Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevard Women Y. W. CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS KIMZEY The February meeting Young Women’s circle of ‘“® Vr_* bvtenan chuich met Friday after noon with Mrs. Pat Kimzey, who al so presided over the meeting ana ea the devotionals. _ . Mrs. C. L. Newland and Mrs. J. L. Cobb had charge cf the program, giving an interesting discussion ox the subject, “Christianity in the Home.” . An executive board meeting was held following the regular circle meeting. , . .. The hostess served tea during the boeial period. fortnightly club IN REGULAR MEETING . Regular meeting cf the rortnignt ly club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, with all members but two present. Mrs. Goode Loftis was program leader, discussing in a pleasing and informative manner mcts about Spain, telling something of the peo ple. their customs and mode of living, the resources and principal cities, and other facts of interest about this country. i At conclusion of the business transactions, »*«*«<* over by .t£c president, Mrs. Cordia King, re QsaJuotaits were served during the social hour. T. E. L. TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON Regular meeting of the T. E. L. class cf the Baptist church will be held next Tuesday afternl> * o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. M. Henry. All members are urged to bo pesent. ___ WQMAirSWEAMESS Mrs. Mlldted Hicks of 28 Nisson Ave., Winston Salem. N. C., says: "I hive found Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription to be not only a nerve tonic but good for feminine weakness as well. When suffering from headaches and pain in my side, the 'Prescription’ quickly re Neves me of this misery. As a practical nurse I have r.commended it to many of my patient,, with very good results.** New si«, tablets SO cts., hqmo $1.00. SON IS BORN \IN SPARTANBURG *, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Macfarlend . Shackelford on Saturday, February 10, at General hospital, Spartan burg, S. C., a son. The baby has been named Edgar Patton Shackel ford. Mrs. Shackelford, the former Miss Adelaide Patton, is the eldest daugh , ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton, j of Davidson River. MATHATASIAN CLUB IN MEETING THURSDAY The Mathatasiar. club met in regu lar session Thursday afternoon at the home of Mra. Julian Glazener. The program of the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. Ernest Tilson, giving an interesting discussion of the life of Henry Ford. The busi 'css transactions were in charge of the president Mrs. Pat Kimzey. After refreshments served during the social hour, the club adjourned to meet next, at the nomc of Mrs. Willis Brittain, with the program leader Mrs. Anthony Trantham. GLEANERS CLASS IN INTERESTING MEETING An interesting meeting of thc Glcaners class was held Tuesday eve ning at the home of Misses Cor nelia and Pauline Ratchford. Miss Cornelia Ratchford _ was elected president of the organization. A program of interest and helpful-1 r.ess was led by Mrs. Julian Glaze ner. A social hour and refreshments were enjoyed at conclusion of the meeting. D. A. R. TO GIVE BENEFIT BRIDGE A benefit bridge sponsored by the local chapter Daughters of thei American'Revolution will be given1 on the night of George Washington s birthday, Thursday of next week, at the Pierce-Moore hotei, beginning at 8:30 o’clock. , Refreshments will be served and prizes awarded. Players arc request ed to bring their own cards or any other games they desire to play. Tickets will be on sale at tnirty five cents each. _ FAYSSOUX Will Drive a NEW FORD V 8 IN HIS STARTLING BLINDFOLD DRIVE FAYSSOUX selected the New Ford V-8 because