if more than one big rat were to get on either the north or south side of the loft. Then as one reaches the f rench Broad intersection a most interest ing sight is open to view, a sight that gives an imaginative mind something to mull over and wonder about. Master pieces of what suie ly wore years and years ago, auto mobiles of the first order, testify in mute evidence of a flashy, smooth ly purring piece of machinery that in the days of yore undoubtedly, gave their owners worlds of pleas ure as the occupants of the then beautiful cars were whisked up the steep grades, around the breath taking curves, across beautiful val leys and bv sloping hillsides that culminated' into 'towering peaks, which helped give this section, trie name "Land of the Sky.” But the, .lavs of usefulness are gone for the. poor old autos that now tell the world that passes through Brevard that “they have fought a good fight, j Chest Colds Don't let them get a strangle hold.. Fight germs quickly. Ctec.miWion combines 7 major helps in one. Powerful but harmless. Pleasant to take. No narcotics. \oar own druggist i< authorized to refund your money on the spot if your cough or cold is not relieved b\ Crcomulsion. 'adv' ^sourn SOUTHERN i COOKING. i • Try a carton or can and be convinced - j Let Us Serve You ! with MEATS and j GROCERIES CITY MARKET Phone 47 — We Deliver Ij N. Ai r.!SOX, Prop. g s A V E ON YOUR LAUNDRY We are now equipped t; «?ive you the very best in Laundry Work, full sattsf.v don, sanitary in every re spect. OUR LOW PRICES * Damp Wash, liner, flushed.07c lb. Rough Dry ..06c lb. Linen, finished .. .08c lb. Family Wash, every "(ling finished. .1 Sc lb. Wet Wash .05c lb. Carolina Hand Laundry Mrs. Joe Coro-.::, prop. North Brevard I finished the course, and henceforth” .nothing is left to do but lie piled up, adding to the beauty of j iheir surroundings. Then the unwary traveler reaches Apple Tree street, which judging by its name, should soon be one of blossom and sweet smells, and prob ob'y would if some old pieces of stoves, multitudinous tin cans, fine pieces of paper and particles of clothing which at one time might have been the last touch that made one of the fair maidens of this beautiful little town look all the more sweet. But the cook stove has done its duty to mankind, assisted in preparing plain foods into some thing that was nourishing and taste ful, probably adding the last touches to the foods that came from the tin cans that now help it to keep the lot from being entirely bare. Just to the right, however, there was a cow that had all the ear marks of present-day needs, sleek, j healthy and promising. Maybe the] cow was one of the fool-you type,; and cun exist on such as is to be found in the territory, but we sus pect the stuff that is to be found there would be more to the liking of a bill-gcal, and from looks of the cow are certain that she gets some, ■tall feeding. Letting the eye causually turn to the left again as the car starts up the stiff grade there is to be seen' .■ans, big cans, little cans, rusty ■ .■ans, bright cans, smashed cans and, ■I:might cans, and just cans, along with other appurtenances thereunto j it longing. Too much splendor for, the motorist to take in all at one j time, so he would naturally turn his •yes again to the right, where lo, and , a'ehoid, there are more, only in, treater variety. Were the motorist an engineer he1 •aould really assume that the Pro-, hart street extension had been at; tine time subject to sliding or suc-| .limbing to the elements, and had | Iken reinforced (with a good run-; t ing start so as to guard against, such a calamity. Up, nearly to the square and the vo woud have to be drawn to what; tt!d he a nice place were it not ] fni the fact that there is entirely 1 ... much of this and that which | ii. uld be placed at a more incon- j spicuous place. This between the, street and the telephone exchange. , Of course there is no way of tell-, iust where a motorist would go j v u i entering through such a “con-, ttlomcration of beauty" but if he, , 11, to turn to the right upon reach-, c .• the square, down half a , ck.’; md then to the left and stop in front j ' the Transylvania Times office, he. '■I “topple off” the load of beauty j u he had already seen while en-, ,ing the town and cast his eyes, !>c right upon a vacant lot that, , u<ed for every kind of dumping j iril that i uld be imagined the tubbish to be seen in the vacant lot! (Yont of The Times office mng-j in size from one-quarter ‘•itch to ml feet, and in character amt, ikc-up from the Lord only knows] what to guess again. It’s a PRETTY towp, you bet. i Convict8 Upvfac Walla Walla, Wash.—A torrent of j :u a-hing nuivhiiu? guns bullets, | nvii'.g a swath among 40 armed, 1 rioting convicts, Tuesday end-, 1 one of the bloodiest uprisings in a, history of the Washington state , •nitentiarv, with six men reported’ lain and 12 reported injured. -—— —-- , WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned daring the past week _ __ - . . A !Viid West Doctor i Mitchell. S. D.