T -i— ---- ^ _JJi M»i»f"»*»♦»•■***************** j News of the Week front Rosman f t MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent f 4 •>♦♦♦+•> *4 *4 ** ** 44* •> Mr. and Mrs. .1 8. Houck and < nildren of Asheville, and Mr. and (is. Frank McCall of Cherry field were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Moss. A1 Bryson and daughter, Mrs. Clarence Poole visited the latter’s husband Clarence Poole at Patton Memorial hospital in Hendersonville Sunday. Mis. L. M. Watkins is spending' a few days in Brevard this week visiting relatives and friends. Miss Carry Lee Powell and Miss Catherine Powell of Brevard were guests of Mrs. Eddie Towns Thurs day. I Mrs Tim Gillespie and son Melvin of Brevard were guests of the for-j liter's daughter Mrs. Richard Rice, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Howell, son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howell and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Green, Misses Corn, Henrietta, Violet and Ernes tine Green, and Messrs Donald and Junior Green, al lof Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Edwards and Mis 3 Art ha and Martha Edwards of i "ivelers Rest, attended the fun oial Miss Victoria Galloway at Ca! Thursday. 1;. o. Stewart was a visitor at the haute of H. P. Whitmire Sun day. M.. and Mrs. Joe Gahoway and two children spent the week-end in Gloucester as guests of Mrs. Gal i way’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spur geon Owen. R..h. Feathers and Homer Man lv of < < C camp at Barnardsvile spent the week-end with their par ents hero. Mr. ami Mrs. Crittent Galloway and lniby spent Friday night at Cashiers a< guests of Mrs. Gallo way’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman oi Asheville spent the week-end as guests oi the formers parents Mr. and M>' L. R. Chapman. Rev. .!. E. Burt and Eddie Town weif visitors ( to Glady Brand, church Sunday night, the ti.rnv r tilling his regular appoint ment. Mrs*. K. D. Randolph and daugn ter Mi- f.eota Randolph, Coy Whit mire and son Ralph, Eugene Murphy and Mi s Lena Love attended church services at Slater. S. S., Friday night. . , „ ,. „ Janus T. Harrison of Sapphire was a business visitor to Rosman the first of the week. Evwtte Smith of Wolf Mountain wa~ a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. s. McLean Monday. 1'aa! ami Allen White and Walter Reece .lr. attended the basketball game between R. small and Waynes ville Friday night also visiting ideads -it Canton. __ —TiidoY Tl.TT-idge (d Weaver col lege spent the week-end as guest of his parents Rev. and Mrs. C. J. KMridgo. . . ... Mr . Elizabeth Hall is quite ill at her home on Church street. Edwin and Norman Singletary of the East Fork section were guests ,.f Rev. J. N. Hull Sunday. Mf. Elizabeth Hall and son J. V. were gu -1 s of Mr. and Mrs. Alien Sisk Thursday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W ■ T • Mc Ginnis a daughter, Mary Ruth on Moiaiav Februaiy 5th i t a local hospital at Ga tonia. Mrs. Mc Ginnis will be remembered here as the former Miss Otha Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Galloway of Robbinsville visited relatives in the Gloucester action Thursday. Misses Jo-ie and Tommie Rey m hi-, l.uther Gay of the East Fork section wore visitors to Caesars Head Sunday. Rev. Nathan Chapman,, G. W. Aiken and son Marvin, F. A. Rains ard Robert Powell visited Gus Cti2»'mn:< who i- very ill at his home in the Old Toxaway section Sunday. 666 Liquid. Tablets, Salve. Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy /?«medies Known LONG DISTANCE HAULING Moving We are equipped to give you the best in Moving and Transfer service. Every Load Insured We park right and give absolute weather protection ] CHARLIE McGRARY j at j icCRARY AUTO CO. Telephone 290 M[| 'MISSES GRAVELY HOSTESSES j "M VALENTINE PARTY Misses Edith and Rachel Gravely -ntertained with a party at their] home in the East Fork section Sat-] urday evening. Valentine decora-] liens' were effectively used through-1 •ut the party in "games and refresh ments . Hot chocolate, cake, sandwiches, ind candy were served. Guests present as follows: Misses •Vnne and Haiel Moore, Maxi|e Moore, Ruth Jordan, Anne and Mary Singieterry, Mary