... i CE HAllTSELL TO BE HONORED SUNDAY A program of unusual interest has been prepared for the Wallace Hart sell 15. V. P. U. meeting, which will be presented next Sunday evening at the Brevard Baptist church. The public is invited to this service. The following will be rendered: Seng, Send The Light; reading, Hel en Galloway; solo, Mrs. Paul Hart sell; Group I. Subject, -‘Winning the Homeland;1 An Immense Opportun ity, Ralph Ramsey; A Heroic Effort, Evelyn Bavnard; An Urgent Neces sity Lillie McCrary; A Compelling Motive, Mrs. Turner Allison; What Wo Can l)o. Mrs. Lawrence Holt; talk on mission?, A. B. Galloway, song, Jesus Saves. Delay is fatal to gtod resolutions. - let th? Phone Call For Your.. —just ring PHONE 44 And the laundry will be off your hands. Yes, and returned in two d a y s spotlessly clean and fresh. Don't take chances with the health of your family, when our mod ern equipment assures ou : : : nitary clothes. Fcugh Dry per lb. ..08c We; Wash per ib . -Ode F Kill,: W’kkIi Finished flat Work per lb. .08c Wearing Apparel p ’r lb.1 Oc BREVARD Steam Laundry Laundry — Coal — lee Dr. O ire it In. Congressional Ruce Asheville—Dr. J. E. Owen, Ashe ville dentist and aviator, Saturday announced his candidacy for congress .n a “Popular Representative Pint form.’’ Congressman Zebulor. Weaver represents this district and it is assumed that he will be a candidate again at the Democratic primary on June 4, 1934. Slot Machines Sci.:ed Asheville—In a quick series of raids Monday afternoon police con fiscated nine slot machines and or it-U'd those in whose places of busi ness they were found to answer charges of operating a gambling de vice. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy \>r the office of Register of Deeds, ubject to the will of the Democratic (iters to be expressed in the Jane ‘rimary, 1934. If nominated and 'looted, I promise to perform all lutks connected with the office to he best of my ability. Your support will be* appreciated. NOAH C. MILLER, tfp Lake Toxaway. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS j I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat ed and elected, I will promise to serve the people of my county to "he very best of my ability, and shall appreciate the support of ev eryone. EDWIN A. MORGAN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS | I hereby announce myself as can- j didate for re-nomination and elec- j tion on the Democratic ticket for the j place of Register of Deeds of Tran- j sylvania County. My record as your i nublic servant is my rccommenda- j ticn. I shall appreciate your support.! !tf JESS A. GALLOWAY FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy; 'or nomination as Senator for the Thirty - second Senatorial District, -ub.ieci to the action of the Demo cratic Primary which is to be held1 in Jure. j In offering myself as a candidate f< r this position I do not feel that T am asking the voters of the county ' ‘‘buy a pig in a p kef It \va- by Mie cvei whelming vote given me ini the I: t general election that I was privileged to serve you as a member f if Mouse of Representatives in Mi' last General Assembly. The wholehearted manner in which the p.ple if the county supported and jbr-ked my feeble t(Torts in their be- j ' b >!f prompts me to offer my service.-! Hirrt i u m i lr i.ip which position my greatest and only; ! ambition shall he to serve the peo ple of the district faithfully and; well. ' The support of those having con-i ! faience in my ability to servo the. i best, int - rests of the public in this 'pc“ition will be appreciated. Verv sincerely, dp M. W. Galloway FOR REPRESENTATIVE I ... : 1 hereby announce my canuiuaej | ' iv ;■ the House of Representatives j - abject to the action of the Demo* j - i-tu- Primary in June. If nomtnat- j cd ai"i d eled, I promise faithful - .vice a' a member looking to tne ,,t ,, .. of the people of the county! j riate. Your support will be ap-j 1,rtciatCd- W. M. HENRY. j A talking motion picture presented by the Ford Motor Company—a story that begins in a country town of yesterday and ends in a modern setting of today. CLEMSON THEATRE II i DfU 1ST 2:00 P.M.