Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevard Women BREVARD GIRL NAMED IN SR. CL.ISS SUPERLATIVES At a recent election of auperla tives of the senior class of Woave college, Miss Winifred NichoUor daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. S Nicholson of Brevard, was given WJ honors. She was chosen as best all round girl in the class and and alw the most dignified. V. A. R. TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON March meeting of the local chap ter of the D lighters of the Amen, can Revolution, will be held Monoaj afternoon at the home of Mis. Laura Miller at 3:30 o’clock. She wio be assisted in entertaining by Mrs. J. M. Tatum. HONORS BROTHER’S BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Dora Aiken entertained at her home Thursday evening with a party, in honor of the birthday anni versary of her brother, William Aiken. , About twenty-five young people were present to enjoy the pleasures of the evening. Refreshments were served during the evening. CIRCLE NO. I MEETS WITH MISS GASH Circle No. I of the Presbyterian church held its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Annie Jean Gash. The meeting was in charge of the chairman, Mrs. Boyce Walker. The program on Mexico was conducted by Miss Julia Deaver, assisted by sev eral other members. Miss Maggie Deaver led the devotional?. Refreshments were served during the social peiiod. r. n. c. has REGrr.AR MEETING Regular meeting of the local chap ter United Daughters of the Con federacy was held Monday afternoon at the library. Routine business was transacted in charge of the president. Mrs. 0. L. F.rwin. Duo to the inclemency of the weather on that day only a small number wac present, including one gue-t, Miss Janie Hume, of Asheville. CfliEDREX CONFEDERACY ME ETIXG I VST PON EU Match meeting of the Children of the Confederacy has been postponed from Saturday* of this week, the regular met ting date, until the see ml Saturday in April, according to announcement of the leader, Miss Annie Jean Gash. The cancellation of this month’s meeting was due to the order of the board of health prohibiting children from public gatherings during the measies epi demic . MASONIC MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 O’CLOCK All members are urged to be present Jerry Jerome. W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. INTERESTING PROGRAM AT W. M. S. MEETING - A program of especial interest f was presented at the regular meet • ing of the W. bf. S. of the Baptist . church Tuesday afternoon, held in > the church parlors. The meeting was • unusually well 'attended and much > interest was manifested. Mrs. Paul Hartsell was program leader, the topic theme being, "Periods of Lost Power.” The dis cussion was opened by Mrs, Hart i sell on the first topic, ‘‘Why the | Light Faded.” Mrs. W. T. Boss? fol* lowed by discussing the theme, “The ' Dark Ages,” after which Mrs. E. R. Pendleton led in prayer thanking God for the light of Jesus. Mrs. Luther Cooper then discussed the theme, “Light Shining in Darkness.” Mrs. Hartsell closed the program with a discussion o f “Modem Darkness,” stressing the dangers of repeating the evib of the middle ages, and “How Can X Re-kindle the Fading Lights,” as answered in Isaiah. “Arise and shine for thy light is come.” The program closed with a hymn, “Send the Light,” and prayer by the president, Mrs. M. H. Holliday. The president announced during the business session that the annual Week of Prayer for home missions would be held Wednesday and Thurs day afternoons at the church. The meeting concluded with pray er by Mrs. R. H. Ramsey. RETURN FROM PLEASANT VISIT IN NEW YORK CITY Mr. and Mrs. T \A. Berg re turned last week from a visit of several weeks in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Berg report a most pleasant trip in the metropolis, attending the American opera, hear ing Lawrence Tibbett in “Merry Mount,” and other popular theatri cal productions. They visited Mrs. Berg’s sister, Miss Adelaide Silversteen, who is studying voice in New York city. Of interest to many friends also is the fact that Miss Silversteen, who possesses a gifted contralto voice, broadcasts over station WINS New York every Thursday evening at 6:15 o’clock. SARAH BISHOP HOSTESS AT ENJOYABLE PARTY Miss Sarah Bishop was hostess at an enjoyable social alTair Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Bishop. Games and other entertainment features and refreshments comprised the pleasures of the occasion. Around ■ twenty five young people, chiefly : classmates of the hostess of the Bre 1 vard high school senior class, were i present to enjoy the event. — '.HRS. HART HOSTESS I TO CIRCLE NO. II Mrs. L M. Hart was hostess to ! the members or Circle No. IT of the j ] Presbyterian church at her home on East Main street Thursday after : noon. j The program on Mexico was in •charge of the chairman, Mrs. J. W. | Smith, who also presided over the meeting. The Bible lesson was con ducted by Mrs. W. M. Cloud, i Refreshments were served during a pieasant social hour. Announcement To all our friends and customers: We have purchased thf FREEMAN HAYES GAS STATION W. Main St.