and Anne iillespie, Messrs Robert Gravely, 5dwin and Norman Singieterry, Ralph Galloway, Charlie, Jack, Dock, Ralph and Russel Gillespie. HOME ECONOMICS CLASS iN VARIED ACTIVITIES The second year home economics lass of the Rosman school served a uneheon to the first grade pupils on January 31. The following menu was •erved: Vegetable soup, crackers, -'gg sandwiches, cocoa, baked apples. The heme economics department (resented a play Friday morning, February 9, entitled, “Cinderella and he Glass Earring.” Following were he characters: Ella Sockeye, Inez Oates; Zerolenda, Lucy Galloway; violet Ray Sockeye, Lois Whitmire; Albert Prince, Martin Arrowood:, Julia Goldenglow, Virginia Arro vood; Ruff, Laura Pharr; Reddy, Ruby Love. The first year home economics lass had a biscuit contest Wednes day and Thursday of last week. Miss Oreen gave a prize to Tommy Rey nolds for making the best biscuits. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Fisher of the Gloucester section, a daugh ter. on Friday, February 9. Mrs. Fisher was, before her marriage, Miss Leota Elizabeth Corn of Bre John Johnson, of Gray Court, S. C., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral Thursday. OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) The folks of this and the Bohaney action are delighted with the im mcvement being made on the road leaving No. 28 at Oakland posi. of fice and going into the Bohaney (ection. The only fault, and theie 's some one to find fault with every thing, we think the work should have been done with local labor as the re are so many in this community that need work. Anyway we are proud of the improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Waite Reid. Miss l.essie Reid and T. W . Reid ot Sap phire spent one evening last week with the former’s father, ^nd T^riteuranOtfc. Maggie Nich 1 t" E Reid of Brevard was cal ling" on friends here last week. Mis. Wocdfin Miller and son Chalks and daughter Martha Jane wore dinner guests Thursdayof Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reid. They .,ls0 called Thursday afternoon on Mr« Hovie Chappell and her sick baby. Little Frances Chappell re mains in a serious condition. J B Calloway of Clenvillo visit ■(> iiis sister, Mrs. Mary Burgess, last week but is able to be out again, w? are glad to report. _• Mrs. S. E. Alexander maoe a business trip to Brevard last week. Mrs. Jack Fisher of Reids Siding visited her sister, Mrs. Clyde Ump pell, one clay last week. „ L. C. Sanders and Mrs. Herbert Hall of Lake Toxaway and Mrs. Lillie Alexander were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. I- a Sl“!dug attended the masonic meeting and spent Friday .night with friends in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton were Brevard visitors Saturday af tC jn0°B. Galloway of Glenville and Kile Galloway, Mrs. Mary Burgess and Miss Alberta Burgess spent one evening last week with their aunt and cousin, Mrs. Lee Norton and Mrs. W. F. McCall. Mrs. W W. Reid and Mrs. Clarence Norton called on Mrs. Mag gie Nicholson one day last week. ~ Carl Tritt called Sunday cn Louis Rigdon and family. _ ., , Q, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rcld k»d •■s callers Sunday afternoon Ford Reid of Sapphire, W. W. Reid, Mr,. Maggie Nicholson and Mrs. Florence Norton. Paul jarred ana i/w* - IV sman called here Sunday mormng n Mv and Mrs. I. S. Sanders en m.te to the CCC camp *n Tennessee where they have employment. They • > ught a message to his par®"® • Rav Sanders saying he is ge along fine and is well P1®3®®^ vi’-h the camp work. Ray has ho t • f, lends who read the Transylvania Times who will be glad to hear from hinYIs. Maggie Nicholson visited her Hunt and cousin, Mrs. Lee Nor .on i I'Mi:-. XV. F. McCall Sunday af teMr°nand Mrs. E. A.. Reid. W. W Reid and Mrs. Maggie Nicholson • !