—6:30 P.M. ITlAntn 1 7:30 P. M.—11:00 P.M. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS JOINES MOTOR CO. — Authorized Sale* »“d Service CARS and TRUCKS W. Main street Brevard, N. C. WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned during the pest week JtuHans Gutvrd Their Frontier Rome—Ready for any eventuality, 75,000 Italian troops weri posted Thursday at strategic joints . long the Austrian frontier; their pui p .ee being to keep Austria from upi-big with Germany. - Eggs Truck Burns Edenton, N. C.—If Henry Jone had been hungry this would have; been his lucky day. j L'living his truck near here he j suddenly found it afire. There snem-i e,i to be nothing he could do so hej ..emitted it to burn. There were 100; cas 's .,f iggs on the truck, ail valued at $2,000. ,! j„,.es said he never saw so many: fried eggs in his life. Football Hero Acquitted ; El Paso—A jury of Texans last! night, acquitted Lieut. John It. Mu. | former West Point iootbab hira, on both counts in an mdict nunt charging attack on Biuncb Halls, pretty Alabama divoicee. Traylor Dead rhicairo—Melvin A. Traylor.presi* Iral of the First National bank and ‘ 1 i; in 19:12 for the Demo ■V^rSnation for the Presidency 1 • j 1 Wednesday night of last ween afW a month’s illness of pneumonia. elver Burned To Death New * Orleans—Capt Merle Nelson at a very low altitude. i T/v C/i^It, Political l rucc SSilSJS Gaston Downer* one’s national unicm cab Thurs. cl a ministerial “e<-l*™ient for a day appealing J\, France to rift™™' "ob lems. _. Socialists bMf*, nd into v v'iUS. °t£ I8yn»\ftsjfl5'.£ publican Guard ^ e* Thursday, piuate guvnl a authority of the ,iU disputing tne uu Au trian government^ . fh, v0 Dictatorship \ ixhia Oi'nl ‘ g^thed and revo Vkiina—Blood headed a«a,n jin-A statehood Friday un : ...ward Faa.8t dictatorship >“ idm thf ^Scrt Dollfus and !Co,:nce""V 'nos tavh(jmborg. ! , , ,pce Kni-'t \ n r:,,,v A’yH 'J%KAiur.l !' 1 ;■: v< rdeetet. a.I ,|Gy u- •' m .lame : £lnt on MoW Oil —«"bn D „rA. ?;“%“!» k?'&#^£r»zf isfv,: sj^Hfs4 :, ip here, 11- 1_._ Hlsleri/ RXTt8y!ary'f Fin«c Hays, Kalis. • 1' bci.? of bn 'imply deteste' " ja t ve?v. The automobile. tfooa —were hard to nomhtvs “Yr: ” t stuttering-. ,,v.,nounco m , off buying hot This year she fifty-sent tag. silently »ft‘"grea«„n than to . ,.n:\Hv_.L’r no "the. an(.thc). set Sef foriogwns B8-2222. Kii'jinnd and Russia Sign Trade Treaty 1 , ndon—Great Brittain and R- ■■; ilTrriir ir»«“K«i*i <7 Cumulation of Unit*} State* trade with the Soviet republic. Hill To Get Position A'TieviUe—Dan W. *KiU, prom inent. Asheville insurance man and me-time postmaster, tinll be ap pointed as assistant treasuier of -he Republican national. committee, it was learned here Friday'. Laure Arrested Tampa—Edward Laure, wanted in th S2,000.000 robbery of the Lincoln National Bank Trust company, of Lincoln, Neb., and m the fndnap.nt, of Janies Hackett, Blue Island, 111., was arrested here Friday. A Mean Robber . Jeannette, Pa.-A lot of robberies have come under the head of mean est” but Jeanette adds this one Somebody sneaked into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Myers and toie a pair of crutches belonging to Bernice Myers, 13, an infantile paralysis cripple. The tamiiy W ooor and no other crutches are available, keeping the girl from at tending school. I American Citizen Hilled In Fight' New York—0. Borowetz, New York restauranteur, was informed Thursday by cable that bis *.7-ycar old daughter, Alice, an American citizen, had died of wounds received in a Vienna street fight. Mother Nature Mixes Dates Ketchikan, Alaska—Mother nature seemed to have her oates mixed here this week-end. With a temperature of 57 degrees above zero, the warm est for February in 21 years. Young stera swam In the channel and buds appeared on bushes and strawberry plants. Pro I'm A irfiord Beft/ie Z'fnt'.tf Washington—Waller Brown, post wester general under former. Presi dent 11 onvpr appeared voluntarily I.