—The Rock Station and extend each of you a cordial invitation to Stop and Gas With Us. ~“A-1” SERVICE” No Honking No Waiting DRIVE IN. .. .MOTORISTS. Service on the run and with a smile! Watev in the radiator? Windshield wiped? Test the oil? Fill up the gas tank? No sooner said than done! JOINES MOTOR CO. eastern star elects NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR Annual election of -officers fea tured the regular meeting of the local chapter Eastern Star held [Tuesday evening in the Lodge Hall. Following were the officers elect ed: Worthy matron, Mrs. E. S. Eng lish; worthy patron, Dr. J. F. Zach ary; associate matron, Nell Miller; associate patron, G. C. Bush; con ductress, Mrs. Harry Sellers; as sociate conductress, Mrs. Maria Der by; secretary, Mrs. Henry Hender son; treasurer, Mrs. Roscoe Nichol son. Installation of officers will take place on March 20. One of the high officials of this district is expected to have charge of the installation. Other officers will be appointed by the worthy matron. CIRCLE NO. II MEETS WITH MRS. McLEOD , . Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hinton McLeod, with the chairman, Mrs. Harry Pat ton, conducting the business trans actions. Mrs. Patton also led the pro gram °n Mexico, assisted by Miss Cora Willson. , , ._ Refreshments were served during the social half-hour. MUSIC LOVERS CLUB HAS GRAINGER PROGRAM An interesting meeting of the Music Lovers’ club was held Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. U. L Erwin, who was assisted in en tertaining by Miss Bill Aiken. Following the business session in charge of the president Mrs. Knox DeLong, a program of unusual in terest presenting selections from Grainger was conducted by Mrs. Harry Sellers and Alvin Moore The program was as follows. Panel “Study of Percy Aldridge Grainger,” by Mrs. Harry Sellers; piano solo, “Irish Tune from Coun try Derry,” Grainger, by Mr. Moore, piano solo, “Molly on thc Shore , Grainger, by Rhuemma Beddingfield, piano soios. Cradle Song, . Brahms, snd Country Gardens, Grainger, y Ora Holt Long; pmno solo, Shep herds Hey, Grainger, by A. M. White 11 After the program the hostesses served a delicious salad coure carry ing out the St. Patrick cojors. Y. W. CIRCLE MEETS WITH mrs.brittain The Young Women’s circle of the Presbvterian church met Thursday afternoon at the heme of Mrs. Wil li* Brittain, with the chairman, Mrs. Pat Kimzey in charge. Mrs. Kimzey conducted the Bible tudv. and the program on Mexico was discussed by Mrs. Brittain. A pleasant social hour followed the business transactions, during which the hostess served refresh ments . METHODIST SOCIETY IN REGULAR meeting v j Regular meeting of the Missionary society of the Met-hndi i church was held Thursday all in the ladies' parlor of the church. Discussion of the three recently organized circles was made and routine business transacted, m charge of the president, Mrs. Olner 0lDevotionals were led by Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, and the program ^ Brazil was in charge of Miss Alma Trowbridge. auxiliary and guild MEET AT RECTORY Regular meeting of the Auxiliary and Guild of b7 Philips Episcopal church was held Thursday afternoon at the rectory, with Mrs. Harry Perry a? hostess. Fourteen members "7» of tho both meetings were presided over by Mrs. Frank Jenkins, who also led the program on “Keeping Lent. Prior to the business meeting, the ladies sewed on articles to be sent in the missionary box to Puerto Rico Refreshments were served by the hostess following the meeting. QUILTING TARTY IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT Members of the Daughters of Wes ley class of the Methodist church spent an enjoyable and profitable day and evening Wednesday ot laSt, week, when they met m the ladies parlor to complete the quilting o two quilts for twin beds. The quilts will be placed on sale at the ex change this summer. At the noon hour the ladies ad journed to the parsonage where hot erffee had been prepared by Mrs. C. B West and served with the lunch brought by those helping with the Those assisting with the quilting during the day and evening were: Mrs. C. 0. Robinson, Mrs. Roscoe Nicholscn, Mrs. E. S. EnglisTi Mrs. D. L. English. Mrs. \V L. Aiken, Mrs..Cordia King, Mrs. J. E. W a.ers, Mrs. B. I.. Laird, Mrs. 0 H. Orr, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, Mrs. C. B. Wed. Mr and Mrs. E. J- Bogcn have moved into the hou'e formerly oc cupied by George Nicholson m r or est Hills. Mr. Bogen is manager ol thet Fashion store. Miss Helen Galloway was a week end visitor in Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. Jude Albert and 3on Joe have returned home after visiting Mrs. Albert’s mother ir. Whittier. Mis-' Elizabeth McCoy was an Asheville visitor Sunday. Walter Clavton is muc^i improved after a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Frank King, Mrs, A. H. King and Mrs. Huse Mackey were A-heville visitors Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Whitmire, of Green ville, was tho week-end guest of relatives here. Ernest Miller visited friends in Chimncv Rock the first cf the week. Mrs. Mack Johnson left last week ,ior waerunguin, u. v., to join net husband who i» connected with kb aviation company in that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aiiison, Mack Jr., and Elizabeth left Monday for St. Augustine, Fla., where they will spend a weak visiting Mrs. Allison's sister. Miss Margaret Breese and enjoying the pleasures rtf the Sun shine state. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allison and Mrs. S. F. Allison were called to Durham several days ago ou account of the death of the younger Mrs. Al lison’s mother. Chief of Police B. H. Freeman is reported to be quite ill in the Bilt moro hospital. E. R. Pendleton is taking a two weeks’ special training course in Greensboro. Alf Zachary is improving after a serious illness of the past two weeks. Mrs, G. F. Marshall of Ashe ville, has been guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Douglas, the latter a daughter of Mrs. Marshall. 'Rev. J. H. West and Mrs. C. B. West and little son left Sunday for Hickory, where Mr. West attended the trustees meeting of Brevard college Monday, and ?>Irs. West and son are visiting relatives. They will return to Brevard the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and family moved last week from their home in North Brevard to the home of her brother, V. C. Moore, in the vicinity of the Country Club. Mrs. H. L. Wilson, who has been quite ill, is said to be improv ing at Lyday Memorial hospital. Mrs. Mamie Verdery has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carl Frady, in Hendersonville this week. Mrs. W H. Duckworth has been ill at her home the past week. Mrs. Alvin Rockwood and Miss Rubenia Nicholson were Asheville visitors Tuesday. Miss Mabel Bramlett and Nat Townsend motored to Greenville for the day Sunday. Mrs. Nan Norton of Oakland was a. Brevard visitor Tuesday. ueerge tsromiieia m Mia w> cc improving from a severe illness of the past weel. Johnnie Lee Demid is visiting Miss Viola- Mull in Ealsey, S. C., this week,. Many friends will be interested in learning that Edgar Patton Shack elford, the infant son of Macfarland Shackleford and this late Mrs. Shack elford, is.doing nicely at the home of hia sunt, Mrs. C. IT. Easier, in Spartanburg. S. C., who temporarily has the care of the little one. Mra. J. S. Silversteen attended the two-day session of the state D. A. R. conference convening in Win ston-Salem this week. She was dele gate from the local chapter and al so attended in her'official capacity as recording secretary of the state organization. Lilian Zachary spent the week end with'Nancy Love Rensor. in HendfrsonvilKe. , .! , airs. rrea jonnson u recovering ; from *n illness of the past week. | Mr. and Mr*. W. L. Stophel and daughter Virginia, of W. Mari ' on, S. CL are visiting friends and relatives in the county. Miss Jane W. Hume, of Asheville, is visiting in Brevard. Miss Gladys Wood left Monday to assume the duties of her new 'position in Henderonvilie. I P, S. King, who suffered a stroke , two weeks ago, is said to be in a 'critical condition at his home on Probert street. Mrs. Cos Paxton, of Greenville, spent the week-end here as guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton. Br. J. E. Brackett, of Hender sonville, was a Brevard visitor Mon day. Paul Smathers, who has been critically ill wtih pneumonia the past two weeks, is reported to be somewhat improved . , - ^% $ •* •.'; >■ f SMOKE PLENTY OP CAMELS ...MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT. SO I THINK I AM QUALIFIED TO SAY THIS THEY NEVER JANGLE THE NERVES. _ 4 is simply paddling herself because she has only just found out how insignificant is the cost of using electrical servants. She’s mad through and through because she has spent literally thousands of hours in heartbreaking drudgery during these last few years do ing house work by main strength and awkwardness that could have been done much better with electrical appliances at a cost, at most, of only a few cents per day. For Instance, Here are Some of The Things The Lady Has Just Learned: * She could operate a suction sweeper an hour per day for Nine-tenths of a cent. She could have five cups of coffee for her family twice a day from her electric percolator sitting on the table at a cost of One half cent. She could enjoy the comfort and relief from pain through the use of a heating pad for 10 hours for one cent. She could save from one to two hours per day in the kitchen using a Universal oven cooker at an average cost of Two and one-fifth cents per hour. She could conserve her energy in her kitchen with a Mix-master at a cost of two-tenths cent per hour. She could have caved a doctor’s bill and the cost of a pair of glasses for little Willie by having a Miller indirect lamp for him for studying at a cost of one and one-tenth cents per hour. She could boil a quart of water in seven minutes in the electric water kettle in her bathroom or bed room for one half cent instead of trudging back to the kitchen and building a fire. . 4 ’ - Are Yqu a Modern Housewife Who Has All the Modern Electrical Conveniences? Southern Public Utilities Co. Listen in on S. P. U. Radio Program* WBT—Friday* 11:45 A. M. WSOC—Monday* 11 ;45 A. M. , • &r .