- a business trip to Brevard re ontlv. I. s. Sanders and L. C. Sanders ■,v?re in Brevard Saturday on busi •V'cjl, Mrs. Fred Revis and Miss Chris* ■ ■ Lee were calling on friends h. re recently The recent bod weather has put Sunday school op background on "mount of the little link of road : i -a the highway to the church iieuse. We are wondering if we uld interest the CWA Authorities n helping to make that li^e stretch if road passable in muddittfa other. \ ure would be fine if ! I'VTTTl TVTTTTTVTTTTXTTTTTTT Mr. and Mrs. Al Bryson wore shopping in Asheville Friday, Mrs. Lee Fisher and daughter Belle and son Wash, and Jimmy and Jean Bales visited Mrs. James T. Bales at Hinton Lodge in Bre vard Sunday. "Dock” Gillespie ol' CCC camp of Tellico Plains, s}|ent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie. Ernest Paxton of Greenville w«s i guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.. A. Glazener Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and laughter Nelle and Miss Bessie j Whitmire were visitors to Brevard Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Glazener, who has >een ill for several weeks is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jess A. Galloway were guests of ihe former’s mother, Mrs. Sarah Galloway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holtzclaw and Miss Bettv Osborne of Canton ,'isited friends in Rosman Sunday. Rev. Carl Cox of Slater, S. C., spent Saturday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Randolph. Mrs. J. M- Bowen and daughter Mrs. E. D. Randolph visited Mrs. Lee Fisher Wednesday. Vivian Morgan is spending sev eral weeks near Seneca, S. C., visit ing relatives. . . Mrs. L. M. Watkins visited Mrs. T. H. Thomas Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mays Waldrop oi Selica, spent Sunday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs Manning Waldrop. Mrs Wade Garren and son For rest and daughter Miss Dora of Asheville, Mrs. Delia A-ien, .Mr. and Mrs. Flyr.n Allen and Miss Minnie Paxton of Hendersonville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton, and Mr«. L. M. Glaze ner Sunday. _ , , . Mrs. rerry uruveij, y— been ill for' quite awhile, is im proving. j twis was ft business visi tor to Pickens Friday. Miss Fdna Nelson of tjelica was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Anne Galloway in the East Fork section ,aD WLk'English of Willetts spent the week-end with his family here. Forres, Garren of Asheville was a guest at the home of • Mr- D L Glazener Sunday. . Mrs J A. Ramey was a busi ng visitor to Pickens Saturday. Paul Jarrett of CCC <f«P Jet lico Plains, Ten,.., spent the week and with his parents Mi - and spont SM.fd.y uiuht ns P«nst °f R.0>_ Oai,m S. •■nd Walhalla. S. C ' Glenn Reid of Quebec was a but ness visitor to Bosnian Montia> . Nathan Passmore and son Hew a of Waynesville visited friends Ro-man Saturday. . Margaret Waldrop, Lewis, Ray and Kate Waldrop of Cherryfield were business visitors to Easley the first of the week. Mrs. J.. M. Glazener, who has b en ill for several weeks, is slight 'yni”’Pw“«.m.y of the Old T.» wav section is quite ill. caused from a fall Saturday night. Mrs. J. W. Moore and uaughe-i Josephine and son J. B. were din ner guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Hall Wednesday. ., . Mrs F. Paxton spent Friday af ternoon with Mr. . T. P. Galloway, Miss Hazel Moore was a guest of Miss Helen Summey Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Armstrong of Greenville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral Friday night. PISGAHFOREST NEWS Miss Dave Bryson of Selica spent the week-end with Mrs. Joe Orr and Misses Belle Frady and Nellie Alli son. ... , Richard, small sen of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mackey, has been ill with flu. , . ... Misses Reba Stepp and Lucille Burns were Asheville visitors last Tuesday. Messrs Frank and Frances Allen, and Allen Campfield of Swannanoa, spent the week-end with relatives here. _ , Miss Harriet Emma Boggs ot Turkey Creek was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Miss Witaker. cf Mills River spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. James Carter. ,,, „ , Mr and Mrs. Boyce Walker and daughter, Francis, spent Sunday with relatives in Spartanburg. S. C W'. W. Croushorn was an Ashe ville visitor Tuesday. \V. A. Lyday, who is employed in Morganton, spent the week-end with his family here. Miss Annie Jean and W ill Lash were recent visitors in Spartanburg, S. C. . Ben Montgomery is ill with flu. Henry Mackey left for Swannanoa Sunday where he has employment in the Reacon Mills. Louis Carr