, ROSMAN PERSONALS i . Born to Rev. end Mrs. Manly a daughter, Barbara, Wed nesday, February 14th. HV eight o pounds at their home near Cornelia, Git. Austin Hogsed was a business visitor to Greenville the first of the week. Jack Gillespie and Norman Gilles pie of the East Fork section were guests at the home of Rev. J. N.l Hall Sunday. , Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Brinkman: were visitors at the heme of Mrs. j Elizabeth Hall Saturday. | Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt and sons, J. E. and Joe, and daughters, Margaret Hope and Ruth were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barrett Sunday. Mrs. Allen Sisk is reported quite, ill at her home on Church street. I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Anders and daughter, Lou Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Anders, of Greenville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. T. V. Smith. Miss Emma Lee Gailoway, Homer, Clarke, J. C. Galloway were vis-1 itors/ to Jh)r|cson county Sunday, visiting Mr. ami Mrs. Everett* Smith. They wore accompanied home by Miss Edith Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wade, of Easley and Mrs. J. B. Allen, of Pickens, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Brittain. “Big Tom” Woods of the Glouces ter section has pui chased a new Chevrolet truck. Friends in Rosman will be inter ested to know that Miss Lizzie Rich ardson, daughter of the former M. E. pastor, Rev. J. C. Richardson, ,vho has been seriously ill in a hos pital for four months has recovered and is able to return to her home at Conriely Springs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener and Mrs. Roe Rice visited the former’s daughter, Miss Louisa Glazener, who is a student at Ashe- • ville Normal and Teachers’ college in Asheville Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Neal Anders and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Anders, of Greenville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Anders Sunday. Lionel Wrightson and “Shorty” Butler of Tryon visited friends in' Rosman Sunday. Girtha Watkins was a dinner guest j of Charles Glazener Sunday night, j Roe Rice, of Kannapolis spent the, week-end with Mrs. Rice here. Mvs. M. A. Moore returned to her home Sunday having spent the, past two months with her daughter,1 Mrs. Wm. McGinnis at Gastonia. | She was accompanied home by her son Collins Moore and Collins Jr. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and sons Douglas and Roy were din ner guests of Mrs. H. N. Blake at Selica Sunday. Tracy Riee young son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice is quite ill with, pneumonia. . j Jimmv Bales accompanied hiSj father James T. Bales to Sylva forj a week. I Miss Margaret Glazoner left Sat-| LOVE YOUR WIFE ? Then show her that you do by taking her out to lunch or dinner occa sionally. Clean uncrowded tables, with courteous and effici ent service together with GOOD FOOD COOKED RIGHT Coffee Fit For Kings Will make the wife and you too, enjoy eating at —THE— CANTEEN DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. It’ll be DONE RIGHT at this - Send us your wash. Our equipment assures y o u thai it will be returned relreshing’ and spotlessly clean. And at— LOWEST RATES Damp Wash, linen finished.07c lb. Rough Dry .06c lb. Linen, finished .08c lb. Family Wash, everything finished. ..15c lb. Wet Wash .05c lb. Carolina Hand Laundry Mrs. Joe Coi“bett, prop. North Brevard jrday for Richmond, Ya., where she .ras employment. Mr. and Mrs. Crnig Whitmire and daughter Nelle were visitors to Rocky Bottom Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watkins were business visitors to Greenville Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall and two chidren of Easley, visited Mrs. McCall’s grandmother, Mrs. L. M. I Glazener Saturday. ! L. W. Wilson and son “Buddie” .and daughter Betty jean of Robins ville and Miss Lois Wilson of _Bre Jvard were guests Sunday of Mr. [and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire. Mrs. Claud Kilby of Greenville, 'visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins Friday. Mrs. T. J. Gillespie and son Melvin, of Brevard, were guests of . the former's daughter, Mrs. Richard Rice. i Bud Brown and J, A. Woods of Jackson county were business visi tors to Rosman Thursday. H. W. Phillips of