of its equal pressure on all four wheels, its evenness oi running, its sure, positive brakes and its smait looking dependability. Friday, Feb. 16th, 3 P. M. STARTING FROM TRANTHAM’S STORE SEE the new Ford V-8 and be convinced that it is ihe last word in Automobiles for this section of the country.easy to handle in traffic 01 on curves, quick pick-up, strong power. • • n r n ft in C By a Ford Mechanic, trained to take K L I A IK j care °f F°rd Cars WASHING_::—GREASING—::—ALEMITING Best Equipment in the County • • Joines Motor Co. Main Street :: " BREVARD, N. C. —w—B"— CHILDREN CONFEDERACY STUDY LANIER-STU ART A study of Sidney Lanier and Gon. J. E. B. Stuart featured the meeting of the Children of the Con federacy held Saturday afternoon at the home of Jimmie and Lucien Denver. The program was in charge of the leader, Miss Annie Jean Gash. Due to the small number of mem bers present it was decided to have the election of officers at the next meeting, which will be held the 'scond Saturday in March with jMack and Elizabeth Allison. ' Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed following the meeting. G. A’s MEET WITH OKA HOLT LONG The intermediate G. A’s of the Brevard Baptist church held an in teresting meeting at the home of Ora Holt Long Wednesday Feb. 1st. Mabel Gillespie, vice president, jncsided. oyer a short business, ses sion in the absence of the' preident, Ruth Fulton. An interesting program was con ducted by Mabel Gillespie, entitled,! “The Women That Were Come To gether.” She was assisted by Eliza beth Price, Stella McCall Anita GsJ lowav, Mary Aiken, Mary Hamrick, Mrs* Hollifield and Kathryn Ful ton. During the social hour delightful refreshments were served by the young hc/stess. DELEGATES GIVE REPORTS AT AUXILIARY MEETING Reports from the three delegates to the convention of the Episcopal church, convening two days last week at Lenoir, were given by Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Mrs. H. N. Carrier and Mrs. Harry Perry at the meet ing of the Auxiliary of St. Philips church held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. L. Erwin. Mrs. David Ward, Auxiliary presi dent, was in charge of the meeting. Final plans were discussed for thm World Dav of Prayer meeting which will be held at St. Philips Episcopal church Friday afternoon from 4 to 5 o’clock, which members of all churches of the town will attend. Mrs. Eric Rawls, president of the Guild, presided over this meet ing which was held following the Auxiliary. It was decided to bold a Book Tea some time in the near future. The hostess served refreshments following both meetings. D. A. R. HAS GEORGE V,WASHINGTON PROGRAM An interesting program in obser vance of the George Washington an-j niversary occasion was presented ?t| the regular meeting of the Waight-j still Avery chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution heV Monday afternoon nt the home <n< Mrs. J. M. AUison. An article from the D. A. R- mag azine, entitled, "Some B.-centennia1 Errors,” was read by Mrs. Allison, which proved interesting and in structive. The president general s message for February was read by the chaplain, Mrs. Laura Millei. The meeting was presided over by the regent, Mrs. Ralph Ramsey, who also read letters regarding vari ous phases of the chapter work • | Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr, read a letter concerning the correct use of the flag, and a letter was read by Mis. Florence Kern asking for BvyA funds for maintaining old trails, old buildings and old cemeteries of Revolutionary times. The registrar, Mrs. T. E. Pat ton Jr., reported that papers had been accepted for one new member into the chapter, .Miss Adelaide Sil versteen. The meeting opened with the