-.fore the senate airmail investigat ing committ e Monday to answer charges of fraud and collusion in mail contracts awards during his administration. ' mrv'u agreed to waive immunity. ; iiiiYiyned the committee that any thing he raid could be used against him ’‘in any court in the land." Jlis te.-limonv probably will consume viral .lays. .In ExUa Long Congress Washington — President Roosevelt n't be able to gel away for the a-going vacation in April, it be ..:nc plain Monday. It was expected l bat present session of Congress wiuld last into the summer. Asheville Couple Robbed Asheville—'T. R. Spalding, assist ant superintendent cf the Great At lantic and Pacific stores in Ashe ville, and Mrs, Spalding were held up and robbed 'Saturday night of a -aek esitmated by police to contain $2,000 in currency. - I Belgian1 King Dcnd Brussels, Belgium — Albert L. Kirg cf the Belgians, was killed Sunday afternoon in a mountaineer ng accident. He was climbing up a steep cliff when a piece of rock inch he was holding to gave way letting him fall to the foot far be low. He was 59 years old. Austria, Must Ramin Free Paris—France, England and Italy agreed in a declaration Monday that Austria’s independence must be maintained In other words she must not unite w ith Germany or any other country. Weather Halts A inmil Washington — Army fliers took over the air mail Monday under dangerous conditions which caused! cancellation of some schedules and made completions of others doubt ful. Officially the army did not begin the task thrust upon it through can cellation of all private domestic air mail contracts until midnight but Uncle Sam’s pilots had planned tc go oh all journeys which were due to end after the formal zero hour. Clilui Rnildin,!/ Rea''/! With C. .S’. Fund i Tokyo- - Ropovts that a portion of America’s $50,000,000 cotton and v.h; at loan to China is being u-ed in the expansion of Chino-e air domes to Fcoch w and Amoy will be the subject shortly of Japanese diplomatic representations to China, it was learned Monday. wMwmwn Th;s community was saddened and shocked to learn of the death of Mrs Macfarland Shackleford in Spartanburg Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Shackleford was the oldast daugh ter of Ml*, and Mrs. Edgar Patton of Davids n River. Funeral services were e Quoted at the Davidson River Presbyterian church Monday afternoon at tl o'clock by Rev. \V. S. Jfutichson. Burial was in tin Davidson River cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Francis Plum.,, wore shopping in Bonders nvilii Saturday evening. Miss Nellie and Mr. Henry Mack ey of Swannsnoa spent the w . k-( end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson of Ci ccnviile, spent the week-end with D'.' hitters mother, Mrs. D. W • Headquarters For -Feeds-Seeds- roceries Kor th'-se who want a. profi table family flock of .hiek er.s or BETTER PAYING and larger pullets on the farm in this community, we have made special arrange ments with reliable hatch eries to supply us this spring with good, healthy, husky, day-old baby chicks. We Will Order a Large Quantity ol Chicks Shlppad Direct To You At a Saving Knox Improved FERTILIZER (Lime Used As A Filler) Recommended by State College Agri culture Experts as ideal for this section of the State. Lime Filler Instead of Sand _ wood’s r Recognized throughout the country as STANDARD for growth and yield. better seeds . Just as cheap to buy... .but pay big ger returns fit harvest time. Phone 66 Ea»t Main Street BREVARD, N. C. FREE RICTURE AT THE CLEMSON NEXT WEEK — "These Thirty Years,” a no\ talking picture produced by the For Motor company, is to be shown s the Clemson Theatre on March 1 first showings’ at 2 and 0:3t) p. m. second showing'7:30 and 11 p. m | Complimentary tickets ore beino distributed by Joiues Motor corn party, Inc., of Brevard, under whose auspices the local showings are be ing held. The story of ‘The Thirty Year begins 30 years ago in the town i. Brookfield. Dave- Haines and 1' aged mother see their farm and > v erything they own put on the ae tii.n block to satisfy a greedy mo.' gage holder. During the audio however, Dave becomes inspired i “horseless carriage” seen tcavin town a rutted country road at Ik nee!.