W. 0. W. NEWS | District Manager Hugh Montieth was named chair man of arrangement committee Mon day night at Sylva. J. W. Cooley and J. H. Dietz will serve wit! Sovereign Montieth. This local com mittee will make all arrangements for our district convention which meets with Sylva next month. A dinner committee with B. E. Harru chairman was also appointed to look after the delegates that get hungry while attending the convention others on this committee are C. H Nicholson. L. C. Moore, Chas Wilds and J. E. Long. John R. Jones, Jr. was named publicity director for Camp. Hickory Camp No. 80 held their oyster supper Friday night. Several invited guests attended the meeting and helped take care of the oysters; four signed oil the dotted line. It was a fine meeting—Tom Newton came over from Kinston to see how we do things in the Western Carolina way. The fish supper at Rhodiss Satur day night was a huge success. A largo crowd of Sovereigns and their friends were already eating fish when I arrived late on account of snew storm. After talking awhile and listening to other good talks by C< nsul Commander Jones and sev eral others. I wrote three applica tions. Secretary Ben field said they had several more ready to sign up but the snow storm kept them from attending the meeting. T. 0. (irigg. secretary, Camp No. MS. Shelby, said they would have several prospects ready for me to write up next Thursday night. Dr. (Irigg also -aid he wanted to help honor President Bradshaw by send ing several applications during the month of Murrli. Head Watchman C. P. Goforth, who is Consul Commander of Kings Mountain Camp and president ot the Western N. C. Log Rolling As sociation. told us again last week that he wu- going to get some appli cations this month to help honor Time will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION. Brevard Cold Snappy Days call for Fresh Meats W e can give you just the cut you want, as you want it, and deliver it prompt ly. Try us for GROCERIES Staple and Fancy Phone 47 CITY MARKET S. F. Allison Sovereign Bradshaw in a big way. All camps that have been having (-me kind of get-together meetings his year, have been getting appiica-( lions. If your Camp is dead at this time, try having an oyster supper . and invite prospects and me. You’ll , be surprised at the results—try it! Applications last week, each of which is a special honor to President Bradshaw! Rhodiss 3, Mill Spring 1, (Iendersonville 3, and No. 80 Hick ry 5. Total for week 12. Try and get your camp on this re port next week. seDcTnTws (By Ward Breedlove) Most of the talk here is con cerning the taking to prison of four of our prominent citizens, and most .all give expressions like this: If his is what it costs to be an official and try to save the people their noney in a bank, we don’t want to be elected. Brother, the ones that are back of this are no saints, no siree. We have more measles in our com munity than money, but we are more desirous for the latter. I We are glad to learn that Mr. and | Mrs. Alvin Fowler are going to j build a house here next week. I Wo have had a lot of moving here I recently. Mr. and Mrs. Mays ! Waldrop moved to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Barton moved to the building vacated by the Wal drops. J. P. Whitmire moved to a new house on Patterson’s Creek. Mrs. Blake also moved back to her sum mer home recently, and Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Bently occupy the vacat ed house near Selica depot. Clarence Whitmire is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Beecher Mull, during the absence of Mr. Mull who has employment with the TVA. George Summey has been very ■ ick at his home here. We hope to *;?e him out soon. Glit Paxton has been sick with flu, but is able to be out again. Many friends of Mrs. Rod White were surprised by her death recent ly, yet she had been sick for years. Our sympathy goes out to a large family of little'children, the young est eight months of age. Mr. and Mrs. Harclus Barton visited their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Davis, who has been very sick in the hospital at Greenville. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Elbert Lance of South Carolina were here for their children who have been with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lance for some time. Henry McKinna of Lake Toxaway was visiting in this community re cently. . It is with regret that many friends in the community learn of the ill ness of Mrs. Mosco Hale, who was hefcri h.-r marriage Miss Annie Mc Kinna ot Brevard. She is very ill at the home of her daughter in Pickens, South Cu !ina. . Misses Mvrtle and Catherine Bar ton gave ome of their friends an entertainin' ' recently. A delightful time was reported by those present. Mrs. James Mull has been on the sick list again the past week. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Jess Dickson will give a talk at the union Sunday school next Sun day on the value of a Christian life, j We hope for a fair day and a large j audience. . _! We are glad to see one farmer i who is really interested in his farm. Mr. Jones has used two cars of lime and is putting two more on soon. The renters are wearing smiles because they know what this will mean for their crops. Mr. and Mrs. Copa Lee and fam ily were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna last week. Miss Clarabell Garren was a church visitor here Sunday. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached a splendid sermon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton Sun day. He will preach again at. the same home next second Sunday at 3 o’clock. This Really Happened: An acquaintance informed us the other day that his wife had decided to .•0 faithfully and patiently minister ed to us through the illness and leath of our son and brother. May he Giver of all good and perfect ■■ifts reward each one abundantly who helped us in our loss and sor ■ow. Also for the beautiful floral tributes and kind letters of sympa thy. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway and family. , . QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) j Mrs; John Rufty and Mrs. Mitcheli , Neely of Brevard and Mrs. Marvin ■ Upright and sons, Marvin, Jr., and Tommey, of Kanapolis were dinner | guests of Mrs. L. E. Reece one day . last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who came to this community some time ago, have moved back to Jackson county. Miss Vera McCall and. Glenna Jean spent Saturday night with Mrs. B. T. Whitmire. Mrs. John Robinson and Mrs. Homer McCall were visitors in the home of Mrs. Cecil Whitmire on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Avery Reid and baby, Doris, and daughter Berniqe, took dinner with Mrs. L. E. Reece on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Drucilla Smith and children and Cecil Robinson visited- their grandmother Robinson last Saturday. Mrs. B. T. Whitmire, Mrs. M. 0. McCali and Miss Vera McCall made a business trip to Brevard last Thursday. Mrs. John Robinson visited her daughter, Mrs. Nell McCoy, at Lake Toxaway on Thursday of last week. Mrs. L. E- Reece spent a few days last week in Brevard with her daughters. Miss Lillian Dodgin spent Wed nesday night of last week with Miss Lucille Henderson. Mrs. W. O. Henderson spent part of the day last Thursduy with Mrs. Gideon Miller. Russel Landreth of Davidson River spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen. Miss Louise Jennings of Lake Tox away spent Sunday with Miss Hazel Moses. Mrs. Lesa Loving spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Will Reid who has been seriously ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Phillips and family have moved back into this community. Oscar Whitmire and Misses Nellie and Virgie Thomas spent the week end with relatives and friends in Easley, S. C. Guffie Whimtire, who has employ ment in Greenville, S. C., spent Sun da/ in this community. Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson Friday night. About twenty young people of this community enjoyed a social given by Mrs. Lesa Loving in her home Sat urday night. Miss Faye Brooks spent Sunday with Miss Mildred McCall. Lawrence Whitmire and “Rick Manly were visiting friends in this j community last Sunday. Little Darline Fisher has been ser-: iously ill for several days. Vernon Reid of Rosman spent Sun day with Samuel Reid. Miss Gussie Whitmire spent one night last week with Mrs. M. 0 McCall. Gideon Miller had a “wood chop ping” on Wednesday of last week Mrs. Dovie Whitmire Thursday anc Mrs. Lesa Loving Saturday. Thesi citizens were having their nelghfcori help them provide wood for thesi cold days. A good wood firesis t “comfort in the time of storm.” Mrs, T. C. Henderson was a vis itor in the home of Mrs. J. E. Burl of Rcsman last Friday afternoon.. • Mr. and Mrs. George Odell spent Thursday night with Waymer Thomas. Mrs. Alfred Owen and children spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Willie Reid. Misses Opal and Mary Jane Dod gin spent Thursday .night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon | Miller. Rev. J, E. Burt filled hjs regular appointment at Oak Grove Baptist church last Sunday morning. His sermon was excellent and was a source of inspiration to ail who were present. After the church services, Rev. and Mrs. Burt and three of their children were dinner guests in the home of W. B. Henderson. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their sympathy shown us at the time of the death of our husband, father, and grandfather, W. W. Gravely, Sr., also for the beautiful flora! of ferings. Mrs. W. W.. Gravely. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grave ly and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gilles pie and family. PENROSE NEWS i Enon church wil) observe Easter ! Sunday with an afternoon program. The pastor will deliver a special 1 sermon and special music will be rendered. An effort, will be made to have all the old folks present fit this meeting. Announcement was made Sunday that .all who arc interested wil! meet on Saturday before Easter to work on the cemetery at Enon church. Saturday of this week is set for work on the church grounds and repairs of building. Attendance at Sunday school and church has been below normal for (a month on account of measles and other hindrances. Martha Cox and Eugene Bryson, both Brevard high school pupils from this community, have measles at this time. The other Cox chil dren are to develop cases from Martha, and all the Bryson’s except the mother are due the red con tagious disease. Our R. F. D. man, Mr. Davis Clazener and his two sons, Paul and Walter, of the Giady Branch church, visited Sunday school and church service at Enon Sunday. At the evening service last Sun day, Rev. Hilemon delivered sev eral seals and diplomas to those who took study courses in B. Y. F. U. work some weeks ago. It was announced at church Sun day that the district convention of the B. Y. P. U. will be held here at Enon church next Sunday after noon. _ 300 Room* 300 Baths RADIO IN SYEBY ROOM Hotel • New Beds. New Baths. New Car pots. New Decora tions - - A New and Better Betel for Less Money Than Beer Before. ATLANTAN J. WILL YON, Proprietor BOOM RATES: AUTO PARKING .,.*•» IB* Wwest tl HI *f AUTO BTOHAGK ... IB* tlw *U bit ** laMUWj A4j**ent Im betel*. t* the Hotel. CAPS BATES: 0**4 W**4 A* TM Uk* M! BHMkfcut - tHnner *r lw **• »• »• Comer Luckie & Cone Sts. ATLANTA. GA. USE BASIC PULVERIZED FERTILIZE 1 Basic means better plant food,Pulverized better distribution! . No Clods, No Balls, No Free Acids, No Worthless Materials | Its Filler is Carbonates of LIME and MAGNESIUM f It is sweet to the plant and good to 1he soil Use BASIC TEN-O-FOUR (10-0-4) for corn. KNOX POTATO GROWER (3-8-6) for potatoes. VEGETABLE SPECIAL (2-8-4) for Vegetables. Basic Pulverized Fertilizer gives better results, and leads in demand. KNOXVILLE FERTILIZER COMP • • • We carry in stock a fall line of BASIC PULVERIZED FERTILIZERS SEE US B. & B. FEED & SEED COMPANY The Store With the Checkerboard Sign Phone 66 East Main Street BREVARD, N. C.