flag salute and the reading of one of George Washington’s prayers by Mrs, Laura Miller. Mrs. T. G. Moody was appointed chairman of approved schools pro ject. A card of thanks was read from the Crossnore school thanking the chapter for their $10 gift sent to this school. A box was sent to( Ellis Island for use of the immi grants. The treasurer, Mrs. Cole man Galhvcay, reported a balance of $29.60 on hand. Plans were perfected for the bene-; fit bridge which the chapter will! sponsor on the night of George , Washington’s birthday.. February -A; at the Pierce-Moore hotel. T. he fol lowing committees were appointed for this benefit feature: Prizes, Mrs. Ralph Ramsey, Mrs. Coleman Galloway, Mrs. J M. Allison; dec-, orattion, Mrs. J. S. Silyersteen Mrs.; J M. Tatum, Mrs. Alvin Rockw-od,. tickets, Mrs. T. G. Moody, Mrs. A. G. Kite, Mrs. Coleman Galloway, receive .tickets at door, Mrs. Denver, Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr , tables, Mrs. J. M. Allison. Mrs. J. S. Silvcrstecn, Miss Annie Jean aAfter refreshments served by the hostess, the chapter adjourned to meet the second Monday in March with Mrs. J M. Tatum and Mrs. Laura Miller, at the home of the latter. Y. H\ A. HAS ENJOYABLE VALENTINE PARTY Members of the Y.W.A of Lit e River entertained with a \ flel^inG unity at the home of Jl^-Jind Mrs. Herbert Heath Friday evening. A red and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Various games and contests were enjoyed by the follow I ing members and invited guests. (Misses Nell, Ada and Ju),a Crarv, Gladys Shipman, Juna wood, I Emma Merrill, Florida, Dorothy 1 and Hyburnia Shipman, Dolla and 1 Helen McCrary, Azalea Hamilton, I Ralph McCall, Clyde Hamilton, Otus land Grady Shipman, Hall, Hayes and Hughes Merrill, Clinton Hall, 'Mrs. Sue Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heath. 1 DAUGHTERS WESLEY CLASS IN BUSINESS-SOCIAL MEET Members of the Daughters of Wes ley class of the Methodist church fceid their regular monthly business and social meeting Tuesday evening in the ladies' parlor of the church. Business matters pertaining to the class were transacted in charge of the class president, Mrs. E. 8 English. The class made plans for serving luncheon to the trustees of Brevard college at their meeting to be held at the church here next Tues day. The luncheon will be served at the parsonage. A delightful social feature follow ed the business session, during which games and contests were play ed and refrehments served by the four hostesses of the occasion, Mrs; B. W. Trantham, Mrs.; Roscoe Nich olson, Mrs. J. S. Nicholson and Mrs. B. L. Laird. About 40 members and guests were present, including mem bers of the younger ladles class as special guests. HOMEMAKERS CLASS TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The Homemakers class of the Bap tist church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the'home of Mrs. Perry Galloway. All mem bers are urged to be- present. METHODIST CIRCLES TO MEET TODAY The three circles of the Methodist church will meet this afternoon (Thursday) at 3:00 o’clock for the regular monthly meetings. Circle No. 1 will meet at the home of Miss Sadie North; Circle No. 2 with Mrs. A. R. Gillespie; nr.d Circle No. 3 at,the Methodist parsonage with Mrs. C. B. West. The Sarah Taylor Circle will meet at tlve church at 3 o’clock. All ladies of the church are given a cordial invitation. to attend the circle meeting to which they have been assigned. HONORROLLGIVEN FOR ROSMAN PUPILS Grade Two Ha# Largest Num-i ber on Coveted List During Month Grade two led the Roeman ele mentary school in honor roll marks for the past month of school with twelve. The list follows: Grade Seven Honor roll—Ruby Glazener. Lu cille