-blinking speed of 20 miies p i Iv or.’' He sees a great future in autorn b;)e? and wants J:d Travers iocal livery stable owner, to go inti business with him. Jed withholds hi decision until Dave proves what hi-' “carriage” (an do in a eros.-c en try race with a horse. Players featured in “These Thirty Years” include David Morris, who played in “Come Easy,” and other pictures; K. Elmo Lowe, who play ed the lead in "There's Always Juliet," and other well known plays; Donald McDonald who played the leads in “Left Bank” and “He :■ To day,” and took part in “Forsaking All Others” featuring Tallulah Bank head; Fredrick Forrester who play'd the father in “Animal Kingdom." Alice John, who plays the part of “Mom” Haines in “These Thirty Years” has played for the Theatre Guild, Arthur Hopkins, and Charles Frohman. Hollingsworth. C. B. Allison and Glenn Bryson made a trip to Cashiers Valley Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfiold had as their week-end guests their grandson Lloyd and Allen of Swan nanoa. Mr. Willie Morris and small son of North Brevard were recent guests of Mrs. W. A. Lyday. After the regular meeting of the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. at the local Baptist church last Wednesday evening a social was enjoyed by th large group of young people pre ent. The annual stockholders aiedir of the Carr Lumber company v.a held at the home of Mr. W. W Croushorn Monday. Friends and relatives in this sc tint) were sorry to learn of th- den of Undo Butler Brown M nd.v morning at the homo of Vell.v Brown He has many friends in this .<• tint), who will mis him. The Baptist ehnrdi joined in the Knon and Cedar Mt. chord) inst week and bought their past r Hilemen a Buick sedati. | Observance of* World Day ol ' Prayer was held at St. Philips Episcopal church Friday Afternoon, with members c ail denomination* of the town in attendance and participating or. rhe program, An inspiring j rogrtflm was pre sented, with the theme centering around prayer for peace in the home-, the heart, the church, the na I tion and fogint•.. rational peac-r Mrs. ; Frank Jenkins v? or gram leadmr assisted by muni ms from the f • I churches of the town, in pra. scripture reading gad musical sed er - fie»i . Mrs. J. M. Allison, Mrs. A. II. Kizer arid Mr-. Car! McCrary rendered apprenriu ? trio and solo selections, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Miller. Th<- World Day • i Prayer is on annua! interden i inatnnal oWu-d vance, world-wide n scope. Th. services are held each year in one of the local churches, the invitation this year being extended by mem bers of St. Philips church for the services to be held with them. A crocked man fur straight iyin BUILT UP NERVES It. R. A. ' werman oi 71.1 derkhsm SL, Dur ham. N, C., said: *'M; nerves were bad and m; appetite waa poor. I loa: weigh! and *uflered ver! much from neuralgia Dr. Plerce’t Colderi Medi cal Diacovery built up my nerve* and drove out th neuralgia *o completely that 1 Bare never aunerea since. New »Ij«, tablet* on la., liquid, $1.00. Write Dr. Pierce’* Clinic, Bufialo. N. Y., for free medical adv.“W. Da One Part." WANT ADS WANTED—A good work mule—or would trade g< 1 mule and cows for good mule tern What have you? Box X, Tii - office, Brevard, WANTED TO 3TV—Used Studio Type Piano. Mt'jt he in good con dition and veaso'uhle. Write hov 344. Waynesvillc, N C, ftp Plant# For Sain > 3BAGE plants. Charleston. Jet-. ', Succession and I Copenhagen Mai. ' >NION plants, White and Yellow C-' muda. all 75c } r,e r 1000—5000 1 00c per J00O. ! Send remittance prompt -hip jment. DORRIS 1 CO.. Valdos ta. Ca. -r-1 4tp I [!'.t XTL'D — Vo- -1. e Rcpairir.? \Ve are equipped . ■ do first c!asj ! -hoe r.-pair wor'.-r 1 ••■du..s soles s> - j heels 75 cents, '(..-ms soles and I rubber In ■ :s >1. ’ .-vard She: ! Shop. T. K. XV .- wner—New - i Arcade. Jan X tfc FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Continued Another Week All New Spring Goods are now i:. are included in this sale at SALE PRICES ERw^hehtstI HENDERSONVILLE, N. C.

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