40 inch SEA ISLAND SHEETING Best Grade 10c _ (Limit 10 yards to customer) Latest Styles MEN’S NEW SPRING SUITS All Wool—Sizes 36 to 44 $12.45 and $14.55 Men’s Vat Dyed DRESS SHIRTS Fancy and solid colors—sizes 14 to IT 69c 49c mm Blue Denim BOY’S OVERALLS Will wear like iron Men’s CONDO RUBBER BOOTS Made by Ball Band $2.69 pair New CHAMBRAYS and GINGHAMS Specially priced 10c yard Men’s Medium Weight WORK SHOES Panco Soles $1.49 1 Lot v MEN’S FELT HATS All sizes and colors 97c pair Men and Boys SLIP OVER SWEATERS Part Wool—Black and Navy 49c All sizes—New Spring Shapes 39c Ladies HAND EMBROIDIED GOWNS . „ Pastel Shades A real buy at ,___ MEN’S RIDING PANTS 4-.—.----— - 36 inch VAT DYED PIQUE New Spring Colors 29c yard \----— Ladiea NEW SPRING HATS Assorted Sizes and Colors 97c Ladies 800 Needle CHARDONIZE RAYON HOSE For clearance % 25c pair FULL-FASHIONED *HOSE COTTON A RAYON COAT SWEATERS FANCY ATHLETIC PANTS Balloon Seat Elastic Back Sfce»28to42 An ecellent value at 9c pair _ NOTE BOOK PAPER