of New Mexico is vis iting his daughter, Mrs. W' W. Croushorn. V RBON PAPER—the kind that lr>.sts and refuses to smut all over h office when handled-. at less lira you pay for cheap grades. TV Times office. MALL GROWERS BE 1 AMD BY CONTRACT! The AAA corn-hog reduction con tracts have been amended to allow small growers to participate in the reduction program W. W. Shay, swine specialist at North Carolina state College, announced Monday. The former minimum limit ex cluded farmers with a base average of less than four litters a year. Tha limit has been removed and any hog producer may now enter. Formerly, the grower could reduce only 25 per cent, but now he may reduce as much more than 25 per cent as he wishes. Thus, a grower producing an average of one litter a year may stop production of hogs altogether and receive benefit pay ments of $5 a head on three-fourths of the number af hogs he averaged, producing during 1932 and 1933. Another change in the hog con trol program will permit farmers an exemption from the processing tax on their own pork and hqg products un to 300 pounds, provided that they do not sell more than 1,000 pounds. If they sell more than 1,000 pounds, then none of their sales are exempt ed. Com-hog producers who grow less than 10 acres of corn, may sign the contract and reduce only their bog production, but. they must not in crease the amount of corn to be grown this year. Mr. Shay said that C. L. Cham bers, federal extension service field agent for the southern states, has held a number of meetings in east ern North Carolina to train county agents in the administering of the cern- hog contracts. Other meetings will be held soon in the central and western parts of the state. Some of the agents have already held educational meetings and oth ers will hold theirs as soon as the cotton sign-up has been completed. After the educational meeting, con tracts will be mailed the different growers for signature. selTcaTews (By Ward Breedlove) — We Solicaites awoke last Sunday morning to find everything covered with ice but this did r.ot hinder church activities, . Alfred Head of Brevard was vis iting his sister, Mrs. Elzie Barton I Sunday. Rev. Judson Corn, of Glady I Branch section, was a church visitor ! here Sunday afternoon. Messers Orate McCall and Gene Bryson, of Cashiers, were business visitors in our section Saturday aft ernoon. I James Henderson and Willie Dunn were visiting in Oars Hill section i/**Rev! Sherman Pea id n preached h splendid sermon at the home of B(r. and Mrs. Henry Barton Sun day and will ym.mT next Sunday at 13 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna. Fred McKinna has been spending some timc# with his father near Lake Toxaway. Mrs. Julia Fowler is much im proved from her yecent illness. W. W. Galloway was in Oteen hospital one day last week to visit his son. Carl, who has been there for a number of weeks, and reports QUEBEC NEWS j Miss Lillian Dodgin spent Wad iesday night of last week with Mias 'arolyn Owen. Mrs. Hinkle Buoy visited Miss iesne Fisher Tuesday evening of 1 afct week and spent the night with 1 ler. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitmire! spent Monday night with Rufus’ Odell. Paul Fisher and M. 0. McCall Jr. I were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson Sunday. Miss Gladys Whitmire spent Wed nesday night with Miss Opal Dod gin. Miss Alva Fisher of Lake Toxa-J way spent a few nights last week' with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller. Ramon Franklyn made a business' trip to Brevard last Saturday. Wiley Meece of Old Toxaway vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whitmire Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Fisher spent Thursday night with Mrs. Fisher's brother, Weyman Thomas. j Misses Vera and Frances McCall visited Mrs. Alma Alexander one day last week. Ramsey Franklyn spent a few days last week in Canton. Mrs. Hillie and daughter, Myrtle; Lee Fisher, Mrs. George Odell, Miss Nellie Thomas and Oscar Whitmire spent Thursday of last week at Tryon. „ , . Oi>al and Mary Dodgin spent Monday night with Mias Gladys Whitmire. Mrs. R. T. Fisher called on Mrs. M. 0. McCall Thursday. Misses Virgie and Clara Thomas spent Thursday night