—Dr. W. A. Di-| '! laney, physician, who has received I threats that one of his six children, would be kidnaped unless he com- ( 1 plied with a jjcmrnd for $1,000 Mon-; ; day offered to. shoot it out with the would-be-extortionists. i “Tell them,’’ he said in his first , statement on the threats, “that I’m 1 off the gold and on the lead stan dard and if they want lead they will get plenty of it.” Says Russia Is Progressing New York—Colonel Raymond Rob ins, of New York, social economist ; and an authority, said Monday ho | found Soviet union forging stead-1 i ily ahead when he revisited the coun-! ! try after an absence of IB years.1 i Col. Robins believes that Russia has i surmounted its greatest difficulties ‘and is now on a solid footing. French Workers Strike Paris—A general one-day strik< slowed down the whole of Franci Monday as 1,000,000 workers walk ed out in a warning of what they can do should their rights be in fringed upon. Violence often seemed near, but only a few minor clashes of workers and pickets were reported. Scolded Boy Hungs Himself Pittsubrgh—One of the “told on” Conrad Zozato, 14—told his mother he’d been smoking on the way from school, and when the boy arrived home his mother greeted him with those forboding words: “Wait till your father gets home....” Sent to a backyard shed to get a bucket of coal, Conrad stayed so long that Mrs. Zozato sent another yon to look for him. The searcher found Conrad, hang ing lifeless in the shed. Gold Found In S. C. Cabbage Orangeburg, S. C.—There’s vita mins or something in cabbage. In addition, there can be real gold. Mrs. T. B. Smoak, preparing fov dinner a cabbage purchased at a dtore here, [found inlj.dded, jtiglitly amrrg the inner leaves a l-l-carat gold wedding ring. Austrians Continue Fight Vienna — Socialists opposing a “l'aeist threat in the government” and police and soldiers battled through a night of terror in many parts of Austria as the number m dead was placed early Tuesday at 129. . Machine guns kept up a spornd " but bloodv rain; troops wore being hurriedly called into action; hand grenades and bombs exploded in Vienna and other important cities ns Socialists, after declaring a gen ..vai strike, challenged authorities and defied the artillery of '-he gov eminent forces. IJndbeiyh Scores Mind 1 _ v w York—Col. Charles A. .Lind bergh Monday telegraphed President that ’ The condemnation of com mercial aviation by cancellation o mail contracts and the use of the armv on commercial air lines win unnc-sessarily and greatly damage all American aviation.” The telegram added that, "\oui .<d<r of cancellation of all airmail contracts condemns the largest por tion of our commercial aviation with out a just trial,” and “Your presen act it n does not discriminate between innicence and guilt and places no premium on honest business. Germany Ridicules League Of Notions Munich, Germany—The League of Nations and disarmanent were treat mi heavily to popular derision as a feature of a tvyo-mile-long carnival on cession here Monday'. A jackass and a camel symbolized those* nations represented as sail believing in the League. Pal the procession was devoted to a funeral cortege for the treaty of S’he past regime was satirized by a number of Marxist” figures in red, while Jewish emigrants were shown at work producing atiocity stories in the shape of monster toads, which were slain witn tne pen of truth.” Longvue Inn Destroyed By Fire lh-ndersonville — Leslie s Lmgvue Im located one mile off the Hender sorville-Asheville from Brickton, th -ceiK- of many western North Caro lina dances and dinner parties dur ing the past seven years, was de stroyed by fire Tuesday'after noon. SmilW Charlie Says TK* difference in our girls o' to-day aruTth' girls o' grandmothers day \s that our girls do th' things }hat grandmother wished she could do — Austria Open« Fire On Socialists Linz, Austria—Civil war broke out here Monday between Socialists and anti-Sociclists. Machine guns were rearing everywhere. Many were killed and hundreds injured. Sea Monster Again. Seen New York—A sea monster was again seen in the Caribbean Sea, this time by an American. It was reported to be about 60 feet long. Windmill Set* Town Afire Warsaw—A strong wind spun a windmill too fast in the village of Kostary in the province of Polesie Saturday. The windmill burst into flames. The flames were carried by the gale into the village. Forty-four build ings were destroyed by the fire. Army To Fly Mail Washington — The government Saturday took the business of flying mail from, all the twelve concerns with which it held domestic contracts and ordered the agency which first flew it, the army, to again to take up the work. Bremer Released St. Paul—Weak and exhausted, Edward G. Bremer, wealthy St. Paul banker, was at home Thursday after j being freed by the kidnaping gang, which had held him 2d days for 5200,000 ransom. Riot8 Renewed Paris—Gunfire spurted again Fri day in the working quarters of Paris where Communists battled police, set fire to two churches and besieged public buildings, several were killed and thousands were in jured . Must- SI o/i Cuing To Fires Chicago—By ecurt order issued Friday Mrs. Alexander W. Grim must stop following her husband, a j hook and ladder man, to fires. The injunction was granted by I Judge Rudolph F. Desort after i Grim’s attorney had related how j Mrs. Grim had followed her husband to various conflagrations for the) express purpose of throwing cold water on any romances Grim might be tempted into while rescuing wo men . Ready To Rule If Called Brussels, Informed quarters here w> re agreed Friday that everything v s ready for immediate action by ! ; Ducde Guise, 59-year old head of | '; e Bourbon house of Orleans and j i etender to the throne of France, lould circumstances -warrant his return. Plant To Reopen