Wolf Mountain was a Rosman visitor Saturday. Mrs. John Kilpatrick and daugh ter Dorothy Jean, and son Chester jof Brevard were guests of the for mers parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens, Friday. Mrs. L. C. Bagwell and Miss Mag gie Owenby of Brevard were busi ness visitors to Rosman Monday. W. H. Edens spent the week-end at Pickens, S. C. visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Mrs. James T. Bales of Brevard were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bruner at Lake Toxaway. Mrs. Jesse Galloway and niece Guyma Stover of Brevard were guests of Mrs. Hubert Edens Sun day. F. A. Rains preached at Middle Fork Baptist church Sunday night. Gus Chapman of the Old Toxaway section who has been quite ill for several days remains in about the same condition. Mrs. Cornelius Powell and chil dren spent the week-end at 01(1 Tox away as guest of the formers mother Mrs. Kannie Meece. Haskell, small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Powell is quite ill at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters, Ruth and Velma ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gil lespie to Pickens Sunday. The latter attended funeral services of Mrs. I co Gillespie, who died suddenly of a heart attack the previous day. T. L. Bivens of Pickens was a business visitor to Rosman Thuis 'dav. _ ... „ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nix ot has lev were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Snipes. Mis. Pat Berksire, Mrs. John Whitmire, Mrs. A. P. Bell were guests of Mrs. Cleveland Stewart Sunday. . , Mr. and Mis. Doll Gnmshaw ol Brevard were guests at tin. home of Mrs M. N. Moore Sunday. Miss Edith Clarke spent the week end in Jackson County visaing f,Mrd>and Mrs. W. N. Stroup and children visited relatives at East Flat Rock and Hendersonville Sun-1 *a\Irs. E. D. Randolph, Mrs. A. D Rogers, Mrs. Win. McJunkins, Miss Emilee Galloway were guests at the heme cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilds Sunday. . Miss Pauline Moore visited Miss Beatrice Woodard Sunday. Miss Anne Singletary of the East 'Fork section spent the week-end as guests of Miss Betty Nelson. I Mr*. J- W. Chapman ana m>.i John and Bertie Chapman of Tryon -punt the week-end as guests of the [former’s son, Rev. Nathan Chapman land Mrs. Chapman. Miss Bernice Reid of Quebec spent i-he week-end in Brevard as guest of Miss Marjorie Hamilton. C. H. Glazener and daughter Miss \rleen, Walter Glazener and Miss Blanche Arrowood of Lake Toxaway spent Sunday at Crab Tree visiting the formers daughter Mrs. Stove Furgerson. Miss Daisy Galloway spent a couple of nights last week as guest of Mi?s Ella Mae Collins. Miss Evelyn Maxwell of East Flat Reck is spending a few days as guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stroup. Miss Edith Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Volrath, Jesse Rains, Nel \fr- IWiaf ' . ~ s 1 Society News end Club Activities | • O. - - MRS. WEST HOSTESS j TO CIRCLE NG. THREE Mrs. C. B. West whs hostess to the members of Circle No. 3 at the Methodist parsonage Thursday af ternoon. . . The meeting was presided over by the chairman, Mrs. Cordia King, was also led the devotionals. It was decided t otake up the study of a i mission study book at the regular ; meetings, and to bring some land oi handwork suitable for a bazaar to i be given later. The hostess served refreshments during a short social period. The next meeting of this circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Nicholson. PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY HAS MEETING AT HUT February meeting of the Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was held at the Hut Thursday afternoon with the president, Miss Annie Jean Gasn, presiding. Two new officers were elected, the outgoing officers’ time hav.ng expired. Mrs. J. L. Cobb was elected to the office of vice presi dent, and Miss Louise Kimzey was made secretary. The program on Brazil was pre sented by Mrs. Boyce Walker and Mrs. C. L. Newland. Refreshments w*re servfcd by Circle No. 2, during a pleasant social half-hour following the regu lar meeting. MISS PAXTON HOSTESS AT HOUSE PARTY Miss Madeline Paxton was hostess at the Paxton summer home at Cher ryfield, entertaining quite a number of friends at a week-end house par tv. ‘ The majority of the guests were friends of Miss Paxton from Green ville, South Carolina. . lie Volrath, Marvin Volrath, Barnes Visage and B. B. White were visi tors to Walhalla, S. C., Sunday. Rev. Nathan Chapman and brother Rev. John Chapman of Tryon were visitors to Central, S. C., the for mer filling his regular appointment at Welcome Baptist church. Andersor. Smith of Quebec visit ed his mother Mrs. T. V. Smith Monday. W. F. Daniels who has been ill for several months is not improved. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumera! were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wil son in Brevard Thursday night. Mr. Winchester of Sunset, S. C., arrived here Monday to spend a few days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bryson were visitors to Hendersonville Sunday to accompany their son-in-law home, who recently underwent an operation : 1 Patton -.WWonal hospital- a Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns uifl| daughter spent the week-end aT Pickens, visiting Mr. and Mrs. s. M. Towns. TO PREACH SUNDAY Rev. J. N. Hall will fill his reg ular appointment here at 11 o’clock Sunday morning and in the evening at 8 o’clock. EAST FORK SERVICES Rev. W. R. Galloway preached at the home of Mrs. F. T. Masters in the upper East Fork section Sun day afternoon. There were thirty three friends and neighbors present. CHURCH SERVICES Services will be neln here at the Church of God Saturday night at 7:i’>0 and Sunday morning at 11 o’clock by the' pastor, Rev. Carl Cox of Slater, South Carolina. SURPRISE PARTY IS HIGHLY ENJOYABLE Misses Mae White, Ola Paxton and Mrs. I.. M. Watkins were joint hostesses at a surprise party and shower Friday night at the home ot the latter, honoring Mrs. J. B. Rogers, the former Miss Mildred Watkins. . The guests met at the home ot Miss White and all event in a group to the home of Mrs. Watkins, where Mrs. Rogers makes her home. A highly enjoyable time was reported by those in attendance. Refresh ments of cake and peaches were served during the evening. Guests present were: Mrs. D. L. Glazener, Miss Ola Paxton, Miss Marie Mcore, Mrs. J. E. White, Miss Mae White, Mrs. E. A. Glaze ne, Mrs. C. J. Eldridge, Mrs. J. E. Burt, Miss Ruth Burt, Miss Pauline Leathers, Miss Ethel Manly, Mrs. A. D. Rogers, Mrs. Eddie Towns. Mrs. H. G. Stophel, Miss Rosa Mc Lean, Miss Emma Jane McLean, Mrs. M. C. Sumineral. Miss Ruth Mcore, Mrs. William White. PARTY AND SHOWER HONORS DAUGHTER Mrs. A. D. Rogers entertained with a party and shower Friday af ternoon, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Eddie Towns, who will soon start housekeeping. The shower consisted of linen and kitchen articles. Rereshments of cake and hot chocolate were served. Following were the guests pres ent: Mrs. E. A. Glazener, Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Mrs. J. E. Burt, Mrs. Mickler Lusk, Mrs. Eugene Morrison, Mrs. A1 Bryson, Mrs. Os car Barrett, Mrs. C. fi. .Leathers, Miss Pauline Leathers Miss Jane McLean_-Miss Ethel Manly, Miss Ella Mae Collins, Mrs. L. M. Wat kins, Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Miss Car rie Lee Watkins, Miss Leota Ran dolph. Other invited guests sending pres ents were: Mrs. Claude Glazener, Mrs. Doyle Moss, Mrs. Walter ^eeco, Miss Ola Paxton, Mis* Mae White, Mrs. Jordan Whitmire, Mrs. r?.mes Staton, Mrs.. E. D. Randolph, Mrs. A. R. Towns, Mrs. Tom Mconeyham, Mrs. Richard Rice, Mrs. J. B. White. CIRCLE NO. ONE MEETS WITH MISS NORTH Circle No. 1 of. the Methodist church held its first regular meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Sadie North, with 11 mem bers present, The meeting was in charge of the chairman, Mrs. Lula Miller. Devo tionals were conducted by Miss Florence Kern. The following visit ng committee was appointed for the ensuing month: Miss Kern, Mrs. John Maxwell, Mrs. E. S. English, it was decided to study the Sunday school lesson for the following Sun-, day as part of the devotional excr-: rises. Mrs. Laura Miller was ap-j pointed to have charge of this fea-j ture at the next circle meeting. De cision was made that each member bring some form of fancy work to each meeting, preparatory to having a bazaar at a later date. Following refreshments, the cir cle adjourned to meet the third Thursday in March at the home of Mrs. E. S. English. CIRCLE NO 2 MEETS WITH MRS. GILLESPIE The meeting of Circle No. 2 qf the Methodist church was held J Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. R. Gillespie, who also presided over the meeting, as chair man. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. J. S. Nicholson. Plans for the year’s work were discussed. After refreshments served by the hostess the circle disbanded to meet in March with Mrs. J. E. Waters. D. A. R. BENEFIT TO BE EVENT OF THURSDAY NIGHT The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will sponsor a George Washington bene fit bridge Thursday evening of this week at 8:30 o’clock at the Pierce Mcore hotel. Prizes will be awarded and re freshments served. Players are re quested to bring their own cards or any other games they desire to play, but score pads and pencils will be provided, it is announced Tickets are thirty-five cents each. BIRTH OF SON TO MR. AND M\RS. WOOD PAXTON Announcement is made of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wcod Paxton, on Thursday. Feb ruary 15, at their home on We?t Main street. The baby has been named Thomas Wood Jr. j Mrs. Paxton is the former Miss Mary Osborne Wilkins, daughter of Mrs! Madge Wilkins and the late €. P. Wilkins. Watch For Our Announcement in next week's Times An old-fashioned sale with an old-fashioned bouquet of values m m' Br°*di SELiCA NEWS (By Ward Breedlove) S Our church folks had a busy day last Sunday. Two sermons and a splendid talk were heard. .If ser mons and Christian efforts meant ac complishments on the part of our community as they should, how much greater would be the spiritual environment. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached a fine sermon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna Sunday. Rev. Judsen Corn will preach at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. We hope that Mr. Joe Orr can be back with us again, as he was on Mr. Corn’s last appoint ment. We also hope Mr. Wesley McCall will be able to be with us again soon, Julius Anders and party of Lake Toxaway were business callers in our section Friday. Mis3 Alice Pearson of Cedar Mountain was visiting Misses Myrtle and Catherine Barton Sunday and attended church. We certainly ap preciate visitors who like to attend church. Mrs. Ward Breedlove was on the sick list last week, but Was able to be back in Sunday school Sunday. J. Wade Dickson gave a wonder ful lecture Sunday for the union Sunday school. The theme wag the! Kingdom of Heaven or the Church j and its Mission. We were glad to have Jessie Gil-! lespie as a church visitor here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall and children of the Cherryfield farms visited J. P. Hogsed Sunday. Rev. J. N. Hail will fill his regular appointment here next Sun day morning. Pretty girls are made to behold, not to be held. Who masters his own trade can fix his own wages. I Bronchial Irritations Need Creosote For many years our best doctors have prescribed creosote in some form for coughs, coids and bronchitis, knowing bow dan gerous it is to let them bang on. Cieomulsion with creosote and six other highly important medicinal elements, quick ly and effectively stops coughs and coids that otherwise might lead to serious trouble. Cieomulsion is powerful in the treatment of colds and coughs, yet it is absolutely harmless and is pleasant and easy to take. Your own druggist guarantees Creomul eion by refunding your money if you are not relieved after taking Creomulswn as directed. Beware the cough or cold that hangs on. Always keep Creomulsinn on hand for instant u«e. (adv.) GLOUCESTER NEWS H. P. Half and soiv L. C. and 'J. 3. and Albert Price spent lasl Mondady night at Canton. Mr. r,nd Mrs. C. Brown M.ient Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kitchen. Laara Bell Devore is very i»l at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Devore. Mrs. Walter Woodring visited her sisters, Mrs. Billie Owen and Mrs. Dock Banther on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Covsie Brown, Mrs. A. C. Price and son John and J R. Golden spent Sunday night visit ing relatives an to the Court for the relief saked for in her complaint. This the 29th dav of Jan. 1934 OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court. 4tp F 1-8-15-22 MASONIC MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 O’CLOCK Ail members arc urged to be present Jerry Jerome, W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. _ _____ . _ . - —