with Mrs. Lesa Loving. , , . „ Ben Fisher had a “woodchopping last Thursday and got up a good winter’s supply of wood. Miss Rebecca Smith and brother, Tommy spent Wednesday night with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCall. . , Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Fisher went to Six Mile, S. C. last Thurs day, visiting their daughter* .Mrs,. Lee Gillespie, who underwent an operation in Dr. Peck’s hospital. C. W. Henderson spent a while Sunday with Gideon Miller who is still on the sick list. __ that he is getting along mcei>. It is reported that Lester Wilson is home after a number of months treatment at Oteen. We are glad to see another homo being erected in our burg and con gratulate Mr. and Mrs. Maize Wal drop for their willingness to cast their lot with us. Her many friends here learned with sorrow of the death of Miss Victoria Galloway. The orphanage at Calvert stands in memory cf the fr'vhfulness of her and her deceased sister, Mary, as splendid citizens— true to the church and many helpless orphans. Many neav-fatal accident* occur red on the roads here Sunday with cars because of the ice. We are glad to learn of a propos ed game preserve here for the pro tection of wild and other animals which are beneficial to the farmer, and also for the protection of the farmer and his stock from the “kiil ‘em-all" sportsmen who do not want a permit. Couples must puli together or will pull apart. Ill HOC GROWERS ELIGIBLE TO SIGN Ail hog producers, regardlev; of heir past hog production, now arc iligible for fog reduction payments inder a new ruling on the 1934-35 •eduction contract, it was ennounceU yy w. W. Shay, swine extension specialist at State College. Previous AAA ruling specified that if the 1932-33 hog litter aver age was less than three, the con tract producer was not required to reduce hog production in 1934, and in any event was not eligible to re ceive any hog reduction payments. Under the new ruling, Shay says all producers will be entitled to re duction paymqrtts of *$5 P/®r 'head on a number of hogs equal to 75 percent of their past average of market hog production, provided their litter average and production of hogs lor mraket ie reduced not less than 25 percent. In cases where the latter average is less than four, this means that the contracting pro ducer will have to reduce by one ut ter in order to comply, with the con tract, even though this win consti tute more than a 25 percent reduc tion from the litter average. The change in ruling was made in consideration of an unexpected in terest in the cont-hog program among small hog farmers. Theae farmers r.ow will have an opportuni ty to share in the proceeds of the processing tax being collected on the slaughtering of al hogs for mar ket regardless of by whom sold. Foliee Locate Place Where Bremer Was Held Dos Moines, la. — Edward G. Bremer, kidnapped St. Paul banker, was held prisoner on a farm nine miles southwest of Creston, la., Park A. Findley, chief of the state bureau of criminal investigation, said Tuesday. Fidley said positive information had been given him that Bremer was in the farmhouse almost all of three weeks he was imprison ed. i At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers Are ready to sene you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St Moure & Osborne Undertakers HMHBMannani ■HHoarawMwm Now is the time to start spraying for dormant dis eases—don’t wait until the budding starts. See us for— SPRAYS ' Spray Materials and Supplies — KNOX IMPROVED FERTILIZER Lime Used as Filler In* stead of sand. BETTER YIELD-LOW COST CHEAP are not always the cheapest The BEST Field, Garden and Flower Seeds Possible to obtain are here and they are all new stock. .. . and priced as low and in some instances lower than ordinary seed WE ARE WAAH TESTED seeds HANDLING W UULf 5 THAT GR0W I Yes Sir, Well Deliver Right to Your Place! WE SELL FOR CASH-FOR LESS CORN MEAL Ground at our Mill Insures Better Bread GROCERIES Bought in Large Quantities and sold at FAIR PRICES See us First We’ll Save You Money B.&B. FEED & SEED COMPANY The Store With the Checkerboard Sign I Phone 66 East Main Street BREVARD, N. C.

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