Toledo, Ohio—Receivers for the Willys-Overlnnd company Friday 'ere authorized by Federal Judge I’. Hahn to proceed with the biles- and i employment to’TCDO men. Post His Wife: Is Happy Sow Greensboro — Chief Foils Duck worth is a man who will lend a helping hand, when possible. For instance, he has been on the lockout thi- week for a blonde wom an who left her husband and home here to "take up” with another man in Burke county. So far. he hasn’t had any success but there’s hope that he will have something to re port to the husband at a later date. It seems the man here complained in a letter that a man in Burke ci.uiity, name unknown, had wired a sum of money to the wife to pro vide her transportation to that :ounty. She accepted it, and insofar ns the husband knows, is now in the •are of the third party of the tri ingle. But the Greensboro husband isn t upset about it at all. His letter had a closing paragraph which read: “If you find who he is, please let me know. I want to send her. the rest uf her clothes and thank him for taking her off my hands.” Army To Take Commission Aunty From Lindbergh New York—The army has been asked to revoke the reserve com mision of Color.el Charles A. Lincl bercrh Arthur W. McMhon, of New York, This Guy . .. FAYSSOUX THE HYPHOTIST Has Selected Trantham's Department Store TO STAGE HIS DEMONSRTATIOS He will Hypnotize a Man in One of Our Window* Friday Afternoon at tKrle"o'clock, and awaken him at the High School Auditorium at 8:30 P. M. “Our Windows are Always Interesting” It doesn’t take a hypnotist to make our windows interesting and attractive, nnd they are always chock full of bargains that you should see. “See This Man in one Window and pay particular Attention to the Many Bargains in the other one/1 l<* forJ!u& SkHtiHf-T'irnvty •jrTirgW$oiix,~S*erm~ Trantham’s Department Store • “Brevard’s Store of Many Bargains” i___ - - i frho made the request, accused I Colonel Lindbergh of “conduct un ] becoming an officer and a genfle ; man” in sending to President Roose velt a telegram, protesting cancella tion of air mail contracts. Austrians Still Fighting Vienna—War was still raging here Wednesday between Soldiers, Police and Socialists. The estimated num ber killed was between BOO and 2,000, while the number injured was not known. To Discharge CWA Men Washington—The ci/5l works ad ministration is considering discharg ing within the next few days 200,000 or more men now employed on fed eral projects located on private land throughout the East and South. Blazing lifcteoi- Stirs Western Area Denver—A blazing meteor that streaked out qf northern skies and appeared to some observers like a “rocket ship speeding through space,” and to others like a blazing airplane, left at least six states talk ing about the brilliant phenomenon Wednesday. EnHr* Family Commit! Suicide Fort Wayne, I.nd.— Nine-yesr->ld Florence Larwi'l died at 3 o'clock Wednesday of scarlet fever. Severs! hours later police broke into* the Larwill home and found the bodies of her parents, Kenneth and Mary Iawill, and a sister Mary with a note which read: “There is nothing to live for; we liave agreed to die together.” Strike Closes Mill Greenville—The American Spin ning company closed down here Mon day following a strike of operatives. Officials said they did not know the cause, but added they hoped to reach an agreement later. Officials could not be located later for a further check of the situation and strikes were incom municative. There were M no dis orders. Sincerity is best manners. Love is liberty, often too much so. The optimist sees the opportunity in the difficulty. The pessimist sees the difficulty in the opportuni ty. ICAL ADVICE If you want to '^sr' . . . relieve constipation safely . . . regulate the dose to suit your exact need . . . avoid danger of bowel strain —use a liquid laxative Can constipation lie safely relieved? “Yes!” say medical men. “Yes!" declare thousands who have fol lowed their advice mid know. You are not apt to cure your constipation with salts, pills, and tablets, or any habit-forming ca thartic. Hut you car relieve, this condition just by gentle regulation with a suitable liquid laxative. Why Hospitals Use a liquid laxative The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can be con trolled. IL forms no habit; you need not lake a “double dose" a day or two later Will ant irritate kidneys. The right liquid laxative will bring a perfect movement, with no dis comfort at the time, or afterward. The wrung cathartic may keep, you constipated as long as you keep on using it! In buying any laxative, ren-l /lie label. If it contains a doubtful drug, don't take it. If you don’t know what is in it, don’t chance it. The contents of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is stated plainly on the label; fresh herbs, pure pepsin, active senna. Its very taste tells you Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is whole some. A delightful taste, and de lightful action. Safe for expectant mothers, and children. Drug stores have it, ready for use. in big bottles. ^B IfkJCITDC New Payment Plan InuUnE Makes It Easy You can now get Fire Insurance through our agency by paymg a little each month, and your buildings are insured from the first down payment. . See Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary at Walker Insurance Agency Clemson Theatre Building Caldwell st. Brevard

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