Galloway, Attendance — Roy Eldridge, Al fred Galloway Scott Galloway, Har Galloway^ Ruby Glaziener, Hattie Lee McCall, Eula Mae Morris, Blanch Petit, Mary Singletary, Inez Summey, Dovie White Margaret White. Grade Six Honor voll—Clyde Rice, D. H. Winchester, Eva Israel. Attendance—Gerald Allison, A. P. Bell Jr., Preston Brittain, Earle Garun, J. L. Nicholson, Russell. Owen, Earl Powell, Ford Randolph, Clyde Rice Frank Whitmire, Robert Whitmire, D. H. Winchester Jr., Lucy Brittain Lula Cassell Eva Isiael Wilda P-eece, Mirriam Stew art Tnbitha Waldrop, Agnes Wood ard. , Grade Five Honor roll—Gladys Clarke, Ruth Rice, Luriecne Lusk. Attendance—Gladys Clarke, Ras tus Smith, El'a Mae Whitmire, Mar riah Stewart, Ruth Rice, Levonne Nicholson, Joe Burt, Bruce Whit mire, Gladys Whitmire, Dona Mac Smith, Ruth Lewis. Rosie Gillespie, Elizabeth Sisk. Grade Four j Honor roll—Edna Allison, Ruby i Nell Brown, Lillian Bryson, Alma| Dcdson. I. V. King, Edith Morris,! Ora Owen. Helen Whitmire, Mae) Whitmire. Jason Gillespie, RueC Whitmire, Glen Winchester. ! Attendance—Edna Allison, Ruby Nell Brown, Lillian Bryson, Lffie Butler, Beatrice Clubb Alma Dod-' «on Kuby Galloway, Cornelia Hoi-1 den, Lucy Mac- McCall, Edith Mor-j tic. Naomi Morrison, Blanche Raines, Helen Whitmire, Gerald | Gillespie, Ray Israel, W. B. Jones, Clarence Masters, Alfred Owen, Fred Powell, Craig Snipes, Rue! Whitmire, Glen Winchester. Grade Three Honor roll—Dan Edens, Albert Israel, J. A. Meece, Esta Honeycutt, Edna Nelson, Lois Petit, Josephine Powell* Attendance—Lee Bryson Jr. Clif-: ford Clubb, Dan Edens, Jack Edens,; Albert Isriel, Briscoe McCal!, Cool idge Powell, Forest Reece, Bruce Smith, Allen Whitmire, Esta Hon cveutt Pearl Jones. Thelma McCon nell, Edna Nelson, Lois Petit, Jose phine Powell. Lois Raines, Sadia Smith. Grade Two Honor roll—Chas. Henry Summey, Stanley Winchester, Lloyd Gillespie, Bobby Joe Galloway, Bcyce 'A inches ter, Lorenn Galloway, Cornelia Gil lespie, Nadine Powell, Velma Lewis. I Margaret Hope B u r t, Margaret !Whtimirc, Martha Whitmire. I Attendance—Guy Bryson. V‘*gil I Barrett, Lloyd Gillespie Bobby Joe Galloway, Louie Raines, Bobby Lee Rice, Junior Stroupe John Smith, Chas Her.rv Summey, Henry Snipes, j Boice White, Bc-ice Winchester, Stanley Winchester, Gerald Wood ard, Margaret Hope Burt, Lcrena Galloway, Mae Greepe Ruth Gil lespie, Velma Lewis, Elizabeth Mor gan Flora O’Shields, Nadine Powell Reba Rogers, Nelle Waldrop, Mar garet Whitmire, Martha Whitmire. Grade One A Honor roll—Iris Glazcner, Madne VALENTINE PARTY HONORS JUNIOR GIRL SCOUTS A delightful social affair of the week was the Valentine party given bv a committee of the Wedrrodsy club, sponsors of the local Girl Scout i troops, honoring the junior Girl Scouts on Tuesday evening at the ; home of Mrs. A. H. Harris on i Broad street. Other members on the committee assisting Mrs. Harris in entertaining were Mrs. Ralph Ram soy and Mrs. J. M. Allison. Many games and contests were played, in keeping with the Valen [ttine occasion, supervised by Misses Elizabeth and Nell Duckworth and Mary Sue JenningB, leaders in the Scout troops. The Valentine idea was carried out; in the refreshments of punch and cake nerved during the evening and in the Valentine favors. Twenty three junior Scouts were present to enjoy the hospitality of tneir spon sors. W. W. Babb returned Sunday from * two weeks’-trip to Atlantis and other points in Georgia. Frank and Homer Andrews, of Mt. Gilead, were guests last week of their sister, Mrs. Flax Lawrence. Mrs. J. E. Loftis and son Edgar were week-end guests of Mrs. Lof tis’ parents near Asheville. Allison Orr has accepted a posi tion with the Globe Medicine compa ny in Spartanburg, S. C. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Perry, Mrs. Frank Jenkins and Mrs. H. N. Car rier attended the annual convention cf the diocese of Western North Carolina of the Episcopal church convening in Lenoir two days last week. Galloway, Barney Sisk, Judith Bol ery, Polly Kate Heath, James Henn ley. Attendance—David Conner, Ernest Giilem, Henry IJ'hitmire, Will Earl Dodson, Alvin Dodson Judith Bolery, tris Glazener, Madrie Galloway, Doris Bangle, Edna Russell, Barney Sisk. Grade One B Honor roll—Lila Mae Galloway, Louise Gant, Reba Petit, Gracic Powel, Junior Chapman. Attendance—Botty Bryson, Fran ces Galloway, Lila Mae Galloway, Louise Gant, Thelma Gant, Reba Petit, Gr^ie Powell, Ruth Randolph, Marguerite Recce, Burley Aiken, Junior Chapman, Derrell Gant, Le roy Kolden. Russell Snipes, Albert Whitmire, J B. Whitmire, Festus Wilds. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Babb have I moved back to their home in thf Haynes house lifter Mrs. Babb an: two children stayed for two week at the Pierce-Mooro hotel during Mr. Babb's absence. Miss Nadine Avery has returnee borne after spending several month! with relatives in Macon and Atlanta Mrs. Bob Zachary, of Asheville spent Sunday here with relatives She was accompanied on her return home by Miss Annie Zchary. Mrs. A. H. King, who has been quite ill, is said to be much im proved and able to be up. Elisabeth Allison, young daughter of fir. and Mrs. J., M. Allsion, has been confined in bed the pa-:t two weeks on account of illness S. M. Macfie and Mrs. Ashe Macfie have returned from a wdak’: visit at Mr. Macfte’s old home in Columbia and Winnsboro, S. C. Mrs. Mamie C Verdcry left Tuesday for Asheville where she has accepted a position as nurse for Mr*- Brqyn on ?i?ncji Broad avenue. Muses Rowena Orr and Ruba Kitchen were Asheville visitors Thursday. Mrs. Cos Paxton and daughtor, Madeline, of Greenville, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton. Bill Extine, who is employed at Transylvania Tannin* co mp^ny, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Duckworth and children, of Marshall, were week end guests of relatives here, spent Sunday at Lake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. Fted Emmerson, of Asheville, were the week-end guests of Mrs. J. E. Clayton. Misses Reba Kitchen and Roberta Bryant spent Sunday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, of Davidson River, were Aahevillc visitors Tuesday. Thomas Hampton returned last week to resume his work with the TV A at Cove Creek, Tenn. Clarence Poole who was taken to Patton Memorial hospital, Hender sonville, last week, is said to be im proving. Louis Carr, of New Mexico, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Croushorn. Mr. and Mrs. George Pope, of Ni agara Falls, N. Y. were guests last week of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Graham, of Asheville, were guests Saturday of Mrs. Z. W. Nichols. Mrs. Graham was the former Miss Virginia Stradley, niece of Mrs, Nichols,_ Toaster Egg Cooker Set All 3 For 95c Cash Percolator And $1 a Month on Your Service Bill. This Complete Electrical Break fast Set Can be Bought On This Convenient Plan For a Limited Time Only — Consists of „ PERCOLATOR—Six cup size, chrom ium finish, made by Universal and 'guaranteed. Priced .$5.95 * TOASTER—Toasts 2 slices, chromium finish. Beautiful design. Universal toaster. Price .$3.50 EGG COOKER—Complete set of # cooker, tray, 4 egg cups. Automatic, fast, convenient to use at the table. Price. .$2.95 Equip Your Home With Economical Elec trical Servants for Convenience and Bet ter Living. Southern Public Utilities Co. Day Phone 116 Night Phone 16 Program — WBT 8:16 A.M.-Mon-Wed.-Fri.

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